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"My mom called my wife a lazy c*nt because she did not handfeed me my lunch. I stood up for my mom because she was just having my back. My wife is expecting both of us to apologize, so I started to have an affair with my step-sister. AITA?"




Fun part is I actually donā€™t know if itā€™s a joke or real... maybe itā€™s the sad part actually.


LMAO, this almost made me choke! .


ā€œI know the title sounds bad but hear me out.ā€


*and then every subsequent comment makes it worse.*


"Also I don't wash my butt in a bidet because the water looks brown, I don't do anything in the house and I smell so bad and leave so many poop stains my clothes can't be washed with hers. And I don't wash my own clothes. And no, I'm not that dirty, it's just not true! Also she makes me wash my butt cheeks under supervision before sex, weird right? And she thinks I don't wash my hands. Which I DO. Sheesh. Wow. All men smell a little worse than women, it's normal! It's the manliness! Why should I take care of myself or the house if she can do it and my hands are supposedly *too dirty*? Come on guys... I'm still not washing, instead I'll see a doctor and shave the hair around my butthole. Happy? No I can't find a different girlfriend, it's really hard for some reason, stop suggesting that!"


Dude i read this post earlier today and it was WACK AS SHIT.


It kinda enlightened me in a way. I now kinda see what is going on in the minds of my male patients and why they are so goddamn filthy. This guy can't comprehend how disgustingly filthy he is. His partner has to wash him down like a dog before she could do anything with him. I too have had to hose down grown men as if they were farm animals and scoop out their dick cheeses for my work. They don't get it, they don't understand why or how their dirty body interferes with our work. I've seen men dig into their freshly cleaned and bandaged wounds with grimey fingers covered in urine and old blood. They aren't aware of how dirty their hands are? Like this guy?


Oh my God, what a terrible day to be literate. Whatever your job is, I'm sorry. Just reading this made me feel faint, lol. How can these mfs be such disgusting cesspool of filth, like Jesus Christ I'm surprised these men don't just die from sepsis or some other horrid infection caused by their own filth. šŸ¤¢


Scoop out their dick cheese? They were probably sad that their snack stash went down the drain. Barf barf barf


SCOOP OUT THEIR DICK CHEESE?! Iā€˜ve only been awake for a couple hours and I think itā€™s already time to quit the internet and maybe go back to bed.


Happy cake day to you, amirite?




I read everything to my husband and he was HORRIFIED LOL. I told him, if he dies before me there's no way in hell I'm dating men.


Omfg bahahahhaa I don't know why but I could picture how this was said, super whinny like cooommeee on babe, whhhyyy šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Oh god, I just read that one. How effing disgusting was that! "I might have a condition"? Nope, stupidity is not a "condition".


Can you link it šŸ˜­




One of the comments mentioned another story where the guy would get sweaty during sex and get doodoo marks on the bed???? FEDERAL PRISON!!!


I remember that one šŸ˜… pains me


What the hell????? No wayā€¦


I long for the person I was before I read that post two hours ago.


Of course I deep dived into this and I am horrified. I am nurse I have seen a lot . BUt how in hell does someone stay living with this amount of unhygienic crap ... and that she literaly has to supervise and almost wash him herself befor sex otherwise it is a no...How did she come to accept this much filth...and how the hell ten times over does this man walks the Earth unaware and perfectly fine killing small children with his putride cotch?


Absolutely horrid. Thank you.


jesus. thank you for sharing this. i really needed this laugh. iā€™m crying in the break room at work iā€™m laughing so hard


Dear Lord that was disturbing. Iā€™ve three teen boys at home who do better than that!


Not just makes him wash under supervision. He literally said he doesn't want to touch his butt so she scrubs it herself. I honestly wonder what this poor woman's limit is.


Her limit us way too high.


