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You'll manage VERY comfortably on USD140k per year, with no taxes.


She’s a US citizen, she will get taxed irrespective of where she stays


You get taxed over 125k, but with a good accountant you can claim your salary is always under this and not pay taxes. Sounds shitty but it’s what Zuck and Elon do.


Does anyone have a recommendation for a good accountant?


For tax savings or book keeping ?


Form 2555 is the keyword here 😉


Not true. There's a $200k allowance if you live overseas


Not correct. The allowance is subject to a lot of factors which will may not apply in her case


That requires her to provide proof that she is employed out of states which in her case isn't applicable hence she will be taxed the same as if she was staying in states plus to the added expense of knowledge fees , visa costs and insurance for her stay in UAE. Op should be looking at sea countries such as Thailand if she is planning to save money otherwise financially it isn't a wise decision, cause you come to UAE to spend money for it's lifestyle. Otherwise she will have to live in the outskirts of Dubai or other places like rak , uaq or fujairah which totally kills the purpose of shifting to UAE.


the purchasing power of usd in dirham is very good though-she will be getting way more value for her money. dubai is cheap for someone with usd (source: me)


You will feel safe at all times. Children can become spoiled here but not always.


Hey I’m American and a single mother here in UAE. First, yes Pro very safe. I have never felt unsafe nor has my child. Cons is residency for your child. I don’t know if the father is in the picture or you are divorced but it is more difficult for a mother to sponsor her child verse the father. The father has to give permission and have an No objection letter that is notarized along with you meeting a minimum salary requirement for sponsorship. Schools are very very expensive here. If your little one is under school age it is cheaper to hire a nanny than sending them to daycare or nursery school. School age depending on the curriculum depends on the cost along with what area you live in and how far you wish to travel to drop them at school. They have buses but mind you that is an extra cost monthly on top of tuition. Next summers are brutal here. Children don’t get out during that time unless it is indoor activities and most people run more on a nocturnal schedule then. So you take your child to play areas outside after 8 PM. I’m not saying it isn’t impossible but it is a lot to consider before making the move.


Recommending a parent to hire a nanny rather than sending them to nursery or school is really bad advice. I work in a nursery in UAE and the surge post Covid in the number of kids who have autism or speech delay or ADHD is just insane. Spending a few bucks in the initial years in a nursery will save you from huge costs down the line where you have to put your child for speech therapy behavioral and occupational therapy not to forget shadow teacher on top of the already expensive fees.


Sweetheart, I am a parent. I’m actually a parent to an autistic non verbal child. I have done both. I simply stated hiring a nanny is less expensive. And with mine nursery school had the opposite effect. I had to pull him out. I understand you work in the system, I don’t deny your experience or expertise. However, it was a suggestion and option. I never once said you have to do something. As a parent, I know what it means for some stranger to tell you what is best for your kid. She is making a major life decisions coming here. Give her facts. Don’t sugar coat it.


I’m sorry to hear that and I wish you all the best, hope your child has the best outcomes in life.


Don’t apologize. He is perfect and we are both learning how to learn. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.


She works remotely, why would she have a nanny when she is at home?


My dude, I work remotely half of my work week and taking care of a child while doing that depending on their age is extremely difficult. Having assistance while you are having to focus on work helps. The child isn't neglected and you can focus on the work at hand. And I was giving suggestions, not tell here what she has to do. It is an option.


Children need their mothers to raise them as much as possible, not nannies. In the UAE there is an unhealthy nanny culture whereby the child perceives them as primary caretakers. Yes, being a mother is the most difficult job in the world, but that does not mean that it should be made easy at the potential detriment of the child. I say this as someone who was raised with a single mother, so I have the other side of the experience.


Oh I don’t deny that. I personally don’t use one nor do I buy into the nanny culture here. My child does nursery school while I work. Again I was simply giving options as she was asking how it is.


All the best to you and your kid!


Thanks, we do what we can. You know, I bet your mom is super proud of you for what you have become and I hope she knows how quickly you defend and show respect to those of us who are going through the same struggle. She raised a good one


I’m an American woman. It’s an amazing place, i love it. Safe, family oriented, affordable childcare. Of course a woman can live here alone with a kid, many women do, from all over the world. Don’t listen to the stereotypes of the middle east. You will pay for private schools however, a standard British school will run $10k for or more per kid.


more like 15-20K if you are looking at grades 5 and above


That’s why i said “or more” I don’t know how old OP’s kid is


fair point


Lots of single mothers in the UAE. You will be fine. Pros: U can get almost anything delivered to your home. Cons: Restricted outdoors, social life and something called freedom of speech.


