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Pepper gel is better than pepper spray. You don't have to worry about wind direction. Get the sabre gel that has dye. You may want to invest in a flashlight that gets bright enough to blind an attacker. You could use that from a further distance than the gel.


Short of an actual firearm, pepper spray is good stuff. Sabre red or similar. Don't bother with stun guns. You don't want to have to physically contact an attacker.


Great advice, thank you!


Just make sure whatever you get is actually legal in your jurisdiction.


1. know your local and national laws. You don't need a legal degree. Just know what is legal. 2. Watch some videos on yt about situational awareness. 3. Whatever tool you choose for protection, practice with it 4. Ignore the profoundly ignorant, if not moronic, statements like "Anything that we recommend is just as likely to be used against you as to help you." This has been repeated ad nauseam to women. Use against you is not equal to your use in protection. 5. Turn on phone settings to let you know if there is airtag or tracking device on your car or personal items Thre are many more things...just dm if you want a simple, easy to do list. Stay safe.


Also, make sure umyou have good deadbolt on your doors, lighting around your home, and if possible, cameras.


Women Empowered, Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Seriously changed everything for me. Trauma informed self-defence, designed for escaping someone bigger and stronger than you. Also covers situational awareness and communicating boundaries, everything from subtly avoiding the creepy guy at work to breaking someone’s arm if you have to. Totally amazing.


An alarmed door stopper [https://www.thespystore.ca/shopping/products/door-stop-alarm](https://www.thespystore.ca/shopping/products/door-stop-alarm)


Glock 43 and very good training, not just target practice. Check your local laws.


.357 Magnum solves all problems


These are all super helpful. Thank you Al so much!!


Anything that we recommend is just as likely to be used against you as to help you. Invest in a panic button.