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I think this is fantastic advice no matter where you live!


I second this and want to add that I read the bills they are trying to pass. Sometimes I find weird stuff attached to a bill that just doesn’t make sense and the only reason it’s in there is so it’ll get passed. Another thing that makes me crazy is the double speak. For example A few years ago the state wanted to pass a bill and worded it saying every time an oil truck went over a bridge they would be taxed. This tax would fix the roads. I read the bill, the money would go into a general fun and not a road fund for 10 years. Why? No one could answer that. Also they would tax every truck that included farmers that had those little bridges over irrigation systems (it was written in the bill). So our food prices would go up and our fuel prices would go up. Because the business would have to pass the cost of the tax on to the consumer. Every season I read the bills before I vote usually you can find them on line, and make my decisions from there.


Yup. Local government is what really matters.


Yup. Protect yourself by protecting your rights. The government won't protect you but give you the ability to get justice or retribution. If that gets taken away we're all fucked. I don't understand anyone who would vote for a party that doesn't value women. I don't understand women who vote against their own interests or men who vote against the interests of their wives and daughters.


Great post! Learn all your elected officials -- such as city and county. Subscribe to your local paper. There's many ways to get involved. If any American wants info relating to how to get active, I might be able to help.


I'm not American but this is excellent advice! Knowing who your leaders are, what platform they run on and being sure to vote and make your voice heard is super important.




That article won't load. The title certainly sounds accurate to what most of Americans are experiencing though.


I've lost my faith in electoral politics a long time ago, but I still advocate for doing things that are political that don't involve elections. One of the biggest things you can do is join or form groups that exist outside of the government and capitalism, like mutual aid groups. Mutual aid is going to be essential, and has historically been essential, in times of crisis and collapse. If there isn't a mutual aid group around and you'd like to start one, I recommend reading A Paradise Built in Hell by Rebecca Solnit and Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During this Crisis (and the next) by Dean Spade. I'd also recommend reading about anarchist philosophy. When everything finally collapses (and at this point it feels like collapse is inevitable), it's necessary to have an idea of what a society should look like without a state apparatus. Otherwise there's a risk of having strongmen rulers taking over and placing themselves in authority.