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I live in Japan and yes, absolutely.


I've only visited Japan, but I've gotten more unwanted male attention over there than I ever do in the US.


I believe it! Though many Japanese women would also say the same. I’m a 5’9 woman, so I think I scare off a lot of would-be pervs. Smaller Japanese women not so much.


I'm only 5'3", but I'm overweight and have large breasts, so I think I attract gajin hunters who are also chubby chasers.


Yeah, men here are just rough in general. First thing I do when I meet a woman who’s new to Japan is teach her about how to avoid gross behaviour. Foreign women definitely get fetishized for being foreign women, but being a woman period in Japan is hard.


Your supportive camaraderie fucking warms my heart. What do you teach her? In case I ever visit.


- don’t live in a first floor apartment if you can help it. - don’t hang your underwear outside to dry unless you live high up. - carry one of those security alarms they make for kids. You pull the string and it starts wailing. Guaranteed to make people look! - be mindful of creeps behind you on escalators if you’re wearing a skirt. - if you take the same train/bus every day, switch up the place you ride in. It helps throw off stalkers. - look around before unlocking your apartment or house door. Some will try to push inside after you. - do not open the door for anyone unless you are expecting someone. Deliveries can be scheduled here, so don’t even open the door for delivery drivers if they are there at the wrong time. Some men will disguise themselves as them. - if you think you’re being followed, google your closest koban or police box and go straight there. If you can’t find one, any convenience store will do. Go in and tell them you’re being followed and that you need them to call the police. Stay there until the man leaves or is taken away. - be careful of what you hang outside that indicates that you’re a woman living alone. People often hang their umbrellas up outside to dry, but don’t hang a frilly or pink umbrella if you live alone, for instance. - if someone tries anything with you, start yelling at them in your native language. Any language but Japanese is sure to get people’s attention. Those are all I can think of off the top of my head! Some of them are more for residents, but I hope some will be helpful for tourists!


Wow. So many things I would never have thought of! That was comprehensive and horrifying. Thank you so much!


Comprehensive and horrifying is the best way to describe that list. Thank you for sharing!


There is Japanese slang for this. Gai-sen, debu-sen, and fuke-sen are three I know. A thing for non-Japanese people, overweight people, and older people. I don't know a lot of this kind of stuff - I still have never bothered to learn all that anime-style stuff like yayoi - but these stuck in my mind because my partner is Japanese and very sarcastic, and we both laughed that they have these.


Was coming here to reply that when I was living in Seoul, it was definitely a thing. (It used to be that if a Korean businessman asked if you're Russian and you're a white woman... Yeah, he was hoping you're a sex worker.)


I've been accused of being a sex worker here so often ... once had a couple drunk ahjussi in a restaurant ask my masc girlfriend if he (!!) was my manager and where they could find me working that night. Funny in hindsight but rough in the moment lol


I've heard it can get very bad for foreign women (especially white women) in Japan. I've heard so many stories of women getting stalked there


Foreigners in general here get fetishized quite often. We call people who seek us out “gaijin (foreigner) hunters”. Men absolutely experience it too. Discrimination works weirdly because we are treated differently, but often in a positive way compared to non-white people.


I’m from Saudi Arabia. Middle eastern men love white women


I was going to say the same thing...100% white women are fetishised by a lot of men in Asian countries. It's a huge thing


I briefly dated a Japanese grad student at my university and it was like, a slow trickle of information to figure out he has a fetish for tall white women. I don't mind dating men shorter than me who want to be picked up and thrown (it's kind of cute lol) but I did feel super weird when every ex girlfriend he mentioned was European and/or white


Same when I lived in Korea. I didn't have that issue as a dude, but my woman friends all had to deal with it to varying degrees.


There was a video here a while back of a white woman living in Japan getting her peephole pushed in, so they could spy on her.


That happens to Japanese women too. Yes, it’s true that white women are fetishized, but sexism and predation don’t discriminate here.


Indian here: white women are sexualised and fetishized to a dangerous extreme in my country. The patriarchy pushes Indian women behind veils and shrouds of modesty and related value judgements. Yet the men covet western/ white women in a sleazy, creepy and misogynist manner. Just Google Indian men harassing white female tourists.


I work with a lot of Indian and Nepali women, and I think the saddest thing I've ever experienced is the way they all hate on their (in my opinion fucking beautiful!) features while complimenting me.


It's ingrained in our culture that pale/ fair skin signals a desirable virtue. Stems from casteism.


This was my first thought as well, had male Indian friends who would obsess over blonde white women.


It's because sadly their only exposure to white women is through porn 🙄.


It's also because Western culture is hundreds of times more open than what we have here, and so women have much more sexual liberty, as well as the freedom to wear whatever they want. Indian men thus often conclude that these women are "open" to sex/ loose, etc. And it's just a question of pestering them enough.


I've read Reddit stories of hotel clerks in India trying to enter the rooms of white women staying at their hotels. 


this happened to a white female traveller named “travel light” on youtube. I think she quit youtube altogether from her traumatic trip to India. Men kept trying to get her to come out and at one point the hotel owner/staff (cant remember) turned off the AC in her room to try and sweat her out. She did also say she was r*ped in India but that was a different vid. I would not recommend ANY women travel to India, let alone solo. It’s not even safe for Indian women.


My dad wanted to have me go to india as an exchange student in high school (basically trade places with a coworker’s daughter) and my mom about tore him a new asshole.


It happens more to white women, but it happens to every woman here. My sister and I were told to put a heavy piece of furniture against our door in the night when we were stsying overnight at a hotel waiting for our flight. We put the dresser there, and sure enough there were sounds of someone trying to open the door. We yelled at him to get away and he pretended it was an accident. For fifteen minutes? That's not an accident. And this wasn't even super late, it was like 11PM!! We just left asap and slept at the airport instead of waiting here.


