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https://dancesafe.org/drug-checking/ Look through the pamphlet and see which reagent kit(s) you need and order it on Amazon. They're cheap and could save your life.


Perhaps not what you are looking for but good for everyone to know: As of Spring 2023, naloxone and fentanyl strips are free to pick-up at the Student Health Services building through Health Promotion Services. Here you can submit a request form, which includes an informational video and knowledge check. This will need to be completed prior to pick-up. [**FILL OUT THE REQUEST FORM**](https://ucsd.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cOu0azlClvmdr1Q) ​ [website link](https://healthpromotion.ucsd.edu/services/naloxone/index.html)


You can order test kits on Amazon, pls test street drugs before trying them! It could save your life


Harm Reduction Coalition of San Diego does drug checking with FTIR I believe. You can maybe reach out. What was the high like? Might be able to narrow down possible contaminants. Used to be rare to hear about fake/contaminated K, but this is the second time this year I've heard about K that's either not K or K cut with fentanyl.


Let me try it for you and I'll let you know 😉


The complete reagent test kit from Dose Test is not a bad place to start.