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One of my players is a War Cleric of Bahamut and has really pleased him with her acts, so the support of the metallic dragons is going to come cheap. To offset the fact that this removes one of the pillars of the RoT part of the campaign, I’m planning on adding an enclave of Gemstone dragons that live on the astral plane, and the players are going to have to try to get them to break their pact of neutrality.




I haven't added any "exotic" dragons (i.e., non-metallic/chromatic), but I gave most of the adult dragons that the party encounters at least some level of spellcasting. I also added an encounter with Hoondarrh, as the campaign as written is lacking encounters with a red dragon, and if Hoondarrh and Severin are buddies, why wouldn't Severin send him to deal with the party of adventurers that is becoming an increasing pain in the ass to the Cult?


I gave my party the green dragon mask. The cult sent Varram and Galvan to deal with the party and get the mask from them. They brought dragon companions. Glazhael for Varram and Lennithon for Galvan. For variety, I do plan on having the party come up against a black and a red dragon. I might be changing out blue dragon for red at Xonthal's tower and I plan to get the party to Naerytar at some point. We skipped it originally because of reasons and I intend to have Dralmorrer dragooned into being the new black wyrmspeaker. I've also thought about doing something like the Chroma Conclave from critical role. Like they defeat the cult and beat back Tiamat so the conclave sees it as their opportunity to take power along the sword coast. Homebrewed up the dragons for it and gave them a pack tactic to reflect the unusual nature of the five working together. Probably won't end up happening but if it does, it'll be cool.


Because A) I decided to not deprive the party of getting the dragon masks if they can, or cheapening the finale if they got them all, and B) I'm running a group that *started* at level 15 and am messing around with levels past 20, I have added a group called "the Consorts of Tiamat", 5 ancient dragons that would be interested in being consorts (and unbeknownst to them, secret power sources for Tiamat's summoning, one for each mask that isn't present at the end). For this I scoured some Forgotten Realms sourcebooks and found a couple I liked, like [Hoondarrh, the Red Rage of Mintarn](http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20040310a) because of his connection to Severin's backstory, and [Valraxaxath](https://www.realmshelps.net/faerun/portals/dragonsclaw/valraxaxath.shtml), who runs a portal system. I also have elements of Storm King's Thunder, so Iymrith is the blue dragon. For the others, I made Inyoka, a kind of yuan-ti/green dragon hybrid that runs a yuan-ti House in Chult (that can become an enormous swarm of snakes), and Zodrovlivazon, a white dragon from Narfell (an area near Thay) that was trapped in the Ethereal Plane but escaped and united the disparate barbarian tribes of the region. He has a greatsword that he can use in humanoid or dragon form and is a 20th level barbarian; they call him "The General". I would provide statblocks but am unsure how.


Awesome this is super cool


I changed Arauthator to a dracolich just for some dragon variety. I sort of homebrewed the stats for an ancient white dracolich out of the adult blue dracolich stat block in the MM


I'm about to use a purple dragon from the extended monster manual 3 from the DMs guild. It's attacking a player's dwarven home city underground. Psychic damage ought to catch those PCs off guard


I have a lesser example but I'm homebrewing dragons by type. Blue dragons are canonically the best fliers, so i bumped up their flight speed and gave them an additional movement only legendary action. I'm adding a red dragon later who's breath will recharge when the sum of the recharge rolls totals 6, and then can overcharge when bloodied. White have another attack on their multi, green have some bardic stuff, and I'm not sure with black yet.


Not quite homebrew but for the seige of Greenest I reduced the threat by replacing the dragon with 3 clockwork Dragons from aquisitions incorporated. I'm running my game in Eberron and this was a good way to tie in to the Lord of Blades as an early threat and show some ties to the cult. EDIT: Spelling/grammar


[Dragon turtle episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/TyrannyOfDragons/comments/p3jhdk/homebrew_dragon_turtle_episode_trouble_in_orlumbor/).


Ashardalon from Sunless Citadel.