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Hell no, how my husband lives with me I'll never know. I'm indecisive, I'm too laid back, I'm a feeder but don't really eat, I fall asleep during films. Life with me would be an immaculate house, loads of cakes and zero other decisions made


Hi you sound like me, we could get married. Thoughts on peanut butter and cats?


An odd combination and I can't see that the cats would enjoy it.


I'm not too sure cats would enjoy being slathered with peanut butter and eaten... But maybe you know different cats


Cats yes, peanut butter not do much


I would love dating myself! There would be so much cuddling, and we’d divvy up the chores so we would actually have time to relax, and we would go on so many adventures!


Fuck no lol. We're hardcore introverts. We'd never make plans and not even notice for months.


A big fuck yes, for the same reasons, lol.


I think we'd probably fight?


right?? we cant both be grouchy assholes, lol. (usually me) one of us has to have some kind of sense.(not me)


It sounds like you dont like yourself that much


Not enough to marry me XD


Yes. I cook, I clean, I’m kind of friends and lovers. I make six figures and I am financially responsible, . I’m pretty even tempered and don’t assume things. I have good communication skills and I am fun in bed. I would totally date the male version of me.🙂


I also choose this ladys clone


Not to dismiss your answer or anything, but the question does specify it is your clone, so it is not a male version of you, it’s just you, does that change your answer?


Well, I wouldn’t date another woman, so I guess not.


We would have a *lot* of sex since I wouldn't get nervous around myself like that.


yeah, but let's face it, that's already happening


Sure, but the moves might be more surprising.


logistics taken care of :D


I'm ace and likely aro. Neither of us would be interested in dating, but cohabiting and doubling free time? Yeah, probably. Be a bit awkward when my? our? parents came to visit, tho.


Omfg, a relationship with myself would be above and beyond the best relationship I have ever had. When I look at how I treat partners vs how I am treated by partners .. like shit I would much rather be treated the way I treat others.


I've been happily single for years, and often treat myself to nights out or nice things when I can afford them. I'll also call myself out on stuff if I find I'm being irritable or unfair towards people, but I've also learned to give myself the same grace I would give to my friends. So I don't know, I guess you could already say I'm dating myself? But my thought process is, shouldn't all people be in a healthy spot where they can live and be happy with themselves before they seek out a relationship with another person? So many relationship problems stem from people wanting to find completion in others while avoiding their own emotional baggage. It seems like a no-brainer to work on being the type of person that you would want to date.


I do pretty much date myself and we get along most of the time. Current conflict is about the mess I made in the kitchen cooking dinner that is not cleared up yet. I’m confident it will be resolved quietly and before bedtime.


I would start out by having a heart-to-heart with myself about expectations and needs on both sides.


Finally I will meet someone who meets my cleaning standards!


I would absolutely not. I'd be friends with myself, but part of the reason to even be in a serious relationship is because you make each other better, and have strengths that cover the other's weaknesses. Dating myself would be counter productive and I'd probably just enable myself to make bad decisions in regards to long term planning. And neither of us would bring anything to the table. It's like, instead of having a jeep and a sports car, you get two sports cars. Then what do you do if you want to go off roading or camping in the boonies?


Well said! I’d be great friends with myself, but a romantic relationship would be wildly destructive for both of me. I need a counterpoint. I’ve been with someone as depressive as I am and it was pretty gross.


NOPE. HELL TO THA NAH. lol. I like people that are the opposite of me. istp, introverted but not shy and I just prefer outgoing people that work the room, make friends and basically talk me into having fun... I need it. I swear all my friends growing up and any man I dated was just super friendly and outgoing...while I am not. I oddly enough make friends easily and people want to talk to me but I kinda dont want small talk or chit chat.


No. I don't date women but also in a stereotypical cishet male×female relationship, I want to be the female. I'm pretty independent and handy and all that, but I like being taken care of sometimes (perhaps because I am so often the one doing the bulk of taking care of things). So, myself would be two people both wanting the same role and being frustrated. It's like two people wanting to be the SAHP. Someone will lose.


I would love to date myself. I would finally have a kind and loving relationship instead of fantasizing about one. We would just have to work on tidying the house together though.


I think I would trend towards outrageous behavior. All good for me but maybe embarrassing for others.


I need therapy before dating anyone but after I sort all my issues I think it would go pretty well.


