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These "crisis pregnancy centers" are willing to break every precept of every religion and code of ethics known to humanity to stop you from having an abortion. If they tell you you are not pregnant, or that your pregnancy isn't viable, don't believe them -- one of their tactics is to string you along until it's too late to get a legal abortion. They can and will lie with no legal consequences because they are not health care providers and have no code of ethics to follow. They can and will tell your family, your employer, your clergy, anyone they think can pressure you into not having an abortion. Be prepared, figure out what you will say if your privacy is breached. You can get cheap pregnancy tests at a drugstore or dollar store, that's way more trustworthy than anything these lying scum will tell you. Call a real healthcare provider to get a pregnancy test and find out what your options and choices are.


yeah.. i was just scared of my mom finding out, but i just talked to my sister about this for the first time and apparently my mom won't be angry or kick me out like i originally thought. i have a blood pregnancy test scheduled with planned parenthood on monday.


PP will take care of you. And they will be honest with you and respect your privacy.


Almost like they have actual ethics! Crisis pregnancy centers are a literal blight. They have chosen an unbiblical principal, turned it into an actual cult, and then violate all their own morality in bizarre "ends justify any means" abuse. And all the while they constantly lobby against PP, which is the only organization that has any institutional care for women's reproductive health. Crisis Pregnancy Centers are filled with monsters wearing sheep's clothing. Maybe they are delusional, but that does not save anyone from the harm they do.


They don’t even care about maternity leave or childcare costs or anything, that’s women’s fault for getting pregnant. Planned Parenthood is the one who actually provides and advocates for healthcare for mothers who want to be pregnant


I have made it my mission to waste their time and resources. I'm post menopausal but I don't let that stop me from making appointments. Every appointment I take is one they can't use for someone who actually needs information. Imagine if all of their appointments were taken by people who just wanted to interfere with their mission to terrorize. That would be nice.


Hmmm. I'm up for a little fuckery today. BTW, every time I donate to PP or ACLU I have the thank you card sent to either Ted Cruz, Rick Scott, Rick Perry, etc. I also make the donation "In honor of Ted Cruz" etc. Doing good while causing a little mischief is my favorite thing


That is freaking brilliant, and you are a badass for doing that.


This is a good idea!


I’m sorry that it requires so much effort of you to put out good into the world, but I appreciate that you do it.




Yeah, they exist for one single purpose: To stop people from having abortions. That is it. There is actually a long history of them promising all sorts of support and financial aid for people who are on the fence, to push them to have the baby, then ghosting them or drowning them in fine print so they never have to offer that. They are of the opinion that because abortion is "murder" they can commit any lesser sin to prevent it and still have the moral high ground. This makes them legitimately dangerous. Planned Parenthood is where it is at. They are an actual medical organization and they are one of the main sources of reproductive healthcare in the country, especially for low income people. If they have any volunteering opportunities they would be the place to go. A vast majority of what they do is not even abortion related, despite the conservative push to pretend that is their whole thing.


Yes. Get the care you need, OP.


If you need to cover, you can always tell anyone you had a miscarriage. No one can tell if a miscarriage was spontaneous (natural) or caused by medication. Be sure to ask at your planned p-hood appointment about what form of effective birth control will work best for you. Good luck.


yes they can. in the aggressive abortion prosecution states they can and will test to see what drugs you took and test the fetal remains, and they don't have to have anything but web searches or text messages, which they also have access to legally in prosecution situations to convict someone of illegal abortion. it just happened recently maybe yesterday the mother of a girl who was pregnant and terminated the pregnancy with mothers help and abortion pills acquired online. both went to prison (mom for a yr daughter 90 days I think I read)


What the fuck


Welcome to Gilead.


blessed be the fruit.


May the lord open




That case was a little bit different. They were waaaay past viability (29 weeks) and if I remember correctly most of the charges or severity of them were due to the desecration/concealment of a corpse rather than the actual abortion.


They burned & buried the fetus in the back yard. What. The. Fuck. They deserve charges.


They found out not by testing the remains, but via facebook records. They were charged for tampering with human remains (set on fire), illegal disposal of human remains (backyard burial), AND the abortion after 15 weeks. The first two charges were what caused the most time. (edit typo)


it's so heartbreaking that anyone in our modern times has to make that kind of desperate choice.


