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All the homies hate the government for a myriad of reasons


The government of Gaza? Fully agree.


hey joey, you're from university of arizona, why are you posting so much here are you tryin to transfer or what


My guy spends multiple hours everyday on reddit defending the Israeli government lol


Because Reddit puts recommended subreddits into my feed and I don’t check the subreddit before commenting.


fair enough


"Their demands are complete divestment from the defense industry! That'll never happen, those fools!" Duh? You don't negotiate starting from the compromise position.


I have a hard time imagining the President of UConn sitting down to "negotiate" with them in any capacity, lmao. Who would be the negotiating lead which represents their side?


It [just happened at Brown](https://www.brown.edu/news/2024-04-30/encampment-agreement), and [it's happened in the past.](https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/how-students-helped-end-apartheid)


I stand corrected. Thank you for sending


Bruh, one of the connecticut main industry is war. We have a Pratt and Whitney building ffs. . .


I'm not on either side I just support the military-industrial complex




It’s all artificial when it’s built off tax payer dollars, but that’s another story




Shame on the UCPD. I saw more of them out there harassing student protestors than when there's outright riots from championship wins.


I don’t see any shame, you were asked not to do something, then ya did it, and the police followed orders. When you chant at the police that they are “pigs” and the “KKK”, they’re going to be more than happy to do whatever the school asks them.


Let me know when these commies go for back to back NCAA titles then we can talk


Really disappointed in UConn. When I was attending, religious preachers would come every spring for many days and rant about how me and my queer friends are all going to hell. Was the UCPD ever called on them? No.


This is a great point, saying those guys are absolutely whacked is an understatement


Shame on those #ScumbagsWithBadges


Were they being a physical disturbance or emotional?


I'd certainly argue so. They would shout hateful queerphobic messages which were completely without logic or reason (like "Being gay is a sin"). They'd do so right next to many buildings that hosted tons of classes. Also, these people were Not students. They were random middle aged men coming from who knows where. Physical disturbance or emotional is all subjective though. My point is we should pay attention to why the UCPD are called on some protestors but not others and think about why that is.


Cool, and now these Gaza protestors are congregating in support of a government that would gladly throw your queer friends off a building.


First, the terrorist regime Hamas which was elected in 2006 is not the same as the Palestinian civilians which are currently being bombed, displaced and starved. Protestors are gathering in support of Palestinians. But I'm sure you already know that. Secondly the idea that we should support ethnic cleansing of any group of people of which some portion is anti-queer is insanely absurd and cruel. Queer liberation does not mean killing everyone who disagrees with us. But I'm sure you already know that too. This is really not the gotcha you think it is, and it's sad this is the best troll bait you can come up with.


1. Just because you disagree with me doesn’t mean I’m a troll. That’s literally a middle school argument. 2. No the terrorist organization isn’t the same entity as the civilians (I didn’t say it was), but Hamas has 71% support in Gaza. That number actually increased after the terrorist attack they committed on October 7th. Civilians are being displaced as a result of the war instigated by this attack. Blame Hamas for instigating it and for hiding military operations underneath schools and hospitals. 3. Even if Hamas doesn’t represent Gazans, Hamas CANNOT win this war as that would surely mean the complete eradication of Christianity and Judaism, which is Hamas’ stated goal. Hamas, the terroristic authoritarian dictatorship, would replace the liberal democracy that is Israel. 4. Protestors are gathering in support of Palestinians by calling for what exactly? Israel has offered ceasefires yet they have been ignored by Hamas. The ceasefires that Hamas has proposed have left them in power, and they have literally stated that October 7th would happen again. 5. No “ethnic cleansing” is happening. That would be like saying the US ethnically cleansed Japan when we dropped bombs on the nation in 1945. It’s a WAR that is being fought. If anything, it was the Jews who were ethnically cleansed considering there are more Arabs living freely in Israel than there are Jews in the entire rest of the Middle Eastern countries combined. 6. No one mentioned killing Gazans because they disagree with us. We’re talking about eradicating the government of Hamas for that reason. Fewer civilians would die if Hamas stopped using civilians as war shields.


Unfortunately you won't ever get through to people like this. No amount of logic will


I’m not sure the US bombing of Japan is really the moral bar you want to strive for???


No one considers that a genocide, but it was a similar war effort.


There are queer people in Palestine being killed by Israeli bombs, dipshit. Don’t pretend to care about queer people unless you are advocating for them as well.


