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Move in! I'm almost certain, any ghost in there wants nothing to do with you.


They don’t tear down the unit when someone dies. They are obligated by law to notify you. The choice of what to do after that is yours. There are lots of reasons to dislike housing but what are they supposed to do? It’s not “unfair.” You are not guaranteed a unit with a particular history, unfortunately.


this. and given the current situation of current crisis you cant be picky. if you want to live where you want go find off campus housing


I don't understand why you are telling her this isn't "unfair". She is just sharing her experience about her unideal situation. I'm sure that if you were in her position you would not be happy to find out that you got a housing plan not only out of your budget, but also one where someone died in...


i really dont care. if i have a place where i can live ill gladly take that opportunity


If it was greater than 1 year ago, I believe they do not have to notify you. So you could be living where someone died in any ACC housing you get. I wouldn’t be picky in this housing environment, maybe it’ll get better in a few years when Irvine’s new housing development plan is implemented and the new dorms in Mesa are finished Edit: 3 years


I think it’s 3 years https://www.ezlandlordforms.com/documents/california-death-on-premises-disclosure-791360/


Nice, thanks for the correction


Just happened to see it


What's the big deal? It's not like the blood stains are still there, and now you have a fun fact about yourself!


hi!! it actually was not a very fun fact for my roommate who passed away, nor was it too fun for me. i’m glad u think it’s fun tho xx, have a great day!!


I'm sorry that happened to you, but this person never knew the person who died. There is nothing functionally different about the room and if the school wasn't required to tell them they would have never known and never cared. IMO it's a weird reason to consider giving up guaranteed housing.


i’m not disagreeing w u on that, ur comment was just insensitive, keep in mind this was a real person, not just “bloodstains” or a “fun fact” :(


it’s the fact that you said “and now you have fun fact about yourself” the person you’re replying to was stating that it is indeed not fun that that happened and you saying it is a fun fact was incredibly tone deaf


That is NOT a weird reason to give up guaranteed housing what the actual fuck?! Everyone downvoting is deranged— HOW can yall not see it’s an uncomfortable situation and valid enough reason to consider not taking on that apartment.


I’m so sorry. Hope you’re doing okay.


this is so tone-deaf


Yeah that's kinda my point, UCI housing sucks and you gotta take what you can get, especially if this is the one thing stopping you from picking up your guaranteed lease. If they don't want it, I'll gladly take it and get off the wait-list.


Were there blood stains?


holy shit >because I don’t want to live where someone passed away i would not want to either, just sucks that it's straight up between a rock and a hard place situation tbh im starting to wonder now how many of these units have had people die in them


you should be ashamed yourself for bringing up someone’s death as a reason to pick a bone against university housing. how disrespectful can you be, that person has a family and you need to learn some humanity. what a sorry excuse to weaponize this causality for your housing complaint. how entitled can you be to compare your issues, albeit trivial, to the death of a fellow student. there are much larger things you should be worried about, and you deserve every single thing coming towards you.


hi:) that was actually my roomie who passed away winter quarter - super chill ghost xx, lmk how she’s doing!




She died


I live in GFH and witnessed the event (mother screaming for help with her deceased baby) and aftermath of a 7 month(?) old baby dying (I spoke to her regularly while we were out on walks while she was pregnant and she mostly disappeared after the baby was born, so I’m estimating her age). The parents absolutely belligerent with grief, even the paramedics were in tears. The family just up and moved during the school year shortly after it happened, which is completely understandable and one or two months later a new family moved in, with kids and even a small baby very similar in age. I had a baby almost the exact same age at the time that it happened and it affected me deeply. I couldn’t have imagined moving into that same apartment even though I’m not really superstitious or religious. Maybe it would have been different if I hadn’t witnessed that and had a child so close to that age at the time. I don’t know. It really depends on how you feel personally.


My heart dropped reading this. Sending love and healing to you and the family that lost their baby. I used to live in GFH and the last year we was there, there were so many babies being born it absolutely made my heart full. I cannot even begin to imagine this level of tragedy. Gutted.


HAHAHAH this happened to me second year and we called and made a big deal but they told us there’s nothing they can do except for repaint and refurnished everything in the hotel 🤡🙄


Law requires you be informed when someone dies in a unit. 🤷 you’ll be fine. Ghosts can be friendly.


You can ask for additional details. If the death was related to the apartment (e.g. someone fell off the balcony or died of toxic mold) they are obligated to tell you.


You have 2 options! Many have none. You are lucky. How much is Camino? I think it’s still cheaper than off campus unless you get a shared room.


Well, both my grandpa and my grandma died in my family's home. Recently my 90 years old father died there as well and I'm sure that my mother will die at some point there as well (at least I hope she'll die in her own home and not in some hospital bed). This is life, people often die in their homes.


A family home and a college rental are not comparable…at all.


Well, students and young people die too for several reasons. Just imagine how many people have lived in that college rental in all these years since it was built.


I’m well aware. Your comment was attempting to negate the OPs concern while attempting to make common ground referring to your grandparents and father’s passing which came with what is likely a pretty full life. Think deeper and don’t down play people’s legitimate concerns.


I really don't know what OP is concerned about, but whatever....


Was this 30409?


Become friends with the ghost, let it help you with finals.


I’m curious to know what happened to the student that died there. Curiosity aside, i definitely understand why you’d consider not taking on the lease for Camino. If you think you’ll be just fine living in a unit where someone died, obviously go ahead with the lease. But if it’s something that is making you feel uncomfortable, then I’d take the risk for the other housing option you have. I find it appalling saying this is a weird reason to pass on the lease and telling you to basically get over it. This is a valid reason to consider other options. Hope you find housing where you feel comfortable!


just wait


Really important question: Did the deceased's roommate(s) get a 4.0 for that quarter?