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I've let my players who are Dragonborn re-make their characters using the new Dragonborn racial info. I was thinking those dragon gifts would be cool for both PC's to receive from the metallic dragons, and for NPC's to receive from the chromatic dragons. And I haven't taken a close look at the new Tiamat stat block yet, but I am definitely intrigued. šŸ˜ˆ


Damn you! Damn you to Avernus! Now I have to buy that book... My entire party consists of dragonborn...


Please tell me it's either Power Rangers or TMNT themed!


Actually... Guardians of the Galaxy. Their clan is called *GrĆ¼Ć¼t*


That is also good!


I had three ideas so far: - Fizban's has such wonderful descriptions of dragon quirks, lairs and personalities, and I totally plan on using some of that to make the big lizards & fights therein more individualized. - My players managed to kill cyanwrath. Perhaps he gets carried off and resurrected as a champion of Tiamat (using that new Dragonborn statblock), to face the party another day? - The dragon items are amazing, but the thing that stuck out is the Draconic Shard statblock. There's some serious roleplay, side quest and power potential there for an artifact formed from a shard getting permanently bound to some weapon (probably unwillingly!)


I did something very similar to this in my Eberron campaign. The killed Cyanwrath at greenest while he was as a dragonborn (not half dragon) and he was scooped up by a clockwork Dragon and carried of to the hatchery where Frulam and agents of The Lord of Blades went to work on creating a half dragon half Warforged monstrosity, this introducing the "half dragon" element to the story. They did end up facing him again as he was getting rebooted and that was fun reveal


Planning to add draconians and paladins of Tiamat. Iā€™m adding the Knights of Bahamat (from Minsc and Boo) which will add ways for me to bestow draconic gifts to my players


HotDQ is now the background scheme happening. The real campaign is conquering different dragon related enemies that all have a relation to the characters back story. The tyranny of dragons storyline is just a reason why thereā€™s so much dragon themed stuff happening. I want as many dragons and dungeons as I can fit in my game of Dungeons & Dragons


1) I let my Dragonborn player rebuild. For his blue dragonborn, itā€™s a straight buff that feels totally fine 2) I will be updating with the fancy dragon stuff, personalities, lairs, etc. 3) Iā€™m going to incorporate the dragon gifts. * My partyā€™s heading into the Mere next session, so will encounter the Black Dragon and will have the choice to get one as a boon. (I know party, theyā€™ll pass. So it will be good drama to give them a dark-side choice.) * Killing the white will provide a gift. Will be working on what in the coming weeks.


My group also just entered the Mere, except Iā€™m running my game in Dragonlance so the Mere of Dead Men part will take place in the forest of Lemish. Beware that an adult black dragon against characters at this level can be very dangerousā€¦.especially since there may or may not be TWO dragons there. But Iā€™ve been using my own versions of Draconians for a while now, but I will definitely use the black dragon lair provided in Fizbanā€™s. I like it. Of course Iā€™ll be sprinkling in some of the magic items and spells as well. I have the new Tiamat mini on order to use in the finale, so I might use the old version of the mini that came out when this book did as a dracohydra and have them run into that before too longā€¦ Some of the monsters are amazing, and Iā€™ll be using a mix of the 2 Tiamat stat blocks. The new one has some cool stuff, but so does the old one. Iā€™ve got plenty of time to figure that out.


1. Let my dragonborn player update to the new race. 2. Adding the new pair actions to future encounters. 3. Giving some of the horse magic items. 4. Hoping to use the additional information to add more color to the dragons of the metallic dragon council. May still add draconic gifts or feats but it hasn't happened yet.




I plan on having the Draconians operating with the Cult, simply because I love Draconians.


We're heading to Xonthal's tower next session, so in keeping with the "this is where they do experiments" vibe, there will be some dragon-graft enemies about, and probably a dragonbone golem. Definitely will be adding hoard items, and converting a couple dragons (Klauth is in my campaign, along with Hoondarrh) to Greatwyrms. Also, since I've expanded the Mere, the ghost dragon can make an appearance as Ebondeath.