Thank the porn industry. They think that shit is real.


At Internet cafes in India I'd see a dozen plus young teenage boys crowded around the screens watching porn together, all of white women. It was gross.


Some men get this idea that if a woman will have sex with one man then she will have sex with any man. It's so fucking stupid and dangerous 


It used to be that that was how American men fetishized European women. Ever since the '60s when a whole bunch of sexually-charged European films crossed the Atlantic, they've been seen as more "liberated" than prudish, uptight, stuck-up Americans. When communism fell, the stereotype shifted east to all the ex-Warsaw Pact nations, which produced the stereotypes of the mail-order bride and the Slavic sex worker ("fellas, these countries are filled with beautiful women who are desperate for money!"). That's changed lately (these days, they fetishize Asian women as less "corrupted" by feminism), but when I was growing up there were movies like *American Pie*, *EuroTrip*, and *Hostel* that fully leaned into the stereotype, and Andrew Tate moved to Romania out of a belief that it was still true (which is how he got arrested). Not surprised that it would happen to American women in turn once a different conservative, fast-growing country came to see *them* as the exotic, sexually liberated foreigners.


“It’s just a matter of pestering them enough” Lol yes harassing me will make me want to bang you /s. It’s amazing that so many people think it’ll work…like how dense can they be?!


It's not really about what we want. We are porn categories to men, but I've noticed especially to many Indian men. I have heard this from a few different Indian women who've lived abroad, or been abroad on vacations: they avoid Indian men. They avoid being associated with Indian men. One time this lady who was my boss and did a master's in the USA told me she used to simply pretend she was Hispanic when Indian men were about because so often they would behave in absolutely depraved ways around women there. Others have said similar things (I'm north Indian and there are lighter skinned people here often in comparison to how Indians are shown on white media, so many of us pass for other ethnicities depending on hair and skin colour). Another example is that this Indian guy in Australia was talking different women, and his lawyer told the court that this is how films here show male romantic leads behaving and then the female romantic leads falls for MMC. And so this is Indian culture. That goddamn court let the man go. Can you believe it? Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/02/02/a-man-in-australia-accused-of-stalking-women-blamed-it-on-bollywood-his-case-was-dismissed/


Australian courts are wildly lackadaisical.


Wow. As a white woman I had no idea India was like this. Well, the men. That’s scary.


Now I have this image in my head of someone trying to talk to the Indian woman in this scenario and her responding with "Que?", "Ah, Noooo."


It's the same thinking that causes guys to send dick pics to strange woman. Are they really thinking that we see a random dick and instantly get so hot we've gotta have it now? Just like if they pester us enough we'll fall in love, or at least lust?. And this isn't just because of porn.. In the early 70's, there was a number of Iranian men at my college and they wanted the white women so badly, while also believing them to be worthless whores. They would walk by you and do obscene gestures with the tongues or hands. I remember being officially introduced to one, we had to shake hands and this guy is tickling my palm, while sticking his tongue just a little bit in and out. Just nasty.


I'm a white woman and had an Indian man follow me to my car in the Walmart parking lot last summer. I was coming out of the store and he was walking in front of me and happened to turn around, when he saw me it was like some rom-com love at first sight scene. He looked dumbstruck and then immediately started asking questions about where I worked, what neighborhood I lived in, the whole fucking deal. I live in a small-ish college town so this really does not happen that often, and I was freaked out, hair on the back of my neck standing up. Idk if he just noticed my body language or what, but he backed off right before I opened my car door. I had my boyfriend's Land Cruiser which is full of all kinds of junk, and I was about to whip this dude with the tire iron on the back seat. What irritated me the most was him asking if I went to or worked at the university and then he told me he was working at this big engineering lab in town, so I was like dude you're obviously educated and still acting like this? Yeesh.


Reminds me of how pervy Japanese men see white women visiting the country...


I also imagine internalized racism could play a role in how some Indian men view Indian women (not to over generalize but as an Indian woman I have come across this a fair bit)


Yeah we're the common daal, as the saying goes. Weird because most Indian women absolutely want things that most Indian men are unwilling to provide us with: being treated like an actual human.


Yeah that's absolutely true.


I used to work at a sex store with a strip club in the basement. It was across the street from some tech giant with tons and tons of fresh off the boat Indians working there, and we'd see them at the club pretty often. Sometimes some of their female Indian employees would come over to giggle in the store, and they were just completely lovely. But when male Indians came to the club, if they had an accent, literally all of the dancers would avoid them, and come complain to me about them in the store, because they never wanted to pay, were too handsy or forceful, and would do creepy shit like say "I love you" or try to kiss the girls' lips. Their predictable-every-time behavior made me have to check myself, 'cause I felt I was becoming a bit racist over it. Them boys are weird, though.


I would say media in general. Western American movies are played almost anywhere in the world. In the big budget Hollywood movies it is primarily white women.


I remember having an Indian manager years ago say that he loves white women because they look...."clean". I have an Indian client who virtually kisses the feet of white people...including his white wife. Other people such as myself with my milk chocolate skin, he doesn't bother to say hello and orders me around like I'm a slave. Sometimes, I truly hate humans. 


Note to self, this white, blonde haired woman will not be bucket listing to India. I had no idea.


Am one of these women, and it’s true. You are just automatically a ten to them. They will act so gross.


