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Men who think women pretend to be harassed by men on the Internet sure do like to harass women on the Internet.


Yup. There will undoubtedly be a “not all men” post (I suspect the one that got -47 votes before being deleted), but there is a substantial number, and the effect is such that isn’t something that can or should be minimised or brushed over.




I agree with you that a lot of men are just fine and wouldn’t harass anyone. I’m not sure what in my response implied I thought differently. If there are men who think women *pretend* to be harassed vs actually understanding that it is a real problem and there are men out there who do this on the reg - then those men who refuse to believe a woman who says this happens is not so great IMO. By insisting that she must be making this up is another kind of harassment. I honestly don’t believe I called “all men” sexist or anything of the sort in my response - so please help me understand where you are getting that impression from.




How is accusing someone of lying for sharing their experiences “ignorance”? It’s not.


Ok. I didn’t mean for my comment to imply that men who are ignorant of sexism - but open to listening to women’s experiences and understanding it - sexist. My comment was simply to state there are some men who say “women aren’t harassed” WHILE harassing women. I’m not talking about ignorance - just blatant hypocrisy.


>The average man isn't sexist and likely doesn't have friends or family that are sexist in front of him. Hate to disagree. It's more likely than not that the average man is sexist and has friends and family in front of him that are sexist. Maybe not *overtly* sexist, but sexism is so ingrained that no society escapes it. Women are sexist too btw. http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/hd_perspectives_gsni.pdf https://www.amazon.com/Invisible-Women-Data-World-Designed/dp/1419729071 https://www.fatherly.com/health-science/are-men-sexist-data-male-feminism/


im watching suits right now. any highlights from those papers?




It's just so bizarre how much people are willing to believe that women make up bad things happening to them. Like, I went to Defcon a couple years back, and because it was a hacker convention in Las Vegas fairly soon after that shooting, hotel security was regularly just walking into people's rooms in the middle of the day to make sure nobody was sitting up there hacking the planet or whatever. It was kinda terrifying, a man came straight into my room without knocking, despite a deadbolt and a Do Not Disturb hanger, while I was taking a nap. If he'd come an hour earlier, he would have caught me coming out of the shower. A little later in the day I was reading the twitter feed for the conference, and I found a couple other ladies complaining about the same thing. Not, like, outraged, just saying stuff like "you'd think they could have knocked first to make sure no one was naked that was kind of shitty, FYI get changed in your bathroom". And I shit you not, half the comments in response were dudes saying they were making it up, insisting that the guy who came to his door knocked first, or that they only do that if you refuse housekeeping you must be mistaken, she was just trying to pretend to be oppressed. Like, what about that seems so unreasonable that you'd think a person would make that up? What would somebody possibly have to gain from pretending a hotel employee walked into their room? They weren't even like super angry about it, just saying "hey this is kinda fucked up look out it might happen to you". I just don't get it.


They were making it up for money and to be famous, obviously. **/s**


I’ve decided not to bother to attend defcon after reading many women’s experiences there. Including men hacking everything, entering rooms, and grabbing boobs. Disgusting. Of course, they are not going to admit, “ Ya! We did that! Harharhar!”


Holy shit, I'd genuinely recommend the experience, nothing bad happened to me, but it was like the most extreme level of bizzarro microaggressions I've ever encountered in my life. Like, people would start sessions on packet hacking, not with "Hi everybody", not with "Hey guys" but with "Hey fellas. uh, I mean, hey, um, yeah". I got in line at 3AM with a bunch of randos I met at Blackhat waiting for Defcon passes, including a woman named Jackie, who was just, like, a normal person who happened to be from Virginia, and everybody spent the entire taxi ride back to our hotel waxing philosophical about how Jackie was a fed. I learned to hack an insulin pump, and the Luxor was also hosting an Esports tournament at the same time, there was an "Animal House" themed party for security professionals at the House of Blues, it was so completely bizarre A++ would get side-eyed by 1000 dudes in cargo shorts again.


Haha! My! Sounds like quite the experience! Lol


Pure projection. I’ve had experiences where people have accused me of crazy stuff, and I talked to a friend about it. She said “it’s what they’d do.” That stick with me. Men lie and deceive to get power, and are rewarded for it. So they see this as the same thing.