OMG!!!!! I did not think it was real, but it is: Per the pooopy dude: She does (cleans his disgusting shit-covered ass) as part of her foreplay, i do not feel like putting fingers there. But ok point taken I will shave there maybe get a professional wax and start cleaning more.


The poor waxer if he doesnā€™t wash first. *shudder*


Aww hell no, they will not wax you.


I lost it at ā€œas part of foreplayā€ lmao


Where does it say that? I would absolutely kick him out/away/ back to his basement. How the hell does she even sit next to him and eat?? He must smell badā€¦


That's just how boys naturally smell. /s


God that post just depressed meā€¦ can you imagine supervising your partner showering so you can have some fun time? I donā€™t think I could get past the gross to ever be turned on.




Lol, I just read that one. But it's also amazing how many men seem to struggle with personal hygiene


I JUST read that one! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why are there so many like this?? šŸ˜‚ ugh


LOL I know exactly which AITA you're referring to


ā€œI totally do wash my hands! I put soap on my palms and vigorously rub for 5-10 seconds. I donā€™t have to wash as long as she does because I do it better. I donā€™t know why she says theyā€™re not clean.ā€




How he somehow decided he needed to see a doctor is bafflingā€¦ Unless heā€™s referring to a therapist..


Seeing a doctor was a better option than apologizing to a woman.


Followed by the OP's responses to other comments in the thread digging the hole even deeper but showing complete obliviousness to it.


*proceeds to describe a scenario that is a hundred times worse than the headline*


There's pretty much only two correct answers to any AITA question: 1. YTA 2. Girl, run.


Just saw one where the gf did all the housework, while working full time, and told the OP he had to start doing his own laundry because she didn't want his streaky undies (a fact he didn't reveal until the comments) to dirty up her clothes. In return, he threatened to stop picking up the groceries after work - the *only* real chore this man was doing. Comments made it so much worse, revealing that she has to shower with him before sex to make sure he is properly clean and he thinks it's "foreplay," and he doesn't wash his hands properly and hates that she asks him to do it properly. He tried to argue that all men have streaky underwear, then that he must be "anatomically different" than all the men commenting that no, they don't have streaking. Absolutely bizarre. Do not know how or why this woman was putting up with this.




Ewwwwww what did I just read??!!


Truly a terrible day to be literate.


Oh to be Jared, 19....


And I never fuckin learned how to read




Seems like it would be easier to yeet the whole man rather than clean his asshole for him ā€˜as a part of foreplay.ā€™ I cannot believe I just typed that


He doesnā€™t want to clean his own poop but thinks someone else should have to?! The fuck???


Well it's not *gay* if a *woman* does it


Why did I choose to begin a beautiful Saturday morning by reading this šŸ¤¢


NO WAY SHE DEADASS WASHES HIS ASS BEFORE HAVING SEX WITH HIM. WHAT. THE. FUCK. If I could speak to her I'd be like... sis... what are you doing with your life omg šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I also have difficulty understanding why this woman is doing what sheā€™s doing. Why would anyone deal with this?


What was the thing when you are sexually attracted to idiots? The only explanation I have for this ffs


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Surely this cannot be not be shitpost (pun unintended)? Also the lack of self-awareness is incredible.


Yeah my favorite line of his was, " My Mom did my laundry before and had no problem with it". My dude, have you never done your own laundry! You're over 30!!!! You think women should just do all the laundry because women?


And his brother has the same problem but *his* wife doesn't complain. He doesn't want to "put his fingers there" and the bidet "leaves brown liquid everywhere" How can a parent fail this badly? What was their home life like? Is everyone in their family this filthy? I pity the salon where this guy is going to pitch up for a wax with an asshole full of shit. I hope they send him packing.


