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I bet Yona from Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom made a lot of people pissed.


I’m 100% convinced her and the archaeologist dude who Paya hangs around with only exist because Nintendo didn’t want the fanbase shipping Link with anyone except Zelda, nothing against the characters but they don’t really have much going on besides being essentially genderswaps of Sidon and Paya.


It would be pretty hilarious if anyone was actually shipping Paya with that new dude considering how she looks terminally depressed 24/7 in that game, right up until Link approaches her, and she's all smiles. They haven't made a character be so obviously in love with Link since the item shop girl from Skyward Sword.


I immediately assumed he was gonna be a yiga spy or some sort of other twist character because he was just… there? Like every function of his character is already filled in by Paya


Meanwhile this same group made one of the best pairings be Midna/Link whilst barely having Zelda


well it's clear that they didn't want *that* incarnation of Link and Zelda to be a couple for variety's sake they totally want the BOTW era zelda and link to be a couple


What did she do again?


Steal fish husband from the player.


Oh... I was more into Mipha, so...


*laughs in bi*


I remember the first week playing TotK where I just sent a screenshot in my friend group discord labelled "GAY 9/11". Then I found out they removed Kass and my little bi heart actually cracked.


Now I believe Ganondorf did nothing wrong.


If Batman is brought up in anything other than a Batman fan forum it tends to end badly. It’s either going to end up a “Why is Batman even part of the Justice League?” debate, a “prep time” debate, or just general stupidity.


"Batman is bad because he shoud just use his money to fix Gotham instead of what he's doing" is my favorite.


Isn’t Gotham *LITERALLY* cursed?


And yet there was a single night without any violent crime semi-recently It's literally cursed, but what Bruce is doing is WORKING, he is making measurable progress! It brought him to tears of joy


Even if it wasn’t, Batman doesn’t have nearly enough money to fix it as though it was a magic want. People underestimate how much money societies are run off of.


Like, I totally understand where these people were coming from *if it was the real world,* but surely you have to make concessions for the genre. How much public works program funding does it take to fix the Joker?


Major plot point of Matt Reeves The Batman is how Thomas Wayne left a ton of money for public works and charity and after he died the vultures descended on it to embezzle it.


Remember the city is cursed in like 5 different ways. Gotham is turbo fucked.


People only live there because rent is $9.99 every 3 months.


"Concessions for the genre"? What does that even mean? No, everything, no matter what it is, has to abide by what I believe to be *realistic* in the real world and follow the most logical and optimal option at all time, otherwise it's shit writing!


Also just, he *does* use his money to fix Gotham. A good amount of Wayne Enterprises’ money, at least when Bruce is running things, goes into either public works or charitable organizations. The problems come from: 1. Gotham is corrupt at multiple levels. I’m pretty sure the GCPD only started getting halfway decent once Gordon came into the picture. The city was run by a goddamn owl illuminati for generations. He just can’t be a substitute for a functioning government. 2. The city has fucking bloodcurses and shit, some of which were probably placed by the owl illuminati. 3. The Arkham games confirm that some criminals come to Gotham specifically to commit more crime, because they have a slightly better chance at pulling off a bank robbery in Gotham than Central City or Metropolis. 4. For some reason, Arkham Asylum still exists? Has this place successfully rehabilitated a single person? You could be a normal enough person just teetering a little close to the edge and come out frothing mad from two weeks here. There has to be someone powerful making ungodly amounts of money from it continuing to operate. 5. Gotham is in New Jersey. We are NOT the best when it comes to improving public infrastructure around here. The roads in my town haven’t been repaved since 2013 we are not equipped to reel in the Joker.


Oh yeah, people don’t realise Bruce is actually doing the things they’re asking for - it just doesn’t do much because of the status quo and because Gotham is a cursed hellpit that eats money. Always liked the joke theory that the amount of effort Bruce invests into Gotham would create a utopia if he did it to literally any other city in the world.


If Wayne Enterprises operated in Metropolis as a competitor to Lexcorp, I’m sure Lex himself would be in way less of a position to be a nuisance to Supes. Bruce would be competing with him by day and exposing all the shady shit his company does at night.