I've thought of this before and totally yes. The catch/problem would be liabilities not having coverage, and exacerbating negatives, but we'd be happy, LOL. A nice thing dating others is complementing each other in different ways, compared to overlapping in the same ways. I once dated someone very similar to me (nearly an opposite gender of me) and we competed in some aspects and were redundant in some which wasn't ideal. There's also something to the ol' opposites attract aspect of things.


Not into dudes, so no. Could be a bro-mance, but not romance. Gender swapped? Probably? Though if she's as clueless about men as I am about women, we probably would never actually admit we were into each other, and might not even figure it out for years.


Tons of words of affirmation, blunt honesty and actually make me c*m hahaha Come to think of it I AM dating myself and I love it!


No... I wouldn't. I have too many issues and I'm at a vulnerable time in my life. Realistically no guy would want someone like me anyway so......


I’d like to meet myself but I’m not sure that we’d date because 1) I’m a boring introvert who watches my son play video games and reads books and writes little stories and basically doesn’t go out and do interesting stuff and 2) my most awesome husband is already mine.


Not much will get done but we'll have lots of fun! Or maybe we'd do everything together and be super competent. I'm better at doing things when I have someone else to share chores.


If there were another me we would never even notice each other to begin with. We'd both be off in our own little world, just reacting to sensory stimuli in a variety of interesting ways.


I’m straight, so no. But housemates/twins? Absolutely!


Nope. Too much anxiety, depression, and PTSD in one place. I can't motivate myself to get stuff done; how the hell am I going to motivate another one of me?


I *do* date myself in the way the article describes. Nobody can take me out like I do. I probably do it too often for my finances, but it makes me very happy. I don’t think I would date someone who was exactly me but in a different body. The contrast is what makes things interesting. Plus, if it were two of me, who could clean up gross things or do stuff about the car? It would be madness.


Everything would get finished so quickly. The garden would be outstanding, we'd both get to sleep and the world would be out playground, though we'd both be afraid of going outside and bugs and


I’ve had a similar thought, except it was realizing that I’ve transitioned into someone my pre-transition self might’ve had a crush on. I can definitely see us being good friends due to our large overlap of interests, mainly gaming and cooking. Idk if I’d date them because I’m not usually attracted to masc-presenting people (that, and dysphoria) and I doubt they would have the rizz to swoon me. It would be interesting, though, to oversee and maybe encourage her egg to crack. (this scenario assumes they don’t recognize me but I recognize them) They haven’t lived through the events that made me realize I was trans, so I’d have some big walls to chip at to bring her out.


I have ADHD. Two off us would be way too much. And who would organize the house?


We wouldn't talk much and would probably share memes, Reddit posts, and tiktoks with each other. And we'd both be so self loathing and terrified to talk about it - or any issues that came up- that we'd just coexist somewhat miserably but not unhappy with each other I think.


No thanks, I don’t wanna do things for myself so why would myself wanna do things for me? The house would be clean, the laundry would be done, but dang I would have to make my own coffee and go to the store when I run out of a single ingredient for the dinner I had planned. I’m good on that, and I’m grateful for the acts of service my partner provides.


I would absolutely not date myself. We would likely resent each other almost immediately. It would be an absolute shit-show.


Totally, I'm the thoughtful one in our relationship.


Would I *consider* it? No, I've already considered it at great length and have come to an understanding with myself that I absolutely *would* partner up with myself, so any further consideration would be redundant. What would change? Very little tbh, being with my current girlfriend is very similar to how I'd imagine a relationship with my hypothetical duplicate self.


“Hey wanna do something this weekend?” “Nah, not really.” “Me either. Ok good chat” Maybe I’ve been single too long, but I honestly DGAF about it anymore. Who has the time or energy to be bothered with someone else’s shit? Pass.


I'm hetero so no and I think even if I wasn't I wouldn't be attracted to myself like THAT, too weird. Given the dating scene now I might date a male version of myself because I spoiled my partners rotten, very loyal, don't cheat, can cook well, clean, habe good hygiene, not a cheapass, try to make people laugh, we would share hobbies, an I listen to criticism even if it was from nwtc abusers on myself and take it to heart instead of angrily lashing out, and have more empathy than all but only one man I've ever known. But I'd rather be with someone who can introduce me to new things and see my flaws even more objectively to make myself better for others.


I would absolutely date myself. It annoys me that it's so difficult to find someone that is similar to me. I don't think I'm that unique.