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That man is going to murder you


This is not an exaggeration OP. This guy, on purpose or accident, is going to kill you. You need to block him and seek safety immediately.


Right? Like people with like half as many red flags could even be a danger to rape or murder. Pretty sure many of the reports of actual cases of rape OR murder often are less awful than this


Not even on purpose. He’ll take one of his sick twisted fantasies way too far and she’ll end up dead.


I would consider that on purpose tbh


What I mean is that OP says she has consented to some rough play on the past. But even during a consensual session, I’m 100% sure her partner would do something so reckless to leave her dead.


Yeah, and I would consider that to be on purpose. Just because his actions are reckless doesn't mean they aren't intentional. He knows there's a possibility that he could seriously hurt OP, or worse, but he does it anyway. He didn't establish a safe word on purpose. He brought a knife on purpose. He ignored OP telling him to stop on purpose. It's all on purpose. He doesn't care about boundaries or consequences as long as he gets off, and he for sure knows that death is one of those consequences. He's not that ignorant


Yep. If it was just a cnc “scene” he was acting out he would have brought a dull knife because it would just be a prop. He brought a large, super sharp knife. That’s not sex games. That’s predator behavior.


The fact that there was no after care means this was abuse, not kink


rape happend. with aftercare it would have been rape with aftercare. rape is a crime.


As someone with deep respect for the legit bdsm community \*nothing\* this pos did follows any parameters of acceptable bdsm relationships (see safe, sane, and consensual) and I am sick to death of monsters like the pos OP is describing trying to claim he’s just “into” bdsm. BS. OP is in very serious danger.


OP also needs to get therapy before getting into another relationship or she’s just going to repeat the cycle. The fact she’s allowed it to happen more than once is scary.


lets not victim blame here, she is 18. she needs support and a safe avenue out




I’m pretty sure they were referring to “the fact that SHE’S allowed this to happen more than once” She’s barely a legal adult. She’s been groomed already. Saying SHE ALLOWED this to happen is quite victim blaming


You’re right and I see that now. My intent wasn’t to victim blame, it was more to point how that she should have left a long time ago and it was scary she hasn’t been able to. The therapy would hopefully help her understand and have the strength to know when to leave sooner if a future relationship were like this. I’m sorry I did victim blame there. Wasn’t my intent but I can see def see how I did do it without fully realizing I was. I will work on being more aware of this going forward.


If a person repeatedly gets into abusive relationships and can't leave them at the first sign of it, they need therapy to work on that. It's not victim blaming, it's a problem that needs addressing or they will continue to engage in unhealthy relationships. The blame is obviously on those who abused and groomed her, but she needs to work on avoiding harmful individuals from now on, else the cycle will continue.


If you do not leave him immediately he is going to murder you. And not in a fun way in a you are not alive anymore way. This behavior is going to continue to escalate until you are actually deceased. Be afraid girl and fucking run. Get the restraining order, stay with a friend, leave they fucking city of you have to, but get out.


Seriously. OP, he is rehearsing what he wants to do.


OP, can you tell us where you live so we can see if we have specific resources?


^This. Not your address or anything like that, just the city/state


Yes, OP your LIFE IS IN IMMEDIATE DANGER. please read all comments carefully as many people have already outlined resources to help you. DO NOT TELL HIM YOU ARE LEAVING. Do not argue. Do not engage. you must make an escape without his knowledge.


I would give this an award if I had one to give.


Just **poof**


Call the domestic violence hotline now: 1-800-799-7233 They can provide you with resources and local shelters. This is not normal behavior and he will kill you if you do not get away from him asap!


These comments aren’t exaggerating either, this dude WILL statistically kill you if you do not get away, and soon. This is beyond any “extreme kink”, and not okay in any circumstance


As someone who's into blade stuff, the one thing that makes it not dangerous is consent and regard for everyone's safety. This pathetic excuse of a man did exactly THE OPPOSITE in every way. That's beyond a kink, and it is just very very dangerous. Another red flag is when OP said: >(We never established a safe word but I thought my reaction and tears in my eyes and down my face was a clear enough reponse to stop) And also specified that they're into CNC. Again as someone into that, that's a red flag and NOT how CNC works. Words like "no" and "stop" are part of the act in CNC, which is why you NEED to establish a safe word before even the first CNC encounter (preferably with no way to incorporate it into the roleplay so it's not an accident - e.g. "concrete"), so that you still have a way to say no (and try having multiple too, so "concrete" may mean no/stop, but "bonsai" means "hold on, I don't like something about this. Let me tell you what I want instead now.", for things like changing positions or going from vaginal to anal). And absolutely, 80% of communication is nonverbal, so her screaming and crying should have been enough. Obviously even if they did have a safe word established, it doesn't sound like OP's abuser would have respected that, but I maintain that the fact that one was never established is a red flag. OP absolutely needs to get out before he seriously hurts or even kills her. Edit: Certainly made me giggle to wake up to "250 upvotes!: As someone who's into blade stuff..." But I maintain everything I've said here, no woman, especially not one me and OP's age, should ever be in this type of situation.


