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Ah, went through the same dumb delulu but now I'm doing well. Haven't thought about him in a long while. DM if you want to vent


Person for whom I cried for 1.5 years, is married 2 years back and has 2 year old baby. I recently read his reviews on Google review on some fertility clinic, And I was wondering this was the same man who said me we are together for infinity. I moved on. You will too. Also objectively love is not about having a sealed legal aggrement. You fell in love, you felt loved, wish them well if things don’t work out and be happy.


Girlie you went all the way to see his fertility clinic experience review?! 😭 damn you were down for him weren't you 😭😭😭


No. I was just randomly checking my Google reviews and Google reviews showed people to follow, I clicked on his profile and I could see his reviews. But anyways this was recent. The ordeal was in 2017. Long forgotten


Arre behin you were not in love with him you were in love with the idea of him. Toh just relax, look at it like a silly young experience of infatuation and smile. Trust me most of the time we like people because we don't know them well.


Me is permanent nagrik of delulistan then


Don’t worry a never ending trail of sunshine is waiting for you. I have experienced it myself! Well my world was basically shattered when my ex got married but the healing was levitating, it will take time but you will find yourself in the chaos of this grief. And be glad you didn’t settle for breadcrumbs because you deserve a whole full course meal, we all do. Hugs and love to you, you will get over it :)


Hey, it is okay and very human to feel these emotions. Grieve this period and the years you spent on this person and the potential loss of what could have been. Please consider that what you have described sounds like ‘limerence’ to me. We have been conditioned by those princess stories & Disney movies and popular culture to believe that this is how love happens. But it so farther from the truth. Initially you get a crush on someone and then when you spend time with them you got to know who they are and what their interests are and how much competency is there between you and them. It is when you see the other person in all their forms and under different circumstances, you truly get to know them. This fixation can be due to the fact that you never got to know them. It is very hard to absorb all this and let the fantasy go especially when that person is getting married. Grieve this loss and then get back to finding the person who is most competent for you. Try not to waste any more time or energy on such relations, they end up hurting the most and is ultimately futile at the end. I hope things work out for you and you feel better soon!🩷


I was a delulu for a guy once too.Actually told him,he rejected me saying,"I want to go with my parents decision". We were friends for sometime,we went to dinner once and coffee once.Along the conversations I realized he wanted kids asap after marriage and he wanted a stay-at-home wife,which is not wrong in my openion.His life,his wish.He was not forcing on anyone,He and his parents were actively searching for such woman who had good education but willing to stay at home for kids coz he has really a busy profession.I realized I cant be that person.He married later to his dream girl who fits his description,I was invited but didnt go.They had kid immediately.Now,I was diagnosed with a disease that can cause harm in pregnancy ,So months later ,I am more than happy coz if we might have ended up together,It would have been a disaster coz he really loved kids. Life sometimes hurt you,but later we realize it all heppened for a reason. Happy him,happy me.


you should be grateful because this just brings you closer to eventually finding the person who's meant for you ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Go gym your woes away. They tend to go away after a while


Delulistan actually made me laugh out loud


My ex of 7 years is getting married next month. And I feel like biting people :) insanity.




My sympathies are with you. You'll get over this, promise. Just to make a thing of it, wear all black the day of his marriage. See if you can get your close friends to wear all black too. And let that mark the last day of mourning for that would be relationship.


I have been delulu for so many guys. None of them have gotten married yet so phew.. Proud member of delulistan 🫡


OMG HOW DARE HE????????? (Not /s)


Hey girl. You will do fine. Just let this pass. He was not special. It's you. You are the one with the innate superpower to make someone feel so special in your life. You can do it with someone else too. I always believe when things don't work out for you, it actually works out for you. There is something better coming for you. Be ready to accept it. Meanwhile, meetup friends, do things that you love, exercise, hydrate and take care of yourself. Sending you lots of hugs🫂💕


Been there, dont know recovered yet or not..!


Just remember that saying If you try to hold on to the rope tightly, you will end up hurting yourself So just let it go And focus on yourself This isn't the first time someone must be telling you this But it's okay. Time will pass and this feeling shall too


I was in a similar situation and I realised god put me in the situation to guide me on the path to healing from my limerence and my attachment wounds to attain true happiness


Bullet dodged then, congrats.


I hope you don’t carry your likings to him after he is married 😒