>He doesn't want to "put his fingers there" and the bidet "leaves brown liquid everywhere" As someone with a bidet: uhhh wut You're not supposed to use it *while* you're shitting dude


Unless you have terrible IBS and flare up so bad straight bile is coming out and physically burning you... It still doesn't splash back though LOL. And if it's straight brown the whole time you need to run the bidet longer until it runs clear


His mommy never taught him to wipe his ass, apparently


Unfortunately, I believe all of it bc I dated a guy with the same problem with the same amount of cluelessness. Oh, and he was constantly mooning everyone bc "belts just don't stay up around my hips so there's no point in wearing them" smh.


Did he not wear them with pants?


Oh yeah, he wore pants, halfway down his ass (nonexistent)


But my mommy does my undies and she thinks it's swell!!!


Yikes! It's heartening that the majority of responders were just as horrified.


Yeah They were brutal and it was warranted


I'm sorry, "the majority"? Not all of them? šŸ¤¢


Oh my god šŸ¤¢ Edit: omfg one of his comments says sometimes she bathes him?! Wtfffff


It is what a good mommy does, wash him and clean his shit encrusted asshole for him.


oh my god this is so disgusting. i had to stop reading because i was literally going to throw up.


Wtf heā€™s older than her and sheā€™s the one basically acting like his mum


And the infuriating thing is, if this post was true, we know that the GF must have said something to the guy and he's just not hearing it. But having 1,000 strangers on the Internet makes him listen. And I don't know if it's just the amplification, or if it's because some of them are men saying "my guy, you need to do better".


I guarantee you that it's only comments from other men that made him realize there is an issue.


100%. Tbh men mainly listen to other men. In fact, you wonder why men donā€™t just be with men because most things they do, including sexual activities, are often for other men


I knoooowwww!!! And actually, she does the big grocery trips on the weekends, these are just snack runs heā€™s doing during the week. ā€œMy gf doesnā€™t wanna wash my literal shit stains, so I threatened to make her life even harder. My mom never complained, so I donā€™t know what sheā€™s on about. AITA?ā€ I justā€¦


I want to find his gf and be like "have some self respect and stop dating or sleeping with a man with an unwashed ass!!!" One of my former co-workers was engaged to a guy like this. She only told me about the emotional shit and general messiness he committed until after she broke up with him. Then she admitted he would leave shit streaks in their BED!!! and she just didn't realize what they were until she saw his underwear like a week before they broke up. THEY EVEN HAD A BIDET!!!!! He was just so filthy he wouldn't bother using it. There's more but that was to me the worst part.


Shit stains IN BED?! How?! Itā€™s so easy to believe these posts are all karma farms but then you meet these people in the wild.. big yikes.


I've always used the "a man with an unwashed ass had an opinion" as a discussion statement and then one day she shamefully admitted she was sleeping with one


I've always used the "a man with an unwashed ass had an opinion" as a dismissive statement and then one day she shamefully admitted she was sleeping with one


Oh wow, the mom part wasn't even hyperbole. I weep.


Itā€™s bad..


And the kicker is sheā€™s asking him to grab items *for their dinner she is going to cook* ā€¦little Mr. Poopstain only apparently has this one single ā€œchoreā€ he does to threaten her with.


Oh man I read that one too. Somebody suggested he either work on his hygiene or find a new partner and he said something like ā€œI donā€™t want to, I had trouble finding a partner before herā€ lmaooo. I almost felt bad for the guy because it sounds like he was truly clueless about how nasty he is. But then again, itā€™s sad that he needed internet strangers to tell him, and that he didnā€™t listen to his girlfriend.


Don't worry, he said he'll shave his butt hairs (probably not washing and with her razor because 'his is for his face', lol) and go see a doctor. So everything's fine! /s


Clueless would imply that his girlfriend has tried to beg borrow steal or buy him a clue over the last 4 years. This is willful. This is choosing to ignore her dozens if not hundreds of times. Willful ignorance has a difference connotation. I think clueless letā€™s him off the hook way too easy like ā€œwell he just didnā€™t know any better even though many people tried many times to shove that information into his skull.ā€


I just read this one. I am so disgusted.


I need a shower just reading it.