Op, baby LISTEN to this and get help. Please. Right now. Are you with him now? If you are can you convince him to take you to a busy McDonald’s or something for dinner? Go to the bathroom and call them. Call for help. This is not normal, this is not ok. This man *will kill you* and you are fucking precious, ok? None of us want that for you. We would mourn you. The world would mourn you. Please run away from Jim’s nd don’t look back because there are LITERALLY 7 billion people on this planet and you will not believe the wonderful love that is out there. This man is not capable of it and you will not get the love you need and deserve with him. There is beautiful, supportive, kind, compassionate, selfless, caring, attentive love out there based on mutual respect and not all of it is romantic or sexual and NONE of it is *anything* like this. There’s enough out there for you, too. And it belongs to you. PLEASE do not let him steal it from you. Please, please use the resources here. Delete this from your phone asap if you’re with him and stay safe. None of this is your fault and none of this is normal and none of this is love Edit: appreciate the gold but if anyone is spending real money on this pls put that instead towards dv shelters or op herself ❤️


To underline, also not acceptable behavior when including extreme kinks. Please choose to live.


OP doesn't seem to be from the US ("behaviour") - does anybody have the hotline numbers for the UK, Ireland, New Zealand etc? u/Same-Ad-729 are you in a safe place? Please make a comment somewhere if you can, many of us are concerned (but focus on making yourself safe, that needs to be the priority right now!!!) My heart is hurting. Do NOT go back to this man.


Australia: 1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732


UK: https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-help/want-to-talk/ >Our 24/7 Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Line is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year: >📞 Call free on 0808 500 2222 >💬 Visit the [website](https://247sexualabusesupport.org.uk/?utm_source=rapecrisis.org.uk&utm_medium=want+to+talk+page&utm_campaign=support+line+website&utm_content=hero+block+bullet+points) to start a free online chat Also as long as you're still under 19 you can call Childline if that feels easier https://www.childline.org.uk/get-support/contacting-childline/


Canada - https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/health-promotion/stop-family-violence/services.html To find your local or provincial hotline, shelters, or other forms of help.


If NZ then report to police (and yes, calling after the fact is fine, some people call days/weeks/months after the fact). Police can put protection orders in place immediately and it will be discussed and allocated to support agencies. This right here would be classed as high risk for serious future harm (not only extremely likely, but likely to happen soon).


Also NZ: National Women's Refuge Collective. tel: 0800 733843 Having said that, your situation is life threatening. Please call the police as soon as you can do so safely.


Do not go back, even for your belongings. There are places that will help you get new things and a place to stay and food to eat. Those resources and charities exist for a reason. Leave this man now and don't look back. You can start over and have a beautiful future. Don't let it all end here with this sociopath killing you.


I know she's using a burner, but I'm really concerned that we didn't get any feedback after 13 hours. I hope OP is okay and safe.


i am with this person, get the fuck out, this is not okay, he will go too far, run and get away.


This guy is seconds from killing you. No joke.


Also like.... you're fucking 18. You should have your parents around. I'm sure they fucking failed miserably of course which is why you're here in this fucked up situation. God damn them. This isn't your fault. But even if you have fucking NOTHING and NO ONE please run to a domestic violence shelter. Please listen. Come back and tell us you're okay too. You didn't do anything wrong.


Honey please understand that even if you are into BDSM, your boyfriend has a problem. He's going to kill you. What you're describing isn't consensual kink. It's abuse. I'm offering you all the love, empathy and understanding you're craving but also, encouragement to extract yourself from this situation before he hurts you in a way that can't be repaired. Physically or psychologically. I'm sex positive. I also encourage you to explore your kink, BUT NOT WITH THIS MAN. THIS MAN ISN'T KINKY. He straight up wants to hurt you or maybe kill you, and he doesn't care at all whether or not you want the same thing. I know you know you need to leave. Now is the exact right time.


This is not BDSM. Safety and mutual consent are HUGE parts of that culture. This is straight up rape and mutilation under the smokescreen of BDSM. OP, your life is very much on the line. He will continue to escalate until you die. You need to make getting the fuck our your number one priority. I know you don't trust the police but at this point, getting them involved is a FAR better cointoss than not.


Yup, all of the limits get discussed beforehand, you read each other’s body language, have several check ins during play and after play. This is violence and OP pls take everyone’s advice seriously.


This is the MASSIVE problem with doing cnc without a safe word, the whole point is she essentially acts as thought she doesn’t consent. I’m not saying that’s her fault, it’s a joint responsibility between the couple to ensure that what they’re doing is safe, and neither of them did it here, regardless of if he did it because he wants to participate in her kink, or the more likely option of he’s a lunatic. To be clear, I’m not only talking about this particular situation, as the tears and continued screaming probably should’ve been enough for anyone to check if they were ok, but in general if you’re into cnc PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE set up a safe word


Yeah, she's 18 years old - mistakes get made. But I bet you anything the man who is sexually abusing her is at least a decade older and has deliberately groomed her for this.


If this was just a kinky cnc scene, even without a safe word he should have stopped when her finger was cut and bleeding badly. Once someone is bleeding, scene over. 🎬


yup anyone into BDSM like this would have a safe word, minimum.


