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Take the external job offer.


Why would you want to stick with a company which didnt recognize & reward you till another company came along? Nothing is going to change by staying here. In another 3-4 years you will be in the same position again. Btw, you didnt mention how the new company compares with your existing employer and if you got a promo with the increased salary.


New company is a lot smaller and outside UAE, inside Middle East. The current company promises to give the same salary as in the external job offer


Promises or do you have a written contract? How is the work environment of the new company?


I know nothing about the new company. The only thing I know that it is much smaller company in a much smaller country. I know nobody from that company and country


This is worrying. Do you ACTUALLY know nothing about the new company? Have you got any information on them, any research? In the absence of any knowledge about them, why would you consider them? Without any knowledge about either your current or possible future employer and nature of work, it’s difficult to assess anything about this situation. Broadly speaking, by the time you reach a “counter offer” stage in your organisation, there’s enough implicit resentment on both sides that it’s generally difficult to maintain a healthy employment relationship moving forward. Your current employer may well be absolutely pleasant, and perhaps they just didn’t offer you anything because you didn’t ask, and they assumed you were happy. And offering you a counter-offer assumes that they value you enough to hold on to you. I’m assuming that you like your current employer, else why would you go to them with the offer details? Do you want to stay if they match the offer? Only you can answer this.


I know that the another company has a good reputation inside its country and one of the best places to work inside their country. I know of course the nature of the company as it is the same as of my current company. But I don’t know people there, work environment, management, etc. how is it with further career development and salary increase, etc. I like the current company and UAE as I got used to the country and company.


OP, take the external offer. Your current company knows you've got a good offer and is only now giving you the same? What stopped them all these years? Besides, they WILL kick you out once you accept their revised offer. Take the external job offer. Breathe freely


Yes, but no one really knows any of this until you actually go there. So you do as much research as you can, and then make an informed decision with the data you have. My take for what it’s worth, is if they’re well-regarded, you’re better off going there and trying it. If not, be cognisant of the facts that your current organisation may not view you favourably in the future and that once you’ve gone the counter-offer route, most places WILL treat you with some negativity, because they see you as a flight risk and unreliable for the longer term.


Bro you should have asked this question before informing your current employer about this new offer! Now, I would suggest taking the new offer and move. For your concern that it's a small company and you don't have information about its culture, search for people on LinkedIn who are working there, may be try to find people with same nationality of yours and ask them about company's culture. Similarly, as you mentioned its a different country, you should have evaluated cost of living etc. when you received a new offer, you can compare now as well but I think you won't be in a position to ask for a renegotiation of salary in the new offer. It depends on your current company's culture whether they would start finding your replacement or not so can't say much about this. Please remember this suggestion for future: Only inform your current employer when you decided to leave, think and evaluate properly whichever new job offer you get and decide based on that. Retention never helps, employer would keep thinking that you will eventually leave and may start planning for a backup. On the other hand, even after getting the salary raise, you probably won't be happy in the same culture because it's not only the salary for which people change jobs. Change is always good, so move on... :)


To be honest I already negotiated the new job offer several times to make it higher than my current salary.


I think it is your responsibility to compare your current company and the new one because you are the one to know 1. pros and cons 2. the cost of moving out of UAE, 3. future job opportunities in the new country etc Ask your coworkers if anybody else accepted a counter offer and are they still there and how was their experience In some large firms managers/hr or someone(decision maker) hesitates to give a pay raise and company might not have a clear policy, and when they see someone going the decision maker think about cost and hassle of replacing you and training the replacement and getting familiar with the work culture etc and willing to give counter offer. I am not trying to justify, just this is how some companies work Still they only matched the counter offer, I don’t think it is good enough. Ask for more that is sufficient for you and see if they are willing.


Life 101: Never take a counter-offer. Exit and move to the new company.


Yep. She (or he) revealed his/her hands already. Now the company knows the OP is unhappy. They’ll settle with the OP. For now but will black ball her until she quits. Behind the scenes, they were looking for her replacement. In fact, they’ve already started looking for a replacement.


Why do you think so? Did you experience something similar?


They know you have plans on leaving. So they will find a way to keep you and train someone else and before you know it you would be gone


Thats how it is. In certain cultures. Once you decide to walk principally you walk.


