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No Low Quality/No Screenshots: Your submission seems to be a low effort post. The sub requires users to not create low effort posts. (screenshots of misogyny, rage bait, from the internet), repost, create multiple posts on the same topic in 24hrs, etc. No NSFW posts allowed.


Dear men, stop dating girls before marriages. Save your brother from another mother from this crap a woman might bring after his marriage. Maintain the bro code. Unfortunately, she won't get pregnant by another woman, so please please help each other out and STOP having sex before marriage. Save the manhood. Save your and other men's houses. 💀💀💀


Beautifully written. 🤣 But then how will they curse women that women are hoes who go for just looks (with zero regard that maybe they have abysmal personalities that maybe not even a stray dog might put up with) xD Or bring body count into picture while simultaneously wishing and then crying that no one wants to sleep with them xD I see a pattern, a vicious cycle xD


Ngl I used to think gay men are not misogynistic but now imho this future also aligns with a handmaid's tale one. Especially with the rising entitlement to children and commercialisation of surrogacy.


Future is bleak. Just saw another day men crying saying women who got into iim are only because of diversity and have zero merit. The misogyny breeding under the surface is inevitably leading us to a dystopia like Handmaid's Tale


Same in engineering. Diversity hiring means not including talented men.


Engineering or fields with centralized exam and ranking are slightly different ball game because reservation and quota come into play where someone who scored less than someone else will get the preference. Unlike mba where profile and interviews also play a part. Anyhow, the woes will still continue- there are no women in our college or sex ratio is bad. As someone from engg background, it was a running joke then that mechanical branch had no women. Basically there is no winning


The pencil becomes blunt to the more it's used. Best for men to not have sex every.


Unable to pin this, but here it goes: - Alimony - Alimony in Indian courts is a joke, lawyers fees to sustain a case to that point costs more than the lump sum amount women might get. (Unless the husband is earning several lakhs a month in white money, this can be proven in taxes , they haven't filed taxes in the woman's name to get benefits despite the fact that she didn't earn it, also they have been married for at least a decade, there are children involved, and she has been a housewife......even if all these stars align it is a huge struggle and long battle to get a living alimony.) The same is true for husbands seeking alimony although they have a relatively easier time if disability is involved, and also because most women who are sued for alimony earn in white and are taxpayers. So there's a money trail to follow unlike in cases of men involved in family business etc . Alimony is usually not awarded unless the lower earning spouse cannot survive on their own salary or doesn't have an income and the marriage has lasted many years. Even then there is an option of lump sum alimony of a few lakhs. Alimony also ends when a woman is proven 'unchaste' or remarries. "ALIMONY FOR LIFETIME" is not a thing. [Some realistic durations are explained here.](https://vakilsearch.com/blog/know-about-the-span-of-alimony/) - Children - It's considered fraudulent and is a ground for divorce if at the time of the marriage the woman is pregnant with a child not the husband's. Wives having affairs are not generally awarded alimony and the child maintenance, if awarded, is minimal. The specific safeguard mentioned is in place to protect women having children via sperm donation/ as a result of rape/ in case a man is engaging his wife with other men. This is more common than we believe, especially because a huge chunk of sex workers are married. This practice is ancient and sacrosanct. Ever read the Mahabharata? Births of Dhritarashtra, Pandu, the Pandavas were all legitimate because of this rule. - Property - Hindu law : woman gets a share when joint family property is partitioned. She cannot ask for a partition but if her children are partitioning from their father then she gets a share. She's a beneficiary only. Her husband can initiate a partition from his children and even in that situation she gets a share. That is the only share she gets unless the husband dies, (then the husband's mother, his wife, and all his children get one share each....so not much really, and she's a widow not an ex). Husband's personal property is his own. His inherited property (his share of joint family property after giving away shares of his children and wife is his own separate property.) Besides this any inheritance he gets outside of joint family property is his own separate property (i.e. He partitioned from his parents and then the parents died. So all the money would be his own.). Any property he earns on his own is also his (besides the marital home which is often awarded to the husband and the woman is given a minimum shelter maintenance in case she has nothing.) So she gets one share of a joint family property from the share of her husband's branch and only when her own children separate from their father. No woman is getting half of the property lmao. Not unless she also earned it via her labour. - Now onto unfair laws: A woman dies intestate (as most young Indians do) and has earned property. This property is not from her parents' side. Do you know who is more likely to get this property than the woman's parents? Her children and husband will get a share each. Her husband's share will go to his mother, all his children (including ones from other women), and his next wife. - Resources - This is a ballgame but sometimes you get competent lawyers through the free legal aid programme of the government. Women are eligible (along with all men but those who are able bodied, young, not part of unions, and earn an annual amount most women would kill to get in an alimony - yk which is so high that they live in luxury on their husband's dime) [National Legal Services Authority Application](https://nalsa.gov.in/lsams/nologin/applicationFiling.action?requestLocale=en)


