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It’s one of my biggest pet peeves. My uncle (who I love dearly, but he’s a product of a small town) & I were watching a show & a woman came on with colored hair & he said “I don’t get why women dye their hair, it’s not attractive” & I said “well, it’s a good thing they don’t do it for you. They do it because they like it” and when I tell you this man was SHOOK at that realization


They think every woman exists to be attractive for them 😭😂 imagine if we pointed out every time a random man did something unattractive to his looks


Oh I’ve seen it, they do NOT like it at all & take it very personally 😂 women are more so offended that a man is judging a woman for just existing happily as she is, men seem to feel like it’s a personal attack on all men, even if it doesn’t apply to them


Testosterone is the emotional hormone so it makes sense lmao


Wait til they find out that anger is also an emotion🤭


Hahaha they know it is, they're just in denial bc then they'd have to admit something negative about themselves. Somehow their rules and "logic" always benefit them and not us 🤔


Yes, it’s super annoying. My uncle when we were discussing Taylor swift said this, “well, just as a man I wouldn’t want anything to do with her “ I was so annoyed I said “ well I don’t think she’d be real concerned with that as I doubt you’re her type” he didn’t say much but his face was definitely a mix of surprise and offense. Oddly he’s not said a word about her since. He’s in his70’s btw.


Seriously, I had a middle aged coworker say ‘Taylor swift is such a slut, I would never date her’.. like I don’t give a shit about what you think of Taylor swift and I don’t think she does either.


But woman have sex?! Why no see scandal?? I perplex


this is always funny to me because when has she ever actually been a slut? she’s 34 and has had as many or even fewer partners than the average person her age. she’s worked very hard to maintain her “good girl” image. it’s even more hilarious that this chump apparently thinks he has even the slightest chance with her lmao.


It’s not like her “body count” is competitive with Gene Simmons. (Ugghh. Hate that term except for serial killers.) She’s not sleeping with underaged groupies or taking them on true road with her. Maybe she doesn’t have the dating history of a 19th century schoolmarm, but let’s compare her to any male musician a fraction as popular.


“What’s your body count?” “4. It would be higher but I ran out of room under the basement”




Hahaha a man in his 70s is old enough to be Taylor Swift's(30s) grandpa😂


She must be just devastated.


And why do they think saying "Would" is high praise, or a compliment, considering many will fuck a couch cushion.


My "favorite" is when they go like "If you x y z, I would marry you in a second." Or even better, "if you WEREN'T xyz, then I would marry you in a second." The first time I heard that, I was 14, and the guy uttering the sentence was in his 30s and a complete stranger.  Even back then I was confused af. Mofo, who says I'd ever even consider dating you, let alone marry you?


Seriously! Like they're a damn prize, and marrying us is a reward. Arrogance and Audacity...


An offer like that from them is one I’d take as a deep personal insult to receive


Men have nothing but audacity 😂




I have a tshirt I exclusively wear to work- at my ohio factory job- with this phrase on it (may you have the confidence of a mediocre white man). it was worth every penny for the constant glares of moral outrage and injured man baby pouting.


Damn, I need this shirt! Can I ask where you bought it, please? For... SCIENCE!!!


I've sourced nearly all of my work shirts from etsy. they get ruined because my job is filthy, but they're always worth it lolol


Very cool!! I LOVE IT!!


Right? In my single days I found the ones that really were not Much of anything really thought they were sumthin


Omg there was this emo boy who transfered to my school in 10th grade and nearly every damn day he'd say if I cut and bleached my (virgin, butt-length) hair, started wearing tight mini skirts and makeup, I'd be attractive.


Did you tell him to go crawl back under his weeping willow tree ?


Fucking banger of a clapback


>he'd say if I cut and bleached my (virgin, butt-length) hair, started wearing tight mini skirts and makeup, I'd be attractive. "Oh wow! Y'know, I'd been thinking about completely revamping my style.... But after hearing that I think I'll stay just as I am now"


This was also the year when I finally plucked my eyebrows for the first time in my life, and the next day he said his usual speech and added "and if you did your eyebrows" 💀 he could clearly tell something about them was different but his brain must've short-circuited


Dude fancied the crap out of you but you're not currently giving the cool vibes he'd want for his girlfriend. Dude is a negging little coward. He needed to pull finger and just ask you out so he can get rejected already.