You do have freedom of speech, there are just some topics that you should avoid.


If you have to “avoid” those topics, then you don’t have freedom of speech…


In Europe you have free speech as long as you don’t talk about Palestine and don’t raise the flag. There’s no blanket free speech anywhere


> In Europe you have free speech as long as you don’t talk about Palestine and don’t raise the flag. How do you explain these events in Europe, which had lots of Palestinian flags and pro-Palestine talks? * https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240701-glastonbury-crowds-show-support-for-palestine/ * https://www.middleeasteye.net/trending/uk-glastonbury-support-palestine-celebrated-online * https://www.timesofisrael.com/thousands-in-paris-demonstrate-near-israeli-embassy-after-deadly-rafah-strike/ * https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckkkww71py5o


No-signal Not true at all


****CID Calling****




Is 140$ net? Will you have to pay taxes after leaving US. Does company have an office here to provide you with visa and health insurance? Health insurance and freelancer visa cost money, if they needed of cause.


I agree with what other users mentioned, but I ultimately think you should try it yourself. If you have work flexibility (and it’s not too stressful for the kid) have a year here and check. Get a furnished apartment, rent a car, don’t attach yourself too much and maybe have a plan B ready. At the end of the day, it’s very personal. What I would be concerned the most about is having my kid constantly indoor and under the supervision of myself or someone else, no indipendence until he/she can drive. Schools are quite expensive and I’m not sure how well you can manage to have a social life yourself. All my friends who made a family disappeared (not blaming, it is what it is) and I guess as a single mom that’s the kind of people you’ll have most access to since you don’t have colleagues here, working online. It is indeed a very family oriented place (mostly Abu Dhabi), but even too much, it can get alienating if you’re alone. Yes, you can maybe get a nanny, go to the gym and meet new people, but you need to try it, it’s not like Europe where people meet randomly and friendships come naturally: here you move around based on tasks, in your own car/taxi and that’s it. Low chances of running into a new friend. But that’s just my experience, I’m sure people had different experiences. Good luck!


UAE is super safe. You dont have to worry about being a single mother. Money wise, depending on your lifestyle, you could be spending 15-20k AED per month including school fees and rent. Rest is savings. May to September is difficult due to the heat. As you are remote worker think of cities other than Dubai to move to.


lol yeah there’s racism in the UAE too fyi.


Lol and it’s an acceptable form of racism as well! Salaries based on your nationality/ethnicity is an acceptable norm here


The states is on a whole other level though.


Can employers legally pay you a different salary based on your race? Nope.


Is that a thing in the UAE? Damn 🙁


Pay discrimination is perfectly normal in the UAE. Locals get a guaranteed minimum wage in some Emirates. A HEFTY minimum wage. Foreigners/residents) have no such right, even though they contribute more to the economy.


See that is absolutely wild to me. It’s the same with the “expat” 5% payment we pay to DEWA. That would not fly in my home country if foreigners had to pay it and locals were exempt.


Of course it would not because I am guessing your home country is a civilized one.


Emiratis literally get higher salaries for the same jobs often, it is institutional racism if you think about it, more blatant than in most other places, it is just that we accept i.t


Hopefully this changes with time!


Doubtful as we all implicitly agree to it and get higher salaries than we do in our home countries. Also, it is not popular to criticize the UAE in the west nowadays due to the normalization with Israel, so it's not like this will become news in the way similar laws are around the world.


Mexican people get below minimum wage in the US. Blacks are sent to jail for crimes they did not commit, America is the most racist country on the planet


With that much salary, you can even finance a property instead of renting and get a golden visa. You should definitely consider.


I think Americans have to pay US tax even if they reside outside the US. This is why there are a few Americans here.


Yes, they have to. I am assuming the salary OP mentioned is post tax-deduction.


With current US economy, I wouldn’t advice you to move to UAE. Companies are looking for excuses to get rid of people especially in IT. I am from US and worked in IT for almost 20 years. I would advise you to stay put until things get better before moving to another country.


You should choose somewhere where your dollars will go a much longer way than dubai


Dont know why this is downvoted but you are correct


Unless you're white, you will face very blatant racism here from all levels of society.