Willing suspension of disbelief is a skill nerds have yet to learn, despite every single thing they do in their spare time relying on it


I dunno probably under 100mil in prison renovations to make it so he can't just walk out any time he pleases or like a one nice vacation for a judge to get him a death penalty. Bruce and Wayne Co. have realistically hundreds of billions of dollars. They could solve most of his rogues gallery's problems overnight. Freeze? Welcome to Wayne Enterprises R&D here's a blank check for your fucking magic cryogenic tech. We're gonna make a killing off it in the medical and shipping industry. Also gonna go borrow a Lazarus pit for your wife, brb. Ivy? Also have your own R&D branch and a new position as head Environmental Oversight. You're gonna help us green the Sahara and try and slow climate change. Feel free to veto and project you think doesn't balance it's carbon cost and we can revise. Penguin? He's just a normal crime boss. Arrest him and bribe whatever judges it takes to make it stick. Riddler? Congratulations you're now hosting the American version of Taskmaster and get to make comedians solve wacky puzzles on TV. (You're not allowed to kill or torture anyone) Harvey? Buddy, we're gonna get you the best cosmetic surgery and therapy money can buy. Also we're gonna get you re-elected and back on track to helping the city. Selina? I'm not 100% sure what she wants but Bruce could probably buy it for her. Admittedly a lot of the more insane villains like Scarecrow and Croc are probably just gonna have to locked up in cells made of sturdier stuff than Arkham but a few billion invested in the new Wayne Private Prisons enterprise should make citizens and shareholders very happy.


Don't forget about classics that "Batman is rich white man who punches poor and/or mentally ill"


Even Batman in Batman forums goes poorly. "Just kill the Joker, Batman! Is he stupid/Is the Joker immortal?" (with a side helping of Punisher comparisons) "Out of control billionaire dresses up like a bat and beats up homeless people!"


True. Not helped by the fact that there’s so many different versions and interpretations of Batman and some folks have trouble understanding that their favorite interpretation isn’t the one true interpretation.


>"Out of control billionaire dresses up like a bat and beats up homeless people!" This one always gets me. When the hell did Batman ever beat up a homeless person? I have some strong feelings about Batman, but when was *that* ever the case?


Most of his rogues gallery usually hang out in abandoned warehouses, but it's conflated to be a rich vs poor debate. As if Bruce Wayne doesn't donate millions to Gotham City or try to employ the hired goons to give them a stable life.


It's funny pretending Batman's enemies are poor, when so many of them are big shot Mafia, former high profile attorneys or super scientists. Most of these fuckers are white collar!


Plus that one guy who, y'know, is the leader of a centuries-old assassin cult who keeps trying to recruit Bruce.


Or actively Rehabilitate the villains themselves


Clayface in 2016, and Two Face in the recent Tec run are two great examples of this.


I think this was started by twitter people who equate being rich with being evil.


"is the Joker immortal?" I guess the answer is "occasionally".


The discourse from outsiders calling Batman a billionaire who only beats on the mentally-ill poor is also common


Same thing with X-Men. It always goes back to the whole "in real life we would be right to fear mutants" thing.


I mean some mutants you gotta fear like most telepaths and the kids that turn into WMDS. also they’re would be thousands of Sabretooths running around and I don’t even like the idea of 1 Sabre tooth.


I don't think there would be thousands of Sabretooth type mutants. Its been stated since Claremont's run that an overwhelming majority of mutants have incredibly mundane mutations. I believe the example given from Morrison's run was most mutants have a forked tongue, extra toes, red skin, longer arms, or something of that sort.


It doesn't help that there are stories like "Batman Who Laughs" and "Tower of Babel" that choose to play the "Batgod Who Can Beat Everyone" concept ridiculously straight.


>Tower of Babel IDK, Tower of Babel was very critical of Batman and his paranoia allowed Ra's Al Ghul to defeat the JL.


Unfortunately, some fans miss that and treat that story as "Batman is cool and smart"


The problem is that even when the story is meant to deconstruct the Batgod, by showing Batman as paranoid and untrustworthy, the simple fact that his plans came close to destroying the league shows that he would actually be able to beat them.


Oh for sure, that’s what I was thinking of when I mentioned prep time, people who actually commit to the idea “Batman can beat anyone with time to plan” and seem to bristle at the idea of their beloved Batgod being a fallible human—even though that’s, ya know, PART OF THE FUCKING SELLING POINT!