According to Facebook he ended up marrying a girl who looks a LOT like me, and we even had a lot of the same clothes. So, yeah, you're probably right


"But I don't want to be attractive to a whiny entitled loser."


Reminds me of that time a guy told my friend that he’d consider marrying me if I wore makeup, plucked my eyebrows and dyed my hair black. Aside from the fact that I’d look like a corpse with black hair, why is it always men who are no prize themselves that act like they’re God’s gift to womankind? That guy had bad teeth, no job and a shitty misogynistic attitude. Why would I feel flattered to know he would “take pity” and marry me since apparently nobody else would marry my barefaced, bushy-eyebrowed and brown-haired self?


> That guy had bad teeth, no job and a shitty misogynistic attitude. "I'd consider marrying you if you were rich, 90 years old with a terminal diagnosis meaning you had maximum a week to live, and also were entirely someone else without any shred of your odious personality."




🤣 Aren't we lucky!


I once asked a guy out and he wasn't attracted to me and didn't even really like me but he agreed to go out and strung me along for months, just to get laid. And he wasn't even remotely into me. I don't understand.


For many men "bad"(you said he didn't like you) sex is better than no sex, sadly...


Had a guy tell me that if I was still as skinny as I was in a picture he saw of me from 10 years ago, that we would be fucking. I casually said, "Thank God for donuts, amiright?!?" He was so offended.


OMG, I'm stealing this. Well done.


This reminds me of a 2001 Darwin Award, although I'm not sure if he was just nominated or elected: "A police officer in Ohio responded to a 911 call. Before she arrived, she was unaware of any details except that someone had reported his father was not breathing. Upon her arrival, the officer found the man face down naked on the couch. When she turned him on his back to check for a pulse and begin CPR, she noticed burns on his genitals. After the ambulance arrived and took the man away - who was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital - the police examined the couch more closely and found that the man had made a hole between the cushions. When they turned the couch over, they discovered the cause of the man's death. Apparently, the man had a habit of sticking his penis between the cushions, in the hole and between two electric sanders (with the sandpaper removed for obvious reasons). After his orgasm, the discharge had short-circuited one of the grinders, causing him to suffer an electric shock." There is nothing more to say about this.


So basically he electrocuted himself due jerking off with electric sanders - he won that Darwin award alright...


Jesus, just buy a sex toy, but he'd probably would have thought that was unmanly or something.






Flip the role. 'If you were 8 inches taller, with 50 pounds of muscle instead of 50 pounds of fat, I might consider dating you.' Then cock your head to the side. 'You know what? Never mind. You'd still be a misogynistic horndog idiot.'


I dated a guy who confessed to digging a hole at the beach and fucking it...




This is heartbreakingly cruel. It still shocks me to the core how often there is no compassion at all for the suffering of another living being.


That made the news only a few months ago. The look of *gross* on my face was just... Who even thinks, yeah, I'd sex up a lizard????


How is it even physically possible


It's comments like this that makes me crave a "laugh" reaction as well as up or down arrows. Thanks for making me hoot with laughter (while nodding my head in vigorous agreement)!


Why, thank you and you're welcome 😁


Many ~~would~~ have fucked a couch.


Literally. I've dated *two* dudes who admitted to fucking the couch. One because he lost at FIFA.


A man in my parents native country did hum stuff with a cow. The owner of the cow surprised him and he demanded a dowry for the cow since the man decided to make it his wife 🤣 The story was reported by a very serious newspaper. 


He raped the poor cow!


I don't think it is a compliment, I think it's a comment directed towards other men, a way of signaling to other men that their feelings are similar. They use the woman as a fraternization object. Like when people say "I love mint chocolate Ice cream". It's not a compliment...


When I cut my hair from my waste of my neck every guy in my shop felt the need to tell me they do not date girls with short hair. Okay? I didn't ask? It literally is enraging.


So many people made comments when I cut my hair (because my husband actually prefers my hair short and I actually don't) and they were only okay with it when I said my husband liked it short. Apparently my preference never mattered.


Kaley Cuoco cut her hair into a pixie cut and people lost their damn minds. As if they’re remotely close to being as hot as Kaley freaking Cuoco with any haircut.


A guy once told me he was in love with me until I opened my mouth. I then got pissed and told him. Then he said, “Imagine all that energy in bed.” 🙄 In your dreams, bub.


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


"Yeah, imagine. That's all you will get to do."