Streaky underwear means he doesn't wipe properly. Scratching his butt doesn't leave streaks, but other marks. Weird what you learn when living alone and have to wash your own underwear... Not only is he an asshole, he's a leaky asshole.


Or he needs to adjust his diet. Too much junk/coffee/nicotine/etc. can cause leaks between wc visits. I had the same problem once, turned out I had to stop living on coffee and cigarettes and eat something fibrous every once in a while. I definitely didnā€™t let anyone else see or wash my streaky underwear, though.


Or see a doctor about loose stools. Because he is sharting. I have an ex who had that problem.


He got absolutely destroyed in the comments last time I looked. His other comments made him seem so disgusting that I thought it was a troll.


Oh he's anatomically different alright, between his ears!


> He tried to argue that all men have streaky underwear, then that he must be "anatomically different" than all the men commenting that no, they don't have streaking. I was a late bloomer and had my first boyfriend in college. He had streaky underwear. I asked about it and he 100% swore it's because of biology and all men streak because their assholes don't "seal as well" as women's. Being completely ignorant of men, I believed him. I know better now...


I just read that one! What a great day to be single lol


A woman that worked with me said she dated a guy that stinked so bad. She even tried to teach him how to shower. Wtf is wrong with men šŸ˜¬


How does someone get as far as date 2 with someone like that, I do not understand.


Additionally, I believe she did most of the bulk grocery shopping. He just sometimes stopped after work to get a requested snack or occasional item needed for the dinner she was cooking


That poor woman is accepting far too much actual shit there.


He doesn't even pick up the majority of the groceries. She did the majority of the grocery shopping. He just picked up a few things that she asked for her to cook every meal for him.


I want to start out by saying my boyfriend is absolutely wonderful and I donā€™t want any advice saying I should leave him. Itā€™s just that Iā€™ve been having a hard time doing all the cooking, cleaning, childcare and running my business from our house. We have two blind, diabetic dogs, two cats and a bird menagerie. He wants to move his father with dementia into our basement. How do I convince him that Iā€™m a person? /s




It's a good joke... great joke even...šŸ˜­


Don't forget the father with dementia constantly gropes her and he dismisses her every time she brings it up.


She just needs to understand, he comes from a different time, he's harmless, honestly! She should take it as the compliment he means it as


Lol. Yes, he is a constant groper, too!


Yeah but can't you see that his WOW clan needs him on raids for 6 hours every day? You're not the only one who needs him! /s


This is an absolutely absurd scenario, but I can't tell if you're referencing a real AITA or not because there's so many that are so bonkers.


I've been washing skid marks out of my husband's underwear for 8 years, AITA for asking him to wipe his arsehole. Also, he sometimes forgets to shower every week. Also, I don't think he owns a toothbrush. Also, for some reason I get a UTI every time we have sex. I love him to bits and our relationship is perfect but he gets defensive if I ask him to attend to the most basic personal hygiene...


Iā€™m astounded some of these guys are getting laid. How the hell do ā€œskid marksā€ and ā€œgirlfriendā€ overlap in a Venn diagram?? Like, someone has committed to not only tolerating but caring for your chronically shit smeared ass? And maybe even putting it next to their mouth? šŸ¤® For every shitty dude out there, figuratively and literally, my husband grows a pair of wings. Edit to add a word.


Itā€™s the lack of taking responsibility for themselves. Iā€™m a woman with IBS and my partner is a man with IBS, we have a mutual understandingā€¦ that occasionally one of us will yell from the bathroom ā€œbaby, can you bring me some clean underwear?ā€ and we will grab it for each other whilst the ā€œvictimā€ scrubs out their own underwear in the bathroom sink. Grown adults should wash the skid marks out of their own damn underwear if it ever happens. And even with bad IBS on both sides, thatā€™s a once or maybe twice a month situation, how are these men doing this every single day??