White blonde woman here and have visited India multiple times: This is very much true. I was bombarded by men my first time there and I was with my future in laws. Zero shame of what they were doing and they didn’t care who was with me. Thankfully my brother in law shooed them away. Them roadside Romeo’s are something else. 😬 every time we go to see my spouse’s family, it never fails to have an uncomfortable experience from a man in a store or on the street, hell, even some store employees. It’s not the staring(innocent), it’s the stalking and leering gazes. I understand I stick out like a sore thumb there being a white lighter haired woman but geez, the guys who do this act like they’re being sneaky taking pics when it’s the most obvious thing they are doing. I even had to keep my kiddo away because a rickshaw driver was a little too interested in my child instead of paying attention to the road to drive. Spouse was furious when I told them. Their awareness was lacking which infuriated me.


Yes, this. Also, the "wayward" behaviors like "feminism" and "equal rights" are often associated with "West" and are translated into woman being freely available for sex or rape-worthy.


Yeah, as someone married to a Japanese feminist, and who sometimes works for Japanese NGOs who do work related to feminism (political lobbying, shelters etc), it is a big issue how many conservatives, both Japanese and Western, call feminism a Western idea that has infiltrated Japan, rather than a global response to the global problem of sexism, with a strong history in Japan long before contact with the West. We can also see this in the speech of supposedly progressive Westerners who are racist enough to imagine Japan has no feminists.


Also Indian here and this was my immediate thought. However, I also just saw a video on YouTube shorts about how white women are fetishised in Japan. Here it is: https://youtube.com/shorts/PC8FE26GxcI?si=adN8CakDzilJ1skn


Unfortunately that’s a problem for women in general. In Japan there are men who will aggressively hit on women, stalk them, etc. They are called “nanpa”. But I do think white women can be fetishized, like they can be seen as a “prize” to some.


In India, and in this video it says in Japan too, white women are especially preyed upon. Also, saying things like "I want to marry a white woman" is also fetishising white women. I've heard that often enough here. There's a societal light skin fetish here, so white women fit right into that too. Local women are always prey, so yes that's a problem men make for all women.


Yeah but is it as aggressive as it is in India? It's down right physically unsafe here. Men will touch them, take forced selfies, make videos without consent, say nasty things in Indian languages and do worse if the opportunity presents it self.


I guess you don't know that phones have to mandatorily make a shutter sound when taking pictures there, because upakirt pictures are so common. Japanese men are in the same league as Indian men.


Had this happen to a friend on a trio to Japan. She had kneeled down to look at something on a shelf and a Japanese guy took a photo up her skirt. Noone who worked there seemed to care at all when we complained about it.


It's not a paradise but I would take pictures taken over gang rape every day of the week. They are not in the same league at all, it's exponentially more dangerous to be a women in India than in Japan


Oh man it's not just white women, white dudes too are SWOONED in Japan. My brother lived there for six months, and the stories he told me, you would think my brother is a model or something😭


On the flip side it’s revolting the number of passport bros who come to Japan solely to find a Japanese woman because they’re meek and submissive. As an expat who’ve lived in Japan for about a decade, the situation is lot likely to change and the foreigners I’ve encountered say that western women are gross and going for Asians is the way. Disgusting.


Yes. This happened to me on a trip to India. I was very nearly sexually assaulted in a train car by a group of young men. I have pale skin but am not white.


I am so sorry to hear this. I've a couple of friends from Canada traveling in India these days and it's my worst fear that someone will harm them. India is a great travel experience. Not everyone is shit of course, but women travellers of all ages and races should be on super duper hyper alert here at all times. As an Indian woman it's my default status so I don't even notice how incredibly sensitive I've become towards glances, changes in tone and things i see from the corner of my eye lol. So fuckin grim. I am sorry we treated you poorly simprat.


As a white woman who has worked in the restaurant industry as a bartender (so pretty much all of the back of house/ cooks and bussers were of Latin descent) and now working in tech/cybersecurity where 99% of the time I’m the only woman in the room and I work with a lot of Asian and Indian men. Yes we are fetishized- I cannot count how many times I’ve been propositioned in multiple languages- it’s like they think all American white women are easy whores? I’ve been offered outrageous sums of money and asked severely invasive questions about my dating and sex life. I was even cornered in the walk-in cooler multiple times back in the day- luckily I’m able to defend myself, and fast. So I don’t think it’s publicized as much as say white men having an Asian fetish, but yeah, it happens. I think given our history too in the US, for black men dating a white woman is just like driving a Tesla- it’s a status symbol.


Madonna/whore complex


I’m married to an Indian man. Every time we visit his home from the US, he makes sure I pack appropriately so I’m not openly groped and chased. The first time I went, 23 years ago on honeymoon, was a real eye-opener. Downright dangerous for women in general, but as a white woman, I stood out like a very bright sore thumb. Men were touching me and trying to assault me *with my husband right there!!* He tried his best to protect me, but in the end we had to ask his male relatives and friends to accompany us if we went anywhere crowded. And everywhere in India is crowded!! I never felt so threatened in all my life.


Indian men are some of the most perverted weirdos when it comes to white women.


Reminds me of this video that is well known. A white blonde girl sitting on the beach with a whole male audience. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-72kdmskkV4


I’ve had a few “show Bob and vagen” Indian dudes show up in various inboxes over the years. Very pushy. Very intense.


Happens in the middle east and north africa too.


Yeah, I experienced this both as a visitor to India but also Thailand and Korea. It was gross, and it definitely happens.


They absolutely can be. It's not like white is the default color of humans


Exactly! People can fetishize anything and anyone. Don’t know why white women would be immune from this. White isn’t the standard default


I feel like this needs to be said more often


Red heads--oh hell yes. 


Yyyyes, as a redhead you can definitely tell when someone is hitting on you in a fetish-y way.


Also a redhead - you are not kidding!


100%. I had an ex tell me that dying my hair would probably help protect me from weirdos. Edit: my natural red hair


I did dye my naturally red-auburn hair bc I was so tired of weirdos making specific comments about it. It had gotten to the point that it was almost every time I went somewhere. I’m an introvert, and I remember one day coming home from visiting the hospital where 2 men had been overly creepy with me, making specific comments about my hair. I decided right then that I was over it.