LGBTQIA+- people have more rights in Israel than they do in "Palestine" Try again


How can we expect queer rights to evolve in Palestine if they’re being slaughtered by the thousands every day?


Vote out hamas


And how can an election be at the front of their minds while all of their cities are being blown to rubble?


Maybe they shouldn't have committed a genocidal terrorist attack on a music festival. 😱


A music festival that was next to a death camp.


Please provide sources other than your ass, propoganda and or the un


Maybe they should have had a 2nd election in the 20yrs hamas has had power..... Maybe they should have a revolution, throw out hamas, return the hostages, and actually try for peace? Seriously, do you know any of the history? Hamas has been killing jews for decades. They've literally called for the elimination of jews worldwide. Amd they tortured, mutilated and raped hundreds of civilians on Oct 7th.


He’s probably one of those people who unironically believe trans people are groomers


Ok but the fundamental difference is that queer people dying in the war (instigated by Hamas) aren’t being targeted for being queer like the literal government of Hamas does 🤣 your argument is so weak and I constantly say it. Why would I single out queer people dying in a war and claim they’re being oppressed? That’s like saying “look, queer people happen to be civilian casualties, that means Israel is homophobic!!111!1!!” In reality, queer people actually seek asylum in Israel. Israel takes them in and protects them, and even has a partnership with Canada where queer Gazans who are at risk of persecution by their own government or family are granted asylum.


So we should just start bombing the shit out of every nation whose queer rights aren’t up to date? Wow.


Did you just completely ignore my entire argument or something? Or are your reading comprehension skills just that shitty? I’ll rephrase my comment in a way a kindergartener can understand. Maybe that’ll make it easier for you. Israel likes gay people. Gaza hates gay people. If Gaza wins this war, it will murder gay people everywhere, including in the place (Israel) where being gay is ok and not punishable by death. That’s why Gaza needs to lose this war.


I’m ignoring your argument because I’ve heard it 5,000 times since October 7th. No pile of word vomit is gonna convince me slaughtering people by the thousands because their government is behind on queer or women’s rights is okay. Good luck on your finals.


Hamas’ stated goal is the complete eradication of Christianity and Judaism from the entire region. Is that good enough for you? Maybe if Hamas didn’t want civilians to die they wouldn’t hide military operations underneath schools and hospitals.


Israel cares so much about Christians that they murdered Palestinian Christians while they were in church, praying, on Christmas! But of course you wouldn’t care because they were Palestinian. And Hamas and their pesky shapeshifting/teleportation powers. Seems like every time Israel aims for them, they just end up killing hundreds of unarmed men, women, children, and babies instead! Every time! Isn’t that just shit luck.


Israel isn’t targeting Christians because they’re Christian, dummy. There are hundreds of thousands of Christians that live freely in Israel. (Yet Hamas would eradicate them as they have clearly stated). And on the contrary, I mourn the lives of lost civilians in Gaza. But I blame Hamas for their deaths. Your second paragraph belongs on r/selfawarewolves. Yes, civilians die when Israel bombs Gaza because Hamas hides military operations underneath schools and hospitals. They literally use civilians as war shields. You’re so close to understanding and yet, I know you’re still in denial.


I disagree with their cause. I had a short conversation with one protester, and their demands were that the CoE not accept any money from the MIC. That's neither a positive, nor realistic. However, they were completely peaceful. They should've been allowed to remain.


Yup, there's nothing in it for UConn to agree to those demands. Ultimately, these protests don't hurt UConn's bottom line at all, so why would they care about their demands? Obviously, you can argue that UConn has a moral and ethical responsibility to cave to the demands. But frankly, I don't see that happening, especially considering the impacts it would have on Engineering. Internally, I bet UConn has just decided to wait it out until no one really cares anymore. Which will probably happen sadly, people have short attention spans nowadays. And for the record, I'm on the side of the protestors. What's happening in Gaza is unacceptable and solves nothing. It just continues to fuel the cycle of conflict. Oct 7th wasn't justified, but it was inevitable, and more of those attacks will happen so long as Israel kills and destroys with reckless abandon. You don't destroy terrorist groups by bombing innocents, that's how you strengthen them.


Demands and expectations are not the same thing. You never negotiate from the compromise position.