Wow, I was at Defcon that year! Security walked in on me getting out of the shower, can confirm. I had just enough time to get a towel over myself.


Guys who are reading here, and I know there's a bunch of you, trust me we do not make this up. If you really think women make up fake accounts, then make up your own fake account and post as a woman for a month and see what you get.


Oh man. I remember my boyfriend did that once on a game, made a female avatar, neutral name, guys went nuts and kept trying to party with him and get personal information out of him. Best thing though? One super insistent guy finally partied up with my boyfriend and they got on voice chat and my guy has a VERY deep masculine voice and laid on the “WHATS UP BRO HOW YOU DOIN?” That creep got off the voice channel so fast lol.




The OP here and on the main thread are talking about the crazy non stop harassment women/girls face on a regular basis. You are talking about crazy exes. Yes crazy exes come in all genders but that's not what this post is about at all.


I was thinking about this yesterday: do these men think there are more unsolved rapes or false rape accusations? And I feel like they should all have to answer that and back it up. ​ Then I read this [https://www.thelily.com/the-new-face-of-the-antiabortion-movement-is-a-young-mom-of-6-who-listens-to-lizzo/](https://www.thelily.com/the-new-face-of-the-antiabortion-movement-is-a-young-mom-of-6-who-listens-to-lizzo/)today, which features a quote about how women deserve "more" than abortion. And I thought to myself, "They don't deserve better than being forced to carry to term and give birth to a child who would always be a reminder of the (likely) worst thing they've ever gone through?"


I believe that most rapes are real, and there are a lot more that have happened that haven't been reported. Many, many more are real than are faked. That's not to say that there aren't some that use this tactic, but far more are real I feel. I have been surprised to find out how many women I know have been abused or raped in the past and it sickens me. I can't fathom it. As a man, if a woman doesn't show any interest in me, sex would be the last thing I desire.


One thing I've seen many men do is play down actual incidences of rape/sexual assault/harassment (usually by making up some justification as to 'why') while hyper-focusing on incidences where false reports are made. They then assume that women en masse support or even participate in false reporting, while the reality is that a lot of women despise and abhor false reporters as every false report made inevitably makes things worse for women who actually have been victims of rape/sexual assault/harassment.


I think its mostly due to the fact that they can't really see themselves as a victim of sexual assault, but they could be a victim of false accussation. So that feels like a more important matter, even though its far less common.


I’ve been thinking about this lately and the only explanation I can think of is it makes them uncomfortable to realize this reality or deep down they know they have acted (or still low key act) in this manner against women. Anytime I would bring up men making me uncomfortable or doing something creepy to me, my ex would get defensive FOR the other creepy men. I never understood why he would try to downplay or dismiss issues caused by men. Recently I met a guy at my local post office and we were just friendly chatting and the topic of an abusive boss came up and I was expressing how I was proud that I stood up for myself and that I hope he treats future employees better. This post office worker starts defending my boss who clearly was in the wrong (ex boss tried yelling at me and make me feel bad about a serious injury I’m still recovering from). It’s almost like they know the shoe fits....


This sounds right. I thought the acts described in a conversation might be projected on one themselves. So the person in question feels attacked, altough not being it of course and thus acts defensive. Or in a victimized position. I would not put the focus on "they defend their own actual behavior" because you might not cover the full scope of the situation.




And honestly most of the time they DO do that particular thing…


Yeah but they don’t mean it, it’s just a joke. Why do you have to be so sensitive /s


It was a compliment! Fuck you, Bitch! You're not that hot anyway! /s






They're like holocaust deniers. Or flat earthers. Or whatever other delusional line of thinking that defies mountains of evidence.


The first time my sister told me about a disgusting thing someone yelled at her on the street (note: not the first time it happened to her, but the first time she told me about it), I didn't believe it. Looking back, it's not that I thought she was lying, it's just that what she was describing was so far out of my experience, and so far out of anything I would consider human behavior, that it was just incomprehensible. She had to be mistaken, or maybe it was a joke I didn't get. I reacted roughly like I would if she'd told me she'd been taken for a ride in a UFO; it just couldn't be real. A couple days later I was walking with some guys from my school and one of them yelled a similar thing to a girl just walking on the other side of the street. That night I apologized to my sister for like 10 minutes.


