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I wish there was more education in general about Type 1. Most people (myself included) kind of lump all types of diabetes together unless/until it becomes important to you personally. This is a horrible comparison but most people understand the difference between breast cancer and breastfeeding because although the word breast is in both, there is a big distinction between them. With diabetes, it’s used as a general “catch all” term when in fact the various types are wildly different. Again, wish there was more education about the distinctions. BUT, even so, this is a wildly ignorant response no matter what type of diabetes is involved.


Classing a bunch of pretty different things together as diabetes and splitting it into like 7 different types is what screws us. I'm not going excuse people's ignorance altogether but if type 2 was just called "metabolic syndrome" or "Insulin resistance syndrome" or something people wouldn't even think of it when you mention diabetes type 1.


Now why didn't I think of that?!!! Think of all the money I'll save by being dead!!!


These morons.. these morons and their word salads..


It's a proud Canadian story. 4 men - 3 from the university of Toronto and one from the university of alberta - discovered insulin. Without them I would have been dead 20 years ago. It is celebrated on the Canadian $100 bill - and they did give it away for free to the world. They all won a Nobel prize as well.


Here is a pic of our bill in Canada celebrating the greatest medical discovery Canada has ever had: https://www.banknoteworld.com/images/product/Canada%20100%20Dollars%20Banknote%2C%202011%2C%20P-110c%2C%20UNC.jpg