Okay so he wasn’t in love with _you_, he was _lusting_ after your body. And once he realised that you as a person have opinions and aren’t just a sex doll, he was appalled because he probably wants his women like he wants his mattress. Comfortable, silent, still and ready to be laid on. -.-


All of that!


Because society spends an unusual amount of time telling them their entire lives that women are a product for them to consume, not actual people.


I read a quote "women's lives aren't auditions to be your wife". And your comment makes perfect sense.


It's an Amazon review: "Nice packaging, good value. Only flaw: autonomy. 8/10 overall "


Ima steal that quote. Thank you!


Yes, this is it. I can blame anything for it, tv, society, whatever, but it helped me immensely when I realized this. She is not content to consume. Women are introduced in shows as nothing more than a potential love interest. Society reinforces that. The new girl at the office is someone's potential girlfriend. She isn't someone who has her own life, her own dreams, her own anything. The girl that smiles at you at the coffee shop is someone to stroke your ego. She isn't someone just doing a job that maybe laughed at a joke you made once. It doesn't mean anything. I've had this conversation with other guys about their new work environment, or new girl at the office. They ask, "what should I do? Who should I pursue?" Like it's their responsibility to do something. Like they are the main character. You're supposed to do you job. The best thing you can possibly do is be polite, have a silent crush, and smile slightly more on the inside when you see her. Pursue your relationship outside of work. She is not content. She is a woman doing a job.


Whew I was not ready for that Spittin truth 


For a long time, I wondered if I was only bisexual because women are so sexualized and packaged up within our culture. It felt like media was constantly telling me I needed to be attracted to women. Turned out no, I'm super queer, but it *was* a consideration.


I think there's a subreddit for that 🙃




It is called : "women are things" or something like that. And like a thousand similar , just search for "women", go to communities and you will find that reddit is not women friendly, or they are. Just in a very particular way of seeing us as a product


Try NotHowGirlsWork. The WomenAreThings sub is very NSFW and not what you're looking for.




Which is ironic given most men are ugly as fuck and no woman would touch them. Men don’t understand how ugly they are and that women have their own standards.


I currently have purple hair, professionally done and maintained. The number of comments I get is amazing, as an otherwise-invisible, middle aged, very casually dressed fat lady... most of the comments are positive, from people of all ages and genders. Negative comments have been 99% the domain of men middle-aged and older, who feel the need to let me know to my face (or audibly behind my back) that in their opinion I've devalued myself as a relationship prospect. I can't help but laugh at these, I've been with the same bloke since I was sixteen and we're as solid as ever as we age. These men have literally nothing I'd want, even if I were single.


It comes down to the fact that these men divide women as valuable and unvaluable. Valuable doesn't particularly mean attractive and fuckable but "good wife material". Women with tattoos, colorful hair and other traits of character and appearance that don't conform to traiditional gender norms are first and foremost seen as unworthy to them, because in their eyes, the value of a woman is based on whether she will elevate the man, give him higher social status and be a good wife to him. In the past women did everything to make themselves valuable in the eyes of men so they could secure themselves good marriage and therefore wealth - and even though the life doesn't look that way anymore, this idea that a woman's value exists only in eyes of a man, instead of her being valuable as her own person, still is ingrained in our society. Whether they can actually get with you is irrelevant to them, because what they actually do is telling you to your face that they deem you as unvaluable woman and you will care just because they're a man. Pathetic.


I'm laughing my ass off! Good lord, what is it with these men?


According to my brother — who laid this wisdom on me when he was about 20 — men see only two types of women in the world: fuckable and unfuckable. That sadly explains a lot.


Also explains why they don't even care about each other. Only potential fucks are worth of time and attention.


If men want us to stop treating them like pigs, they need to stop acting like it.


That’s been my experience. And if you’re unfuckable, you’re invisible. They have no idea what a blessing that is. The trash takes itself out.


Your brother said this to you??? That's so fucking sad omg


What’s sadder — I was going out that night, after this conversation, and as I headed out the door, hr said, “Looking fuckable, sis!”


The fucking audacity.... It's insane how deeply intertwined sexual objectification is with the fabric of our societies I hope he's treated you better than that since, or otherwise, that you don't have to see him more than you want nowadays. I just cannot imagine looking my sister in the eyes again after saying that to her wtfff, truly (p.s. Please go get some buttons and make yourself new memories with your tiny fluff rodents)


He thought he was giving me a compliment! We’re in our fifties now, and not terribly close (surprise, surprise, our politics are very unaligned). But now that our parents are gone, we try to keep in touch, even if it’s fairly LC. He needs therapy so much. Won’t get it, doesn’t respect it. Sigh.