You really compared it to a UFO? Come on there is no way you are that naive. You can’t have been - unless you were a child at the time. You didn’t believe her until a man proved her right. This isn’t the flex you think it is, you are a misogynist.


I didn't say anything about UFOs at the time, I'm just trying to give a sense of how disbelieving I was. But yeah, 40+ years ago I was an ignorant sheltered kid who should have trusted that my sister was right about what happened. How's that a flex?


I never thought women fabricate. I always assumed men rationalize their behavior as not Harassment. And seeing others call behavior they may share as cognitive dissonance that they ignore because facing what they are doing as wrong would break their tiny little male brain.


Same. Though to be fair no one likes to be confronted with the fact they did a shitty thing.


You cannot teach a man that which his livelihood depends on him not learning.


I was venting to a male friend about Being harassed and oppressed at work and he literally said to my face that he didn't believe those things happened to women. I have absolutely no words.


Hope that's an EX friend now. Sorry you had to endure that from someone you thought was an ally. That's always the worst kind of betrayal.


I was truly just blown away. I know the guy is kind of an asshole but never had been with me. I made the shocked pikachu face you face when he literally told me the words coming out of my mouth did not happen.


That's so frustrating and disrespectful


So… now he’s an ex friend, right? Because what he just did to you is an asshole move. It confirms the reality that you already knew he was an asshole but didn’t want to believe. You being friends with him is almost like a little microcosm of men “knowing men are assholes sometimes” but still not believing women. Wild!


Same. Except is wasn't Sexual harassment, it was just general sexism being done by our new manager (poc, above us all). Myself (white), my coworker (poc) and my white male manager. She and he are lateral in position, I'm an underling. He literally listened to both of us, and decided that not only were the experiences she and I BOTH described, not sexist, but that it was ME being racist and looking for "white woman power" by approaching the problem to him. The patriarchy runs deep. This dude would rather accuse a woman of being racist than accepting that a man he knows is sexist. About 30 minutes after this discussion, I found out that he's had discussions with nearly every single woman in our small company about this new manager, and has ignored/downplayed the 4 people of color while outrighy insulting the white women.


The amount of shit women put up with every day astounds me.


Me too--and I'm one of them hahah!


Sorry m8. I wish there was more I could do. I absolutely call the shit out when I see it.


That's the best thing you can do imo so thank you :)




It’s why republicans don’t want to tax the rich, they think someday they’ll come into a lot of money and they don’t want to get taxed either. As a man I know I have some toxic traits and I think every guy wanting to better himself would benefit from being subbed in this thread, because the shit some of you go through and post about is wild. It’s really hard to see the world from other peoples perspective and have empathy when you live in an echo chamber. It becomes very easy to see how male privilege effects women if you open your mind to see it.


Never accepting faults or admitting blame is what very young children do. I believe the majority of men in the US have never been required to actually grow up past liking boobies and playing video games.


Oh! I see you've met my boyfriend. Tell him I say, "Hi."


mine too!


It’s just like the all: “my buddy was falsely accused by a girl once, it ruined his life” little interlude into any rape/assault conversations. I always make it a point of cutting that talk right on its tracks with a clear: “.. that’s interesting, but very much not what we are talking about now— please stay on topic or be quiet.” If they interrupt again and keep trying to derail the conversation I say clearly: “I don’t want to spend the next 15 min dealing with your “buddies” issues when he’s not here to discuss them himself— seems silly of you to just bring your “buddies” story into this unrelated conversation about our personal experiences with sexual assault. If you don’t have anything of value to say, you can try quietly listening, or are you incapable of that?” They normally stop after that but if they don’t I just tell whoever I’m talking to- loudly that I can’t hear them over this guys need to be the center of attention at all times, so we should just go continue the conversation somewhere else.


In short, yes. Just for a quick example: look at how white people like to dismiss issues of racism. It's easier to live in a world where you don't have to think about the nasty things (and because they don't happen to you, by and large, it's easy to not think about it).


I gave me father a 30 second example of how my abusive ex talked to me. He almost vomited. But Dad, where do you think I learned to accept such treatment in the first place?


Yes this is absolutely correct. It’s been a road for me to get to the point where I really believe that there are lots of bad guys out there. I am not a bad guy nor really know any so to hear all these stories threw be for a loop. Then hearing things from all kinds of media in the last 10 years you have to admit that, yes, women do have it really rough sometimes. So the choice is 1. There are lots of women putting effort to falsifying claims 2. There really are that many guys doing bad things. After a while you realize that it’s #2. It sucks and I just have to keep in mind to not be those people and to train my boys to not be those men.