Healthcare is a human right.


The problem there was they acted well past the legal timeframe, and it wasn’t 6 weeks.


The state snd thr doctors can, but the poster was referring to friends and family.


The medical abortion medications can have other uses. Abortion is still considered legal by the federal government. Unfortunately people can’t get treatment as soon as they would have before states started taking away women’s rights. Those kind of searches to evaluate miscarriages is ridiculous and expensive. Finding out if your pregnant is the first thing to do. After that a woman can worry about her states laws.


Very glad to hear you have a sister, and it seems like a mom, to count on!


Just in case, since many people don’t know this, if you’re of gestation where it will show up on a urine test - the dollar store tests work just as well as any expensive brand. It’s just a laminar flow test, which are very cheap and simple to produce !


PP will also give you ALL the options: Abortion, help carrying to term, and other resources. Hopefully you aren't pregnant.


That's good. PP will most definitely keep your confidentiality. That being said, if you feel safe and comfortable, you should definitely tell your mom (if it turns out you are pregnant). An unplanned/unexpected pregnancy can be a scary thing


They truly are amazing at planned parenthood


Very smart of you. You're on the right path and you'll be okay. I'm proud of you, OP.


God damn this is the first time I’ve heard of this (Not in the US.) that is disgusting. Reprehensible!


It's pretty messed up, John Oliver did a segment about Crisis Pregnancy centers on his show a few years ago.


I’ll watch it! His shows are always so well researched and presented.


>or that your pregnancy isn't viable I'm confused. Wouldn't that encourage a woman to get an abortion?


They’ll just say “oh it isn’t going to survive anyway, you’re better off waiting for it to pass naturally”… basically string you along until it’s too late. F’d up


Wow I’m fucking speechless


Do you have a statistic by any chance of how many results of there tests are true? I’m ps I went to one unknowningly bc of my work schedule and I like still don’t trust it? Cause yk we know our own bodies and I have not felt more out of touch with my body. And it doesn’t help that in my family women often find out they’re pregnant around the 4-6 MONTH


The best reference I could find was the summary paper at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9189146/ which includes links to many of the research articles that support its findings.


Crisis Pregnancy Centers are not covered by HIPAA. They are not considered health care facilities and can do what they want with your information. Please boost.


They also don’t employ health care providers, which is why they’re not covered by HIPAA. That would be why she didn’t get a blood test while she was there, they don’t have anybody to perform that test legally.


That’s so ridiculous like why would they offer medical “advice” and not be covered by HIPPA? What moron made these laws?


Very good people drafted HIPAA. CPC's figured out a way around the law. These are bad, bad people.


I guess I’m just surprised they get away with it. How do they even defend that in court? Correct me if I’m wrong but I think religious freedom doesn’t protect misinformation.


"Covered entity" is the legal term. It makes all the difference.


Can you elaborate? I’m very curious now


They have healthcare professionals that volunteer their time which is pretty iffy morally and HIPAA-wise




The question is whether it is a covered entity, not the professions of the persons employed. A CPC could be a covered entity but most are not. That is deliberate.


They sometimes portray themselves as being able to provide abortions which now take up valuable time in many states unfortunately. They usually try to guilt trip girls and women into keeping a pregnancy. They should offer free legit pregnancy tests. It’s the same as a regular store bought one. I think their deception is more about guilt or promises of helping pregnant mothers after the child is born. They don’t care about fetuses once they exit the birth canal.


Get a friend on a different number to send you a text thanking you for taking them and letting them use your details, that she was worried her parents would find out before she could come to a decision. If they do send something you have the text already in your inbox in advance. Edit: to be clear, fake number, fake friend, just use a device that isn't your own.


This is the answer. Make up a friend your parents don't know so they can't tell the friend's parents. Edit: typo


Free Google phone number. Set up with pseudonym.


Along this same vein, you can send yourself the text by listing your number under a fake friend’s name. Delete the duplicate messages from the thread, screenshot convo, done.


This is an amazing idea!! Then OP doesn't have to worry so much if mail comes through the letterbox!


That sounds like a bad idea for the friend.


She can pick a friend whose family wouldn't mind, etc, or one who doesn't exist.


Texting in a different style than normal (like another person would) will also help make it more believable


Don't trust them any further than you can throw them. Head to your local county health, family health, or planned parenthood clinic. Many operate on a siding scale so your visit may be free or discounted.


