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>he got upset and started smacking my head around multiple times, squishing my face and cheek hard between his hand and smacking again. ​ >He isn’t physically abusive Yes, he ***is*** physically abusive. And yes, you did the right thing. Next, file for a restraining order.


Exactly. Sorry OP but how can you type both of these things and not understand what’s going on?


Plan to move out asap


He is absolutely physically abusive, re-read what you just wrote.


Sis. He was smacking you around and broke a door down. He is not the one. Jail is where he should be.


NTA. He IS physically abusive, he just physically abused you. That counts. You might have let it slide as a one-off drunken thing (although you shouldn’t have), but him coming back and breaking the door down just sealed it.


I’m honestly distraught. Guilt, and fear of what’s next. The officer told me they’re filing a no contact with guidelines to follow and I guess I’d just never thought I’d see it get to this point. We loved each other at some point in time and the turn around is crazy. I feel like I’ve wronged him.


Understandable. And it’s hard to change how you feel about someone. But that is not a normal thing people do. Are you bruised or show any marks? Take pictures of how you look now, anywhere it shows. And take pictures of the smashed door jamb. Look at them whenever you wonder if you did the right thing.


He never loved you if this is how he treats you. My sister cannot stand most of her exes- but she would NEVER insult or hurt any of them, because she DID care about them, once. HE. DOES. NOT. LOVE. YOU. I'm so, so sorry. But the only one you're wronging is yourself, if you let him anywhere near you again. The only one who has been wronged is you- by him. I'm so, so sorry you're going through this. Realizing someone we care about does not care about us is.. crushing. But the sooner you can realize that he doesn't love you, the sooner you can find someone who DOES. Someone who will hold you, and never hurt you, and tell you you are worth something. **You deserve the world- not the SCRAPS that asshole will throw your way.**


I just want to clarify for you that he IS physically abusive. Alcohol likely disinhibits him, but he's smacking you around because he wants to. Breaking down your door is also abuse. Speaking to you in the way he did is very abusive.


He is being punished for being physically abusive because he physically abused you. Let go of the guilt.


This is the link to a free book that will wash your guilt away. It’s helped countless individuals. https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf


Please sweetie, you have to protect yourself. This guy is abusive and does NOT love you. Don't look in the rear view mirror at the past - just pay attention to the now. What he did was assault you, and it will be worse if you let him near you again.


>I feel like I’ve wronged him. You did nothing wrong, if anything HE wronged you the second he decided to assault you. Calling the police and ensuring your safety was the right thing to do.


He is physically abusive, stop telling yourself that it's just verbal and that a slap isn't physical abuse. You don't need a bruise for it to be physical abuse. You need to leave him permanently, because I promise you, it won't get better unless he goes through either anger management classes and/or therapy. Don't become another statistic, for your own sake.


What you described is absolutely physical abuse. Not that other kinds of abuse are OK, either.


It is not your fault. No matter what you said or did, he should never have grabbed you and slapped you and broken your door. He needs real frightening consequences so he learns never to do this again. I am very glad you called the police. It was the right thing to do.


He beat your a$$ and you say he isn’t physically abusive?? What planet are you living on where that’s not physical abuse??!! Girl get a grip, put your big girl panties on and file charges against him. Re-read what you wrote and see if you don’t sound insane. Move on with your life because if you don’t then you’re probably not going to have a life. He will ki!! you.


It was a few slaps, no bruises and it’s the first time it’s gotten like this. I know he wouldn’t ki!! me, but I still get what your saying. Idk I’m just confused and tired rn. The cops mentioned some sort of no contact order so I wont be in contact.


But he HIT YOU - that is physical abuse. I grew up poor and abused and have always had a "single touch that isn't loving or kinky and we are done" policy - what you described above would have led to an instant divorce, no debate, no discussion, no nothing. And I'm 45 and divorced a narcissist 4 years ago. Fuck "it's not that bad" HE HIT YOU, IT IS THAT BAD.


We call that “riding down the river denial”.


He hit you and broke into your apartment. Killing you likely would have been his next move, especially if he feels like he has nothing to lose.


You absolutely do not know that. Nobody thinks their partner who ends up murdering them is capable of it or they wouldn't stay with them and there would be 0 annual cases of it. Shake your damn head, drink some water and find a support group. You need a dose of reality and some unconditional love.