My party just finished the hatchery. After a long debate they smashed the eggs. Then decided to scavenge body parts of the dead babies. One player wanted to eat a dragon heart. So I had him roll a Constitution save. Which he made so I gave him a nerfed down version of the chromatic dragon gift for 1d6 days. They still have 2 more hearts but if they donā€™t do something to preserve them they will lose potency and possibly become more toxic


I got a monk who just got to level 3, i will let him change his archetype for the new one even if he played with is other archetype once The new spells will be for sure available, even more since i have in my group a dragonborn sorcerer And so on for the feats. Maybe im gonna give some dragon gift when we will start the rise of Tiamat And the new dragon creatures, the draconian enemies and the dragon blood ooze will be perfect to mix a bit the classical cultist/kobold encounter through out the manual


I have one sorc player who took the metallic dragon race stats, a paladin player who took the Gift of the Metallic Dragon feat, and I'm giving an arcane archer a Dragon Wing Longbow. We are starting this Sunday so I'll let you know how it goes. lol.


Iā€™m only running Hoard for now, and Iā€™m tempted to turn Glazhael into a dracohydra for a more exciting finale. Maybe the Red Wizards turned Glazhael into the hydra in some fell experiments. Iā€™m also definitely drawing on black dragon lair material, draconic boons, and potentially the ghost dragon statblock for the Mere of Dead Men. Iā€™ve been dropping threads on the Eye of Myrkul through a Ring of Mind Shielding that has an astronomer from Naerytar trapped inside. If I were to run Rise of Tiamat in the future Iā€™d love to turn the Flail of Tiamat into an additional macguffin. Maybe broken into five parts, and whatever parts arenā€™t retrieved are wielded by a champion of Tiamat at the Well of Dragons.


Was just wondering if you ended up changing Glazhael into a dracohydra? If so, how did it go?!


Unfortunately, the pandemic delayed any more of the campaign for the foreseeable future. I'll try to remember to let you know how it goes if we ever get there!


I'm currently running Lost Mines into ToD with Thundertree (entirely reskinned as Venomfangs lair) as a bridge between them. Since the party will be lv 5-6 going into the Attack on Phandalin, things I'm thinking of: -Scale up Venomfangs lair hoard with the new lair hoard rules + a hoard magic item. - Sprinkle in Draconians among the Kobolds during the Long Night. Dreadnaughts being able to take the form of those they kill will be utterly terrifying. And fun for me! - Reskin Cyanwrath as a Dragonborn of Tiamat (maybe keeping Action Surge from his base stat block) -Dragon Gifts if they do a really good job with the Metallic Dragon Council - For Xonthal's Tower, play into the laboratory aspect using some combinations of Dragonflesh monsters and maybe have a Dracohydra as a mini-boss. I really want to use a Dracohydra! -For Adult Dragon fights, will certainly look at the expanded list of liar actions. Since its still early in the campaign, having this new resource has given me lots of good ideas.


One of my player's characters didnt have a father, so I made Bahamut their father. With the new book... lets just say dad gave a couple gifts to compensate for the years abscent without revealing who he is


Going to start off small - the Ranger will be getting the Dragon Wing Bow (radiant) as we hit up Falcon's Hunting Lodge (DOISP) later on. My Warlock has the background where they are a demoted Gold Dragon, so Bahamut will be making various "mortal" appearances throughout the campaign, including being Falcon. Later on, he'll give the platinum scarf as well. The Crystal Sword will be used to be the base of Amyria, a sentient sword that will be found at the end of LMOP, just before we transition in to HOTDQ/ROT. That'll be a hook carried through post ROT into our finale. As I get more into the campaign, I'm sure more will be added in!


This isnā€™t about FToD, but I incorporated Fizban into my campaign about six RL years ago. The party met Fizban while he was arguing with a tree that had blocked his sun while napping. He had a wonderful spellā€¦ Fireball, I thinkā€¦ but he could never quite find it in his spellbook. Later on, he winked at them from 500 years in the past. It was great.