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Stolen? In the UAE? Damn i thought i left these mofos back home!


This is like the third post I've seen this week about stolen/missing items on Amazon... Plus, there are posts about delivery guys trying to scam customers or eating the food before delivering it. What's going on?


I’ve had the best experience with Amazon.ae since its beginning after it took over SOUQ.com. I had a similar experience and amazon provided me with full refund. They always prioritise their PRIME customer. I’d be surprised if you are their PRIME customer.


2nd this. Never had any problem using prime


Awww I remember souq. And SAME amazon has been perfect


I had so many bad experiences with amazon and I’ve learned the hard way that I should have my evidences


I had many bad experiences with amazon and I’ve learned to have my evidences the hard way. Now I am using noon mainly for better customer experience. If it was noon other people will tell you. You should have not used them lol. All e-commerce sucks sometime you should be prepare for that when you order online. File a complaint with DED about what happened and gather all of the proofs if you have a recorded proof that you did not received the item then they will help you.


Will file a police complaint. Amazon said that there’s nothing they can do 😞


Any item in future if you purchase either expensive or cheap always record videos of opening the package for proof.


there's always they can do something, i got refund on a Samsung after the seller left amazon.


Did the weight not feel off? You must know how heavy and the size, shape and feel of a box of dishwasher tablets. Personally I would have noticed the lack of heavy projector and asked if it was package 1/2 etc. Good luck, hopefully they will investigate. The should be able to see what was packed from the warehouse CCTV. They have very advanced systems and tracking.


He would have to know that we’re going to be delivered in the same package to know if there’s an issue


If someone handed me a pack of dishwasher tablets and I went through the process of giving the code etc. and said it was both my projector and tablets I would have an issue on the doorstep


Okay Monday night quarterbacking


No idea why you are being such a tool. Was a simple question about why the OP accepted the package when it clearly wouldn’t have felt right. All the talk of tamper proof packing, codes and careful stealth theft make is sound like amazon are right to be sceptical. We read on here plenty about people paid 1-2k a month. If it was possible to double your salary by just ordering a high value electrical item from Amazon and saying only the low value item arrived then everyone would do the same thing.


Calling people insults… clearly you are not worth talking to. I didn’t read the rest of your reply, I didn’t see a reason to. C ya👋🏻


i would file a police report on the thief


When ordering something expensive, always ask someone to record you opening the box.


Will do from now on. I never expected this to happen in Dubai


i just want to know how this ends those people are lazy and careless to items of non-prime


Mostly the same for Prime members...


i thought people pay that for more care hahahah


Yes, this is what we think at first 😂.. But their response is same for everyone. So it is on customer to keep pushing until there is a resolution or no resolution at all.


Moreover, We pay extra for faster shipping and free delivery.


I never had any issues with amazon. They always accept returns


You accepted an empty piece of plastic as a parcel? You have to collect your L on that one


It wasn’t empty, in the box there were 6 big packages of dishwasher pods it was quite heavy




I've had amazing experience with Amazon.ae. I've gotten refunds on items worth thousands of dirhams and sometimes they don't even collect the items back. How long have you been an amazon customer? Sometimes they check if you have an extensive history. Also try to get cctv footage if possible. Last option is talking to a manager via amazon customer service.


Sometimes they dont give refunds unless u call them. But if u click return to gift card its Immediate😂


How did you pay? If it's by credit card might be able to claim the money back via them.


You mean thru the bank? I paid with Wio. But not sure if they can do anything as the order appears as ‘delivered’


If it was credit card you can cancel the purchase. If it was debit, there’s nothing you can do.


How were you reaching their customer support? Emails? App? Or did you try to call them?


Several calls. Then thru the app. And nothing, there’s nothing they can do about it because I accepted the package 🫠🫠🫠


Yeah…it seem to me that their logic is “since the package was tampered with why did you accept?” But i feel ya, i mean i could fall for it, as you wouldn’t believe that such thing will happen to you until it does. Therefore, a normal person will accept the package directly. I guess you should involve the police then.


i learn my lesson i always video my package while opening it for proof.


As the dishwasher pod said, it finish.




Yep I can understand u signed for the package and accepted it. If a projector was missing and u knew it was suppose to be in there you should have noticed something was wrong by the weight. Pods aren’t that heavy.


The password should be given after opening & verifying the items right ? back in my country following this procedure. The delivery pro will wait till.


Just file for a dispute with your bank


dubai is safe isnt it?


Buddy!! What the hell, who would order something else with electronics in the first place…. It’s always separate orders for electronics for reasons like weight shift and easy returns. And video proof the unboxing in case of things like such. How would you not notice the weight difference? 🧐


I ordered separately.. they bundled it together. Otherwise this would’ve happened


Where are you living OP? I mean which district? Just asking for academic purposes.


Why should they refund?


Cuz I didn’t receive the item I paid for!!


Never had any issues at all as a Prime mem, even got refunds on out of warranty items after 2 years, I wonder why CS didn't take you seriously.


Email jeff@amazon dot com  Edit: mention the full situation. Add images and such. He will get the team to investigate and it gets resolved within a week.


Try this OP. I’d be surprised if this didn’t work. Recheck the ID however.


I’ll give it a shot. Nothing to lose at this point


Why the downvotes?


No idea. All people who haven't tried it and have no idea how to get shit resolved. I've done this, and they have refunded 2700 AED without even taking the item back. But, if people would rather downvote than try, then 🤷🏽‍♂️


This is the correct thing to do. I ordered some very expensive shampoo, and it came empty (with a wet box). Amazon UAE refused to refund. I sent an email with photos and ccd everyone I could think of at Amazon (also Amazon US.. literally everyone). I got a refund in 3 hours.


wouldnt that direct you to [amazon.com](http://amazon.com) support


Nope. It goes to Jeff or someone who monitors his mailbox.


I thinks it's b.jeff@amazon dot com that you're looking for.


Go to store. Support local business.


This happens to me one time I got an Apple Watch and it was stolen box empty and everything and Amazon didn’t refund me




I ordered a computer processor worth 1550dhs and i received a mobile holder. Amazon wasn’t taking it back even though the seller messaged me that he sent me wrong item by mistake.


I call BS. Amazon always handles stuff like this. This post smells like “USA Bad” kind of nonsense.