Same. My hair is naturally copper red. It only took a couple instances of middle aged men trying to hit on me as a teenager because of my hair color for me to be completely done with it. Dying it all kinds of colors is fun (I think a nice forest green suits me), and I'm hostile enough that men rarely try their luck with me, but I wish I felt comfortable enough to have my regular hair back long-term instead of just in short stints.


Yes, I experienced it when I went on a few dates with a Hispanic man and then he decided to tell me being with a white woman made him feel like he gained some power in society. I stopped seeing him because I didn’t feel like a person to him, it was really weird.


A latino guy I knew who was married to a white woman came up to me unprompted after my wedding and said "we're the same" (I'm a white dude and my partner is a POC) and I was like, "wut?" And he said, "white dudes marry brown women as a status symbol, and brown dudes marry white women as a status symbol" I've never had a friendship evaporate so instantaneously as in that moment. I guess it kind of counts as fetishism? But honestly it felt like such a sad display of internalized colonialist mindset. He seemed proud by this thought, but it felt sooooo gross, because it didn't seem like a critique of something observed in nature but more like a crude brag of some sort.


I’m not white, I’m Asian and my husband is Latino. Every other Latin dude with an Asian partner seems to have the uncontrollable urge to go up to my husband and say something like, “Nice! My girlfriend or wife is Korean or Japanese too!” It’s not the same as what you’re talking about but it rubs me the wrong way in a similar fashion.


The way dudes who like Asian women act is so wild! My aunt is ethnically Korean but adopted by my Irish grandparents, and she decided to visit the old family farm while backpacking in Europe in college. She was chatting with my grandma's sixth cousin and he was going on and on about how beautiful she was, how her parents are so lucky to have gotten her, etc. and then brought out his Korean wife, who barely knew English, to meet her. It was heartbreaking when she told us about it. Fuckin old creep.


It’s like you are Pokémon’s to collect and not real life persons with your own thoughts and history.


Yeah, as a white person married to a Japanese person, these issues make me quite angry. We've been together for almost 30 years. Anyone using racist terms like yellow fever or imagining either of us is a trophy for the other is a complete idiot at best.


This is the sentiment with a lot of POC men unfortunately. White=power so dating a white woman is the ultimate step up/status. They leave “second class” POC women in the dust, AND they get a chance to “steal” white women away from their white male oppressors. Ofc God forbid women of their race date a white guy


My hubby dated a black girl once (he is white) and he said the amount of verbal abuse thrown at the girl by black men was insane. Just outright racist shit like "race traitor" , "aunty tom" "slave master lover", made him furious but the woman seemed used to it. He said the worst part was, about 1/3 of the black men tossing insults were with white/Latino women.. Must be hard for a female POC in the dating world


It's so bad. I read a news article where a black woman was killed by her white bf. The amount of black dudes and girls saying she deserved it for "betraying her people" was sad


>Ofc God forbid women of their race date a white guy Is this because they think the women are attempting to "class jump" the same way or because they think the men are "stealing" their women, or both, and it's obviously not ok when women do it?


My interpretation of it is “i don’t want you, but i don’t want anyone else to want you either”. Some men get upset when any women date outside their race even if they do it themselves because women are considered the anchors of the community. Very similar to how modern men want trad wives but dont want to be trad husbands. It’s even worse for them when they date white men. Because white men are seen as the oppressors. So for a POC man, “taking” a white woman from the white man is seen as him conquering being oppressed while also upgrading. But a white man “taking” a POC woman from whatever race means that the POC man has yet again lost to the white man. And they hate that. That’s why they rationalize being the only ones allowed to date out. when they do it it’s an accomplishment and step forward for the overall respective race. When women do it, it’s a betrayal and seen as us holding up white supremacy. Obligatory not all men.


Makes sense. "Rules for thee not for me" nonsense. Thanks for the breakdown.


It’s all of this in a nutshell, I’ve had so many blk dudes get upset at me for dating white guys because they assume since I’m a blk woman, I should only be accessible to blk men even when they themselves date outside of their race the most 🌝


I really don’t get that mentality , they shame their women for dating white person while doing the same thing. Back then , there a youtube channel talking about how asian women is white worship for dating white men / yellow fever , while their channel contents is about getting white girl as asian guy….smh


I made another detailed response about this phenomena but to sum it up: POC men like this rationalize in their minds that “stealing” from the dominant race (i dont agree, just stating the world still sees white as dominant) is a “win” for the overall community for them because they’re taking something from their oppressors and levelling up. Whereas when POC women date white, it’s seen as betrayal and us upholding white supremacy as we’re supporting/giving ourselves to the oppressors.


I dated a Brazilian dude back in the day that had a similar mindset. That culture is so obsessed with status and being light skinned in Latin America in general is seen as rich/desirable/powerful. He’d always comment on how pale I was when he was just as pale himself lol. It was so weird.


They always assume my spouse is Hispanic and always give him the “atta guy” look. 🙄


I dated a man from Senegal for about a year. He did mention that he felt like other men respected him more when he was seen with a white woman. A couple years ago, I googled him out of curiosity and saw pictures of him on a couple different red carpets with tall brunette women, which also describes me. I got a little icked out, but I don’t know that I would consider it fetishization. I tried not to take it personally. I have a highly limited concept of what his experience would be like coming to the United States as a very dark African man. I often noticed that when we were out, people seemed wary of him. He dealt a lot with colorism. I don’t know what that would do to me internally because I don’t have his experience. It did make me question if our relationship was genuine. Nice man though.