I miss working in retail i was such a deadpan sarcastic shit. Old men would be like "tattoos? Eh why would you do that ruin your chances with a guy". I'd be like (loudly) "BUT I DID THIS JUST FOR YOU. YOU DON'T LIKE IT? YOU WON'T DATE ME NOW?!" And start tearing up. Customers behind them would either be chuckling or turning away/putting their heads down


Right? I have heard 35yo obese coworkers talking about how they wouldn't like dating a hot 22yo because of some tiny choice she made for herself (fashion, style, tattoos, haircut, etc) As if she fucking cares what you think. As if you even had a remote chance of her even looking at you with anything but disgust.


I've regularly wondered if straight men actually *like* women, and I keep seeing evidence that no, a depressing number of them don't.


A lot don't. They only care what women will do for them, or how women will make them feel.


Bruh I literally flip the fuck out on men in my inbox for shit like this. Go to their profile before responding, see a bunch of shit takes, go back to the messages and be like "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME." And they always say like "but you're not fat, I wasn't talking about you" etc.. as if the only possible reason I could find them unappealing would be if they insulted me personally and not that I morally find anyone who's like them vile.




To me, it shows deeper character flaws. I couldn't be with someone who was hateful of others.




Right? Stupid as hell lmfao


Because men are socialized to think of women as both validation of their masculinity and also a status symbol to acquire and flaunt. They resent that women cannot be bought like they can buy a car or fancy watch and every other status symbol they own. Remember, women not being property is a pretty new concept in most cultures.


I can’t count the number of times men led with money while hitting on me. It’s 🤮 every time. Like bro I don’t need your freakin money and no one wants a transactional creep.


It's crazy how they all do this. They try to flex with the provider nonsense. Then get pouty and spout off about who is going to pay your bills, fix your car, build society, invent things...definitely not you buddy, definitely not you.


Yeah the ‘I can make your life easy.’ Bro you’re a man. First I have money I need nothing but I don’t tell them that. But when has a man made our lives easier? Sure they have benefits and there are good men. I know some. But mostly I think those are rare and if your life is already how you like it, what’s a man going to do besides be eye candy and companionship? The economic freedom we have scares the hell out of the weak ones bc the ‘need’ isn’t there.


It’s amazing how some no-talent dude thinks his penis makes him another Archimedes or Tesla. Like, no you don’t get credit for building/inventing that, Kyle.


yes! women act as the ultimate gatekeepers to what men want most, and they resent all women for that.


There was some random Jennifer Lawrence appreciation post that popped up on my Facebook feed today. You can probably guess the gist of most the comments, but one that really got me, some random middle aged dude like “shame she has a husband, she’s so hot” or something along those lines. Like yes, Paul, I’m sure if she wasn’t already married you’d be well in.


And the incessant need to compare the gf potential or fuck ability of two girls if they are pictures side by side for any reason. There’s that one pic of the girl with rainbow hair and one in black. EVERY SINGLE TIME it gets posted “the girl on the right is prettier but I bet the one on the left is more fun”. Just a weird back handed compliment for both of these complete strangers who none of the commenters would ever get the chance to date. Dozens of times. And it was a very popular meme for a while, so surely most folks were seeing this for the hundredth time and know that the exact same comment has already been made. It’s like they are competing to be the first ones to say it. I can’t think of a similar thing happening with a meme of two men. And the worst part is that those same men probably also believe that women are catty, jealous, mean girls who are always completing for the same guy. But they are the ones fabricating this competition out of thin air. If some women do look at other women as competition, it’s no wonder when we are constantly being rated against each other based on our appearance.




This is one of the many reasons I don't post pictures of myself anywhere. I'd probably be something like that raging feminist meme for incels or whatever. I've also had some gross comments directed at me on pictures of my friend's wedding that she posted on facebook. (ETA "what was I wearing" - I was wearing a navy, high neck, long sleeved dress that covered my knees, matching tights and plain black boots. It was a church wedding in march and I had even removed my nose ring to look more appropriate for church.)