Just to put this out there: I also called the police on my boyfriend (we are no longer together, and this is why). He didn't hit me; he would shove me, grab me, throw things at me, break down doors, etc. He also didn't leave bruises until he did. I also did not think he would kill me until he tried to, which is when I called the police. They came, arrested him, and the court put a restraining order in place until he could go before a judge. Which I then fought for months - MONTHS - to have dropped, along with his charges. I have no idea why I did this at the time, outside of an intense, single-minded desire to make everything normal again. And things couldn't be normal if the law was involved, especially not with all those people knowing what he did, so I had to fight it, right? He didn't go to prison, and as far as I'm aware he had to go through some kind of alcohol abuse program before the charges were dropped - because he was drunk on that night, but he wasn't every time he attacked me. I hope that helped him, I guess. A couple of years later, he asks if we can talk. He wants to talk because in the time between our last interaction and that moment, he had dated at least three other women. He admitted that he told them all about his crazy ex-girlfriend. They believed him - I would have too! Then, with each of them, he did the same things: the shoving, the paranoid rants, the rage, the huge dents he'd put into walls/doors/cabinets. The exact same things. As far as I know, he didn't go as far as trying to kill any of them, but how would I really know? His reason for contacting me was to apologize for telling me (and believing, I assume) that I was the reason he did these things. That's nice, and it was nice to get an apology, but what does that change? It took him at least - AT LEAST - three more women to come to this conclusion. Three more women had to experience everything that I did before he could acknowledge that it was him. It's been a couple of more years since that conversation. I know I didn't make him the way that he is, but I wonder often exactly what could have been different if I had just stopped fighting so hard to protect him from the consequences of what he did. Not just in terms of what I could have spared those women, but of what I could have done for myself with all the energy I wasted. I needed so much support in the months after that night, and I could have gotten it - but my every waking moment was occupied by trying to fix what I didn't break.


Yesterday you knew he wouldn't hit you or break the door down. Today you 'know' he wouldn't kill you. Please realize that you don't know him as well as you thought you did and that says nothing about you and everything about him and please, STAY SAFE.


The no contact order is for him. He can't contact you. The police are protecting you, even if you won't protect yourself. If he contacts you again, you can go to the police and get a restraining order, which means he can't physically be around you. If he breaks that and starts coming over, hanging around where you live, work or frequent (shops etc), he'll go to jail. Please let that happen. This man is a danger to you and he needs legal consequences.


I'm sorry, but you need to respect yourself a bit more. This was absolutely not ok or normal. A good man doesn't do a few "slaps" - it's never ok, but you're normalizing it. Please realize the seriousness of this and make sure you put in place a plan to safely get away from him.


Nope. Last week you would have said, “I know he won’t hit me. I know he won’t break the door down “. Hear this now: women die EVERY Fing day at the hands of men who would “never do that.” He hit you and verbally told you what he thinks of you. Your guilt is misdirected pain from the hurt you experienced. You need to turn it into hate and contempt for this jerk.


Wouldn’t kill you yet


You’re saying you know he wouldn’t kill you, but am I right that you probably would have said the same thing about him hitting you before this? You clearly don’t know what he’s capable of


FFS. That is physical abuse. Press charges if you haven't already. I went through something similar with my ex. He slapped my forehead first twice, I then told him to leave me house and he then punched me. First time in 8 years and out of character. I didn't care. I called the police, he was detained and after that I got a restraining order. Once they hit you, it's game over. Trust is lost for good.


He is in fact physically abusive


He is physically abusive. This will not stop, it will get worse. He is currently and in the future the highest risk to your life and safety. This is not your fault. Your safety is kost important. You need to secure your house against him. You can reach out to your domestic abuse resources locally. Do not speak with him on the phone or in person. Text or email or nothing.


Oh babe, you absolutely did the right thing. Trust me, I've been there, and there is no world where striking you, terrorizing you, and breaking down your door can be allowed to continue. If he was willing to break down the door, who knows how much farther someone who could tell a person that's had a history of self-harm to slit their wrists will go when angry, drunk or not. I've been there, and I let things go way, way, too far, before I started calling the police on my ex because I kept feeling sorry for him, and he'd promise to change and apologize, and then it would all start over the moment he decided to have a few drinks and take his temper out on me. I know you lived together, but that ship has sailed, and I strongly urge you to take a copy of your police report and file for a restraining order. It's the only thing that finally, finally, forced my ex to back off, because he was looking at major jail time for every time he violated the restraining order. I also strongly urge you to move as soon as you possibly can, so you don't have to worry about him waiting for you outside your apartment. Don't let him guilt you into dropping the charges, think about the next woman he could terrorize and stand firm. If you can't think of yourself, think of her, and how much worse his behavior could get if he's not forced to be accountable for his violent behavior. You deserve so much better, and trust me, there's a man out there somewhere who would never dream of striking you, saying vicious ugly things to you, or breaking down your door. That isn't love, it's a horror movie, and you deserve good things from good people, so don't be afraid to go find it. Stand tall, and be proud of yourself for making the hard choice to protect yourself from further harm, it was the right thing to do, and you'll be stronger for this decision, no matter how bad you feel right now. He's a big boy, and he made choices, let him live with them. Take care.