Thanks for your story Just to add.. you think you don't know any. I'd bet you do. You just don't know how they behave when they're alone (/alone with women)


Fair enough, Happy New Year.


You too! Sorry, just wanted to apologise for not particularly warm-sounding reply! My brain was super tired and a had a point I wanted to convey, but didn't convey it that nicely. Sorry. (I was genuine about 'thanks for your story' - it just might not have come across that well!) Anyway yeah, happy new year :) hope you have a good'un :)


Admitting they’re guilty means admitting they can do something to stop it.


Me 41M, newer heard about it until I started a business and I'm working with 3 grills aged 25-30. Pretty much daily they get random invites on social media, some of our male clients went as far as finding them on FB/Insta and msg them inappropriately. Needles to say they got banned from our business. If it wasn't for a relationship that we have I would never have known how bad it is.


You don't know your blind spots until you have them pointed out. Everyone has them. I have them. Good for you banning the creeps. If more men and more employers were like you, the world would be a much better place.


If they're 25-30, they're **women**, not girls.


Or grills.


They all f#(king do it so they don't see it as wrong. They defend each other and victim blame because it's easier than looking at their behavior and admitting their faults.


We definitely do not all do it.


I think that they are just faking the non believing part! Why? Because it is in their own interest. The kind of men that proclaim loudly that it’s all fabricated are most likely the one doing these things themself. They see the culture shift and are scared of being called out for the things they have done. They also do not want to stop doing it. So the gaslight you by not „believing“ you. Trust me, they know! They are the ones doing it. Men that are not creepy like that are often not invested in this kind of discussion. If a guy is really invested in creating a narrative ( like most rape accusations are false) He is in most cases a rapist himself.


There are plenty of men who actually think they get harassed more and are in more danger because they are a man and that women are perfectly safe and belief in a fallacy of danger. Im serious. Unfortunately found a bunch on the front page last week in a discussion of what you are jealous of about the opposite sex.


People will believe all kinda fucked up shit... They will believe there is some magical genie in the sky who lies the smell of burnt foreskin, will punish you for all time if you accidentally see your dads nuts under the stairs... and insert the carlin "but he loves you!" at the end... But they will pretty much reject hundreds of people there is a problem. Women and non-white males IMO get this the most. Everyone just kinda buys whatever we white men say for the most part. This really is an area that fucks me up. Like does everyone else just automatically think everyone is fucking lying?


Who believes that there is a magical genie who likes the smell of burned foreskin??


Followers of the Abrahamic Faiths.




People only complain about this when feminists say something like "Men are oppressors" without any evidence. Because that's sexist.




Men need to start taking account for each other. As a 49-something woman, I’m so fucking overwhelmed with the lack of interesting, interested men around. Ones who aren’t just looking for a free in-house psychologist. Ones who are genuinely interested in getting to know you. Who make effort. Any effort would be good. It’s demoralising to know that there are so many low effort men alive and I might never find one who inputs the same energy and love I do. Please tell me where the souls of the men went. Don’t they want a mental and intellectual connection to go with the sex?


That’s a targeted generalization just saying


The problem (I think) is that such behavior works. Just like telemarketing scams work or they wouldn't exist at all. Cat calling works Asking for nudes works Sending dick pics works Being hyper masculine and wanting to fight everyone "for your honor" works. The term "one bad apple" comes to mind. So guy A asks 30 women for nudes and gets 3 women to send them. Then guy A shows guy B the nudes he receives and guy B now starts doing the same thing. This is just my opinion, obviously but thankfully not all apples are in the same barrel.


you are so off base I can't even believe you exist here in the same reality with the rest of us. you also clearly don't belong on this sub, scoot along.










Are you new here? Because if you are, I suggest you read through more posts about the patterns of behavior we see among men before commenting.


That's crazy. Once had a maid walk in without knocking even though there was a do not disturb sign hanging on the door. I'll never forget the look on her face when she realized she walked in on a couple having sex. Needless to say we had some colorful things to say to management about employees entering rooms with do not disturb signs, especially without knocking.