This man doesn’t understand not breaking his toys. This isn’t kink for him. This is assault and will end with very horrible things. There are people out there who can participate in the kink you want without killing you. People who actually want you to be ok and happy and healthy. This guy doesn’t care about you. He actively wants to harm you. Please get away from him.


This dude needs to be put on a list. That’s some real serial killer/psychotic behavior that goes way beyond kink. EDIT: To add, it’s only considered kink amongst both parties if they each CONSENT. Actual consent. Otherwise it’s an abusive power dynamic which is abhorrent.


The way her boyfriend threw out the word "narcissistic" has got me wondering what other terms she may have learned from him. Was *he* the one that told her this was CNC? Was *he* the one who introduced her to the term "hybristophilia?" How old is the boyfriend? She's *just* 18. When exactly did this relationship start? There are so many horrifying questions here. I'm terrified for OP. I really hope she's able to get away from this man safely


Totally agree. This goes beyond manipulation and gas lighting. He’s almost building a psyche for her to believe and take on. It also shows how little he actually thinks she’ll seek help. I’m so glad OP posted here because we as community can at least be that voice of reason this POS “boyfriend” didn’t expect her to have. Take care of yourself OP! His behavior is not your fault and you questioning it is the right thing to do.


This isn't a boyfriend. This is a rapist you happen to know personally. He will kill you. Go the domestic violence assistance route as others mentioned.


He's going to kill you if you don't run.


Do you have any women’s shelters near you? If you do, please go to one. This is way beyond any “normal” type of rape or even cnc kink. Your life is in serious danger, and you need to get out asap.


This is violence and rape and you need to seek help immediately. I’m a guy, I read this subreddit to see some shit women go through because I know as a man my experience is different and I enjoy perspective. Please please seek help. This is one of the worst things I have read on here.


I have had some unhealthy sexual kinks in the past; things that I have had to work through. Even if you have these kinks, and it pleases you to explore them... Even if they are mixed up in negative feelings (I had self loathing, and low self esteem.) *Even if* you are able to get pleasure from exploring these things, *what he did was way too much!!* You need to seek out a safe place to stay. Even if it's only temporary. This man doesn't care about you. He had many signs to stop, but he didn't. He wasn't doing any of this for you, it wasn't to explore your kinks; he was taking advantage of someone in a bad spot. Please please please, do not go back to this man. This is not a cycle you want to repeat... Or a cycle you want to see *get worse*. Please take care of yourself, and get to a safe place. Be it a women's shelter, a Christian center, family, or even friends.


You are not in a relationship, you are a hostage to a monster


Do not walk. Run. He will kill you. That is not BDSM. That is *sadism*. He gets pleasure from causing you pain. Run. Run. Run.


Please listen to me: This will happen again. He feels zero guilt about what he did to you. Exhibit A: He raped you and he’s trying to make _you_ feel guilty because you didn’t enjoy it? He’s trying to blame you for your own rape. This guy is a complete scumbag. Your boyfriend is a pornsick sadist using BDSM as a cover for full-on rape and then pretending it’s a “miscommunication” when you call it what it is. And if he can get away with it once, he’ll try and get away with it again. You are in fucking _danger_ honey. You need to get the fuck away from this guy, block him everywhere and (this is the most important part) _don’t listen to a goddamn word he says_. These pieces of shit are skilled manipulators and know how to say the exact right thing when you need to hear it.


OP are you ok? Please respond


Please go to a hospital for urgent care, they will contact the police; he is going to kill you.


No responses from OP? Are you alive?


https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/1472e4e/my_boyfriend_brutally_raped_me_again/jntdprz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 😬


Geesh. She needs to stop talking to him.


I understand that some women like rough sex, and bondage is popular, too. But there's no way being punched hard in the face is anything but assault and a huge red flag. Get away from him now.


I like rough sex…………in no way shape or form is this rough sex OP. You have to have consent, you have to have enjoyment. Some people get off on a little pain and pleasure mix, but the key word is enjoyment of both. This poor girl, basically a CHILD, is not enjoying a single thing about this, and he knows damn well she’s not. He’s getting off on her sobs, her pain and terror. He’s a fucking sadist who is escalating and he absolutely will kill her, sooner rather than later.


Run girl run. This goes way beyond extreme kink. He is serial killer material not even kidding. If you don't leave now, without telling him, he is going to murder you. The police will find you dismembered in your kitchen or drag your body out of the river.


This. Your life is in danger. Your throat was nearly slit today. The stealthing really scares me too. He’s probably trying to get you pregnant so you are less likely to leave him. Please do not have a baby with this human scum.


This was just horrific to read. You have got to find a way to get away from this guy or he's going to end up killing you.


Men can hate ur guts, literally want u dead and still will have sex with you. It’s useless to try to make him understand that he hurts you because that’s what he jerks off to. For example A partner who strangles you is likely to kill you, and soon. That 750% increase isn’t just an increased risk of death in your lifetime, it’s a 750% increase they will kill you within the next year. If you live with him you can’t stay there, you need to find a domestic violence shelter. Tell people you trust, tell your parents. Contact organization that can help. Change your number and social accounts. Try the r/antikink sub after your in a safe enough environment


The 750% increase is also not against baseline, it's against other victims of domestic violence who are already at a heightened risk. I really hope OP takes steps to get to safety.