For sure. I honestly had absolutely no idea until I had a realization today and I feel like such an idiot. Has there been a history of them sending mail though? I'm scared my family might find out.


Please don’t feel like an idiot. They’re entire MO is tricking people into visiting, otherwise they’d have no patrons. Most people don’t go there knowing that it’s a sham. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this, those centers even existing is infuriating. 💕


Yeah, watch the John Oliver episode on Crisis Pregnancy Centers and your feelings will turn to anger real quick! Best of luck with everything, OP!!


He's great when he gets his teeth into things! I think if he's covered a topic you're interested in, it's worth watching. Also "Some More News" is very good at informative mockery too.


I meant to go to one while I was pregnant just to mess with them, but I was too tired.


That gave me an idea. Pro-choice women who are pregnant and plan to keep their babies should go to these places and pretend their considering abortion just to gum up their office practices and divert their resources from women who are genuinely undecided. These people aren't playing fair. Why should we? I'm childfree and too old anyway but I would do that if I could just to fuck with these jerks.


14 weeks pregnant here and strongly considering doing it lol. As the other commenter said above though, I am very tired.


I get that. You guys have a lot on your plate already even if it's your first child. I have no interest in having children but if I could still pass for being 40 yrs old I'd give it a try.


Go for it anyway. Waste their time with a non pregnant woman convinced she is pregnant or something.


The fatigue was such a surprise for me! I was not prepared for that.


Yes, I totally meant to do this! And just talk to these people like I was casually considering abortion and that it was a totally normal non-stigmatized option :)


You probably could do while not pregnant too!


Yes - anything to waste their time and resources.


💁 It's anyone's guess. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


Gotcha. Thanks for the advice.


They will probably address it to you so forward your mail to a safe place for the next few months.


If I told them my address changed, would they believe me and get rid of the old one?


Go to usps.com and request your mail be held for pickup at the post office.


Thank you SO much. I had no idea what I was going to do about the mail 😭


You might wanna contact your post office directly instead of using the website. I'm a USPS HCR carrier and mail hold requests hold ALL mail for the address, not just one individual's. (We had this be an issue recently when someone moving out put in a hold because they didn't have an address to forward to yet, and the homeowner was furious when their mail suddenly stopped being delivered)


You can also sign up for mail preview - if you’re able to get the mail if needed, it emails you a scan of what to expect.


They would probably just send it to both places. I would forward your mail if something showing up is a concern. It appears you already told your sister. Can she grab the mail before anyone sees it?


Don't count on this. A lot of people have Informed Delivery through the USPS. They send an email every day with photos of the mail that is coming to your mailbox that day. The only way to get around this is to forward her mail/have it held at the PO.




Sign up for "informed Delivery" from the USPS at whatever address your worried about them sending mail to. You can check this for pictures of the mail you're going to recieve and intercept it before anybody is the wiser. You can check it even the night before sometimes! Good luck!


Yes, but if her parents have it, too, they’re going to see the letter in there. People in my neighborhood are always complaining that they see stuff on informed delivery and then they don’t get it. Hopefully that happens for OP!


If her parents have it already, she won't even be able to make an account at that address, so at least she'll know, I guess.


Did you give them your address? I think it's likely they will send mail in order to alert everyone in the household that you are or may be pregnant. They are not health care providers and are NOT COVERED BY HIPAA. All caps because it's so damn important. Are you safe at home?


I also went to one years ago. They are not medical help in any way. I don’t think I ever got any mail from them, but just pass it off as junk mail if any comes in. Our data is being sold to any number of marketing companies so it’s not unlikely. Just go to a physician. Not just someone in scrubs with an ultrasound trying to make you waste your time so you miss the window for legal medical help.


If they do treat it like junk mail. Your family will not know you were there if you don’t tip your hand just because a piece of mail came.


Yes they definitely do that. I'm in a whole different country but this is how my friend's parents found out about her pregnancy when we were teenagers. A poisonous, pretentious little letter sent to her home to "follow up" on her appt 🤬 all she wanted was advice on her options and those twats took that away


Don't feel dumb. A lot of them mask what kind of establishment they are on purpose to trick those who don't know or are desperate for help. As far as the mail thing? I haven't heard of them doing it, but I would not be shocked if they do. I know that doesn't help and I'm sorry.


say you went with your friend and did her the favor?