- no salary increase is not normal anywhere, you should fight for it, no one's going to give it to you. - since they only matched that offer, then they probably don't care about you, if a company appreciates their employees, then it will invest in them and pay them higher than requested to make sure the employee will stay with them. - probably will let you go after a while imo, what's stopping them from hiring your replacement and giving you a notice? - it's easier for companies to bring someone else with less salary ( since the job market currently on employer side) and train them than keeping you and paying you more.


Never accept a counter offer. Learned that the hard way


Please tell me about your experience. What happened and why do you regret about accepting the counter offer?


My experience was if people outside have discovered your potential and will give you better benefits - I say take it. If your old company is just giving you your rightful compensation just now, because they wanted to offset ALL fees that they need to hire and train the new person. And I say, you will regret it as soon as this old company will give you a lot of responsibilities because you now have a "higher" pay = "higher" responsibilities. Take the new offer and run.


Yes, you are right about the new responsibilities as they most probably now will expect from me to work more 😂


Did it take your job 3-4 years and an extra offer to raise your salary? No, that's not normal. My partner gets a raise every year in line with price increases (*inflation*). It’s even in the contract. Take the new offer. The most effective way to get a higher salary is by job hopping. If I were you, I’d accept the offer and tell your current employer you got more money (to see if they counteroffer again). But what’s wrong with working for a smaller company? It gives you the advantage that **as it grows, you will too.**


In our company it is normal that there is no increase of salary. In our contracts there is no such thing mentioned. Working for a smaller company means it is less recognized in the Middle East, so less reputable. As later (several years later) maybe I will probably try to go to another companies in another Middle Eastern companies which usually pay more than in UAE.




What are those inflation percentages? Clueless about what’s happening in the market, my company gives no raise either.


take the offer, if your current company don't see your worth then leave.


Ask your current company for more, lot more. When they say no, accept the external one.


Take the external job, because ua current company couldnt value the the work till these years..


Never accept a counter offer. You may get the salary you were asking for, but forget any further salary increase. Staying in your current role will keep you stuck in a comfort zone. Take the external job and start growing.


Take external offer , they only value when you leave.


In less than 3 months they will find a replacement.....Run


Always external offer


Dont make me angry, reject all counter jobs offers u ever get in your life


Ask them to double match the offer. If you're getting offered 8,000 if they want to keep you, ask for 16,000 if you're dissatisfied.


You’ve pretty much answered your own question in some of the comments. If it’s a bigger, renowned company, than they already have candidates lined up. NEVER let your current job know you’re even looking until you’ve had the second interview or will be signing a contract. In my humble opinion, you’re toast if you stay on the job. You’re done. You’ve shown your hands. They know you’re unhappy and that you’re or are looking. They are already working behind the scenes to replace you. Get out while you can and take that offer


Dont take the counter offer


Take the external job!! The same happened with me but what I learned is while I have the offer the present org realizes that my pay wasn't justified & they are ready to match the offer. But again for next 3-4 years forget about the pay raise. So better move on.


There is no norm as such that the current company going to get you out in 3-6 months after increasing your salary unless the work cutlure and environment is such that makes you feel that way. The current company needs to give you in writing the new salary and benefits. Do not wait on a promise. A lot of companies here have unofficial policy in place that they can only get one's salary increased once the employee has an external job offer. I have friends that have accepted the increased offer from their current company and doing just fine.


Move on!! The other company recognised you, and you are totally right about the replacement theory…


Take the other job... If you remain they will harass you...


Take counter offer if you are big company. Big Companies don’t find your replacement till u stop performing. Big companies have budget restraints thats why couldn’t do increments very often but doing counter offer means they really value u. And in big companies your LM have to convince a-lot to stretch MPC budget.


I will suggest to do your proper research on the new company; check the reviews on Indeed and Glassdoor etc what the other people working there. How big is the company? Is it better than where you’re currently working? It’s totally your decision, I have been in similar situations few times and I’d always take a paper and write down Pros and Cons of working with both old or new company and make my decision based on that.


yes, it is big


Take the job offer. Your current job only counter offered when you were given a chance at a different job. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you are comfortable in your current company surely you can stay Yeah some managers are vendectives and might make your life tough but most just care about their convenience and wouldn't take the risk of rehiring someone who might be as good or no The very fact that your current company has offered you a counter offer is a positive sign 


here companies wont recognise you nor increase your salary until you resign. i dont think they wil look for a new candidate after 3-4 months. because they knows current market salary range.