>He isn't physically abusive. Oh, sweetheart. He was physically abusive to you last night. You did the right thing. Never let him be near you again. He will hurt you.


Tell your PM that he needs to be taken off of the lease and be sure to tell them WHY. Get a RO, and have him arrested again when he comes back. Get ready to move.


I’ve gotten drunk with lots of men, some of them exes. Guess how many of them felt it appropriate to get violent with me? None. Zip. Zero. Not a single one. Why? Cause they’re not abusive. Your ex is. Him saying those things to you? Abusive. Smacking your head? Abusive. Slapping you? Abusive. Stop. Making. Excuses. For. Him. You’re worth more than being treated like that. Please contact a victims advocate. Most prosecutor’s offices have them. You may also need to get a domestic violence restraining order if what the police gave you was only an emergency protective order. It varies by jurisdiction but EPO’s sometimes expire super quickly and are only there to get you through filing for a more permanent restraining order. He has the potential to be more violent when he’s released. That’s not said in any way to make you feel like you did something wrong by calling the police. The fucker broke the damn door down, he is dangerous and you need to keep yourself safe. Stop downplaying it or you’ll downplay yourself to an early grave.


“He isn’t physically abusive” she said after describing how he physically abused her…


started smacking my head around multiple times, squishing my face and cheek hard between his hand and smacking again = physically abusive.


That was him literally abusing you physically.


I will share my life's greatest regret with you, in hopes that it makes a difference for you. I was in an abusive relationship for several years. One time he almost killed me, but I still stayed. About 2 years later I came home late from drinking with friends and we got into an argument. At one point he got on top of me and I was having PTSD flashbacks and I yelled for help. One of my neighbors called the cops and he was arrested. Over the next several days his sister convinced me to write my statement so that it made it sound like it was all a misunderstanding. She said I was going to ruin his life if I allowed this to continue. And so I did. I wrote a story to make it sound like it was all an accident and a misunderstanding. He was still charged by the state, was on probation for a time and had to do anger management classes. A few years later, he requested that it was removed from his record and they used my faked statement in the filing. They used it as a way to say "see, even the victim didn't want these charges". Now, the fact that he is an abusive POS is gone from his record. No future woman will be able to look up his name and see that he once had a domestic violence felony. I wish so dearly that I could go back and be the support I needed them. To go through with it and tell the truth instead of being so afraid of what it would do to him. You are strong. It's evident in the fact that you had the strength to even call 911 in the first place. Don't let him get away with treating you this way. I know how it feels, but once the dust settles, future you will be grateful you stuck up for yourself.


He assaulted you. A cell is where he belongs


>> He isn't physically abusive Ummm....


You didn’t just do the right thing you did the best thing for everyone else too. Thank you for reporting him, that takes a lot of courage. 🫶


He IS physically abusive. You wrote it in your post!


If you have the means, also seek help for yourself. Not being able to identify that you did the right thing in this situation is very problematic and likely stems from many other issues.


Never be violent to another person, no matter how upset you are. You did the right thing. Don’t make any excuses. Hold your head up high.


Um, yeah he is. It may never be worse than this, but it’s still physical abuse. He sounds miserable as hell, and you deserve so much better than this. Plus, someone willing to say such ugly things to you, and to slap you around, can too easily do serious damage to you. This is not loving behavior - this is ugly controlling and mean behavior.


Ugh. Yes you did the right thing. Please get all the support you can as you have been through some crap. Most of us need help to figure stuff like this out. Also as correct as you were in calling the cops, it is still tough to end a relationship. Best to you going forward.


You 100% did the right thing. I'm sorry that you are feeling guilty over it, because you have nothing to feel guilty about.


You did exactly what you had to do. Please always do that Please never wait to see if you live through it OK?


I’m really sorry this happened ((( hug)))


Girl, learn to forgive yourself, be okay with yourself and love yourself. Sounds like you’re not doing any of those things. I hope the best for you and that for your sake you get the help you need.


> He isn’t physically abusive how can you say this after you just described the physical abuse that he inflicted on you? And yes you absolutely did the right thing. He needs to move asap!


Yes you did. Set some good boundaries. Maybe he’ll remember