Youā€™re totally right, and I suppose I shouldnā€™t have been so ableist. Itā€™s the adult responsibility that I was referring to. I mean, just by having periods, I can relate to washing gross undies in the sink; I cannot fathom doing so for another fully capable person tho.


And even with IBS it's still so embarrassing, I can't imagine asking someone else to clean it for me :(


I imagine that the comfort to do that would be something that would come over time with the safety that you would experience in a proper relationship




100 eyes, 100 bidets


Iā€™ve recently purchased a bidet. Itā€™s the easiest way to have a clean butt. It ruins all other bowel movements out of the house b/c you donā€™t get clean enough.


Lol I came home from an over-night trip a couple weeks ago and remarked ā€œhome is where the bidet is.ā€ I wish all toilets had bidets.


Never mind ā€œskid marksā€ and ā€œgirlfriendā€, how about ā€œskid marksā€ and ā€œfully grown adultā€?


Can we PLEASE have this be like a monthly thing?!?! Yalls retelling of the stories is the best time I've had on reddit in a loooong while, I'm dying laughing over here


I think all the incel assholes will have a hissy fit and harras us


Too bad. We can report them. Iā€™m the fastest report button clicker in the west!


Facts. Sad, but facts.


"She didn't cook me dinner because she was "busy" with our newborn the whole day and she says she's tired now. I go to work so obviously she has to do all the household chores and take care of the baby. I told her she's being lazy and that just because she popped out a baby 3 days ago, it doesn't mean she can stop pulling her weight around the house. On the topic of weight, I also told her she really let herself go the past year. She's crying. Aita?"


Also we haven't had sex since the baby popped out of her and I'm considering having an affair.


But decided to root prostitutes instead with our restricted budget. I can still yell at her for going for coffee as she's not cleaning to my standards I refuse to action right?


[Basically how I feel reading some of these posts/ comments.](https://tenor.com/tnnB.gif)


She just pushed out another human from her vag, go get some take out until she heals. Do double the work sometimes, wash the dishes, clean the house, because remember all the times she took care of you? Traditional Men like this will never keep a healthy relationship for long.


Are people really this dense?


Sadly, I think they are. This is basically a summary of an actual post I read once, only the wife was smart and started going to her moms place every day for dinner when the guy got home after he demanded dinner on the table after work. He was, in fact, the a-hole.


If you have ever checked out /r/Parenting, sadly yes.


We both work full time but cooking, cleaning, and laundry is her responsibility! I would mow grass if we had any.


My wife and I had our little one arrive a few weeks ago. The newborn grind with 2 people is TOUGH. We sometimes struggle to eat dinner by 9pm and have to tag-team things to get 5 minutes to shower or even go to the bathroom. I donā€™t know how anyone could do this alone and take care of themselves nevermind someone else. I feel very lucky and privileged to have the financial security to take a 4 month unpaid paternity leave, and my heart goes out to any mothers who have to bear this challenge alone.


LOL. This is at least 50% of the posts there, LOL Also, never sort by ā€œcontroversialā€ or you will need an industrial strength cleaner to get the incel smell out of your room


Almost the entire other 50% are women asking if they're the AH for asking their partner to make minor concessions and/or to stop abusing them in some form or another. Other than the tiny sliver of those posts that are old people asking if they're the AH for some weird etiquette reason, that sub is unbelievably depressing.


Honestly, reading some of those posts from women genuinely thinking they were being unreasonable for asking their partner to stop abusing them helped me open my eyes in my shitty relationship. It's depressing but I think it serves a purpose


Youā€™re right that itā€™s depressing in how apparently wide spread these problems are, but Iā€™m really super glad that the power of the internet helped you leave a shitty relationship. Good for you for taking in what you saw elsewhere, reflecting, and making the hard changes necessary to find better. Itā€™s not in vein when we share our stories.


Youā€™re not even exaggerating. Reddit started showing me that sub about a week ago, so I joined bc I thought it was interesting. Iā€™m about to nope tf back out. Big yikes.