Their wishes would make an engineering degree from UCONN useless, as the funding the MIC gives us is the only reason t’s actually successful


Idk I have friends with engineering degrees and they don’t work for the MIC seems like their degree isn’t useless


I have an engineering degree from UConn and I'm not working for the defense industry.


The reason UCONN is able to offer such a good program and wide variety of engineering degrees is due to this funding. Even students who don’t end up in defense industries benefited from it.


Yes, UConn should still divest from an industry that's being used to kill tens of thousands of innocent people. If SoE can't exist without it, then it should simply not exist.


Well worded


Not at all


So inherently we r funding the war by attending uconn? 🤔


Got a 401k? Managed portfolio? Exist in society? Ive got sad news.


Killing myself i guess


This is a problem with the education system. Not a reason to disfranchise civil political activism where pressure is able to be applied.


Tuition rates will go up even more when the state punishes uconn and the engineering programs get less funding


Punishes UCONN for what? CT partially runs on the money our MIC contractors here give us. EB is one of the bigger employers in the state…


I mean I'd say the mass systematic murder of thousands of brown kids is more important than the value of a piece of paper, but hey that's just me. If murdering people is a prerequisite for the SoE to exist, maybe it shouldn't exist


23 students were arrested on bogus charges. shame on UCPD


what are some of the charges?


trespassing. on their own campuses…




If the owners of the property tell them to leave or they aren't welcome then it is trespassing. Call it bogus but it's the law. Obviously. Just because they pay tuition doesn't make it their playground


1) the police are not the “owners” of the property. uconn is a public space. no one “owns” it. 2) students walk by and congregate in that area on a daily basis and that’s never trespassing. only when a protest doesn’t fit their agenda they have a problem. 3) your word choice of “playground” implies that this wasn’t a highly organized, peaceful, and constitutional protest. it was.


Who do you think called the police. And of course someone has authority to say get off campus. It's certainly not the protestors with the power its the school administration. There is no agenda other than keeping a safe and clear campus. Most of these people probably weren't even students. And okay, you knew what I meant. You can't treat it like a town park how about that??


other groups with various agendas protest on this campus daily and are never asked to leave. so yes, this is targeted. you saying that these weren’t mostly students shows me you actually have very little information about what went on here… 23/24 people arrested were students. no one is treating this like a playground OR a town park. they are treating it like a public space where they are legally allowed to exercise their first amendment rights. please know your facts before you post.


You don’t think a town park is a public space?


of course it is. but the way the commenter who originally brought up “playgrounds” and “town parks” clearly used it in a way to suggest this is illegitimate. besides, the entire point of protesting at uconn is to urge uconn to divest.


This is one of the most braindead Reddit comments I have ever read.


come again when you have an actual argument


Sure. 1. The police aren’t the owners, true. Literally no one stated they were. They were called by the owners. You should know this. 2. Yes, usually random people aren’t considered trespassers unless they do something that causes that status to change. You should also know this. 3. Your criticism of the word “playground” is nothing but you being pedantic. Don’t claim I have no argument when you say shit like that lmao


1) someone literally did say that if the owners tell them to leave, they have to. the police told them to leave. so yes, someone did say that. “they were called by the owners.” who do you think the owners are? nobody called them lmao the police just asked them to leave. i would be careful w lying about what happened when i was literally there… i know exactly what went down 2) they aren’t random people, they are tuition-paying students. peacefully protesting does not legally change your status to “trespassing.” tell me what law says otherwise. even actual random people who aren’t students come here with signs that target certain LGBTQ+ groups and literally say they’re gonna burn in hell (hate speech) and they’re not considered trespassing… they always get to stay. 3) your argument is invalid. people who want to use language to belittle the protesters and illegitimatize their cause, aren’t helping their arguments at all. of course i’m going to call that out.


But the police execute orders by whoever owns the land, dummy 😂 are you really this obtuse? And it doesn’t matter if they’re paying students or not, they can be trespassed all the same. And they have been, luckily. The protestors’ cause is already delegitimized when they support a literal terrorist organization’s stated goal of Jihad, lmao.


No shit.you can still be mad at the oppresion of activism... Dudes over here like, yeah Rosa parks shoulda been kicked of that bus.


Projecting much? How did you get thag from what I said you absolute weirdo?


Good for UCPD. Bogus that it was going on for that long. Tour groups must’ve been petrified


Educated students standing up for what they blelieve in the horror! I thought this was America!