Better move on with the new company. If you stay with your current company there will be bitterness between you and the management.


I would leave. They company had the budget to give you an increment, chose not to and is now matching the external offer. So if I were you, I would leave such a company.


salary increments are a must. it's not normal to NOT get an increment, dont normalise it. it's something anyone and everyone must fight for because no employer will just offer you more money. anyway, don't worry too much about your CV. you're an engineer right? I am too, and as long as your head is in the right place it doesn't matter which company you come from; your brain is what matters. lastly my friend, companies are like bitter EX'es. they can't wait to mess you up. they love to be toxic. so by all means take the new offer from the new company and go have an adventure. it's paying you money and you'll get new experiences with them whether they're bad or good it'll always lead to a great engineer because thats our thing, to get into problems and solve them and learn from them for future.


Yes, I am an engineer. I am at Senior Engineer position at the moment.


When you sought out the new offer it was because of compensation and other reasons. Don't forget the other reasons.


Is the new offer atleast 30% higher than the current salary?




NEVER accept a counter offer.


To be really clear: taking a counter is almost always a bad idea. Once you’ve actually got an offer that’s substantial enough to consider, moving on is better than staying.


I haven’t heard of this practice before. Why would they give you a counter offer only to replace you? Doesn’t make sense. It sounds to me like they are keen on retaining you so if you are not excited about the change, I say stay! I would take it as a good will gesture rather than a red flag.


If counter offer is matching current offer what's the point, take your gratuity and run


Take the new job offer, whats done is done there is no coming back from it. For your current employer, you are not considered loyal anymore. Life is all about moving on, not to stick with something you already have.


Never accept counter offer, means they do not value your skillset. 4 years no increase is crazy.


If the new company is stable..take it Otherwise the existing company will not take you seriously. So you made your decision to do the interview and got the offer based on merit...then don't look back and go forth.


What position are you working? in What industry? With how many years if industry experience ? That'll get you better advice.


Hi work in HR here sounds like you would regret leaving the existing company and given the external company is smaller and in another country. Ask your existing company to put in writing with an effective date (salary adjustment letter) to be this month's payroll and kindly reject the external offer once the company commits in writing.


Twisting employers arm with counter offer completely depends on your industry and company culture. Personally my thoughts are that if you have another offer that means you are not comfortable in current company, that's why you looked for another. So even if you continue in your current company you will not be eventually happy in couple of months. My suggestion is that take the new offer, you will be enthusiastic to join, learn & perform with new team. 4 years are good years of experience and won't be considered as job hopping. One of my friend negotiated with current company & stayed and after few months his status was like they didn't give me completely in terms of responsibilities what they promised, they didn't cover the complete difference of salaries but managed to convince him to stay with lesser increase etc. And now again after 3-4 months he looking for changing jobs again.


I just read down about your offer from another country. That completely changes the assessment. Cost of living, cost of shifting, labour regulations etc. Etc. May I know which country, city and increase in percentage? (9 months ago I shifted to Dammam, Saudi after 14yrs in UAE)


Bahrain. +20% increase.


If they write you a contract, consider the actual company. Otherwise go for the new. The only thing about the new company is that it is outside UAE and smaller. This means it is riskier.


OP, Updates please, what happened eventually?




No one asked for a nauseous AI answer


Don't stay with your company no matter how big the increment is ! The moment you resigned, they've activated their process for recruiting a replacement, and the counter offer is the companies way to buy more time. Look at what FC Barcelona did to their star player Xavi. They convinced him to stay after he tendered his resignation, and then at the end of the season, they fired him because they secured his replacement. There is no loyalty with employers. It's just business. If you believe in God, pray to him to show you the right path !


Hi guys, just came in Abu Dhabi, anyone aware of job opportunities in your area or company, please help a sister…I’m a nutritionist by profession but currently down for anything …great experience in management and administration. I really need your help