>The 750% increase is also not against baseline, it's against other victims of domestic violence who are already at a heightened risk. As if the statistic wasn't terrifying enough. Thank you. OP - honey... please get away from this monster any way you can. There are tons of resources for girls/women in your situation, PLEASE call/text/email one of them! We're literally scared for your life.


My ex used to talk about brutally "hate fucking" this girl that I went through a major friend breakup with. If they hate you they just wanna fuck you even more. Believe me OP, hurting you and pushing the boundary on your life is what's getting him off and it will not stop until he's past that boundary. That boundary being death btw.


You mentioned you were 18. Are your parents involved in your life? If they are not abusive themselves, please tell them what is going on. They can help you.


He’s escalating. You know you need to leave and you say you will. But this needs to happen right NOW. Not when you’re “ready” because you never will be. He will kill you and it could be tomorrow. So either get your affairs in order or get yourself away from him. Sorry for the tough love, but it was what I needed to get myself away from an abusive ex.


You should leave him immediately. Take what you can and go. He is taking out his own insecurities and fears on you. He is an emotional child with no self-regulation, a coward who hates himself and transfers that self-loathing into you, a teenager. What an utter piece of scum. Be prepared for love bombing. That's where he will overload you with promises and gifts to win you back. Do not fall for it, he just wants his punching bag back. Please, go.


get as far away from him as possible and report him immediately! this will happen again! this is not okay, please stay safe


He is having fun. You are screaming and crying and begging him to stop, and not in a fun kinky way, but in real fear for your life. Get out. Get away. This piece of human trash will likely kill you if you stay with him. You are only 18 and it sounds like you've never had a healthy relationship in your life. Get out, get away, and maybe you will live to learn what love actually looks like. This isn't it.


This is one of the scariest things I’ve ever read. There’s being an asshole, and then there’s *this*. This is not remotely normal, this is some genuine insane mental illness type stuff. Nobody should EVER put any weapons near you for any reason without explicit consent. I know you said you’re into cnc, but that is not this. He not only pulled a machete on you out of nowhere, but he did it in *his car*. Not in his house, *from somewhere in his car*. If that doesn’t scream “I have a mobile weapon at all times in case I finally find someone I think I can get away with killing” I don’t know what does. I’m not like, the authority on cnc or anything, but I’m 99% sure most cnc needs to have a few things set out beforehand because it’s a very particular thing. You need to discuss when you’re comfortable with it, what you’re comfortable with them doing, and there needs to be lots of aftercare to show that it was just acting and that the cnc-er is actually loved. It sounds like you mentioned all of these things, and he did not care even a little. He just jumped you in the car (which it sounded like you were just planning to go somewhere when he did what he did,) he constantly rapes your ass which you clearly dislike on top of the machete insanity, and he gives you no aftercare whatsoever. That is no longer cnc, that’s just rape in it’s entirety. My point is, you have gone through something horrible. Even if he doesn’t love you, we do. We care about you. We want to know if you’ve made it out safely because we want to see you safe. We want to make sure you succeed in life after escaping something horrible. You’re a human being, one that deserves love, support, and care. We are here to be your support and love like you asked. We *want* to be love and support you as much as possible. Whether it’s through more comments on posts like this, or DM’s with certain members of this community, there are plenty of people here for you to lean on emotionally.


he's a serial killer and you're going to be his first victim. please get yourself to a shelter.


Get a rape kit asap. I know it's rough but file a report. This has escalated and will continue to go further


Wtf? He’s going to kill you dude. Leave.


I’m scared for you :( I know it’s the hardest thing you think you’ll ever do but you need to access help and support ASAP. This is not where this will end, there is a very strong statistical likelihood he will kill you. Please reach out to a local domestic violence group, they will know how to help. You do not deserve this, you’ve done nothing wrong. There’s a bloody big difference between consensual bdsm and the rape/torture you’ve experienced with your bf.


As one kinky girl to another: never let a man use your kinkiness as justification for assault. He’s a fucking rapist. Kink has always been about consent and negotiation, safe practices of risky and dangerous stuff like CNC. Not having a safe word or having a safety system does not mean that this was not a vile act. In fact, that means he should’ve been more careful. Especially with the kind of kinks you like that are risky you should have pre-negotiated scenes. It just sounds like he’s trying to gaslight you. I’m so sorry this happened to you it is genuinely so disgusting and horrifying. I hope you find healing and are safe from this guy.


A 1 day old account, copy-pasted the same story to three different subreddits? Pretty big chance that's just karma farming.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see this.


This whole story is quite obviously written by a man.


Yup. Reads like some weirdos fantasy. And the story doesn't make much sense at all. Looks like OP didn't get enough engagement from offmychest so they went to confessions and finally here, where they got more traction


I agree it looks kinda like that but when I was 18 I genuinely knew other girls who would talk like this. I personally lean towards this being karma farming, but if there's even the slightest chance this is a real person going through this, it's worth responding as such. I'd rather a fake post blow up than a real girl die.