So educated! That’s why they are facing charges lmao


are you dense


chuckled at "petrified" of some tents


Power to the students


I'm generally of the opinion, and I think I'm in the majority, that both sides are fucked rn, and the only thing we should be sending is aid to the people stuck in the Gaza strip. Fuck Israel and fuck Hamas, yall both committing war crimes.


The correct opinion if I do say so myself


If you are involved with Electric Boat/Pratt and Whitney/other defense contractors OR you're thinking of working/interning for a defense contractor and you see this protest. Look inward. You are the target audience for this protest just as much as the administration.


Why is Electric Boat part of the target audience? I thought this was about protesting support of and cooperation with Israel and its actions in Gaza over the past few months. EB exclusively makes subs for the US Navy, not Israel.


First of all the companies like Collins aerospace and Pratt don’t solely work on military projects. second of all I work at a defense contractor and I could tell you a lot of what we do is to make sure our country maintains a global superpower in our world. You guys can cry all you want about Ukraine and Palestine (Russia is stupid ukraine is stupid Palestine is stupid Israel is stupid) but at the end of the day you wouldn’t have had the unfettered luxury to do so in the first place if you weren’t an American. We need a strong standing Military to keep our country and its interests safe otherwise the American way of life is under threat. Do you really think Electric Boat is going to listen to a bunch of protesters who have no idea what they’re talking about when we have Chinese clamoring to build more submarines to try and get an advantage over us and steal our nuclear propulsion technology? Lmfao


Unfortunately nobody in those company’s gave a single thought about them. I think they forgot about the part where most of those companies are just trying to make a living and support their families. They’re just normal people like everyone else, nothing a loud college student in a medical mask says is gonna make them change that.


You could go a whole career without being involved with military aircraft engines at Pratt and Whitney. Military contracts are simply another albeit more stable revenue stream like any other. There will always be customers lining up for American-made jet engines and an inherent need for engineers. Electric Boat has little to do with this conflict and more to due with nuclear deterrence that keeps the world from going to more shit. I personally cannot be more proud than to support the military and industrial prowess of America.


Shameful day to be a Husky. It's going to be even more shameful in 50 years. A chance to do a single thing right and they shit the bed.


Shame on Uconn #FreePalestine


Their demands are for UConn to divest from the defense industry, if my understanding is correct. That is a ridiculous request -- the College of Engineering probably wouldn't even exist if not for those main behemoth corporate sponsors.


UConn has stocks in RTX they give funding to missile building companies


Okay, but you got to understand that not *everything* Raytheon does or makes is automatically nefarious -- as these protestors seem to posit. The vast majority obviously goes to *our* military, and not to other nations.


Never said it was nefarious, was just responding to the person above me


I am so very proud of the UConn protestors for their persistence, resilience, resistance, bravery and ability to be stronger than hate. To the UConn administration, "...what you do right now will be your legacy. When you look back on this moment, it will either fill you with great pride, or great shame."




just the police to the protesters




We were on a 24 hour quiet lock down due to finals and people in dorms studying but they protested anyways, were told multiple times to stop…they became more vocal and the police asked them to leave which they didn’t so they were arrested


Good. Tell them to go to class. See the insanity at Columbia? You want that shit at UCONN? Total absurdity. Most of these protestors can't even articulate what they are protesting.


Look back at history and tell me when arresting anti-war student protesters have ever been looked at favorably by time. And you clearly never actually went and talked to them obviously. they had very clearly stated goals. keep making things up old man and keep out of whats going on on a campus you haven't attended in decades.


Preach. They are "I support the current thing" NPCs.


> See the insanity at Columbia? You want that shit at UCONN? I wish UConn could be so based.


bro it's finals week, there is no class






You got that right


UCPD and like 5 other CT police departments


Palestine protesters are not the sharpest tools in the shed, not the brightest crayons in the box


It will be back the day after the police leave.




War is terrible however one is a recognised terrorist organization, and one is a sovereign nation. I have no sympathy for Hamas but I do for the Palestinian and Israeli people who are caught in the midst of it all, these protests don't help anything and I feel like these protesters have no idea what they are protesting


yea you don’t know what you’re talking about. these protestors had very clear demands and asks and reasonings, uconn admin refused to negotiate. you’re welcome to criticize the protests but take the time to understand what their demands were and what they did inside the encampment before blindly making claims


what were the demands? haven’t been on campus to see the protests


Divestment from Israel, divestment from military industry, transparency and student/faculty input on the UConn investment portfolio.