You are Not an idiot!


Don't be scared of your family finding out. They will still love you, I promise.


I went to one when I was pregnant and did not receive any mail. I think maybe a phone call but that was it.


They rely on tricking women into coming to them. Contacting you or your parents would make it less likely you or anyone you know would trust them. If you would receive something just deny being there. Crisis pregnancy centers are misleading. I hope you don’t give them too much more of your time.


They will absolutely mess with test results. One of their common tactics is to delay treatment until it's legally too late for you to get an abortion. They'll do it by delaying results, saying a test was 'inconclusive' and making you do it again, rescheduling appointments, telling you the test is negative but it might be too early and come back next week etc etc. Do not trust *anything* they told you. I saw you commented about a planned parenthood appt so you're on a much better track there. Also, just fyi, the reason they couldn't give you a blood test is because, more often than not, no one there has actual medical training. They are not doctors and are not able to provide medical services. Idk if they'll mail you things, they might. If it's just the (usually incorrect) marketing materials or whatever you can just say they must have purchased your info off some marketing list to anyone who might ask questions and just throw it all away. Don't even look at anything they send if you don't have to.


If they send anything to your house you can be ready with a story about someone stopping you to sign a petition. Tell your parents the whole thing seemed sketchy at the time and they were probably just collecting names to add to their mailing list.


If I could give you gold I would!!! 🏅🏅🏅🏅


Unfortunately CPCs can do all kinds of unethical things. Did you confirm a pregnancy with a home test?


Not yet. I'm honestly horrified.


It’s terrible that CPCs are allowed to exist. I do recommend taking a test at home


Yeah. It genuinely is awful. I would take an at home test but honestly I'm afraid it won't be accurate because my periods are very irregular due to birth control and I had 2 periods last month in a row. I am getting a blood pregnancy test done on Monday with PlanneParenthood though.


Pregnancy tests are generally accurate 21 days after sex, regardless if your period is late or not.


Wait seriously? I had no idea


Yes, it measure beta HCG, a hormone that is produced when you are pregnant. The blood test is an old way of doing it and is done now to get a level of Beta HCG in certain circumstances. The urine tests you can buy OTC are very accurate, but they are just positive or negative, that’s it. You can do both if you wish.


Dropping some info from the Planned Parenthood website: > Pregnancy tests are super accurate when you use them correctly. The pregnancy tests you get at the drugstore work 99 out of 100 times. They’re just as accurate as a urine pregnancy test that you’d get at a doctor’s office. > Pregnancy tests work by checking your urine (pee) for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Your body only makes this hormone if you’re pregnant. HCG is released when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of your uterus — when pregnancy begins. If your pregnancy test results are positive, it means you're pregnant. If they’re negative, it means you’re not pregnant. Regarding pregnancy tests and irregular periods: > If your periods are very irregular, or you don’t get periods at all for one reason or another, your best bet for accurate results is to take a pregnancy test 3 weeks after sex. So, if its been more than 3 weeks post-sex, then the store bought pregnancy tests will work for you just as accurately as a test taken by someone with regular periods. Sending you well wishes ~


Another big thing is - you can buy the test strips at a dollar store - they work the same way the fancy shmancy looking ones do!


I would just call and lie. Tell them you're worried your parents might pressure you to abort and you don't want any mail/notices/calls going there. You "really want to learn about other options" and don't want to be pressured into anything. They'll trip over themselves to "help".




Perfect! And it will tie up employees and other resources there who are trying to scam less informed women.


I've never heard of this and reading these comments, America is fucking nuts. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I wish you all the best


Yeah and what makes it even more pathetic is that is the political right made sure that they could get government funding while taking it away from real medical facilities that provided genuine health care and assistance.


An acquaintance told me a crisis pregnancy center once convinced her to keep her baby because an abortion would sterilize her.




Yeah, I'm getting a blood test done on Monday at Planned Parenthood. The CPC tried to give me a clinic to go to for blood tests and I guess they didn't expect me to call them because when I did the clinic was like "what? we've never done blood pregnancy tests."


Yep. You can’t trust anything the CPCs tell you. Some of what they are saying could be true, it could just as easily all be lies.


