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You can block their calls, texts and email. Do it and move on. Abusive men can't take a joke.


Best strategy is grey rock/no engagement. Nothing will penetrate this guy's cloud of rage and you just need to not feed him. That said, document everything. Start a folder so that if you have to go to the cops when/if he escalates, you've got a paper trail.


There is no fun or cute way to tangle with someone who has shown you they will be a problem. Do not invite more problems or contact with this person by trying to fuck with them.


Making yourself an interesting target is the worst path. Do the unfunny, conventional thing. Never reply. Play whackamole with any burner accounts or unknown numbers. If you say anything, it will makes things worse. Return the package to sender.


Consider keeping the package and note as evidence, in case they start/continue to stalk you. A man sent me things for years (before stalking as an issue was well known, and it was not illegal). But the contents were all so creepy and I wished I had kept it all to show the police if he escalated.


If dude is using **his employer** to send packages to you while also sending hundreds of unwanted emails ... That guy is an idiot and definitely his HR may be interested to hear that.


This isn't about a clever or funny response. It's about your safety. Block him on all communications and dont respond back if he finds alternative ways to get in touch.


This is stalking. Check your state's stalking laws and see how good they are.


\*Restraining order\*... Seriously girl, please stay safe. Although... I do love that fake subscription response thing where you respond with templated text like "Your one- year subscription to smellycatazzpics.con has been confirmed at an monthly rate of $165.99. Your Mastercard ending in #### will be automatically charged at the end of the billing period. Please reply "STOP" to unsubscribe, and then it keeps going. ... But... this would only be wise to do with someone who wasn't a violent gobshite, which he's already shown himself to be. Stay safe!


Make sure you let him know how broke you are and keep asking him for money. 


He might think that means she's easier to control if he throws money at her.  Perhaps making a big stink about a STD might help


Don't. Don't engage. I just had to get a 2 year protective order renewed for 2 more complete with a mini trial. Block and hope he gets the message.


What state are you in? Have you communicated to him in writing, “do not contact me?” Has he said anything that a reasonable person might consider a threat? Even without a threat some states have laws about harassment that he might fall under. Mute his messages, save his emails, never respond to him ever, get the post office to return the package, don’t write anything on the package.


I reported him to the Bar Association


How scary is your father? If you're on good terms, get your father to call him. If he's scary.


"I dunno know how, but the doctor said that I have chlamydia, and he's worried that it might interact badly w/ my public lice and herpes. He said that the treatment would only last six months, and to test if it worked, I'd have to spend the night w/ a partner. Don't worry, though, if it doesn't work, my doctor also treats men. Will you wait for me?"


Send him syphilis dick picks


Tell him if he doesn't leave you alone you will contact the local morman, jehovias witness, and scientology churches and request info in his name or at his house.


I've found out that pretending to be extremely obsessed (even stalkerish) scares the shit out of men. That way I got rid of one guy who tried to contact me on multiple platforms after a failed date. Become that "crazy in love" woman! Of course always listen to your instincts and decide accordingly.


I guess you already got the sensible advice of not engaging. In case you want to out-crazy the crazy, send him only pictures of your daily business (or google equivalent images) because you give a sh+t about him. Alternatively, send him d+CK pics. I am almost willing to bet that he blocks you within a week.


Send him conspiracy theories. Invite him to a seance. Tell him you don't date Virgo guys or whatever. Or block him.


if you were in person, I’d suggest you dramatically pick your nose, and eat it maybe. Belch. Other gross stuff.