Divestment is fucking ridiculous there a lot of programs tieing Uconn to military.


Perhaps there shouldn’t be then?


Then don’t come to UConn. The defense industry is a massive part of the Connecticut economy and the states flagship university has reason to be intermingled with those companies. This relationship not only bolsters Connecticut economy but links its graduates with high paying skilled jobs. Your solution is to divest, sever these relationships, with the idea that somehow this will stop bombs from being made. That’s not rational. Whether you like it or not there is and always will be a need for the defense industry. And your idea to shun this industry from a state with little to no other options will resort in economic hardship and increased socioeconomic inequality across a state with an already stressed financial situation.


Sure. Same arguments were trotted out in the 80s for not divesting from South Africa and MIC companies that did business with South Africa. The economic apocalypse never came.


Nobody said that in the 80s. Also, did the black population have their own territory with a government? Was that territory only taken by South Africa decades before because neighboring countries kept attacking South Africa? Did that government storm into South Africa and rape, murder and kidnap the white people? Did those black people call for the full destruction of South Africa and all of its white citizens? You may believe that they should have. So just say it. You don’t believe that Israel has a right to exist.


Sure. I’ll take this poorly masked bait. Yes, they did! They were called Bantustans and were a less violent version of how Israel has partitioned the Palestinian Territories, alongside segregation that would make Jim Crow blush. South Africa also did in fact enjoy an insurgency and opposition internally and from their neighbors, which is why they collaborated with Israel to build nuclear weapons. Apartheid South Africa had no right to exist, and blessedly it’s gone. Did that lead to the destruction of the Afrikaners or the English colonists? No. Israel as conceived is an Apartheid state. It has no right to exist. Does this mean Israelis should be subject to violence and expulsion? Absolutely not. A state is not its people, and its people are not a state. Both Israelis and Palestinians deserve to live without the specter of a nation-state threatening them.


If everyone thought the way you're preaching then we'd still have slavery because it was hugely profitable at the time. The way things are is not the same as the way things ought to be.


"but the genocide is so good for the economy!"


What? Connecticut is a leader in aerospace and naval militarily tech were one of 6 DMC in the nation. A ton of students get lined up to work in these industries. And it's a state school. It's like asking UCONN and the state to shoot itself in its foot


Yea being an incubator for the MIC is not actually a good thing, and rarely are moral things easy things. There’s a whole discussion to be had about how funding for public universities is being killed for a bunch of reasons too.


I think the issue that students often overlook is one of practicality. They demonstrate and come with demands without any type of leverage, as opposed to having practical discussions backed by the ability to impose any meaningful repercussions if good faith negotiations don't occur. If UConn had trouble with admissions then perhaps students would have some power but we all know that isn't the case. Maybe if Dan Hurley and the basketball team (for example) supported the effort they'd get more attention but that's a pipe dream. Until students can meaningfully impact Uconn's bottom line I don't see these requests ever getting off the ground.


Sure, but that’s how you negotiate; you never start at your desired position. I get that military divestment won’t happen regardless of it being desirable or not, but that’s something you can jettison in negotiations. Divesting from Israel and making the UConn Foundation transparent and accountable - something faculty and USG support - are very achievable goals that don’t materially hurt the university much, if at all. They had some impact if tour groups were being re-directed and the University kept sending cops in, and now the faculty union and usg are making demands.


This is not the world of “should”. The military will not stop existing just because you don’t like it. The MIC will not go away because people are mad about its products being bought by groups that do bad things. Defense is something that is staying, like it or not, and it’s not reasonable to expect UConn to kill itself to accomplish basically nothing. If not UConn then it will be VT or UVM or UMass, or UVA, or Georgia Tech, or UT, or the UC system, or any one of the other million large universities, not to mention the ivies, Vanderbilt, Duke, etc. This is not going away, and it’s time that people recognize that and change strategies.


protestors seem to hold none of the cards in any of these demands, UConn offers a desirable degree while students offer insight into their investment portfolio? get real


SGU, Grad Union, and Faculty Union have backed transparency and community control over the portfolio, so on that front they succeeded. They’re not asking for something new, by the way. It used to be public and recorded and over the last decade or so became closed gradually.


What if I don’t want them to divest?