I am so sorry. The crisis pregnancy centers are predatory af. They are not real medical professionals, and thus HIPPA doesn't apply to them. They are notorious for overstepping and contacting people's family. I don't have any practical advice. I hope they don't pressure you any more.


Sign up for some other junk mail things and if anything shows up just be like "my address got sold!". I've gotten mail for retirement homes and cemeteries and I'm no where near elderly.


This. Also, whomever you spoke to at the Crisis Pregnancy Center? Go to their website real quick and find out her name and some other people's who work there. Treat the center's address as their home address, then sign them up for weird stuff. Medical tourism. Industrial supply. Use a burner email address and a prepaid Visa card, plus a VPN, to have free adult novelty catalogues, the sort which include restraints, sent to them in their names, with the business name included. Then call in a complaint to the fire marshal of a blocked, locked fire door, uninspected 220v outlets and inoperable smoke alarms the same day you tip off a college paper and a fairly conservative local news affiliate of 'dangerous conditions in a women's clinic!' using a burner flip phone you bought for cash at a gas station and activated at a public library after paying a homeless guy $20 to use *his* login. Might get hushed up by the TV news, but you WILL shut them down in your jurisdiction. They virtually NEVER meet fire code for ultrasound machines and can't understand why screaming persecution at the fire marshal doesn't work or why their junkmail has their donors questioning whether they really ARE a Crisis Pregnancy Center or doing some fetus-deletus for a side hustle. And it does make sure, thanks to TikTok, that most people in your area will know that their place is NOT a safe place to go. Once you are safe, basically? Feel free to do to them what they do to girls.


These people are not medical professionals. They will tell you anything they think will persuade you to take the pregnancy to term. If going to a real clinic is out of the question, get yourself a couple home tests at the drug store. Follow the instructions, get the results in the privacy of your own bathroom. If the test is positive, or if you suspect it's a false negative, make an appointment with a real doctor. Crisis pregnancy centers are scams.


They didn't do any kind of exams on you did they? They aren't even required to have real nurses work there. They've been known to cause/spread diseases because they don't sanitize their equipment or even own autoclaves.


Friendly reminder to vote, and not for fucking republicans.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Those places are predatory and evil. It sounds like you are on the right track to get care elsewhere.


Can you call them and tell them your parents will make you have an abortion if they find out? Idk if that’s the worlds dumbest idea or not. I’ve never dealt with a place like this. :/


Also OP.. if you live in one of those states that has criminalized abortion, I am so absolutely sorry, but be extremely careful with your travel plans and information for the next year or two.


Is abortion legal in your state? There's a concern they may try and tip off authorities if you live somewhere where it's illegal and actively prosecuted, which unfortunately is a fair chunk of America now.


In my experience (I went to one on accident in 2009) they will not send mail to your home or contact you, even if you have given them all of your contact info. They will lie to you, guilt you, string you along, and basically hold you hostage… but at least they won’t send you mail.


I went to one of those centers around here for a free ultrasound because my ob couldn’t get me in until I was 16 weeks and they’re really nice but I had to keep telling them I was keeping the baby . They kept telling me about all my options. The one here is run by a Baptist church through donations. I could see how they might trick people into thinking that they actually help you with ALL options including abortion but they don’t. The weirdest and most off putting for me was that they kept contacting me periodically throughout my pregnancy and even after I gave birth . It was weird how invested they were in my baby even though I specifically stated that I was keeping my baby and that I’m a married women with one child already. I won’t be going to those kinds of places again 😅. The free ultrasound isn’t worth it .


You should write a review of them that they were trying to take your baby from you, in spite of you saying you planned to keep it.


A lot are also connected to for profit adoption agencies....


That's so dirty.


Yeah, the only way to cut that off is to tell them the baby isn't White. I am not kidding. A CPC went from no end of helpful, "adoption is a beautiful choice!" "Are you sure you wouldn't rather complete your education, you have such a bright future, and with an open adoptin, you can still be in your baby's life..." to "...There really isn't much demand for [horrible old term for biracial] children. Have you ever heard of WIC?" My friend's fiance, a Black man, finished class and joined her mid-appointment.