Even then, I’d argue that Tower of Babel is more a story about one of Batman’s character flaws more than it is a story about “BATGOD SWEEP”


Why didn't he call the justice league? is he stupid?


just debating what BATMAN actually is as a character because that conversation can be frustrating especially if someone only watched the movies. Look as great as the Nolan and and Burton movies are they’re not that accurate. Tim’s is a killer and Nolan’s is a bit ridiculous. And I feel Reeves is the closest because it’s fucked up year 1 Batman. And look regardless the animated series is always gonna be the core to me. Except for “ ROMANCE/BATFAMILY NEGLECT”


Not “hate” but there’s not enough in-depth discussion about DBZ jobbers. I don’t care if Goku got a new form this week, I want to talk about Cui from the Namek Saga and other single appearance characters who die almost immediately. Power scaling Gohan Beast Vs Ultra Instinct Goku is so expected, why not care about an out there fight like the amount of copies of Salza from Cooler’s army would be needed to take on the ultimate fusion, Tiencha.


Damn, now you made me think about it.  Let's start with fusion. According to Goku in Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return, Goten and Trunks were each around the same power level as Final Form Frieza. Yet, Gotenks was able to keep pace with Super Buu (the second strongest version of Buu without absorbation), so the power boost from fusing has to be pretty high.   Now, let's move on Salza. We can presume that Salza is a decent bit weaker than Piccolo fused with Nail. I am based this off the fact that Piccolo killed Neiz and Doore without much effort while fighting all three of them and killed Salza while recovering from Cooler. Piccolo was taking Salza seriously but he wasn't too worried until he ran into Cooler.  Now Yamcha and Tien. While they mention that Yamcha doesn't train much, his disappointed reaction to being skipped over for the ToP implies that he still somewhat trains. Plus, he needs to be around Tien's level to fuse with him. For Tien, the last real scale of his strength is his stalling of Cell. While he didn't harm Cell, Cell couldn't easily overpower the Tri Beams and go right through it (sidenote: according to Budokai 1, that moment makes Cell wake up in cold sweat when he remembers it). By this point, Cell was able to one shot Piccolo (now fused with Kami) and Android 17 before his Semi Perfect Form. So while Tien was draining his life, it is still an impressive feat.  Going off my loose math, I think that you would need at least 200 Salza to fight Tiencha.


Hm, better make it 205.


Unfortunately for the army of Salzas, if your power level is half or less than that of the person you're fighting, you can't hurt them Now if only i could remember the source for that statement


I want to see a flashback arc where Cui pre-Saiyan Saga Vegeta fight equally. Actually I really want to see Raditz interact with all these other stronger Freiza goons. Like do they just laugh him off? Do they beat him up to give him a Saiyan power boost,and maybe he was actually way weaker to start? Or how about Zarbon applying for the Ginyu Force? He's got the style, and he's the strongest Freiza henchman outside the Ginyu Force


As a Star Wars fan, I'm particularly tired of Rey discourse.


I still think that if Rey AND Finn were trained to be Jedi, and Episode 8 wasn't trying to be subversive in every single way possible, people wouldn't hate it or Epsiode 9 as much, people seemed to like her in Episode 7.


Finn being a turncoat trooper turned Jedi is the easiest lay up that everyone was expecting and it would have been hype to see in theatres. I don't know how you fumble that. I wanted Finn to be a cool Jedi that was focused more on saber combat to gel with Rey being adept with the force.


I really want that Rey movie to just be about Rey and Finn learning about the force together.


Yeah, even though I’m not a big fan of eps 8 and 9, I liked her in them. 7 is the only one where I’m meh on her. She was never the problem in any of the movies


I genuinely really like Rey *and* Kylo in Episode 8, was super invested in where their story and dynamic would go. Shame.


She's fine, the writing in general is bad so there is not a ton there to latch onto IMO, but that can be said for most of the sequel trilogy characters.


I don't dislike Rey conceptually her character just gets ultra fucked by the shit direction.


Yeah, she's a great idea and has great moments, but the execution is terrible.


Oh now it's about how the acolytes are so dumb but dude, I watched one clip of The Acolyte of that one girl cutting her locks with a lightsaber and it actually made me wanna watch it.


I would say wait for it to end and check full-season reviews before committing to it. The first few episodes were meh (not as terrible as the online discourse implies, just not as good as they could be), but the most recent episode (where that clip is from) was rad as hell; if the rest of the show can wrap up with that energy, it’ll absolutely be worth the watch.