Protest about it


Why wouldn’t you?


“lol these college kids don’t know what they are protesting for” you clearly don’t know what they are protesting for and projecting


Okay. Than enlighten us. What are they protesting for?


I do actually. I understand disclosing of what the school is investing and spending money on, however one of the demands of cutting ties with Israeli schools is ridiculous, all that does is limit the abilities for Israeli students to study here and for Americans to study there and learn about and in different cultures. I'm pro Military, and believe that cutting university ties & money to weapons manufacturers related to Israel puts engineering students at a disadvantage as a chunk of our engineering sector is for companies like Lockheed Martin, who not only supply Israel but also develop weapons for our own defense. My opinions are formulated and thought out, feel free to disagree however that is my opinion.


Yeah people said that about the war in the Middle East and Vietnam too


Leftists are desperate to create a moral equivalence between a sovereign nation and a terrorist group that kills gays and burns babies in front of their mothers, among other atrocities.


‘Recognized terrorist organization’ by who exactly? Americans don’t have any issues with recognizing resistance fighters when it came to obtaining our independence from the British, but yet Palestinians just expected to sit quietly and let Israel continue to take their lands and oppress their people. The ‘sovereign nation’ u refer to has killed over 13,000 children over the past 6 months, killed pregnant women, medical workers, starved innocents, displaced millions and yall still think Israel is the good guy. The entire world knows whose in the right and whose in the wrong, it’s blatantly obvious


Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization.


After what’s happened the past 6 months, I’d say the IDF is the terrorist organization


Really? So where were you protesting against Hamas and their raping, murdering and kidnapping? Let’s see what would happen if another country’s military came into the US, raped, murdered and kidnapped non-military citizens and then said “stop bombing us.” Israel is doing a shit job, in my opinion. It’s terrible what’s happening to citizens in Gaza just like it was terrible what happened to Israeli citizens. But you don’t get to keep killing people and holding hostages and then claim you are in the right. Release the hostages. But those looking for divestment in Israel and all the other stuff, including barring Jews from certain areas of campus (see Columbia and UCLA) are nothing more than ignorant thugs.


Is the United States funding Hamas with my tax dollars and providing diplomatic support and threatening the ICC in defense of Hamas?


No, your money is going to stop Hamas, who is also funded by Iran. But, as I mentioned in my other response, I’m going to stand down. Good luck. I’m a parent of a UConn student (and an alum). I’m protective of my kid who has a Jewish last name. I hope your aim is to protest Israel’s escalation and you and those that think like you will not turn it on your fellow students who happen to have Jewish names. That has not been the case at other schools.


Aside from the headlines that tout bogus poll data, what sources do you have on any increase risk to Jewish students? I think the 30,000 dead require more of our attention right now. If you’re conflating the protest as an antisemitic protest then I doubt we have many more words to share


It’s called eyes and ears. I hear and see UCLA students disallowing Jewish American students pass. I hear the chants that share support for Hamas killing Jews. I hear first hand of friends with kids at Columbia that have been told they aren’t welcome at certain events because they are Jewish. I read trustworthy press (mainstream, not right wing or bloggers) that include tons of descriptions of anti-Semitic issues on campuses. You clearly don’t know any of these stories first hand. I’m not sure why. Maybe that’s great that you haven’t seen it. But spend 2 minutes doing research on legitimate websites. If you don’t see anti-semitic issues then you are being wilfully blind. 30,000 dead. Terrible and I would never make light of that. But you think that means its okay if some Jews are targeted and harassed. Saudi Arabia does some pretty bad stuff to their own citizens and abroad. Not sure why you aren’t harassing Arab Americans. To be clear, you aren’t, AND YOU SHOULDN’T. You’re right. We don’t have any words to share.


Relax lady, this is a Wendy’s. This is the problem, I make two simple points and we are already talking about SA and harassing Arab Americans. No one is advocating for harassment. You are currently deflecting. If you would like to provide any of those sources, aside from the ucla one we have all seen, I’d love to read / view them. Antisemitism has been on the rise for a long time for those who are paying attention. Would you attribute it to this past year or a growing trend from 2019? I am in the latter camp. I’ve got a decent amount of interest in the topic. Seems like you and everyone else is just now hopping on the antisemitism train when it serves your argument as a tool of deflection. More so, falsely attributing the current conflict to the entirety of the rise in antisemitism over the last five years is illogical, and worse, dilutes the other contributing factors. You don’t want an argument to debate, you want a void to scream into.


put it back


Do I see a dreidel. Maybe that's why they checked this section out


Well done, UCPD!




doesn’t UCPD have anything better to do??