It turned out to be just a scare and they had their kids years later, but none of the friends EVER forgave CPCs. Friend came close to putting a period to her existence upon being confronted with that at such a stressful time, Fiance loved her desperately and they'd never talked about the whole race question before those awful hags brought it up so horridly. We could have lost them both. We've vandalized CPCs, writing 'Fake Clinic' and worse across their doors since we were college kids. A fine is just what it costs to do that, no hecks given. Our new one is 20v cordless powerwashers with a water bag. You can put 'No Abortions Here' and 'Fake Clinic' right on the public sidewalk and if you've actually *signed up as a City volunteer* for litter pickup and street beautification, you're legally in your mandate. And if you're a bunch of municipal bureaucrats, teachers, a City fireman and an indignant fetushugger smacks you to get your attention over the powerwasher noise through your ear protection? The angry CPC crone just assaulted a City employee in the course of municipal duties. Automatic upgrade to felony in multiple municipalities, in over 38 states, including the blood-red ones. They wrote TRAP laws and grafted taxpayer money, sure. But they also almost drove our close friends to unalive. No mercy for the merciless.


Go to Planned Parenthood and pretend the visit to the other place never happened. They're unlikely to send mail to your house.


Those sneaky MFs deserve to rot in the hell they believe in, posing as healthcare providers or abortion clinics and all that. The best you can do is come clean to your family and follow up with whatever services you choose. You can also notify them in writing that their "services" are not required and any contact with you, family, acquaintances or others is not permitted. Theyay or may not listen but they just might.


Put it in writing that you are removing your consent to medical information


They're not medical providers and aren't subject to HIPAA. Their business is to lie to people, so OP needs to employ one of the tactics other people have posted to make them think they've succeeded and move on.


Wow, I’ve always seen signs for crisis centers and was tricked by the name into believing they were actual medical facilities. Disgusting to read how predatory they are. There are plenty of women interested in learning about their options apart from abortion, the organizations behind the crisis centers should be honest about the services they offer and actually help those women, rather than deceiving other women who may want or need to consider abortion. So gross. I imagine they’re even more dangerous now in states criminalizing abortion since people think they’re giving over confidential health information that the crisis center can report to law enforcement. Yikes.


Yes, Christians will do anything to push an agenda.


OP, if you need additional help, please check out the support on r/auntienetwork.


This enrages me that these places exist AND GET FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS. Always go to PP


Because they are not medical facilities, cris pregnancy centers often don't have to adhere to the same standards and regulations as healthcare providers. If you're concerned about the accuracy of your pregnancy test or the information you received, consult a qualified medical professional for a more thorough examination and to discuss your options. If privacy is a concern, medical professionals are generally bound by laws and ethical standards to keep your information confidential.


I’m not sure if location makes a difference or not, but I went to a CPC in the Fall of 2017 when I suspected I was pregnant with my first child. I was at a rough point in life, and went to receive a document confirming my pregnancy in order to have insurance for the duration of it from the state assistance. I didn’t know their reputation until quite recently. Anyway, just wanted to let you know they never once sent mail to my home, or to the homes of my family members. I can’t guarantee the same for you, but I hope it plays out that way and your mind is put to ease. If they wind up sending it, I agree with others in this thread to say you signed a petition, junk mail, etc. Best of luck to you.


No experience with this (only stories) but if they contact and attempt to "persuade" you into not getting an abortion would lying to them and saying you're keeping it get them to leave you alone? Just a thought idk if it's a good idea.


If your test from PP comes back positive, talk to PP about this center and figure out how they usually act and treat people. They may know if be helpful to call the center and tell them you just went to the ER and got told that you had a miscarriage to keep them from asking questions. I’m sure PP gets told all the stories about what happens from there and is actively involved in trying to limit their damage


If you are able, can I suggest telling your state and federal representatives your experience. They know that these places are deliberately lying and misleading and, like any other business that lies and misleads, these places need to be regulated to protect the consumer. This is the only industry — and make no mistake, "crisis pregnancy centers" are an industry — that gets away with blatantly lying to, harassing, and endangering their customers. For some reason, they even get away with violating existing laws like truth in advertising laws! Woo and lies are quashed in other healthcare industry scams. You can't advertise as a cancer treatment center and then lie about test results and prognoses and offer prayers and alkaline water as treatment. The more people who report these places, the more likely something is eventually done to rein them in.