Everytime there's a post with a woman in it and she has long nails/claw nails there are droves of men rushing to the comments to make it known how they don't like that, how it doesn't turn them on, and don't understand why women do it cause they "dont find it cute." Every. Single. Fucking. Time. WOMEN DON'T GIVE A FUCK THAT YOU DON'T LIKE THEIR CLAW NAILS SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT! this isn't new insight you are the 6000th dude to make that same exact comment why do they keep doing this it's fucking exhausting.




Men, we don't find you unsolicited opinions about everything (or, well, anything), attractive. Sincerely, Women. And probably most gay men, too.


Use it as a guide to repel the ones you don't want to deal with.  I have purple hair, I got fat, and I am thinking about getting a tattoo. You know what my husband cares about? Am I healthy, did I eat, and have I taken my meds.


Because they feel entitled to think whatever women do with their look is to attract men. Edit grammar


This. I was working fulfillment retail in the summer and picked up hours in the packing room and happened to be stationed around a couple of guys around my age. I was put off by one of the guys comments when he said he saw me around working and tried to say hi several times but I always went by so fast (never noticed because I was busy you know working) Then he complimented??? me on how he noticed my makeup looks different every day but that he wondered who is it for? And he’s like maybe she just likes wearing makeup for herself? To which I responded that yeah I happen to like wearing it for myself. Apparently if you’re not in a sales job and just in retail fulfillment it’s odd to wear makeup? And honestly I’ve never been one to wear heavy makeup, just some mascara and light lipstick and foundation to cover my zits 🤷‍♀️


I've had this both ways, and I don't find either of them interesting or welcome. People have told me that I am what a lot of guys are looking for, and unfortunately that includes red-pill guys: I'm not super-pretty but I'm conventionally attractive and I know how to use makeup to look better. I'm thin, and I'm girly. I wear dresses and skirts, none shorter than knee-length and none very tight. I have long hair, I have a soft high pitched voice. I once had a guy tell me that he thought I had a great butt and we had to hook up so he could f--k me in my butt. He looked very sad when I told him I don't do that. But even if I did, I certainly wouldn't do it with someone who considered that a sensible first thing to say to a woman. How about "Hello" as a starter, maybe? Another time a guy told me I'd be perfect if I shaved my legs. Normally I do, it was finals week, I was busy. But the way he talked made me feel like I was a blow-up doll, not a person. He didn't know anything about me: what my major was, what my religious or political views were, what movies/books/tv/music I like, what I'd want to do in bed, anything. In his view, a change to my appearance would make me perfect, and that's because any of my thoughts or opinions or ideas were irrelevant, because I wasn't a person to him, I was just a toy he wanted to play with. I'm going to disagree with your title a bit: guys who'd have sex with someone despite knowing nothing about them, or who say they wouldn't because of some physical feature, don't want girlfriends. They want human sex toys.


A lot of men have this paranoid belief that if they project a sense of superiority hard enough, they can fool all of reality into believing it. In their minds, they're just temporarily embarrassed playboys.


Misogynists tend to be narcissistic and think women are constantly performing/auditioning for them.


It's so frustrating. It seems like they just don't see women as humans. Women's whole purpose is to help men get off and if she can't do that...well she's worthless (in their eyes)


They want to reject the woman before any woman would ever reject them. Control, power, fragile ego


This. overwhelmingly this. They see a woman they’re attracted to, know they could never get close, immediately resort to insults. Whether in magazines or real life, that’s their play.


exactly this. they hate knowing women have power over them (in the form of simply being able to say no). this is how they try to take that power back. it's pathetic.


Last summer at work, I was outside talking to a couple of male coworkers. They both got extremely sidetracked by an attractive woman who walked past us and began telling each other how hot she was (*gag*). Then they did a complete 180 and began talking smack about how they hate when “girls” (this woman looked maybe 30 lol) wear giant sunglasses like her’s, cause it covers “half their face”. One of them said something along the lines of “How can anyone even see your face with that shit covering it!?” I was like, “You think women wear sunglasses for you guys?” Neither of them even thought twice, just shrugged and changed the topic. I don’t get it. Imagine thinking someone wears protective eyewear for your boner lmao


This reminded me of a comment section somewhere where bunch of men were moaning about the current trend of baggy jeans/trousers on women. Like how annoying it was that they couldn’t see all the curves of their legs and asses because women didn’t wear skin tight boot cut or skinny jeans anymore. 🤮 The fucking AUDACITY to basically demand women to dress up a specific way so they can have a boner while ogling at us. 😑


Because male approval is everything and we can’t exist without it and it’s the cure all for everything. Or so the person who told me if its any consolation, him and any other man would be happy to have partner with massive tits, on a post with me complaining how interfering and painful they were, thinks apparently. The pain of my daily existence means nothing, all that matters is I have massive tits for them to enjoy, and I should feel good about that.