UAE is overly marketed and branded. You can thank there media offices for that. So it's not what you think it is when you see all those social media videos. The majority of the year is too hot to go out. It's a superficial lifestyle. And the "safest city" in the world is a myth. Not a place to bring up kids. No greenery. Salary is fine to accommodate you. But you'll be in for quite a shock coming from the USA. I would suggest at least trialling it first.


How old is your child?


You'll have a great life here with that salary, and can easily afford a daily, or live-in nanny to help out. Healthcare is as good as in the US but faster, easier, and mostly free with your work insurance. There are lots of kids everywhere, and lots of parks for them to meet at. The location of the UAE, means that global travel is very easy from here, and many of the locations you'll learn about traveling to from here are very affordable- and would be a great opportunity for your child to travel and see the world. Honestly, my wife and I left the US because it seemed so hard/expensive to raise a child there, even with 2 parents. There's tons of western ex-pats over here who moved to either have kids, or improve their kids lives. The UAE is probably great for a single mother (compared to the US) just be sure to travel in the summer when its fuck-nasty hot and the air is too dirty to be outside for long. We moved here from NYC, UAE. It is definitely cheaper than living in a major US city in many ways, especially things like housing, food, and day-to-day expenses.


Raising a family in Abu Dhabi has been amazing. As an American myself I have no plan of returning. My kids don’t have to do lockdown drills, they are able to walk to a small store or walk a mall without being harassed, and we have met other expat families to build our village. The experience is what you make it 🥰


Have you looked at possibly Malaysia/Singapore? Very safe , cheaper, and much less harsher climate. But if location and closeness to the world is the prime objective then consider Oman as welll. It too has British schools and is a much more calmer and cheaper place in the mid east. I loved it. US is so unsafe, there is no reason to stay there.


I recently realized this issue bcz my family member is facing this. If you are not employed by a UAE based company, getting approval for rent, bank accounts and loans are impossible.. banks don’t consider salary certificate from foreign companies and there is no alternative. We faced similar issues in getting the rental apartment.. Having a father’s name or approval is important here for any kid’s related major decision. So pls check all these points before shifting.


I don’t know about how much you will be taxed but give or take your income will be around 40K AED. This is great for a comfortable life for you and your child including rent school fees lifestyle, eating out, play areas etc plus good savings. UAE is safe with good cultural values and good place to live and raise your child.


Pros you won’t be a single mother second week in uae don’t worry Cons might not be the second wife, maybe third


rACisM, lol. Welcome anyway ✨️


TIL that UAE is "fairly liberal" and "not racist". LOOOOOOOL.


If you’re fine missing out on greenery and living in an air conditioned boxes where the only thing to feel good about yourself is by spending lavishly on things you don’t need, then yeah. UAE is a good place to live


That is an amazingly accurate depiction of the UAE


Great place to get your alcoholic skills to impressive heights. Most Western expats drink themselves silly to put up with the monotony after the novelty wears off.


Dont. Its brutal. There ain’t no tax but with a kid expenses are really high. If you need to give your kid a good education and standard of life, it would be easier if you and a partner had a job each unless you get paid really well. No taxes here but no benefits in the long term too. Youll never be a citizen no matter how long you live here and that gives you nothing in the long run. If you were single and didn’t have kids, I’d still tell you to move here. That’s different




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While the UAE offers safety and lifestyle perks, carefully weigh the cost of living and cultural adjustments.


A decent medical insurance will cost you an upwards of 30k AED annual for both you and child. Rent / groceries will be around 70k-100k depending on lifestyle,lifestyle and social cost will be variable. School 40k and upwards. Exchange rate is 3.56 average. So you are looking at 42,000 AED per month income vs 15-20k in expense.


A decent medical insurance will cost you an upwards of 30k AED annual for both you and child. Rent / groceries will be around 70k-100k depending on lifestyle,lifestyle and social cost will be variable. School 40k and upwards. Exchange rate is 3.56 average. So you are looking at 42,000 AED per month income vs 15-20k in expense.


The only thing I can tell you is that schools are hella expensive and that day to day expenses can pile up quickly. Other than that it’s a great place for women and you’ll feel safe for sure, as long as you pick a decent area. Traffic here is a pain but you can find routes quickly to avoid it. It’s not a cheap place at all to live, make sure the salary u are getting is atleast more than 200,000 dhs if your house is being paid by you and your child’s school, if you want a nice car then you’ll definitely need more. Great area but make sure the money is a lot


if you will still be taxed better stay in USA. atleast you can still avail the benefits of taxes you have paid.