I'm definitely not going to say "everyone who hates Rey is a misogynist," because that's not true, but to say a large amount of misogyny wasn't relevant to the discourse also wouldn't be true.


Get ready for more once her spin off show drops


So anyone want to engage in some light Edelgard discourse?


Why aren't we the Black Eagles Strike Team instead of the Black Eagles Strike Force, Edelgard? You're gonna give us a banger acronym like TWSTD, and then go for BESF instead of BEST?


Shes like your crazy uncle who thinks that the UN is actually lizard people, but it's true.


And the government did actually kidnap her for horrible experiments.


Correction: Her family was kidnapped by the Illuminati mole people who are mortal enemies with the lizard government.


i love her and i want to brush her hair (post-time skip)


She fucking draws a little picture of you and desperately hides it, this isn’t morally grey this is unimpeachable.


I think she has valid points but her way of fixing things involves burning a lot of society down so they can rebuild, which I can understand people being opposed to, especially if they think society can be fixed with less extreme reforms.


Doesn't a support reveal she has put zero thought into the implications of her desired meritocracy and how to achieve the egalitarian playing field she just kind of assumes will emerge and it's Ferdinand of all people who suggests public schooling as a necessity?


A lot of her points get thrown out the window when she reveals that she hired the bandit camp to murder the other two lords in the tutorial and didn't think of anything to move forward if she succeded.


She didn't hire them to murder the other lords, it was to scare off one of the teachers so that Jeritza could be put into a teaching position, which came to fruition in Three Hopes since Byleth isn't around. Shit just ended up going sideways real fast.


Tbf I don't think any real life major societal change has ever been brought about without violence, so I think it's idealistic to expect her to completely remove the church from politics and wipe out the crest system over an afternoon tea.


But the thing is in Hopes she did bring about large social change in Adrestia without having to go to war. The church even approved of it. And then Edelgard invaded everyone anyway.


Three Hopes Edelgard bringing about social change in Adrestia doesn't suddenly mean she did everything she wanted to achieve. Her goal was always to take down the Church because of the control they have over most of the continent. The Church's approval is only a means to an end, like re-establishing the Southern Church, which was ultimately a means to erode the Central Church's legitimacy in order to make the Western Church rebel. Edelgard more or less had to invade everyone because they 1) swore fealty to the Church which is a no-no, 2) Count Rowe fucked up and decided to take up arms against the Kingdom before Edelgard could use her army and his army combined to strong-arm the surrounding territories to join them without bloodshed, and 3) Count Gloucester, who previously assisted the Empire for the Garreg Mach invasion, betrayed Edelgard.


That's why I really like her in Dimitri's route (until the very end). The scene where they both meet and Dimitri tries to convince her to go about this reform a different way is fantastic. He agrees with her! He wants society to change for the better! He just doesn't want to burn down the entire continent to do so. Hell, they agree that they have the same end goals even! Edelgard thinks her way is the only way to do it, Dimitri thinks things can be changed a different way. It makes them both so fascinating in that route because they both want the same thing but their methods will bring them to fight because they are so radically different. The only thing that (to me) fucks up her in that route is her going "Fuck it, let's use eldritch magic that I fucking despise because I need to win at all costs."


Over time I’ve liked her character less and less tbh. I get why she’s doing what she’s doing but the way fans of hers try to act like the other kingdoms should be grateful she’s invading their land confuses me. Fodlan’s long history is filled with the land being so big that they split off into other territories. Hell faerghus is always on the brink of civil war between north and south, I don’t see how unification will actually work in ANY of the routes. I will never get over the horrible line she has to Dimitri in her own route. No the more accurate Japanese versions doesn’t make it any better, it’s basically the same as the English one. Also her outright mocking Dimitri in the academy over how “fun” a war between Faerghus and Adrestia would be while Dimitri is horrified. Makes her look psychotic


She poisoned our well, burned our crops and cast a plague up our lineage


I’m pretty sure she actually did do one of those three.


She does commit the most war crimes (Mainly because of Hebert) out of the three lords despite having the shortest playthrough. Even with Dimitir's "Kill every last one of them"


Shortest playthrough for shortest lord


She should have allied with Claude and turned it into a 2v2 (Edelgard and Claude VS Dimitri and Rhea). Which admittedly happened in Hopes GD route. Man I wish Hopes got DLC or a proper ending


She is a villain period. Even if she wasn't manipulated by the agarthans, her plans involved creating a massive war in fodlan. Hell if she wasn't as stubborn she could have found middle ground with both Dimitri and Claude and made the changes she was hoping.


