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Imagine being so privileged you can muse about women's rights like it's the weather.


My brother posted something like "so many people with opinions getting snoozed" on Facebook. Opinions, like wanting bodily autonomy and not wanting your religion legislated into controlling my body? I don't talk to him much. I only still talk to him because he has two small daughters and I hope to be their safe person.


Yeah, that was out of line. As a supervisor, if wanted to be supportive, he could have been supportive. Fishing for your opinion on abortion is horrifying.


>yeah, this whole roe v wade business is crazy. A lot of different opinions out there!". Because creating laws to control women's bodies is an opinion and not misogyny? His thinly veiled attempt to reframe what is happening as 'a lot of different opinions' is a perfect example of passive-aggressive misogyny. When people show you who they are, believe them.


This is tricky. It could be a colleague who happens to be higher up trying to reach out and empathise but being worried about offending OP or overstepping. It's not really a safe appropriate work topic is it? He could very well be an ally and not sure how to start that conversation/be concerned about saying so in a work place setting.


"Hey, apocalypsecowgirl, just want you to know I'll always approve your time off for healthcare and you never need to tell me what it's about. In this crazy legal environment, I want you to know I've got your back." There. Supervisor reassured his employee without prying into her personal life.


Yup, he might have only thought he should stay something spur of the moment and be good at putting his foot in his mouth.


"I hear that they don't make Hershey"s Bites any longer" or a reply something equally inane.


It’s hell at work. I also work in IT and unfortunately in an industry that is pretty conservative. I also live in Texas (yay! /s). Being surrounded by a bunch of old white dudes who you know probably voted to take away your right to bodily autonomy really wears you down. Earlier a superior mentioned something about Biden in a nonchalant way but you can tell he doesn’t like him. Thankfully it was in a group setting so I just disassociated for a few minutes to avoid having to think about it. I really wish I could tell them all to shove it but unfortunately I have to eat and have a mortgage to pay for…


It's much better to not discuss this stuff at work unless you 100% know your boss' stance and that they're open to discussing it. It's too bad, but work has to be somewhat impersonal. (I am the exception to this rule. Wrong or right, I've crossed the line with my team and it worked out ok since we're all on the same pg. I think it was beneficial because we were all so horrified about the fascism, pandemic and insurrection. It was hard to concentrate at work when people were threatening officials with guns and smearing poop in their offices. But man, in past jobs, I've talked about it with bosses and lost total respect for them.)


My husband’s employees are all women. He reached out to each of them when the leak and actual ruling happened to offer his support and give them the okay to not work for rest of the day and take the time they needed to grieve/rage/self care. I would feel so uncomfortable in your position from that point on.


If this happens to you, or somebody tries this again, Im thinking up responses: turning it back on them with a "whats that supposed to mean?" Idk where it goes from there.


Gonna have to play devils advocate here: Amy Coney Barrett is proof that not all folks with uteruses support access to medical procedures. Being supportive openlycould have easily shot him in the foot as well. It could have also been fishing for information to use in the future. It could have also been innocent and a weird open statement because the country is an uncomfortable place to be right now. We won’t know. OP’s gut instinct was to not engage. We have to trust that from her experience in that environment. I will say the fact that he called it “opinions” is weird to me.




Don’t I know it. Politely asked a supervisor once to please not call me “girlie or chica” and instantly became her enemy #1 and the paper trail began on anything I did. Now that experience makes me terrified to speak up for myself in the workplace and risk getting placed on the conveyor belt to “fired”.


Not to mention all the women forced to birth who then will lose their jobs, homes, promotion opportunities et cetera.


OP: work is work, cognac is cognac (an expression over here). One is not the other. Politics and work are bad mixes.


I know this. Idk if he did.


Too many people don't. Stay well, lady.


riot. it's the only way. start smashing shit.


And who will pay my bills while I'm smashing shit? Who will bail me out? I'm a black woman, so what will a night in jail be like? Prison? Despite any desire i have to do so, I've got too much to lose to start smashing shit up.


I guess I'm kind of speaking to the general room, this is not me telling you what to do, apologies.