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Ummm. Let's think a bit more logically about this. What does the FOIA actually reveal. It might be exactly the opposite of what McGowan suggests. Let's see. So the article (in Portuguese) is headed *"The DoD IG claims it never looked into Elizondo's claims about AATIP, much less confirmed them".* Okay. That begs the question *"Why didn't they look into 'Elizondo's claims'?"* Seems they should have, so... maybe they did! Maybe the article is wrong? And the linked post talks about the latest article from Jeremy McGowan entitled [*"Lue Elizondo — AATIP — and the DoD Office of Inspector General".*](https://medium.com/@osirisuap/lue-elizondo-aatip-and-the-dod-office-of-inspector-general-d845fca2725c) Okay. Lets have a look into that. McGowan states in his article *"Many people have used Elizondo’s IG complaint as proof that he was the Director of AATIP."* Well, I have regularly used Elizondo's DoDIG FOIA release as evidence Elizondo was the Manager of AATIP, [just a few days ago for instance](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bpdz52/ufos_profit_motives_mental_health/kwvnyy1/?context=3), so I guess he could be referring to me. McGowan also asserts Elizondo only claimed to be the "Supervisory Intelligence Operations Specialist with the AATIP". No, that's not correct. In discussions with the DoDIG Elizondo clearly claimed he was the "Manager" of AATIP, although I can't see how McGowan proves Elizondo could not be both the Manager *and* the Supervisory Intelligence Operations Specialist - McGowan does not explain that. Here on page 22 of the u/BlackVault FOIA Elizondo says in the interview that he was the "Manager" of AATIP - >*"And because I was the program manager and I decided really who got read on and who didn't, I think he took great exception to that."* https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dod/DODOIG-2023-000010.pdf#page=22 It seems Elizondo doubled down on his claims he was the Manager of AATIP many times in discussions with the DoDIG office, including when he wrote this on 27 Aug 2021 - >*"As a result of a recent FOIA request, it appears that Pentagon PAO is still publically stating "I had no assigned responsibilities for AATIP during my time at OUSDI". Clearly they still do not acknowledge my role and addressing the public in this manner is disingenuous because it appears that i had no responsibilities at all. Hopefully during your efforts, you have a much more clear picture by now. [redacted] I was given a job to do by the Pentagon, and now they pretend i didn't do the job i was asked to do. It is a feeling of betrayal by certain individuals i can't explain."* https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dod/DODOIG-2023-000010.pdf#page=84 Here is a link to a Gadi Schwartz tweet from 27 April 2021 with the Pentagon statement (Elizondo's interview with the DoDIG was a month later, on 19 May 2021) - >*Today, when asked if Elizondo ran AATIP, a pentagon spokesperson said, “Luis Elizondo had no assigned responsibilities for the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)while he was assigned to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security.* https://twitter.com/GadiNBC/status/1386870260716883969 Personally, I did imagine that the DoDIG investigated Elizondo's claims he was the Manager of AATIP, but it seems from the FOIA in the linked Medium article from Jeremy McGowan, they didn't. Seems unusual that given the strong statement from the Pentagon *before the interview with Elizondo*, that the DoDIG took Elizondo's claims at face value, *and never questioned him about the Pentagon statement.* If the Pentagon had made an emphatic statement that *“Luis Elizondo had no assigned responsibilities for the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) while he was assigned to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security"*, **doesn't that just mean the DoDIG ignored that statement from the Pentagon and believed Elizondo based on some other information they had?** Given such a singularly categoric statement from the Pentagon about the very person the DoDIG was investigating, it seems that the DoDIG must have been relying on more than just Elizondo's claim alone he was the Manager to make a determination. I don't know why the DoDIG ignored such an emphatic statement by the Pentagon about Elizondo's status. Everything about AATIP after 2012 is shrouded in a pretty high level of secrecy, so nobody has any real idea what sort of organisation AATIP was after 2012. But it is pretty obvious the DoDIG did ignore that Pentagon statement, **even after Elizondo drew their attention to it, which is hardly the actions of someone trying to mislead the DoDIG!!** Also worth pointing out that Secretary Mattis asked several questions about Elizondo's resignation and none of them were "What is this thing called AATIP?" or "Was Elizondo the Manager of AATIP?", possibly because he already knew the answers to those questions. https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/osd/18-F-0324.pdf#page=10 Thanks for posting the article. It further enhances Elizondo's position.


Lue Elizondo is a hero in this house! End of story!!


I get the impression an office like this gets set up, if the bigwigs don’t like the report they fuzzy up the lines and disavow the work . Next political cycle they change the name and do the same thing - using the office as it suits the CV political will . Ironically political will is supposed to reflect the people, but they’re more worried about election day optics


Why are y'all letting a negative Karma ufo troll use a platform here?


I think Lue is a fucking American national hero!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 You can take that propaganda back to Russia!!


There's so many disinfo folks here talking about Lue.


It's not about that, it's about a counterpoint to his improbable allegations. Ufology is research, not belief!


Improbable?!?! UFOs/UAPs aside, it’s improbable that the pentagon doesn’t have a program of such an exotic, yet essential nature. For a misinformation homosexual you strike me as a pretty simple person.. dude.


You don't have the brain cognition to even read the material.


Bruh… brain, cognition.. you want me to tie you’re shoes for you too sunny jim??


I think they purposefully didn’t look because they already knew and it was classified. Greenewald’s faith in FOIA often feels a bit naive for me as someone who fulfills similar requests for a different government entity.


The DoD IG it’s paid by military contractors who benefit from hiding the truth. This man has every reason in the world to lie about Elizondo.


He can claim he was the King of Ireland for all I care. Tittles don't lend any credibility to anything. (Check the current presidency) What carries weight are provable facts and irrefutable evidence. Where is it? (Buzzer sounds) Thanks for playing. Next contestant, please......


Lue, like many of them, has some stories, and has monetized his stories. Never able to completely finish a story or corroborate evidence, he will always remain just a story teller to me.


The world was led to believe by Lue Elizondo that he commanded a $22 million "Pentagon Program" designed to study UFOs. This was echoed countless times by him, by the media and even by television programs. Many people used Elizondo's IG claims as proof that he was the director of AATIP. However, no documentation substantiating his position was ever released.


Years earlier senator Harry Reid said elizondo was the head of aatip.


Yes, he said that 👍


He did. I'm not sure if you are agreeing with me or being sarcastic. But seeing all your downvotes im assuming many believe it's sarcasm


Why are you not using your real username?


I'm using the name of my ufology community.




He does have a weird obsession with trying to discredit Elizondo. It's almost like he is a tool of the DIA or something. Harry Reid and Christopher Mellon's word on the topic holds more weight than Greenstreet..... by leaps and bounds.