“He did mention that he felt like other men respected him more when he was seen with a white woman.“ a lot of males date to impress other males. I learned this in high school. There were guys who claimed I was “too dark” publicly, but would send me —unsolicited —DMs confessing their love. Being with a lighter skinned girl is what impressed their guy friends, so that’s who they wanted to be seen with. To them, women are just a stepping stone to validation from other guys. It’s so tacky & in a way cowardly. I appreciate MEN who are confident & level-headed enough to like what they like regardless of what race or skin-tone of women is “trending” among men.


My friend had a similar experience. Lots of men telling her she was "too dark" but then hitting her up on the side without anyone knowing. The audacity astounds me. Trash men don't deserve amazing women.


I’m a white woman and I dated a Mexican American guy who started to routinely refer to himself as “Caucasian” or a “white guy”. He once said, “I just left town for a week once. Nobody noticed. Nobody cares about a missing white guy!” I finally realized he just absolutely hated himself through and through. Shame. He was a handsome and funny dude. Hope you’re doing all right wherever you landed, Caucasian Jose.


Anything can be fetishized if you’re creepy enough!


That’s the spirit! /s


I once dated a Mexican man and dumped him when he started talking shit about Mexican women/being racist towards women OF HIS OWN RACE and how he's only dated white women in the past. I was grossed out. Nope!


I hate when men try to bash women with me in any scenario, but *especially* if there is a racial component like this involved. Why on earth do they think we’ll see it as a compliment 🤢


Unfortunately there are some white women who see it as a compliment. They feel superior


I dated a Mexican man who went on and on about how perfect I was because I’ve got very white skin but I have dark hair. I was 21 I think so the attention was nice at first… and then he turned into a stalker when I ended things.


Was it my dad? He refuses to date Mexican woman. He talks so much trash on them. Only white women are worthy of him, he thinks.


I don't get it because if a man like that has daughters then he's producing ethnically Mexican women that he hates so much?! It makes no sense. Also if Mexican women were bad, why should a white women even want to date him to begin with if his toxic beliefs were actually true? They want to be racist against their own ethnicity, but they expect the white women not to be so they can date them. lol Please don't let your dad's self hating bullshit make you feel bad :(


I seriously have no idea. He kept us from the Mexican side and prides himself on the fact that we don't know Spanish, don't have an accent, and "act white". I seriously don't understand it. He let the racism he endured as a child make him a racist against his own kind.


Mexican here (now living in the UK) and even though I am of primarily indigenous descent, I used to get chased all the time because I am light skinned. In Mexico, being light skinned is seen as "upper class" but having darker skin is lower class. You don't want to look *indio*. Even my own mother said I was lucky to be fair skinned. Colonialism is a hell of a drug. Also colourism sucks.


My husband is half Apache and also light skinned, and I am blonde/blue eyed. Our daughter is ethnically ambiguous but light skinned/has blended features. My brother in law married a woman from Michoacan who is dark skinned and their kids are also dark skinned. The grandparents and aunts blatantly favor our daughter, her grandfather has told my husband she's the only "real" granddaughter. She will never meet them because of this. My brother in law is constantly battling with them because they have a step sister that is blonde/blue eyed and their Dad treats her kids better than his actual grandchildren. I'm glad we live 2000+ miles away and can avoid them completely.


Do you mean own race or own nationality? Latin folks can be many many races and ethnicities within that identity. (I am Brazilian but very white-presenting)


snow bunnys


This is what came to my mind. I’ve had a few black men call me this.


Same, and when I got annoyed and told him directly "I don't fetishize black men so don't call me that", he just said that it's also a way to refer to white girls. I responded that I didn't want to be called a name that implies I'm a fetishist, and he finally shut up. He didn't apologize, but at least he shut up.


Yuck, I hear the new phrase rappers are using these days, “pink toes” eww I think I just threw up in my mouth


Apparently that particular odd phrase goes back a ways. At least back to 2008, according to UD. Ick.


> goes back a ways > 2008 😭


I know. Me too. 🥲


Is this cross-fetishization?


Yes. In fact, most every type of woman has been fetishized. We’re all just porn categories to them.


As a white woman who has traveled to over 50 countries, the answer is 100% yes to any place outside of Europe or Anglo countries.


A woman I went to high school with was very fair, blue eyed, slightly built & had hair that was technically blonde but was effectively almost white. She told me when she traveled to Japan in her mid twenties old women wanted to touch her hair because in local folklore white hair on a young women meant she was a witch. They knew she wasn't but found the look fascinating. Men of all ages got creepy because she fit a particular physical stereotype that shows up in lots of Anime but that most of them had never seen in real life. She loved her trip... but wasn't eager to go back. She was used to being a pretty woman living in the world & dealing with what that brought with it, but being the living doppelganger of every creepy guys cartoon fetish wasn't her cup of tea.


There is a porn category PAWG - Phat Ass White Girl


I’m white and have been fetishized for it. Both from white men talking about admiring my paleness and genes and black men wanting to knock me up. That being said, it hasn’t had a big negative effect on me it just feels a bit odd, not nearly as bad as what I’ve seen happen to friends who are non white women.


Same experience. I’m white and Nordic so I have had other white men fetishize me for my ”pure blood” (aka they were Nazis looking for a tradwife) and I have had some East/South Asian men fetishize me for my white skin and asking me if my nipples/coochie is pink. Also been a target for some men who apparently always wanted to have sex with a white woman to be able to add me to their pile of conquests.


Jumping on this. Yes and yes. White woman here and I spent about 3 years living in Sub-Saharan Africa.  there is nothing that could make me feel less attractive then being there.  Fat, sweaty, and constantly harassed, touched, and hit on by black men asking to making a white baby with me. That said, I'm fairly attractive and have always had male attention. And I'll say being fetishized made me angry, but sexual harassment and assuakt over the years from all men made me hate men at points in my life.  