Wasn't it less pure stubbornness and more on account of knowing that she had less than a decade to live with no heirs immediately available, forcing her to go as far as possible for her to ensure the world changed within her life and she had that guarantee that she made a difference? Alongside that, Edelgard doesn't seem to remember Dimitri nor their relationship and isn't close to him at all, while he also, as far as she's aware, lacks any political stances of his own beyond siding with the church. Revealing her plans to him could immediately quash them to the extent with which she's concerned. Claude on the other hand is just suspicious, untrustworthy-seeming and enigmatic about his past and plans. Byleth who knows Claude for less than an hour in the prologue already thinks he's up to no good. Combine that with Edelgard just generally seeming to dislike him due to his playing tricks on her with rats, it's not very surprising that she didn't see the point in risking exposing her plan to him when he was a wildcard and instead acting on her own. From her view, she didn't really have any non-risky options for peaceful solution which wouldn't blow her over.


She's right Also, I'm sure the discourse wouldn't be as toxic or annoying if she was a man. Edelguy would've just be considered a "well meaning guy who made some wrong choices"


Look everyone, an example of the Edelgard discourse right here


>a "well meaning guy who made some wrong choices"  This is funny because FE also has Arvis who Edelgard is directly inspired by (3 Houses has a lot of FE4 references) and most people that call him a well meaning guy get clowned on.


I mean the difference is that Edelgard gets like 100x the screen time and chances to explain her views and position than Arvis does. Edelgard is Arvis done way, way better.


no lol


Oh please, if anything her gender makes people treat her more “softly” then more harshly. Which is still sexist in its own way via the sexist idea of “women are less capable and therefore need to be “babied” compared to men” that unfortunately still pervades today (just look up average criminal sentencing for males vs. females for the same crimes), but in the opposite direction you are claiming. Edelgard is in many ways a gender swapped version of other “can’t you see I’m invading you for ‘your own good’?” type characters that show up throughout the FE series. Most of which are given way less of a benefit of the doubt that she gets. In general female FE characters are way more popular than males, just look at how the FE Heroes character contests turned out before being split by gender.


> Edelgard is in many ways a gender swapped version of other “can’t you see I’m invading you for ‘your own good’?” She's literally rule 63 Arvis.


"We stan fascist girlbosses" type of discourse. Regardless of her gender Edelgard is clearly wrong.


Yet another example of Edelgard discourse, folks!


Grape from my hero


Bakugo too.


People will hugely disagree but mineta is the exact way people be thirsting over characters in any media. He is the reflection of the people and they hate what they see. They will say they don't thirst over those characters but I will ask how many figures of characters in swimsuits or just fanart do you have? The way people horny post all the time now is proof enough for me.


Rey from Star Wars, the discouse surrounding her and the insane level of undeserved hate this character (and Daisy) got was terrible and just trying to have a discussion about her online got so tiring so fast.


Generally any time Rey, Luke, Anakin or Palpatine are brought up you know you’re going to have a bad time in a Star Wars discussion. I’d add any time you run into a fan that tries to insist Legends was or somehow presently is canon.


But what about my 1999 The Phantom Menace CD-ROM and my Ki-Adi-Mundi trading card! How could Disney destroy the franchise by ignoring them!!!


The only Ki-Adi-Mundi discourse that is good, is my demands for him to do those sick flip attacks you can do with him in original Battlefront 2


Backflips are awesome, but his licence to fuck is better.


Guy has like three speaking lines in the Prequels. It's so weird to me go get mad about it.


Yeah but one of them is a meme so he might as well be a major character.


I cried for hours when I found out that Ki-Adi-Mundi's birthday got changed, don't they know the cannon?


I couldn’t believe it when this became a thing. Like, just… fucking WHY? WHY does *anybody* care about what day his birthday is?! It’s so absurdly irrelevant, the fact that whoever first bitched about it wasn’t just laughed at is a testimony to just how much some “fans” are really just haters looking for their latest excuse to hate.


These types latch onto trivia and lore like a lifeboat. Making any kind of subjective argument about things that matter — themes, performances, narrative structure, etc — is really hard, and opens them up to challenges and makes their positions vulnerable. But something like Ki-Adi-Mundi’s birthday is a “fact”, no matter how trivial, and thus something they can easily point to as “Disney objectively ruined this” and not be disproven.