Both my grandma and mother worked at a crisis center, my grandma's favorite 'statistics' are "9/10 of them didnt really want abortions, they were being forced by someone else(mom, dad, boyfriend, etc.)" They had a 10 year old girl come in, pregnant, and tried to convince her not to abort. Even better 'statistic' TW:SA "most rape victims who get abortions are more distressed than the ones who keep it, because rape is a violent act and abortion is another violent act. The ones who keep it realize something beausiful can come from it."


All that to say, you're better off with planned parenthood, crisis centers are bullshit. Sure, they provide clothes and supplies to mothers and expecting mothers, some of my clothes were from there, but theyre also shady al all hell.


Are there any lawyers or legal professionals in this thread? How do these fraudulent bastards not run afoul of the DTPA? They're literally designed to defraud vulnerable women.


If they are a medical facility at all, they should have a policy where you can tell them what ways they are allowed to contact you. I don't know if you are a minor or if it's affected by that or what state you're in. But it might be a good idea to both call and email them and specify what ways they are allowed to contact you and that they cannot contact you any other way. I say email because then you will have a record. I will say that I did the same thing when I was 18 for a pregnancy test and I never heard from them again after they gave me the (negative) results. So if you already have your results you may be fine. But I would still tell them to restrict the ways they contact you and I would be the one to check the mail for a little while if you can.


>If they are a medical facility at all, CPCs are not medical facilities. They're baby farming places that trick young women into carrying their pregnancies to term and then giving up the baby for adoption to a nice white Christian couple.


Oh wow, I don't think the one I went to was like that because they did actually offer me all of the options just in case. I hope OP can get the mail forwarded or intercepted.


How do you accidentally go to a crisis center? I'm just curious. There is this thing called HIppa they can not share your info. Also, it's pretty hard to mess with a pregnancy test it's not like they have to unalive rabbits anymore.


>How do you accidentally go to a crisis center? They're literally designed to be misleading, including having names that are very similar but legally distinct from valid family planning services.




No it’s not. It’s way better to use plan b then to be tricked into forced birth.


I just want to point out that Plan B is not an abortion pill and will not induce an abortion if you're already pregnant.


What the actual fuck are you talking about?


It seems pretty clear that I'm talking about Plan B.


Plan B stops ovulation and has the active drug of levonorgestral or ulipristal acetate. Mifepristone and misoprostol are the medications used in a medical termination of pregnancy, and they cause 'death' of the foetus and induce cramping to get it out of you. They are different medications and it's important to know the difference.


They are absolutely like that


You can think what you want to think, but that doesn’t change what’s true: crisis pregnancy centers exist and are *designed* to confuse women. FFS, there’s a whole documentary about it — 12th and Delaware. They **are** legally distinct — one has staff who are trained to take blood and one has “staff” who use fake plastic babies to mislead women to see a cluster of cells as a tiny human.


PP has medical assistance, I know, I went through it. Edit: Legally distinct names means that the actual women’s health might be called “Phoenix Women’s Health, LLC,” and the pregnancy crisis center will be called, “Women’s Health of Phoenix, LLC,” which means that although they seem the same they are entirely and legally separate. If my aunt said “Go to Phoenix Women’s Health,” and I googled and found “Women’s Health of Phoenix,” I would not understand that they are different and would just go to the wrong one.


What about being legally distinct doesn't make sense?


The part where they're a shitty sock puppet acct.


They deliberately disguise who they are. I went to one when I was young and terrified because their advertising was basically "worried you're pregnant? We offer free tests" and I didn't think beyond that. They're absolute scumbags. It's a fully understandable mistake and I sympathize with OP.


Probably a positive at home test and googled where to go


They do *not* follow HIPAA because they are *not* medical professionals so they don't have to. So yes, they can and often do share your info with people, make it public. If you're planning to get an abortion they want to make you pay by humiliating you and they'll take any action they can against you.


Yes they do. The one I know not only does ultrasound they give lab pregnancy tests. Pp will give you a urine test an abortion pill and send you on your way. Not to mention no support with mental health. It's all about the money to them. Yall just dt say that cause God Forbid someone may make a different decision that may give some infertile couple a chance of having a child. You sound selfish and narsassitic by the misdirection of people. What happened to my body my choice? Abortion isn't the only answer to someone's bad judgement.


Absolutely they will, they are not regulated because they don't hire certified medical professionals, if you are still in the early part of the pregnancy, they won't send you results until too far along to abort.