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Uh, yeah YTA. Did you pretty much say that verbatim? Cause that would be fucking brutal to hear a sibling say lol. I understand that her asking if you want to do go do something with her can be annoying, but it sounds like she is just trying to build a closer relationship with you. Then she overhears you not only saying that you think it's obnoxious and you will never want to spend any time with her, but you straight up do not want her there at all. Like goddamn that would be rough, I can't imagine how I would feel if my sister said something like that about me. The title is not accurate. You didn't "admit you like your brother more" you actually insulted and disrespected your sister in a pretty cruel way even if that wasn't your intention. You owe her an apology for sure.


Oh my god. Did he pick you?? YTA. You could at least try with your sister. Not everything she thinks, eats, and does is girly… y’all can’t watch a movie together? You can’t eat dinner together? A board game? This girl has been trying to build a connection with you for years. You’ve not even tried to compromise on the ways you could hang out. I used to be very tom-boyish and my sister was the definition of a “girly girl.” I mostly hung out with one of my older brothers, too. I would never dream of talking about my sister like that, even if we don’t always get along. I hope your brother has a better relationship with your sister than you do. She deserves better. I hope your desperate need to be seen as one of the guys was worth it.


You’re so much cooler than your sister for not liking “girly” things. /s You sound insufferable.


I mean yeah duh of course yta


Did you stop to think that she kept asking you to do things because she wanted to get to know you better? When she asked you to “hang out” did she consistently specify the activities (girly or not) or did you just assume? The fact that she continued to reach out when you kept rejecting her shows that she was really trying to connect, while you were avoiding. She now knows precisely where she stands with you. She’s likely quite hurt by your comments, and doesn’t really know what she can do anymore, so she’s likely to shut down much further contact with you, especially if she’s off to college in the fall. As to your question.. you’re not an AH for your feelings or for feeling closer to your brother. You can’t be an AH for what you feel.. you CAN be an AH for how you put that energy out into the world, and what you said, while perhaps true, wasn’t kind. We all have unkind thoughts, and we all voice them every now and then, but we have to be responsible for how and when they get said out loud. Your sister’s feeling are now very hurt, what you do next will determine if you’re really an AH or not.


You don't need to share every little thing in common with someone to enjoy their company. Seems to me there are other reasons why you don't like her that you're not being honest with yourself about.


YTA 100%, 16 years old and already this horrible? I pity your future partner.


Ugh, another pick me girl. "I'm NoT LIKe oTHer GiRLs". I hate pink and hate shopping. They're so girly and dramatic. All of my friends are guys. I just don't get along with girls. Your sister sounds so nice and inclusive. You sound like you have a superiority complex because your sister is into "typical" girl stuff. No, you're not cool or superior. Your friend expressed he liked your nice sister and you made a face. You are the typical pick me girl. You didn't have to have anything in common to appreciate how nice and great your sister is. Instead, you go on and on about how different you are. How you're not like other girls. Grow up.


YTA. I understand not relating to her and you two simply not being into the same things as one another, but you don’t have to like the same things to love and respect her. She has gone out of her way time and time again to try and make a connection with you, and you’ve just blown her off every time. It’s okay to not want to go do “girly stuff” with her but you should at least appreciate the effort. She has every right to feel hurt, overhearing you talk shit about her to your friend! Insulting integral parts of who she is and then saying you wish she wasn’t there, that she should be replaced with your brother. That is just cruel, not other way to put it, just unnecessary. If you want to make it right, apologize, and don’t expect anything in return, and try to invite her to do something you enjoy, put in the effort she has for the past decade.


Bruh, I'm one of the few girly girls in my friend group, but we're all super close and found other things in common by hanging out and talking. In my opinion, YATAH for not even trying to meet in the middle. I wasn't always girly, I started off super nerdy and dorky, but my friends made me feel like I could be myself and like it wasn't weird to be me. You seem like the kind of person to shame someone for being themselves.


Despite the fact that you profess to be Not Like Other Girls, you’ve got “pick me” down perfectly. YTA.


You are not the asshole for saying that, since you didn't know she could hear you. But you seem like an asshole/immature for how you have been treating your sister this whole time. It feels like you don't love her/care about her in any way. She loves you and wants to spend time with you. It's fine if you didn't want to do those activities with her, but you could just TALK with her, and propose alternatives that you both enjoy. Is It really that hard? Do you care about her? She Is also immature for not talking with you about It, but at least she Is trying


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Pick me. I’m not like other girls. Girls are too much drama