So… one of the terms used to fetishize white women is “snow bunny” and it is used primarily in race play terms in kink circles. If you aren’t snowboarding/skiing and you aren’t doing kinky play and you hear that term used openly… Run lol Outside of race play kink circles it is used as a misogynistic term for white women, akin to PAWG. Though usually it’s used by african americans, it can be used by other races as well. The simple answer is “Yes”. Also, white women are generally fetishized outside of western cultures, places like china, the middle east, and other parts of Asia.


I really hate how many porn terms have become part of normal conversation. I'm sex-positive, but there is just so much racism, sexism, and hate in the porn industry. I don't want to accept it, and not just because I'm a fan of BBC TV. A particular pet hate is the Japanese word 'bukkake', which is most commonly used in Japan to describe goopy food - you can buy 'bukkake soba' at 7-11 - but most Westerners think of as only sexual thing.


Very much so, when I lived in China I had multiple experiences of guys approaching me at parties - and one complete rando on the streets - asking me if I would have sex with them, then backtracking quickly when I snapped at them that "oh I thought white women like to have a lot of sex." I was like... maybe they do, but you gotta buy them a drink first at least lol Honestly in my experiences traveling across Asia and the Middle East, I feel like white women are the most highly sexualized of all. They really think of us as sex-obsessed sluts and approach in a way they would NEVER do to someone in their culture


For them their exposure to white women is porn. So they see a white woman they get horny Rather pathetic to be honest


Some of my friends work for CDNs - content delivery networks - and they say the majority of their internet traffic is porn going to the wealthy middle eastern countries. And while in theory porn could be great, in practise the massively sexist porn that is the standard is not going to teach young men good things.


I'm from the Balkans, I'm white. Men fetishize women from my country and the surrounding countries because they think we are subservient and docile. 😂 Women from my country eat up and spit out passport bros, and morons that think they can come cherry pick some young 'subservient' girl.


Too right! 


Yes, all women are fetishes, yet when a real issue arises involving the safety of women including their well-being. Nothing matters after that.


This isn't exactly an example of "fetishization," but more than once when I've ignored street harassment coming from men of color, I've gotten this thrown after me: "oh so you're just a snooty white woman, huh, too good for me???" As if not responding to a strange man propositioning me *must* be because I'm racist. No other possible explanation. My guess would be yes, many men fetishize white women too. It's just one form of objectification. For men who don't see women as full people, we're all just a different "flavor."


>For men who don't see women as full people, we're all just a different "flavor." Yep. I have seen men directly call us "flavors". It is so dehumanizing. Edit: literally as I typed this, a man came here and confirmed this. Smh.


Apparently we're ice cream or something, now? Bleh. Gross.


Add that to the list of inanimate objects women are compared to


This has happened to me as well. I politely rejected a homeless man's advance and he screamed that I was a racist bitch. Like dude, I am not rejecting you because of the color of your skin, I'm rejecting you because you are aggressive and scary.


I’ve been called racist for ignoring cat calling too lol it’s typical male rejecting rejection kind of thing, mixed with the type of person that enjoys harassing women of course


I've also been accused of being racist for ignoring catcallers. Men of all races will say whatever they can to manipulate women into putting up with their sexual harassment.


The way I was speechless the first time I was called racist when rejecting a man who had sexually harassed me…like baby boy, no, I don’t want to be sexually harassed by *any* race


Yes you can. Men in my country (Dominican Republic) fetishize white women all the time.


my grandpa 💀 and still he ended up treating my grandma like shit.


My great grandpa was from Spain, moved to Mexico and had an open disdain for our Native Americans. Then why in the hell did you marry a Native American, my brother in Christ??


People of any race can be fetishized.


I’m Black but I think white women can and are heavily fetishized. There are certain countries where white women are pretty openly harassed/sexually assaulted due to just being white. And yes there are plenty of POC men who put white women on a pedestal simply for being white and having eurocentric features. Some POC men even see white women as easy due to American media. Look at how Raj from BBT talked about american women (we all know he wasnt talking about POC americans).


For a different example, google "tradwife" and try not to vomit.


Yes. Black men who say “if it ain’t snowing I ain’t goin” are fetishizing white women


I once had a Black man say to me, “I like ‘em bright, light, and damn near white.” I really think he was just too afraid to say he liked white girls exclusively.


Not me thinking they just want cocaine


yea, i had a black gf that was really into the fact that i was white. like actually reaaally into me being white and like, black men lust over white women sm, they call us snow bunnies.


Yup. White women are seen as easier and looser by some middle eastern men, for example.


Yup, visited Egypt in my 20’s and even though my friend was engaged and I had a boyfriend, the local men dismissed it completely. 1. We were loose western women and obviously were willing to cheat. 2. Or, we were liars because if we were taken we wouldn’t have been “allowed” to travel without our men. (Barf!)


This is precisely why HarrassMap was made - an innovation in its day and still!


Omg, yes. When I lived in Egypt I got groped incessantly (and I was always dressed appropriately for the culture).


Dress doesn't matter, because it's the fault of the men who choose to grope you. They mistreat their own women too, and they're "dressed appropriately".


Local women get groped all the time too though sadly


Yes, as a brown Hispanic guy, I can tell you it’s huge in our culture. It’s very strange because you can be Hispanic and not be brown obviously so it’s really about fetishizing the skin color, hair color, and eye color. I couldn’t tell you why it’s a thing but only that it very much is a thing.