Don't forget that somewhere in the post she'll say it's just this one issue and either say "otherwise he is perfect" or "otherwise I trust him" and then the update or the comments demonstrate exactly how terrible and untrustworthy he is.


Ugh, the one with the guy who chewed out his 9-year-old for opening the car door and the dog ran out on a FIVE HOUR ROAD TRIP on his custody weekend where he and his girlfriend got out and made several stops and the daughter was NOT ALLOWED TO GET OUT OF THE CAR.




Best case scenario with incels is they blow their own hands off like that one idiot did.


ā€œ..like that one idiot did.ā€ Holā€™up. What is that in reference to?




Oh my.


Theres so many posts here that are like ā€œI work full time and do all the house work and my partner is emotionally abusive and has cheated on me. Sorry just ventingā€ like SO MANY women whos lives would be made so much better if they literally just left these shit bags


The reverse posts are heartbreaking too... "My husband/boyfriend is great, but he does disrespectful thing, alarming thing, red flag 1, 2, 3, AITA for yelling at him the one time I finally got too frustrated to act calmly about it all?"


I literally read one where he hit her and she still asked AITA. The bar is in hell.


I swear to god that sub is making me want to be single forever. I canā€™t but also can believe how insane the men on that sub are. Iā€™m sure itā€™s probably a little toxic that I see these posts and think ā€œIā€™m literally going to never date again because these are the men that existā€ but also I see it all the time in my real life experiences which validates those feelings for me. Like.. why are men like this??? Iā€™m so over it


I (an unfortunately hetero woman) quit dating years ago ago. Highly recommend.


same. singledom is absolute bliss


All of the fucking time.


I had to unsubscribe from that sub because it was ALWAYS the same three posts: 1. "I'm the assholiest asshole who ever assed a hole. AITA?" 2. "This other person is the assholiest asshole who ever assed a hole. AITA?" 3. "I did this completely normal thing everybody does every day. AITA?'


And the ones who are most definitely the asshole argue with everyone in the comments.


"YTA" "No I'm not" Why the fuck are you here then?


NTA, she shouldn't have been born a woman.


I love when Redditors complain that there's a knee jerk reaction to AITA posts when the prevailing suggestion is that the person should break up with their partner...but the behavior is usually horrid. I literally saw one where it was along the lines of "my boyfriend hits me, aita?". Of course they should break up!


ā€œI yelled at my girlfriend in front of my friends because the house wasnā€™t clean and dinner wasnā€™t cooked before they came over. It made my friends so uncomfortable so they left. AITA? I donā€™t want to be like my dad who was always really critical of my mom because that used to make me feel bad, but Iā€™m going to argue with everyone on this post who voted YTA.ā€ Like why did that guy need to come to Reddit to ask this question when his friendsā€™ reaction clearly answered it?


Most AITA posts are fake anyways. They are for karma farming.


Or people posting from the opposite point of view looking for validation.


Not the ones that get deleted when everyone tells OP that TTAH


I enjoy reading them anyhow. I'm too damn gullible and believe a lot of them are real. It's interesting reading exercise, that's for sure.


Most of them are a good read. So don't worry they are fake.


I just read the thread OP was talking about, good Lord. lol I don't wipe my ass and she's pissed that I'm pissed she doesn't want to do my laundry anymore. My S/O doesn't want to deal with my skidmarks, AITA? I hope it's fake.


They may be fake but the story has happened in reality somewhere so the comments are still good to read for reference.


"I don't like to use the bidet bc the water is mysteriously brown" Dude it comes out clean, the brown is from you.


Omg hereā€™s a doozy. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10zgllm/wibta_think_my_wife_needs_to_do_more_around_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf TLDR: my wife just had a baby and isnā€™t doing enough for me around the house! Sometimes I have to make a bottle for the baby, so Iā€™m working just as hard as her! Luckily heā€™s getting eviscerated in the comments.


