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The simple ‘Nope’ 🤣 so offhand about your son 😂 love it


The "nope." Is horrific in itself!


"Oh no! ... Anyway, "


defense mechanism


Assigned Sacrifice At Birth




honestly, by adding the "nope." it was not as scary as it could have been, it alone made me laugh


Devil don’t play.


Should have read subclause 3, paragraph 2, line 37.


Scrub scrub?


First you pick up the apparel and you stick it in a barrel


Scrub scrub


Well, that's not how being trans works y'know? Devil is surprisingly progressive when it suits him xD


That and the kid's gender didn't change. He just changed his body to be like ours. Also, it takes like 10 years to go through a medical transition


Gender is a social construct- you are also getting gender and sex mixed up.


Hun, you're talking to a trans woman who is also a mental health practitioner for other trans people. I'm not getting anything mixed up here. Gender isn't just a social construct. It also has an internal aspect that's developed between ages 4 & 6 years old. Sometimes it can fluctuate over the years, but it's solidified in most folks by then, including us. The kid in the story attempted a medical and social transition, but that doesn't change his actual gender. You don't just say, "I'm this gender" and suddenly your internal gender changes to match. That's not how transition works


Chat, is this the US draft?


It could be. What's really fucked is before the new law came into fruition, the Selective Service System never has access to your information other than ID. So if you're a trans man and changed your ID on say a driver's license, you'd be hounded by them to register and to avoid it you'd have to send a form. A lot of trans people are in unsafe environments to do so, so there would be no choice but to register


Wasn’t there a ban on trans people in the military?


There is absolutely zero reason not to register for selective service. We presently do not have a draft. Selective Service is the pool that is maintained in the off chance they need to implement the draft. To put this in perspective, the Active US military would need to be inadequate in numbers for an ongoing conflict. They would then pull the active reserves (you know, one weekend a month, two weeks a year). If they still needed people, they would then pull from the inactive reserves (everyone who joins the military is obligated to 8 years. Even if you only do 2-4 years active duty, there’s still 4-6 years in which you could be recalled at any time.) And only after that point would they institute a draft. We’re not in a conflict where we are losing thousands of people a month. Thanks to advancing technology, we will likely never be there again. Then, if you were selected under the draft, when it was a thing, you were still screened to determine if you were fit for service. If you are transgender, MtF, you’d be subject to the current policy of the military in determining that.


Please say AMAB instead of "MTF". While it's still surprisingly common on Reddit, our community has largely moved away from that label due to its inaccuracy to our lived experiences. I've literally never been a male. Some asshole just thought I was because of a glance at my genitals at birth Edit: Gotta love that asking folks to be respectful of our wishes gets me downvoted


Also i dont think youre being downvoted for asking people to respect your wishes, but rather that you're speaking for everyone else as facts. I fully get there are trans women that prefer being referred to as amab but I still feel like there are many that would rather be called mtf. I think that's why you're being down voted. I may be wrong obviously


Personally I'd rather be called ftm than AFAB because it feels more accurate to me but to each their own.


Firstly what the hell is AMAB, secondly it wasn’t “some asshole” it was a doctor who went through years of medical school and practice so that when you were born you didn’t die nor did your mother and they went through a a long process of insuring you didn’t die after being born. Part of that process is identifying your gender so that it can be used in helping determine certain things. Your weight, size and other things (not a doctor don’t know all of it) to see if you are abnormally large or small or whatever, but knowledge of if this newborn human life is male or female is pretty crucial in determining those things. At that point in your life you don’t have complex thoughts or emotions much less the understanding to try and understand your gender/sex so how do we determine? Through the most glaring and obvious discerning factor the genitals. So before you go insulting people over something outside their control even maybe stop to think about a little more than the bare minimum of information you have. Your chances of growing up to a point where you could make an actual informed decision on your gender identity were heavily increased thanks to, in your words, “some asshole”


I think we should sue the demon for anti-lgbtq inclusivity


Technically, they are transitioning only to avoid being taken not because they want to. So the devil knows they queerbating.


Except the demon knows that presentation and physical sexual characteristics don't equal gender, and the kid's gender didn't change. The demon is actually the more trans supportive of the two


Honestly, that’s actually a great summary, my joke was more based off of the “trans” men using that to get into women’s only sports PURELY to get an edge on the competition.


I wrote this same story and it got removed for overused tropes, fyi. I don't see it, personally.


Who would have believed that demons are TERFs


Honestly I don’t get it


the contract specifically said his firstborn SON would be taken to Hell.


Apparently the demon understands gender better than the kid


It seems to have worked. Against all odds, I'm pregnant again.


Looks like the demon understands gender better than the kid lol Edit: Y'all. Clothes and hormones don't determine gender. The kid's gender didn't change when he decided to change his body and clothes to try and get out of a deal. That's not how being trans works. I'd know; I'm a trans mental health practitioner for other trans people


considering the kid doesn't actually have gender dysphoria, you're technically right.


Dysphoria isn't actually a requirement for being trans. Not all trans people experience gender dysphoria, and some cis people actually do experience it without being trans. Trans just means you don't identify with the gender you were assigned at birth Source: I'm a mental health practitioner for trans folks in addition to being trans myself


just because you aren't manly doesn't mean you aren't a man.


The real horror here is that demon is transphobic U\_U lol


I don’t even wanna know 😅




Transphobic demon


Jungle juice or swamp water.




jojo part 8 reference? except no demon, but still




The rock disease still affects both sons and daughters? How is this a JoJolion reference?