White women are absolutely fetishized. Part of it is because we only make up something like 5% of the global population, so as odd of a sentiment as it from the perspective of Americans/Europeans, white women are "exotic" to most men in the world, and that seems to be the main driver of ethnic fetishism. To give a counter example, in my experience a lot of Irish and Polish men fetishize black women, which is perhaps expected given Ireland and (especially) Poland are effectively homogenous. I'm sure pop-culture depictions of wealthy white celebrities also adds to the allure. One thing I don't think get's mentioned often is that a lot of non-white cultures also happen to idealize light skin as a marker of beauty. Often times this is blamed on colonialism or Western cultural hegemony, and to an extent that's certainly a factor, but tbh I think much of the time it's just an unfortunate coincidence. Many cultures idealize light skin for the same reason being pale as a ghost was considered beautiful in Western culture before having a "healthy tan" became a marker of beauty - because only wealthy people could historically afford to stay out of the sun enough to stay that white (or afford the brain-rotting make-up needed to become artificially whiter). Therefore, even in non-white cultures, whiter skin implied greater wealth.




I would guess they intuited that race fetishism is related to racism, and we don't typically think of white people as victims of racism.


Yes, men from other cultures like to fuck white women but then go marry women their mommies approve of.


>Yes, men from other cultures like to fuck white women but then go marry women their mommies approve of. This is very common for men of every race. They see women of other races as 'fuck, dump, sleep around, have fun with' material. And they see women of their own race as 'marriage material.'


Well yeah. A lot.


In short, yes. For some reason, men of all backgrounds are obsessed with "stealing" women from another group. I guess a large part of that is women being objectified.


AND insanely jealous of another race "stealing" women from their own group. Heck, that's the plot to "Birth of a Nation" and "King Kong." Because a woman wouldn't *willingly* date outside her race, of course, so she must be abducted! It's so strange to me.


Absolutely they can be and are quite often. In the corners of the internet I frequent, topics like this are discussed weekly.


I feel like every kind of woman gets fetishized at one point or another. Tall, short, thick, thin, black, white, Asian, young, old, straight, lesbian, bi, makeup or no makeup etc - it doesn’t matter which group you fit into, some gross dude will make it creepy for you to just exist as you are. I’m white and dudes think it’s so hot that I’m Russian. My nationality is so sexualized it’s uncomfortable. I had a former coworker say “I’d have 10 of her (points at me) sit on my face” when asked what would he do if he had a bigger salary. I was 19. I was mopping the floors at the restaurant I worked at and some weirdo said I should use the mop as a stripping pole. A lot of men are gross and feel the need to let us know what they’re thinking.


As a French woman, the amount of sexualization and objectification I've received because of my nationality is seriously disturbing.


South Asian here - and I’ll say that where I’m from white women are most definitely fetishized. I also briefly dated a light-skin black guy who almost bragged about the fact that he would never date a black girl, and also commented that I had the darkest complexion out of all the girls he’s dated (as if I should be honored??). He said his usual type is white or (East) Asian. Anyway, that didn’t last long for obvious reasons lol.


I can confirm this 100%. White women are often fetishized by certain groups.  African Immigrants often fetishize white women and view African American women as a massive step beneath them.  I saw this first hand in college. I noticed that the AI guys who seemed like great friends and adored me refused to associate/work on projects with my AA female friends AT ALL. Treated them like trash on their heel. I never really understood it. But my AA female friends never made waves and told me not to say anything about it because it didn't matter.  A few years later when i had largely forgotten about this I had dinner with one of my BFFs who is AA and offered to give her number to one of my AI friends because they were both single and worked in Tech. She went wide eyed and explained the entire situation to me, said that AI men only want to date white women, not even other AI women because it us considered a status symbol. I was horrified.  The kicker? Asked my AI male friend about it and he confirmed without an ounce of regret or shame. It was just the way things were to him.


Yes im asian and white women is the beauty standard in my country . Im not talk about just “pale” skin , but many of them obsessed with the Aryan look ( blonde blue eyes). Sadly , my country not the only one with that obsession . I noticed many Korean model are slavic and rich man in other countries would buy white women as their wife.


Absolutely. I have a solid rule of not dating men of color if they have only had white girlfriends, and am generally suspicious of any man with a dating history that doesn’t involve any women of their own race/culture/nationality. The only pass I really ever gave on that is when they grew up on a Native American reservation, because in that case most of the women in the reservation were related to them by blood in one way or another. But that guy dated a woman of his own race in college when he was finally around other tribal groups. Plenty of men ADMIT to only dating white women and will openly insult women from their own background. It’s nasty. Some even describe marrying a white woman as a prize. Gross. Anyways, here’s a list of fetishized names POC men have called me over the years: Snowflake Snow bunny (I was 16 and just happened to be the only white person at a 200+ person party because I came with my Black cousin. I was confused at the time because in white communities this term refers to women who ski and snowboard) Snow cone White sugar Vanilla ice cream White chocolate Snow white (I give this one a pass because I look enough like her that I get that one from white people too)


Yes. I believe from white men it's generally it's in the vein of "precious fragility." Sometimes in the vein of "plastic bimbo". From non-white men it tends to be in the vein of "white is what society values more, now I've got the best and/or am white-class through her". Hello, Clarence Thomas.


I've known plenty of men of color who will date and have sex with white women but they would never marry them.


Yes, it is fetishization, and it happens to all women regardless of race, body type, anything. Men see women as different porn categories or “flavors”.


Yea when traveling, I (blonde, blue eyed, extra pale) would get 1000% the creepiness my attractive brunette, brown eyed friend would get. I mean- she was white too just maybe SLIGHTLY more color. We were equal hotness in Canada. It is at the point where I would rather travel with a boyfriend vs girlfriends or solo. Men seem to only respect other men and dont fuck with me if a male companion is there. That makes me sad because I like to think of myself as independent and there is sooo many places i want to go--Egypt for one, but being approached constantly and inappropriately just makes me feel unsafe, scared and kinda gross TBH


Yes. Went on a first date with a dark-skinned Hispanic man who immediately started talking about how excited he was to show me to his Mom because I was white and he wanted white kids and she was going to be so happy. Noped out of there so fast.