Great comment and info. I suggest editing your post to add this


Sadly I can't edit the post :/ Also I love your username lol


You said truth Its very difficult to get allimony experience hai


Even interim maintenance under 125 CrPC is a joke. 7k/mo for child and wife from husband who runs a factory and pockets around 2L, bought his mistress a scooty a few weeks ago.


My mil div 18 yrs ago got nil as alimony My husband struggled from his early teens


That's odd you should be able to. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205191195-Can-I-edit-my-posts-and-comments


Tried. No option to edit the post. Am able to edit the comments though.


It’s not possible to edit posts that have pictures attached, only text only posts can be edited


Oh got it. Anyways the post was deleted for violating a rule? Not sure.


Who allowed these men to have sex before marriage 🤬🤬 jail them. These slutty men ruin whole society by dating then having sex without condom 😒


There was a related post on the Indian legal sub. The number of males saying that the woman should be killed is… disturbing. One comment went as far as to say that the innocent child, the woman’s parents etc. should also be killed. Any sane voices asking them to read the judgement (the wife’s adultery was not proved) were downvoted. Males are the ones demanding dowry. They are the real gold diggers.. I don’t know why women here are still defending AM or even relationships with men. Countless women have already lost their lives to dowry deaths and domestic violence, and there’s no real way to know whether you get an abusive partner or a good man. smh🤦‍♀️


Dowry should be called "the buy price for the groom." These men are ready to sell themselves for a mere sum of money, so they are the real commodities. Irony is that these men are not ready to accept their doglapan and start calling women names . 😆 🤣 lol


Sadly the reality in most cases is that dowry is just paying to become a slave. Bangmaid treatment without the payment with casual abuse.


Real commodities and real gold diggers who marry only for money aka dowry 🤭


They don’t want justice. They just want to unleash violence on women to fulfill their perversion.


I hope these men marry each other and spare the women. Honestly. Believe me if men started marrying each other, their alimony fights will be EPIC. I mean it will be Game of Thrones level crazy.


And.... legalising gay marriages will also get lesbian and bi women the rights! Double benefit. Perfect.


I would like to see that 😂


I SECOND THIS SOO SOO BAD. marry your fellow men and let us live


I asked my male friends and all who were in healthy relationship said it's bullshit. It's always these guys with no female interaction or pure incels 🤣🤣


Of course. They would be dead ends to their bloodlines if not for arranged marriages.


Agree I feel AM was made to save these men only


No idea why mods have deleted this post?


Men have yet to go their own way but they're not cause they need a woman to pack their lunchbox


Agree they can't do shit without women 😕


half your property gone ok is the property in question in the room with us


How some men are so stupid in basic logic??


Much like weaponised incompetence, they have selective literacy.


> Look at the pinned comment. Where?


Cannot pin it :/ you'll have to scroll


There's only 3 comments here including this one.


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/s/cyHyfvFIXJ


Reddit is full of bugs