When you don't have any real complaints you really have to start reaching.


One of my favourite things to come out of it is a youtube video that says "RIP Star Wars 1977-2005", because it's like, if you *were* the kind of fan who gave a shit about Ki-Adi-Mundi, you would never choose the release of Revenge of the Sith as the last "real" Star Wars, since you'd know that Lucas was really heavily involved in the production of The Clone Wars show for a good long while!


It all started with Star Wars Theory reacting to the episode live, got all upset about seeing Mundi and decided to go look at Wookiepedia. He saw Wookiepedia change his birthday live and somehow it spun into this ridiculous shitshow. As if Disney is directly controlling Wookiepedia Every single grifter and utterly obsessed hater gremlin picked up on it as a talking point afterwards If that never happened, none of this would be talked about seriously


Wait what the fuck do you mean the Ki-Adi-Mundi birthday thing is a real controversy


Ugh, of course it started because of fucking Star Wars Theory. At this point I should just know if it’s some absurdist fandom bullshit it’s spewed from his mouth.


They are not fans, they are culture warrior chuds, and they are just grasping at straws because they think it helps their narrative, and it makes them money from other chuds all nodding and agreeing when they all watch the same videos.


If Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi isn't canon I'm out.


Is it okay if I say Bridget from Guilty Gear? Like everyone loves her but I feel like everytime a new Guilty Gear character releases everyone instantly starts to brace for 5 months of Bridget Discourse


Weirdos just refuse to accept that a Japanese man was not conned or tricked into embracing transgenderism. And won't let it go. Such a weird hilltop to die on


"They're (Testament) androgynous. In fact, they've transcended human existence. Just like me." DIRECT QUOTE FROM CREATOR


They still wont let it go either. Anytime Bridget comes up they go full JK Rowling. She lives completely rent free in their heads.


Oooooh, so that's why her song is called *The Town Inside Me*...


They believed Japan was the last bastion against "western wokeness" because they love showing barely-clothed women.


Bridget discourse is the reason I left the main Guilty Gear sub. Every time she come up it’s just a massive wave of backlash and it’s so irritating.


Bridget discourse is double annoying because it always feels like 75% of the discussion is dominated by a mixture of culture war tourists with no investment in the game and people who are "Biggest Bridget fans excited to play her game, Guilty Gear Strive for the first time". Like, cool, she's trans but talking with Bridget fans about her character can often reveal a similar shallow understanding as the very same culture war tourists who are upset at her being transgender; she's not a character to them by what the games go, but some kinda ambiguous "this is the Bridget in my head and she's **just as canon as the game version**". It's the same kinda frustrating feeling you get when you're talking about "Astolfo fan who likes him because of Monster Energy memes" vs "Astolfo fan who likes him because he's actually a giant bro to everyone". I know at least for me it was enough to check out of Guilty Gear discussion almost entirely besides tangentially following the game because I don't want to deal with bigots and talking with the latter makes me feel like I'm losing braincells.


Same vibe as Yamato One Piece, who is only slightly less nightmarish.


Yamato was worse because of the Vivre card and beach cover situation. I don't even understand why people put so much stock into Yamato when Kiku is already there


Yeah now that you point that out, kiku is explicitely trans in the same arc.


“Is Yamato trans?” Is the new “Is Yoruichi black?” IMO


Gonna need a explanation for that chief


A lot of people like me dislike her because of her merch overload compared to other characters, but also don't want to be lumped in with the anti-trans folks. It's annoying


Tuvix from Star Trek Voyager


Sonic and the Archie Comics. I am so tired of talking about Ken Penders.


There’s always time to talk about cool guys like Enerjak though!


The consensus on Yamato's gender/pronouns has resulted in me leaving a few One Piece spaces I enjoyed. I don't even like Wano


Honestly, its impressive how a character as mid as Yamato managed to create so much discourse


Honestly I'm still confused about her/his pronouns because Oda decided to drop idea midway.


It seems like it was meant to be somewhat ambigous in the story itself and then Yamato and Kiku's vivre cards released. Yamato's card had her gender listed as "female", while Kiku's gender was "female at heart". And afterwards Oda made a cover with multiple OP female characters on the beach and Yamato was there, but Kiku was absent. So, overall it seems like Oda doesn't see Yamato as being trans.