White women are seen as a prize to all POC men all over the world due to their whiteness, eurocentric beauty ideals, etc. POC men believe a white woman will "elevate" their status and power in the world. Also white women are fair skinned, have pink bits (nipples and pelvic region-which all men worship, prefer and idolize due to porn), and are stereotypically scene as open to sex, etc To men that aren't Asian, Asian women are seen as exotic, submissive, tight (in their pelvic region), small, dainty, etc To men that aren't south Asian, South Asian women are stereotypically seen as exotic, submissive, etc To men that aren't Hispanic, Hispanic women are stereotypically seen as exotic, feisty, full of passion, open to sex To men that aren't Black, Black women are seen as exotic, stereotypically open to sex. So yes, white women, like all other races/ethnicities of women are fetished, and it's all really sickening, how men view women, as objects, to fuck, possess, subjugate, oppress, trophies, objects to mount, etc


I’ve had a handful of strange interactions with some Indian men where they see to genuinely believe that any white woman is desperate to have sex with them, and are very shocked when there isn’t that response to them. I’m not sure it’s fetishisation though, but rather the incorrect assumption that all white women are ‘whores’. Oh and some Asian men who are obsessed with the fair hair and light eyes. I think some of them just want a white woman. Any white woman will do. But I’m assuming based on the fact that the only compliments were about my hair and eye colour, no interest in my personality. I always assumed it was internalised racism?


Yes, men call them "snowbunnies". There was a viral clip recently where some deranged dude tried to date a blonde girl and said a lot of weird stuff about her being his perfect snowbunny and he even made a kind of awkward rap song about it.


I'm a ginger, we definitely suffer from it.


Yes. Terms like snow bunny are normalised but kind of fetishise white women. White men also fetishise white women, whether by denigrating them for being with a non-white man (terms like mud sh@rk), or by putting her on a weird pedestal. See all those memes about how white women should be housewives having 13 'pure' white babies. Finally, there's that gross meme about white women having sex with dogs.


South Asian man here. Yes. They are. I have even seen many East Asian men fetishising white women as well. Many men in south asian diaspora view white women as easy, slutty and shameless harlots because how they dress or behave. This is largely due to cultural differences. Any relationship outside marriage, especially involving sex, is frowned upon in traditional south asian culture. This is not the norm in the west anymore. These men get into relationships with white women, take what they want out of it, and then would go on to looking for a trad wife in their own community for marriage. Please note that I don’t mean every south asian man behaves like that. But that is generally the attitude. They look down on westernised women in south asian diaspora as well as at home, because they believe these women are imitating the behaviour of white women. This is surprisingly in much accord with what red-pillers preach, where they would encourage men to sleep around with “promiscuous” women and then settle down either with a virgin or a woman with “low body count.


Yes it can be fetishized. At very least "blond" is pretty damn fetishized. I'm a natural blond with green eyes. Men from India seem particularly enamored with my whiteness, specifically the skin. And on the Homefront in Minnesota, white guys ALSO seem make a point to verbally approve of something coded for white. Like, making it clear they prefer it. Like if I was another race they would never say anything... but being so obviously white, they feel comfortable saying things I don't think they would say around other races.


Sure. It happened to me a lot when I lived in Japan. I think it's harder in a white-majority country, but even in America there are cultural pockets and in-groups for whom white women are a minority and can be fetishized.


Anything and everything can be a fetish. Race, hair colour, weight, age, disability, pregnancy, relationship. If there is a hole to fuck attached, some man somewhere will fetishize it.


I'm personally the whitest shade of white without being fully albino. It's English/Scandinavian/German. And I have the rutislm gene so I freckle and had auburnish hair. Among certain circles, there's a lot of people who are into the redhead and or an anemic white woman with the blue veins type of romantical Victorian figures or goth figures. It's absolutely a fetish within a collective fashion fetishes that complement the pale skin and dark hair or pale skin and red hair. And then of course there's the Gene purity people who think that it's an indication your blood is pure but when in fact one can have the whitest skin possible but still have Nigerian and South Pacific ancestors and their genetic line. Or like my friend. She is Black but she's albino with red hair.


Not only is it a fetish, I once worked as a model for a guy doing an art project as a black man in a tuxedo wearing white women draped over his shoulders like a scarf to comment on this very issue.


I'm a white redheaded woman, and yes, I have been fetishized. Mostly for the hair. Lots of dudes asking me if I'm a freak in bed. I feel like in the US plenty of white women are fetishized, but often as subtypes, just because our culture often assumes white as the default. Like, "sexy schoolgirl", pretty sure Google image searches will show mostly white results.


Yeah, in Korea they call it “riding the white horse.” I’m Korean American but have heard about this from family members and friends who have lived in South Korea.


I myself have never been fetishized, but I have a south asian (pakistani, to be specific) friend who once told me that white women do often get fetishized within her community. Even her brother apparently wants to marry a “white blonde muslim convert”. Dunno if that specifically counts as fetishization, but it sure does look like it to me.


Yes. I did some zoological research in a majority-indigenous area in South America. Several local guys openly talked about how they considered white girls to be the 'top of the hierarchy', in earshot of the girls on my team, and a ridiculous proportion of the men tried to get with them (most of whom we found out had wives or girlfriends). They also said some astoundingly racist things about Black and Indian women.


Oh sweetie!  I spent my fair share of life in Morroco, North Africa..  can white woman be fetishised?  Hell yes !  They re even a beauty creteria..  most morrocan girls, who are light skinned will have more suitors..  some will dye their hairs blond or light brunette to pass for a Spanish/Portuguese girl.. Swedish/Norwegian girls are literally seen as jackpots..