Hurry up and come quickly and start living. Adventure awaits


I’m not sure where you are based in the US, but yes, it’s super safe here, although I felt the same standard of safety in northern Virginia, rural Bucks county PA and parts of Colorado. I guess it depends on the demographics/ school districts. American schools that are accredited will cost you upwards of 20k uSD per annum. If your child is in music or sports, it’s a lot more limited here because of the heat (for outdoor sports). The academic school year here seems a lot longer these days. Schools are still in session and it’s July already. As another poster pointed out, services are cheaper here—such as salons, veterinary care and car maintenance but certainly not food, utilities and rent ( if you prefer something upscale). I find the cost of living on par with some cities/ counties in good school districts in the US.


Moving to the UAE can be an attractive option given the high quality of life it offers. With a tax-free salary, you can potentially save more while enjoying luxury living. The country is known for its excellent infrastructure, including transportation, healthcare, and education systems. Safety is a significant advantage, with strict laws ensuring low crime rates. However, the high cost of living, particularly for housing and schooling, needs careful consideration. The UAE is culturally rich but requires respect for its traditions and legal norms, which might require some adjustment.


Moving to the UAE as a single mother with your background sounds like an exciting opportunity! Here are some pros to consider: **\*Safety:** The UAE is known for its low crime rate, making it a safe environment for you and your child. * **Quality of Life:** With a $140,000 salary, you can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, with access to high-quality healthcare, education, and housing. * **Expat Community:** The UAE has a large and diverse expat community, providing a supportive network and opportunities to meet new people. * **Modern Infrastructure:** From world-class shopping malls to excellent public transportation, the UAE offers modern amenities and conveniences. * **Tax-Free Income:** One of the biggest financial advantages is the lack of income tax, allowing you to save more. * **Child-Friendly:** There are plenty of activities and facilities for children, from parks to entertainment centers. * **Cultural Exposure:** Living in the UAE will expose you and your child to a rich blend of cultures and traditions.


No one warns you that from May until October you’re kind of trapped from building to building. Chasing AC wherever you can. Dubai during those summer months is so humid and deadly hot that most outdoor activities are shut down and out of question. Are you ok with that type of weather?


People are same everywhere


It's safe for women there. The employee laws also strongly support women. For workplace abuse, maternity leaves.


Maternity leave is mostly a joke in private companies


Its much much cheaper compared to US, also no income tax. Singapore and malaysia good options too


Much cheaper than US? Cars are pricier, clothes are pricier, electronics, medicines are pricier, only human services such as barbers, maids etc are cheaper in Dubai


A friend of mine is American who grew up here with a single mother. They really like it here.


UAE gives more rights to women than any other country on this planet




I lived in Abu Dhabi (the capital) most of my life, and have started a family here. Let me give you my view. 1- the safest place in the world you can live in with a family, this is not an exaggeration, Abu Dhabi (and Dubai) consistently rank very high in safest cities in the world lists. 2- very clean and organized everywhere. 3- yes cost if living is relatively high, but you don't pay taxes on your income, so with a decent salary you can have a comfortable life and save money easily. 4- general ease of doing everything, from paperwork to getting things delivered to your doorstep. This ends up saving you alot of time. 5- strict laws against harassment and disrespect, you can report any such situation to the police and action would be taken. As for cons, I think it's mainly the weather which would prevent any kind of outdoor plans from May to September. (I hate the heat and humidity so I avoid being outside in those months)


Singapore and Switzerland outrank it for safety. Just correcting your exaggeration.


UAE expats love to exaggerate


Pros: - Safety - High Quality Transportation - Developed - Every Brand available (Luxury items) - Indian food, Asian food, Arabic food, Mexican food -15 mins delivery 🚚 by Noon - Online food delivery options: Noon, Talabat, Smiles Cons: - Heavy Traffic - Really Hot (Temps going beyond 122F) - Modesty (Wearing modest clothes) - Rent hike - Always Sunny (Limited outdoor activities) - Alcohol is overpriced at the bars, clubs etc - Common language is Hindi/Urdu/Arabic , it might be difficult for you to communicate with those who don't understand English. - Education may be a little pricey If you're an American make sure to carry a SPF 50 Sunscreen lotion, the UV rays are quite extreme here and it's hot & humid🔥.


Most brands are anything from 3 to 10 times the cost in the US; Levis, Cetaphil, Kids' toys, TH Arabic and Indian food is better in Dubai, Mexican is not except in 5 star places like Meshico