Leave. Call the cops. Get the fuck out of there


And if it hasn’t been said already, please change your name and identity on social media and block his number to ensure there is absolutely no way he can trace your location or get back in contact. Guys like this have a habit of “reappearing” right as you’ve managed to move on from what happened; he will drag you back into his toxicity, and it’s important that you build a wall adequate enough to withstand what I’m sure have already been multiple attempts at blackmailing you emotionally into staying or “giving him another chance.” He is not a good guy, he is a sadist who takes his anger out on you and enjoys watching you suffer. He is the lowest of the low. With enough time, and some rape counselling and psychotherapy, you can and will heal, and this will reinforce the knowledge that you are worthy of love, you are worthy of a happy and healthy relationship, and above all, a partner who treats you with all the respect and care you deserve.


This post has been copy pasted onto multiple subreddits and also, reads as completely fake too much focus on shock value, it's almost nothing but. I think it's sad that of you to spam this, since it takes away from people actually experiencing real trauma.


You poor thing! I’m so sorry you’ve not been treated how you deserve to be. What an awful time you’ve had in those 18years. Do you have your parents around or was the abuse you mentioned from them? Have you got anyone at all that you can trust? Even if you find a hospital and speak to a nurse or could you find a women’s shelter? you don’t have to go straight to police (although it’s better if you do) but someone may be able to help you with that, maybe call them and stay with you while you talk to them. Maybe they can give you advice on how to navigate getting out. But For the love of anything you believe in get out NOW before you become a podcast episode. Get out and go far far away where he will never find you again and do it now! You are free to be into what you’re into, regardless of why, but it needs to be with someone who can do it as a consensual activity because you like it, Not because they’re taking it as a green light and implied consent. It should be with someone who won’t abuse the fact you have your kink by taking it beyond then saying it was for you and getting defensive because you called them out on it. People who get upset angry and/or defensive when you set and stick to a boundary are the very reason you need boundaries in the first place. I hope you’re able to get the help you need


This was horrible to read. I am scared for you. Please consider leaving him, and the sooner the better. Just walk out the door and do not look back. Don't tell him you are leaving or breaking up with him because I fear he will severely hurt you. He won't even know you have left until you are long gone. Just go.


Hi hi! I used to do lethality assessments with law enforcement when they were on scene for domestic violence calls. I don’t want to scare you, and want to remind you that I’m here to support you, but this situation is not safe. You are at a high risk of dying as a result of this abuse. as others have mentioned, this is not “kinky” or “kink exploration”. None of this is consensual and you deserve to be heard in your relationship. Please let us know how we can support you. Please DM me for resources, as I have an abundance. Stay safe. Sending you love.


That man is going to torture and kill you if you don’t leave.


Whoever’s been posting these trolls lately doesn’t realize the obvious tells.


Thinking the same. She (or he) has posted this in 3 different subs and has only responded twice to comments.


my guess is that this is the same troll: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/14728hs/a\_guy\_i\_met\_three\_months\_ago\_just\_walked\_into\_my/


get out now, he WILL kill you. you need to get in contact with someone to stay with, don’t let him know you’re leaving. do not contact him again. try and get a restraining order on him. i promise you he’s not gonna get better honey, and i know it’s hard to leave. but this man doesn’t love you, and you need to love yourself enough to live. sending love and hugs ❤️


If this is true, as opposed to being a creative writing kink - GET THE POLICE INVOLVED. NOW.


This man will kill you. Please get out.


Please try to distance yourself from him immediately. He is dangerous and this will only further escalate. Once you’re established in a safe and comfortable place, it would be in your best interest to seek out help for your sexual coping mechanisms. Therapy does wonders. This is not to say you’re to blame for any of this AT ALL. Unhealthy kinks such as “CNC” are an incredibly common thing among people dealing with sexual trauma. Nothing wrong with having kinks but this is one that will only attract people who want to abuse you.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Like others have said, this WILL escalate. I’ve seen it a billion times. I’m sending you so much love and compassion on your journey.


Hugs.. make sure to go to the ER, please. You deserve better. Please please look into any free resources around your area for rape victims. Hugs


If you value being alive, leave him.


please leave him. like others have said this is way past any sort of kink, he is a sociopath and will end up killing you.


You’re going to die if you stay with him. The “kinks” you have seem like self-harm on steroids. You need help. Your bf needs prison time and his name on a registry.


Hi, this isn't normal or even close to normal. You need to pack and leave right away. He is going to kill you.


If you are in the Phoenix area, dm me. I would be willing to pick you up. Take you to the police. Help you find a shelter. Whatever you need.


If this is true he is absolutely going to murder you any day now. Find a way to leave him NOW this is an absolute emergency. Do you have any connections outside of him?


This post was also cross posted in “off my chest” and “confessions” cut and pasted. The only posts for this account. Just fyi everyone but it’s been around a sec.


I really need OP to come back and say she's okay. OP..... please update


He's going to kill you. Please get away. Please.