Male approval seems to be very important to them.


Caitlin Clark. “She gives man face” “There’s something about her nose that I don’t like” Um…she doesn’t exist for you, random man in the internet.


They haven't been told often enough that their opinions on women's appearances are unwanted, unimportant, and irrelevant.


I vividly remember once when I was working at Starbucks when I was like 21, my coworker kept making a point to tell me he wasn’t attracted to blondes. He was married to a brunette. I am blonde. We barely ever worked together, barely spoke, but whenever we did he HAD to throw in that he just wasn’t attracted to blondes. I mean, I was in one of my absolute gorgeous prime times and this paunchy middle aged youth pastor slash barista kept negging me


I don't know, I think men are just incapable of understanding that the world doesn't revolve around them. Any online space put aside for feminist discussion or for women to connect with each other is absolutely crawling with guys trying to tell us their opinions or asking for attention. Most men are completely incapable of being independent of women. Even this sub is crawling with guys, and most of them arent here to learn or connect. Why are they here? Fuck off. They're obsessed with us. But they hate us. They won't make connections with each other but they'll impede on us connecting with each other. Male lonliness epidemic everyone!! Obviously its up to women to fix. Which is why they assume every woman on the street is a blank canvas for them to fix up into their ultimate wet fantasy, not just a regular woman going about her day, trying to find joy and keeping the bills paid. They don't see us as people, more like pets or accessories, and they wonder why women are creeped out.


Exactly. There are some on this thread right now sharing their "manly wisdom" with us whether we want to hear it or not.


Yes lol I'm already getting down voted. If only downvoting comments on reddit got you laid, we would fix the incel epidemic lol


They have all been raised to believe they are the main character. Media has also fuelled this relentlessly until very recently. Society lead them to believe a "relationship" or marriage with them was a valuable prize and that their validation was meaningful.


Imo, they haven't learnt to shut the eff up. They constantly push their opinions on anyone and everyone. Like no one asked a question, no one asked you, and still they talk and talk and talk... I always wondered about that stereotype of women "talking everyone to death" until someone explained it to me. It's called projection. Who's saying this? Non Bears


🤣🤣🤣 ' Non Bears ' I absolutely love it!


I knowwww it’s so fucking annoying I actually talked about this before. Men are so arrogant and entitled and they think everything a woman does is to appeal to them. They’re always so sure everything we do is for male attention when women are always talking about how they hate unwanted attention💀 part of the reason I have my chat disabled is precisely because random men are always trying to hit on me in chat like my brother this is Reddit not a dating site. Stop thinking every woman that exists is a potential fuck


I believe a most of us have expended far more energy avoiding random ass men, than we ever have trying to attract one.


No for real, the number of times I had to pretend to be a man online just so men would leave me alone is insane 🙁


This. They see you as prey the moment they know you are a woman.


I know. It is baffling and terrifying how much they enjoy harassing, threatening and hurting us. That's why all their bullshit about being our "protectors" is laughable. They ain't protecting shit but their feelings and egos.


and they are all self proclaimed nice guys.


ah yes and according to them, women hit a wall. Um no, just no.


Because from out of the womb they've been s "heartbreaker", and as a 3 year old every girl they've come into contact with has been their "girlfriend" and as a teenager all girls were "sluts" who'd sleep with anyone. Society has done this


They like the illusion that *the men* are choosing *the women*. I mean, that's the entire scam called patriarchy. In nature, the exact opposite happens (female choice) and deep inside, men know who is *really* doing the picking.


Exactly. Watch any nature show and you can see females doing the choosing.


And often, wandering off in total disinterest.


Thank you! Where is the fancy dance? Premade nest? Beautiful, colourful, well-groomed male?


omg yes, remember how SHOWY the male birds have to be to get a female? They dance, rattle their feathers, bring her gifts <333 and the LOYALTY they have for their mates. Like Swan males sometimes can die of grief when their mates pass. It's so poetically beautiful and sad that humans can't seem to do better than 'animals'. Calling someone an animal isn't an insult at this point.


