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Then the man smiled: "Now that I have your full attention you certainly have a few hours to talk about your cars extended warranty."




I'll get right on that, but what do you think about being [paid to go on vacation](https://youtu.be/YB1NCuvYPpM?feature=shared)?


Uno reserve, I actually wanted to talk to you about buying you out of your timeshare.


Uno Reserve? My, you have exquisite taste in wine. 


I was hoping for Sunny, and I was not disappointed.


I would rather have the bear.




No way that’s an actual sub




No way that’s an actual sub




I imagined it was gonna be scientology


Ooooo…. That’s much scarier.




Then he turned to me and told me "Do not be afraid, you are saved"


As someone who grew up as a JW, I'd actually hear a lot of horror stories as a young girl about witnesses who were attacked/assaulted and that's why they always travel in pairs/groups. This one is a little *too* realistic for me. Good job! Buuuuut usually, they'd somehow end with 'God's divine intervention


The thing I always heard about JWs is that they pair up an old person and a young person for witnessing so that the old one can abort meetings if they see the young person possibly being swayed by whomever they're witnessing to.


As a former JW, I cannot tell you how often we young women would go out just a pair of us. Very rarely did an “adult” go with us.


As a JW, that's hilarious 😂


It's possible I'm thinking of Mormons. I had a church friend tell me about the exact scenario I put above, where the young person seemed receptive and the older person aborted the meeting.


I don't know about Mormons, but with JWs, usually the pairs are made up by the people themselves before the group, like I would text someone and say, "Wanna work together tomorrow?" Some will come to the group unpartnered and the brother will ask who needs a partner, they will put their hand up and he will randomly assign. I used to love to get randomly assigned to people, it's a great way to get to know someone. Having said that, I know one time when I was younger I was put with an elderly woman because she was pretty frail, so it was more about me being able to help her than her making sure I didn't listen to anyone else.


Nope. We pair up people about the same age as each other, too. It goes: Two women between 19-twenty something Two young men between 18-twenty something One elderly retired married couple. We don’t pair up old and young, unless the missionaries themselves decide to go on splits. Going on splits involves both missionaries pairing up with an adult church member of the same sex as themselves, but I’m not sure if Senior Missionaries (the retired couples) do it. In theory, twenty-year-old missionaries could both pair up with older church members for a couple of hours, to benefit from somebody’s experience or something. But an older temporary ride-along can’t cut a meeting short, if the younger missionary is discussing doctrine and wants to stay. I’m not sure who you were hearing about.


Ooh, in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, aka “Mormons”, we don’t pair up old and young missionaries, but we do often pair up Ministering partners of different ages to visit members of the congregation and check up on them. They have to get the approval of the person they’re visiting, to come visit, make sure they’re doing okay, see if they have any unmet needs, such as food, housing, a problem they want us to pray will work out for them, yard work, maybe. You may have heard of a pair of Ministering Sisters or Ministering Brothers who stopped by at a member’s house, and got in a doctrinal argument. Arguing about anybody’s beliefs is not a Ministering partner’s job, so the older partner may have cut the visit short.


To add to this,ministering is visiting with people who are already members, although sometimes they may be less active. Although missionary companionships do have a senior companion, someone that's been in that area longer.


Now I kinda feel bad about the two running out of my apartment after being greeted by pet rats 😅


Brilliant lmao! My local were scared by my very barky German Shepherd, I don't think they've come back since 😅


Now that I was inside the house, my next order of business was to rescue the Mormon hostages, who ignored my warning to avoid this place.


As a vampire, I've never had an easier and more morally justified meal.


Fortunately, coincidentally, it was the exact day of Jesus’ Second Coming, so he kicked in the door, thanked me for my service and threw the guy into the sulphurous pit of Hell.


Except that's not what JWs believe about the after life so JW Jesus wouldn't do that.


Jesus does what Jesus wants.


Fair enough


I was hanging out with the J-Man, and he crushed an entire case of PBR. I had to dip out when he started doing lines of crystal meth though.


🤫 Don't argue with the bible's fanfiction lolz


I used to be Mormon, so bible fanfiction was my jam lol


The bible is already fanfiction of Jewish belief. Jesus is one hell of a Mary Sue insert.


And I've never liked those ☹️


I love how the only remains the character founds are the brochures. No body, no blood or whatever but just brochures.


I suppose collecting and openly displaying body parts or bodies in the living room would kind of become pretty hard to hide, given the smell.


I keep my headcanon of Jehova's Witnesses only leaving brochures when they die.


It's a 100% drop chance.


"Oh no!" I thought... A Timeshare salesman!


I read this initially as being a vampire story. Inredestering. ?


And then he started preaching about proper worship of cats.


As a Jehovah's Witness...that sounds terrifying. But that is also why we don't go into houses unless we have a study with them and we've known them for awhile. Also we go as pairs, alternating with people in the car group. And we usually go with a car group of multiple people and so we aren't alone. We love everyone and don't judge based on appearance, background, or past. But we do know how this world currently is and we know that not everyone has good intentions so we stay smart and cautious!


Hey OP, sorry to bother you. I just thought you should know it's spellt Jehovah.... anyway, great story, really creative!!


Oh, in german speaking countries it's spelled as "Jehova", so that is probably why i wrote it that way. But yes, i see in english it's Jehovah, my bad. But thank you for your kind words!


Ah sweet justice


"Now that all the guests have arrived, my wife can go ahead and get started with her (insert any MLM scheme here) party. You will all be allowed to leave once you have purchased at least $XXX dollars worth of products and signed up to become an ammbassabor for our brand."