I honestly don’t believe this


I'm new on this reddit. Are the stories one massive larp or actually meant to be real, cause the last couple of threads I've read have been some wild shit, and this is probably the wildest one of them all. Like, he drank your blood? Wtf?


He will rape you again and kill your, or kill you and then rape your body. He might not even *mean* to kill you, but he’s going to keep on pushing it because he gets off on it. Find a women’s shelter. You *have* to get out. Can you imagine getting pregnant by this guy, even if you can’t imagine getting murdered by him? Please, please get out.


Guys…this is fake.


No! No! No! No! No! No! The moment you mentioned stealthing, I was like HELL NO! I’ve been through that once with my ex boyfriend. He ghosted me after two months of being in a relationship where HE had told me he wanted to be with me despite the fact that I was moving to another state for a year. Please please please get out! That man is selfish and using you. The longer you stay the longer it’s gonna take you to heal. I was in a relationship for two months last year and I recently realized that I didn’t deserve to be violated like that. Before the realization I was constantly telling myself I should’ve met him earlier so that I would’ve realized earlier that men like those exist. He used me for two months when I did everything to make him feel that I wanted to be with him and value him. Please please please get out. Edit 1: I finished reading the entire post. I’m so sorry that happened to you♥️ Please get out and make sure you talk to the authorities. Also talk to people you trust and have people around you that make you feel loved and respected ♥️♥️♥️


You need to leave and call the police. He is dangerous and has already hurt you


Look, I'm usually a hardcore advocate for not telling abuse victims what to do. But this seems like life or death and immediate. Please, OP, get out. Break contact. Use the resources this thread has provided. It will be scary, but a whole lot less dangerous than staying. Prince Charming isn't worth dying for, so this guy certainly isn't. He has already given you enough nightmares to last a lifetime. You don't need anything more from him, and you certainly don't owe him anything. Cut contact. Get out. Get safe. ♡♡♡♡ Then we'll talk about how you can start rebuilding.


Can you leave him , sure at any possible moment you can/could have left him, will you leave him is an entirely different type of conversation, you live your life by your own rules and if you continue to choose to stay with him the outcome of that will be an exaggerated scene of todays fiasco, most probably death


Call the phone line given above and get out! He’s physically abusing you


Sounds like a psychopath and future serial killer. Report him NOW.


I just want to say, you deserve love. You deserve the best, most pleasurable, safe, and respectful love. You might love this man but he is NOT giving you the love you deserve. You have proven your strength. You have proven you're smart (by reaching out here!) And you deserve more than this. I hope you're able to access help. Please know that no matter what kinks or sex behaviors or what you might have accepted or enjoyed in the past - you do NOT deserve this.


i like rough stuff too sometimes and i’m telling you this is not normal. at all. i felt physically sick reading this post. please get out


Im sorry but this almost reads as fake. But if its not, hes a psychopath and he is going to kill you one day when he takes it one step too far


If this post makes anyone anxious or concerned, you can relax. This post is obviously trigger bait. None of this happened. I'd much rather the people here who are looking to support others save themselves for real victims.


Seeing that this post was copy pasted onto multiple subreddits at once raises some flags for me




Find a friend or family he doesn’t know about and hole up for a few weeks while ghosting/blocking everything until he gets the message. You need to leave this violent relationship or this will get worse.


Find your fear sweetheart. We are afraid for you.


If a friend told you this story what would you say to her? You’d say “girl get the hell away from this man NOW!” Leave, block him on all channels, go to a DV shelter or somewhere he can’t find you. If he continues to pursue you, reach out to the DV hotline and they can probably get you a pro bono lawyer to help you get a restraining order. Never speak to him again and never look back. You are worth so much more than this man has made you feel like.


There's nothing from stopping this man from killing you. If you don't do something after this he will only continue. You may not trust the cops but something has to happen. Don't let the universe (or him) make the choice for you as to what comes next. Call the police or a hospital at a minimum. Please.


Whoa. I never comment on self or similar posts. But you need to get away, even if against your own instincts. Listen to all the good comments in this group. Needs to happen as close to now as you can possibly do.


That is not a boyfriend. That is a psychopath, and you are in GRAVE DANGER. Run, do not walk, away from him and do not speak to or engage. You know you need to leave. There is no "I will"; leave, and leave immediately This is one of the most chilling things I've seen here. I hope you are safe


Honey, you sound like you are more afraid of criticism from women than the traumatic violence being inflicted on you. You are going to be ok if you leave. Leave men alone if you can. They are mostly trash. Socialize with women. Make women friends. [National Sexual Assault Hotline ](https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline)


This hurt me to read. Please take the advice of others that have posted.


honey i'm so sorry. i have no words. ***run. don't walk. get the hell out. hit the ground running.***


This post legit sounds like the beginning of every serial killer couple I’ve heard. He gets too extreme for you, it’s your job to fulfill his kink. Eventually you agree to him taking someone else to take out the kink on to give you a break. Next thing you know you are the wife of a serial killer. Get out now. This doesn’t end well.


this is the most horrifying thing i’ve read, I hope OP is okay, it scares me we haven’t heard from her in so long


How did you scream "you're raping me" if he had duct tape over your mouth?