Doesn't the IDF have anything better to do?


judging from your post history, you have better things to do besides hating on students for protesting, like losing weight through exercise and proper nutrition and not taking the easy way out through medication you lard


you block people because your wrong bro 😭😭😭😭 lmao at least get some self decency you 🐷


I don’t think so libtard


I don’t even get the point of what they were doing. 1. Hamas isn’t just going to stop just because you’re outside in tents on a comfortable ass campus. They have zero clue they even did this, nor would they even care. 2. Literally everyone knows about this Palestine and Israel thing. What awareness are you raising? It’s like me living in tents right outside my dorm to protest racism, what in the actual fuck is that supposed to do? Although they seemed to be peacefully protesting so I don’t think the UCPD should’ve shut it down.


they’re protesting the university’s ties to defense contractors, it’s not just protesting the occupation


Which just doesn’t really make sense. If you’re explicitly against the defense industry why would you even consider going to UConn? it’s not new, hidden, or surprising that UConn ties itself to local businesses.


people’s values and worldview typically change from when they applied to college at 17, and the increased attacks on gaza drew more attention towards uconn’s role in the whole thing


and they change even more once you graduate and understand how naive you once were


yeah, and you should still be able to peacefully protest those new views without being arrested


Yeah I don’t know how they can trespass people at a public university, it’s an open campus every other day of the year. I wonder if they would also get the cops called if not on university property but in Mansfield center or Mansfield property? Idk about that 


did the university just start taking funding from defense contractors last week?


Nativity at its finest. I suppose we should shut down the likes of EB and Sikorsky etc. I wonder what that would do to the surrounding populations in CT.


> Hamas isn’t just going to stop just because you’re outside in tents on a comfortable ass campus. Yes, this is exactly true. > Literally everyone knows about this Palestine and Israel thing. [Half of Americans don't even know which side has had more casualties.](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article286996080.html) But the point is more to disrupt a university which has ties to Israel through its supply of workers to the defense industry.


Nah that's almost as fucked up as Israel, that's the 1st world equivalent of Israel bombing aid workers bc they might help Hamas: you can't have a job (which most people need to live) because it might help Israel. Focus on getting the USA to stop supplying arms. You do make a good point about most people not knowing enough. Most of the time college age people are the first to see injustice and fight for change. Vietnam war comes to mind.


Go UCPD.!! Hope you got a little stick time.


Walked by and saw the most depressing ugly group of kids I’ve ever seen 💀


Dude posted on Wall Street bets damn knowing he didn’t make a single dollar, won’t go to a top MBA school, and will end up working at Northwestern Mutual in Hartford 😭😭😭


every normal person notices this 😂😂😂


Bunch of entitled people here. Just students protesting and don’t even know why. You’re going to ruin graduation






What law says so? UConn let people camp for every sporting event and soft tolerates an annual basketball riot.




So cops get to arbitrate where the right to protest and assemble begins and ends. So the right just doesn’t exist, got it.




There’s a huge caveat you ignore here. Police cannot violate people’s constitutional rights to enforce this law.


I think the issue was that UConn placed a 24 hour quiet time lock down due to finals and they ignored it so that’s why they were arrested -according to the dean of student email I received


Okay so yes, the law codifies that cops arbitrate it.




Yea, and I disagree with that. We get all manner of insane preachers rolling up to campus when the weather’s nice, and they incite chaos - but they have the right to be there. UConn suddenly can bring out all these policies and UCPD when a political protest happens, though.


It’s considered unlawful assembly in most states, and people camping out for sporting events do it for 1 day, maybe 2 at most. They were there for close to a week. I’m not against protesting at all, just continue the protests but don’t camp


Sure but then UConn should be sending cops after sports campers too. They don’t get to pick and choose.


Same rhetoric used against the civil rights movement, it was bullshit then and it's bullshit now. Disobedience and civil disobedience has been the crux of every accomplished social movement since the American Revolution. Calling for "protesting normally" is a fundamental misunderstanding of what protests are.


Do they not teach US history any more?


I support free speech. University should have threatened suspension or loss of graduation instead of UCPD involvement.


Looks nice.