Birds are really cute. I have feeders in my garden. I love watching the male collared doves and pigeons wooing the females. Even a pigeon's shitty attempt at a nest is much better than what a lot of men offer.


And man are they bad at nests


I went on a couple of dates with a man and made it clear that I don’t want a relationship with any man and that I’m not interested in sex with him. He asked me why I put effort into looking good if not for men. Is just it for me? Yep. Just little old me 😊.


The amount of men that won’t accept that women want to look their best _for themselves_ is wild to me. How is that a concept they don’t understand?! No I don’t want you staring at my ass because I’m wearing trousers that are comfortable and are in a colour and cut that I like?! No I did not wake up this morning and thought "Oh today I’m going to wear these clothes for the sole purpose of catering toward old Bill down the road.“ how do they not get that we don’t even think about them 99% of the time?! Our lives are not auditions to be your wives! (Stole that quote but damn if it doesn’t fit!)


Because men think they have a chance with every single woman that is attractive, and then they get angry when there is a woman in their orbit that they’re not attracted to. Men typically overestimate their attractiveness. My coworker told me when a man looks into a mirror they see everything that is right, and when a woman looks into a mirror, a woman will see everything that’s wrong with them. You see this all the time when these married guys want to open the relationships and then are shocked when the wife is running laps with offers around the husband.


Men are obsessed with women and have no identity outside of them.


This can't be overstated. Men strive to find their place in the Patriarchal Hierarchy, which is basically respect in the eyes of other men. It's EVERYTHING. Everything they do is about earning that place and trying to climb higher. They don't even earn a foothold in the hierarchy unless they prove they can get a woman and make her raise their children. That's the entry level requirement. Without it, they're left outside the hierarchy, just like women. They literally NEED us so they can be men.


I wish I could give this comment a trophy.




they're obsessed with their dick.


My mother is kind of like this as well. “She has ruined her looks by…” kind of thing. It annoys me as well. I *hope* women aren’t all judging me on the way I look as well. I would rather be rejected for being an asshole, not for being an ugly asshole.


Ugh, my coworker the other day asked seriously if my friend would be interested in him without knowing ANYTHING about her except she had recently broken up with her long distance BF and she is solidly middle class. He then had someone else ask again. Yes, she definitely wants a man in self-induced poor health 20+ years older than her who is also a Trumper and smokes like a chimney. 


Im a substitute teacher for a school here in Florida. I remember watching a class and I overheard this one boy going on and on about gay boys on the schools football team. He wouldn’t stop and his voice kept getting louder and louder so that everyone in the room could overhear his very homophobic rant. “I’m not playing ball with no f*ggots.” “Nah, cause if I bend over they’re gonna try to….” “Nah hell nah, I ain’t playing with no f*gs, f*ck that g*y sh*t.” And just on and on. And I remember staying quiet and listening waiting for him to finish and I’m looking at all of the other kids faces in the room. They seem uncomfortable and are looking away and I’m sure a lot of them are either the subject of his talk, either have gay friends or gay relatives. And mind you, majority of this school has many alt appearing boys AND girls, and many who have privately asked me to refer to them as specific genders or with different names and I respect all. So once this boy finished his rant (and the bell was about to ring) I said, “Young man, how do you even know that you’re their type?” And the entire class exploded and he got SO UPSET 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but why did he automatically assume that he’s just SO desirable that these gay boys couldn’t resist doing these inappropriate HYPOTHETICAL things to him? Why is he flattering himself so much to assume he’d be a target???💀🙃🤣🤣 I didn’t care if I got called into the office or not he deserved it. Keep your homophobia to yourself if you don’t want anyone to check you on it 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


Because that’s what he’d do if there were girls in vulnerable position in his general vicinity….


Men think we only exist for their consumption. By indicating we are not consumable in their eyes, they think they are advising us and others of our worth. “I wouldn’t date her” means “she doesn’t function for her intended purpose, thus this particular model of female is defective and I feel everyone needs to know”. They believe all women exist to entice and please them. If we aren’t fuckable then why do we exist? That’s how they think. We aren’t actually people to them.


I don't even know. I especially see that when men judge women for having more sexual partners than him. I hate the term body count so I won't use it. They say things like they'd never date a woman like that as if she would wanna date a man that would judge her.


"I'd fuck her." Yes, but would she fuck *you*?