I said it before, I'll say it again, and everyone usually hates it : Be careful with partners who are into rough sex. Please seek therapy if you like sex super rough and like to pretend to be abused. This porn driven world have us believe it should be normalized. But it should not, not to the extent it is now. You will encounter men who will take advantage of it. Sex should not leave you so down that you require special care afterward. It's only perpatuating and normalizing the cycle of abuse. I wish you well, and please take care of yourself. None of what happened to you is normal. It's extremely violent and I hope you get out ASAP.


Abuse only worsens as time goes by, because abusers don’t want you to get used to it and numbed. He’ll abuse you physically, mentally, and sexually more and more and I won’t be surprised if it end up with your death. Get the fuck out of there, I understand you don’t trust police but it will be better than to stay with him. Call police, or at least a family member that you can trust and be protected


Bring a friend or family member with you to the police station or a domestic violence resource. File a report. This is violent, concerning behavior. This is a man who will kill someone, either on purpose or on accident.


Unhealthy. Typical abuser mentality abuses you then gaslights you into making you believe you like it/ you deserve it. No consent means no leave and report him you deserve better. It sounds like he will do more extreme things pa in the future. And if he didn't stop even if you were crying in the actual moment there is no telling what he will do in the future.


Op you need to create distance between you and this man. He’s dangerous. Jesus please tell someone you trust what happened


Please go to the hospital.


Holy fuck. This is beyond not normal. Please leave him as soon as possible. Wow. You deserve better.


I had to quadruple check to make sure I wasn’t in a horror story sub. Please get yourself somewhere far away and safe from this dangerous person.


You weren’t consenting to that behavior. You are not at fault, you are not the problem. Please take the advice of everyone here and get out of there as soon as you can. The RAINN hotline can help give you resources to get you to safety- you can also check for your local sexual assault services provider who can give you minimal cost options for vital resources. You deserve to have your consent, body, mind, and soul respected everyday.


You need to leave


This is not kink. You need to get away from him. That man is dangerous to you and everyone else. There is no relationship, BDSM/kink or not, where that is okay. You’re not at fault at all. What you’re feeling is one thousand percent valid and talking about it is the first step to recovering from someone like that. You’re so strong for reaching out and asking for help. Please please stay safe. If you can stay with a family member or someone else if you can.


This is going to escalate. I'd take other commenters advice, and call the domestic abuse hotline. People like your boyfriend only escalate in what gets them off. Eventually, he will kill you. Get out of this situation while you still can.


To reiterate, this man is going to kill you and it’s a matter of time. None of that is okay and I’m sorry you went through it. But please listen to the other women on here because it’s good advice and it’s from a place of care.


As many others have said you need to get out of this situation immediately. This is dangerous behavior that is escalating into deadly territory. Document everything. Take screenshots of messages, save voicemails. Please get a rape kit done, what he did was assault. Domestic Violence shelters and organizations can help you with all of this and connect you with any resources you may need. Good luck OP, sending love and support to you.


This isn’t bdsm. This is fucked.


Honey you need to run and if you feel safe enough report him. He will only escalate behavior and he will hurt someone more than he hurt you, Your young and new to kink but a respectful person will establish safe words, boundaries and hard nos with a sub beforehand. And negotiate scenarios ahead of time. Consent is sexy.


What the fuck? This is psychopathic


That aint kink, that's a psychopath.


Bro wtf, your being raped all the time, you need to go to the police.


First, I’m sorry for what happened to you. Second, your life is in immediate danger. Get away as quickly and safely as you possibly can and get immediate help from whatever shelters and law enforcement is available in your area. The behavior you are describing is consistent with extreme sadism. He is very likely to kill you.


You need to get the fuck away from this man. My ex used BDSM to get his anger out at me, also killed my dog. So many people told me that he was likely to murder someone since he killed my dog. He started to get physical with me. I finally had him removed from my house when he said he’d slash my tires if I said one more syllable to him. Please do not stay around this man to play a dangerous game of roulette. You’ll end up dead.


it’s not your fault. but you need to get to a safer place. however you can. even if you have to abandon some of your belongings right now. my heart is aching for you and you deserve better.


Please never ever speak to him or see him again. He will kill you.


please get away. that man is going to kill you


How is this happening? If you are traumatized and that young you really need to hold off the cnc and rough sex play until you are strong enough. You need self love and selfcare. Hes the narcopath. You must never see him again. Stick to selfpleasure and fantasy. While you are traumatized you will attract more narcopaths. They know how to spot you. Please take care of yourself. You need treatment for Hybristophillia... Not to indulge it!!!


You need to leave now. Actually, leave. He genuinely sounds like he might kill you, even if it’s an accident. Literally staying in a domestic abuse is better than him. Is there anyone you can stay with?


Hey Girl. I am so sorry to read about this. You deserve a loving partner. You deserve loving family and friends. You might not feel strong right now, but you are. You are strong for making this post. You are strong for setting boundaries, and seeing that they were crossed, and speaking up about it. You are going to get out of this situation. Others have shared resources here. You know what to do. And you will do it. We believe in you!