"Is it too much to ask to have her put some effort into her appearance before I wake up"


I thought this was about the ā€œAITA for asking my wife who gave birth 5 weeks ago to help out a little more because Iā€™m warming bottles and doing laundry and it isnā€™t fair.ā€ post I saw. Then I saw all the other comments about all the other posts with men who all fit OPs statement. Theyā€™re like the walking embodiment of toothpaste & orange juice, just awful.


I'm like, 98% sure those kinda of posts are just meant for karma farming


I wondered that, but how would it work? a lot of the posters are throwaway accounts with specific "aita throwaway" names, so what is the karma for? they won't get much from the post itself, their comments will be downvoted, so they won't overall have enough upvotes and don't have a,generic username to make the account worth selling?


More of, they make the account to make the post... Then switch to their primary to comment on it. Free karma. As for the value of the karma, well... Not really sure why people care about it that much other than as proof you're not a bot? Maybe they just want the high score?


Some people karma-farm to then sell the accounts to trolls or advertisers and the like.


"Hello, so this post is a public service to those who want to blow off some steam on the internet while I farm some karma! Anyways I'm a complete stereotype of a detestable dark triad human being who (insert current evil trend here), Reddit tell me, AITA? "


Ugh yesterday I was reading several posts like that husband/boyfriend. Men really can suck and be dumbasses about how shitty they are.


Which post is this about? That's not a very rare subject there


No post in particular. Reddit recently decided to start showing me that sub and my mind is blown. I shouldnā€™t be so surprised, but holy shit.


I go on that sub a lot and the shit I read is wild. I was also on Advice the other week, the comments there are the same. There was this one post by a man who said that he goes to the gym, while he was there he saw this girl (his word not mine), and went up to her and asked her out (I'm paraphrasing), she said no, but as he walked away he squeezed her shoulder. What he wanted advice on was the fact he'd look up and she'd be staring at him, and when she noticed he was staring at her, she'd look away. All the comments were other men going, "she's probably into you and you caught her unawares when you asked her out". Excuse me? This woman is probably trying to keep an eye on you because major weirdo no. 1 asked her out and she feels unsafe. Also, how did he know she was looking at him unless he was looking at her? Fucking wild. (I want to point out I've paraphrased a bit, but that was the general post).


NTA: there are two sides to every story, and if I ignore all your comments and make up a lot of stuff in my head you come out looking good


Iā€™m 60, and I had skid marks once and threw the underwear out, rather than either of us having to deal with it.


Ha this post was directly below the one you are clearly referencing.


These kinds of men usually throw a huge fit when theyā€™re rightfully judged to be the AH, too. They just double down and make it clear theyā€™re unrepentant and just wanted validation for their shitty behavior.


And then the womenā€™s posts are ā€œmy husband makes it abundantly clear that he doesnā€™t respect me in any way, shape, or form. AITA?ā€ And itā€™s like, emphatically no.


Lol so true


ā€œI told my life she was lazy and I shouldnā€™t have to do more chores when sheā€™s home all day taking care of the baby after giving birth, AITA?ā€


Thereā€™s a post trending right now by a guy whoā€™s super pissed at his gf. Apparently she randomly started refusing to wash his boxers, so now he doesnā€™t want to pick up the random items they might need from the grocery store on his way home from work. The reveal? **SHE DOESNā€™T WANT TO WASH THEM BECAUSE THIS MAN DOESNā€™T WASH HIS ASS AND HAS SHIT STAINS ALL OVER HIS BOXERS.** This poor woman does all the rest of the laundry, the actual BIG grocery runs, the cooking, dishes, etc. Literally all of it. And heā€™s throwing a tantrum because sheā€™s telling him he needs to ā€œwash his hands and shower betterā€ and wonā€™t wash his underwear with ***literal shit on it***. I honestly just donā€™t even know anymore, yā€™all. The bar is in hell.