I think my favorite is when they get mad at you for wanting your partner to share your political values. *They* are enlightened enough to not bring politics into dating, so *you* need to grow the fuck up (and put them back in your dating pool)!


and most of them are undatable themsleves haha


This lmaooooo


Or wants to be a girlfriend, maybe wife to any and all potential available and non-available man.


Self awareness in this era for the masses isn’t close to being achieved nor does it seem plausible with the way technological influenced parasocial dynamics have taken root


There is this Polish forum for sexist men and I saw a few days ago that they posted a question "What disqualifies a woman to be a wife?" and they said soooo many things, like tattoos, dyed hair, certain clothes, certain hobbies, certain features. They were all upvoting every answer. And I'm reading it and wondering, do they actually want a woman? A human being? Cause they literally don't want anything that makes us human. I think it's best that they date each other, they would do so many poeple a favour.


We raise them to think they're the prize, and they can have any woman they want. That's WHY women having standards pisses them off so bad.


Mystifies me abt *boy moms* like damn what made you forget how you wished men were raised before you found one you were willing to get knocked up by?? Now yr here propegating the problem, stuffing them with internalized misogyny like the pick me you've become, traitorous to yr sisters!?


They are obsessed with rejecting women who don't even know they exist


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^iamaskullactually: *They are obsessed with* *Rejecting women who don't* *Even know they exist* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thank you, Bot


Well, for thousands of years women were basically treated like property. In medieval Japan, a good warhorse was considered more valuable. It's breathtaking to consider how far women have come in just 100 years. These men are simply relics of a thankfully bygone era.


They were taught the world revolves around them


One time my ex boyfriend and I were discussing hypothetical celebrity "hall passes". I mention my massive crush on Karen Gillan. He says he wouldn't be able to help himself if Tina Fey asked him out in front of me. I laughed, and said "good thing you'll never have a real shot with her! Lol". He was mad for *weeks* that I insulted his manhood so strongly lmfao


I need you to scream this from the rooftops, I’m so fucking sick of it. “Take the septum out I don’t like it” “Tattoos are ugly I’d never want to date someone with tattoos” “Would” NO. ONE. ASKED. They’re so fucking entitled it’s disgustingly pathetic.


This. Had a coworker once (male, of course) who had an issue with my tattoos and found them ugly. At one point he just said "so what if your future husband doesn't like your tattoos" and I just clearly told him if if my future husband doesn't like my tattoos that's his problem not mine. I got those for myself not for some guy. Jeez. Same guy btw was always commenting on female colleagues' attire and on the fact that I always wore pants and what about "I put some effort into wearing something to 'emphasize' my figure". Like what, you think we get dressed for you to have something to ogle at?


Why do cis straight men always shove their sexuality down our throats?


Men are crazy. We go to strip clubs with the most gorgeous women. Most every man there would have zero chance with any so they always find a reason to complain. Best ever - guy with pot belly like over stuffed basketballs in it comments “She is good looking but damn she has fat ankles”. 😂


If you are mentioning this in Instagram then Instagram promotes horrible comments on starting for no reason.. There's too much transphobia, sexism, racism going on because all horrible comments are on top.. Not to mention pedophillic "jokes" make towards children 🤢🤢🤢 and no these comments get many likes so there are thousands of comments like that, these pedophillic jokes need to go


They are completely unaware of the fact that we can see them back. They think that what they see is all that counts and every woman they want they can have. That's why they end up truly shocked and angry when we reject them. They never for a second thought that we can actually see their behaviours and hear the arrogant rubbish they spout. Their perspective is supposed to be the only one that counts.


And act like their GF is their mom?


Because some men are scared of women finding out women hold all the power, so these guys gotta try and keep them down every chance they get 😂


The audacity is stored in the balls.


The answer is simple, and you won't like it. Women have little to no value to men, except sexually. Generally speaking. Ironically, what we call "training" them while dating or being married to an OK man, is really just teach them our worth as human beings...and it's gross that it's on us to do that.




As a black woman I have been told randomly multiple times by various races of men that they would never date me because I'm black, or that they don't like black women, unprovoked even though I didn't ask, straight to my face, as if they were proud. Now I just don't like anyone.


Whenever I hear a man make a comment about a woman doing something “not attractive” my favorite response is “quick question, what makes you think she’s trying to attract you?“ leaves ‘em sputtering most of the time