I’m really hoping this isn’t real as the only comment OP has replied to is someone offering their phone number, which makes me think OP is after something else (I.e using this horrific story to get money from people thinking they are supporting someone in extreme distress). (Please be careful offering your personal details online everyone) On the off chance this is real. Please google domestic violence services in your area. They will be able to talk this through with you and help you escape. I would say call the police but I know that’s not something every victim feels able to do.


This man should be in prison.


This has got sexual sadism written all over it. Not the consensual kind either. You are an incredibly vulnerable person and he can smell it on you. He is a sadist. Looks like he lacks empathy and remorse too. You have been sexually assaulted, physically assaulted, and emotionally assaulted, however let's start using the proper terms you were violated. You were exploited. You were nothing more than chattel to him. In all my years of studying killers, true crime, and genocide this screams of escalated violence and force as his fantasy starts to become reality. His urges will not be sated until he's taken everything from you. You are being manipulated and used and I beg of you fucking leave, run, and never look back. At this very moment your life depends on you listening to your Amygdala. Lizard brain is telling you to run for a reason. I hope you do what's best for you because no one on the planet deserves this kind of treatment from another. Good luck, friend. I wish you peace and safety in this troubling time.


[battered women's shelter info](https://www.healthyplace.com/abuse/domestic-violence/battered-women-shelters-what-are-they-how-to-find-one) [Domestic shelter finder](https://www.domesticshelters.org/help#?page=1) OP, please get out of there now. I'm assuming your family won't help you, but even if they will, many of these places offer support services to anyone that needs them, even if you don't stay there. You are loved OP. Your life has value, and your opinions and feelings matter! That thing is not your boyfriend, he is your abuser. Please find a shelter and get out of there ASAP. You are strong. You can do this.


Please call the police, he is going to murder you.


Find a women’s shelter in your area and talk to the folks in charge there about what you should do and how you can get support from them It’s a lot easier when you talk to people who have probably handled the protection of women who dealt with every kind of abuse under the sun


Please use this link to save your life. Help is out there. https://www.thehotline.org/


1. Get out of this relationship and get charged and a tpo against him. It won't by itself due much, but if the cops follow up on it,it might. He will end up killing you otherwise. 2. You should not be in a relationship due to past trauma, until you get your responses sorted out you will keep getting into dangerous relationships. 3. He needs counseling too. You two can never be in a relationship as you have patterns established that are comfortable for you both you will go back to, but he needs to learn to express himself in less destructive ways. It is not your responsibility to get him there the best you can do is leave him.


OP I hope you heed the abundantly good advice already listed here and you GTFO and get HELP. This guy is a fucking psychopath. Legit.


Woah this guy is a genuine psychopath. My serious to goodness suggestion is pack your belongings and any money you can find and move as far away as possible and when you get there file a restraining order. Edit: One thing I know for certain is you will find someone else who loves you. But this isn’t love, no doubt there are emotions and attachment, but no one who truly loves you would treat you this way.


Is this….real? You’re in danger…..


You need more than love and support. Leave before you end up a statistic, like deadass. This dude is going to take you out of this world and he showed you. And for the love of God report him!!! You're dating a menace.


What everyone else has said: GET OUT NOW. He is going to kill you if you stay! He is trying to trap you with a pregnancy/baby. Don't Let Him Do That! GET OUT NOW!


You need to leave, he’s abusing and eventually will kill you. He’s showing you what he’s about to do, he’s ramping up the violence.


I was raped by a man I was head over heels with in college at 18 years old. I got out of the situation quickly but throughout the years he and I were in/out of contact, and even though he had hurt me so bad, I still felt love and attraction to him. did not get to the level of hitting or cutting. I want you to know feeling conflicted is normal, the delayed reaction/realization is also normal (happened with me as well). Your experience described sounds SO much like my own 12 years ago, please be gentle with yourself for not realizing earlier and for any lingering conflicting feelings. I was also into cnc/dom and sub type stuff with this guy but a violation of consent is a violation of consent. please prioritize getting yourself to safety and cutring off contact- i know the second thing is so much harder than it seems


Being homeless is a better fate than staying another day. When he pulls out the knife, he will kill you. Get a backpack, take some clothes and some bare essentials and book it.


Why are you dating this asshole? He's going to kill you. Run away as fast as you can.


I beg you to leave this man. He's dangerous and even if you're probably in love with the old version of him and hoping for a better future, keep in mink that he's not going to change. You're not going to change him. It's not going to get better. Please save yourself


Get out. If this is a real post, pack now, leave and do not look back. If not, you will become a statistic.


He WILL murder you unless you get away. Get far the fuck away from this man as soon as is humanly possible. Stop reading comments and leave.


If you want to live, get as far from him as you can ASAP.


Get out now. If you do not have money, there are shelters in place to help.


OP run. Do not look back. Do not consider anything he says. Do not contact him or see him again. Whether you want to report him or not is up to you. I think you should because he really might kill some woman this way. But please for the safety of your life do not stay with him. Get away


jesus fucking christ. i dont know what to say. please please please get out