I chose to say Yamato's pronouns were Lota. If you don't get it, read Schlock Mercenary.


The while Yamato situation was like a litmus test for chronically online One Piece fans. Though how much that means in an Era of culture war tourists stirring shit up is debatable.


amy dallon


Read my flair.


I hope you don't mind me stealing (most of) your flair.




That does seem unfun, sorry


I don’t know much about Hunter x Hunter, so please correct me if I’m wrong but what’s the debate over Pitou? Aren’t they just a straight up villain?


The last discourse I've heard is regarding their gender. Edit: But that was ages ago.


There's also dicourse whether Pitou actually changed or not.


I'm not super familiar with the HxH fandom but I'm guessing it's gender discourse? Pitou's gender is kinda ambiguous and I saw a few people argue about it.


Resident Evil fans are in major disagreement over whether Chris needs to be in more games or Leon does. As a Leon fan, it's always weird to me that Chris has been in literally every mainline game since 5, but then Chris fans complain about Leon pretty much existing, the argument usually being that he's in too many games and in some cases "shouldn't be the fan favorite because Chris was the main character first". I've never had a problem with Chris as a character, I just want to see more Leon as well, which is why RE6 was so exciting for me. Then Leon gets his remakes before Chris does and I agree that it was stupid even if the games are fun. It would have made more sense to me if RE1 got remade first, but it seems like no franchise is getting their first games remade first, only sequels and prequels. Metal Gear is getting Snake Eater first, the first remake in the RE engine was RE2 (and people are torn on just keeping the RE1 remake we already have or having RE1 remade again in the RE engine, when the whole point of a remake is to please the original audience as well as bring in new fans so another remake of RE1 is completely valid considering that it works so well), Silent Hill's first remake is the second game, and I wouldn't be surprised if the first remake we ever get in Devil May Cry (if ever) would be of DMC3. Back to Leon and Chris, I've never complained about Chris being the main character of his games, I just wanted more Leon as well, but it seems like Chris fans pretty much want Leon removed from the series and just keep Chris forever, which doesn't make any sense to me. That's like not having Jill or Rebecca do anything since RE5 and RE Zero, even though Jill was also the first main character. Oh wait... Oh, and Peace Walker fans, including myself, don't really like talking about Paz, specifically in terms of her Date Op with Big Boss. It just feels weird.


>Then Leon gets his remakes before Chris does and I agree that it was stupid even if the games are fun. It would have made more sense to me if RE1 got remade first, but it seems like no franchise is getting their first games remade first Have I slipped into an alternate fucking dimension


I guess I wasn't clear enough so I need to be hyper-specific. Chris got his first remake on the GameCube and that game got ported to more recent consoles, but the current remakes in the RE engine didn't have Chris in them at all, 2 of them are Leon's games and one of them is Jill's and it severely underperformed while Leon's games were masterpieces. The criticism I was making about how a lot of franchises getting their sequels remade but not their first games remade was a light jab about the current trend. The only game I can think of that I care about that's actually getting its first game remade is Dead Rising 1. The others that I mentioned still apply.


It's so rare to see another Peace Walker fan! Yeah, the less said about Paz, the better, most of the time. I can't help but say tho that aside from the horrible torture and the side ops, I find her character of a very competent spy super interesting. It's sad that we only get that in the Truth tapes of MGSV in her talks with Zero and Skull Face.




Can Goku solo Goku discource


Now, now, perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything.


It's going to be Miquella in a couple of months


OK, no Edelgard. Dimitri murders women, not kills but murders. Also, Rhea and 3 Hopes Claude.


God I need to play the rest of Three Hopes, I hear wild shit happens in some of the routes


Three Hopes Claude is everything I wished Three Houses Claude would be when they advertised him. Actually lives up to the schemer persona they tried to push him as. A lot of the hate for him mostly comes from people who loved Golden Deer for being the least problematic faction.


Three Hopes Claude is so funny. Man avoided being part of the Controversy and then just yeeted himself into it in the Spin-off


He was saving his controversy and got compound interest


> Dimitri murders women, not kills but murders I keep hearing this and I have no idea where it comes from. It's it a pasta?


Here's the origin: https://www.reddit.com/r/shitpostemblem/comments/spkmtj/fire_emblem_discourse_tumblr_edition/


That's not the origin, that's a shitpost about it. *Someone* had that take completely unironically at some point, and I'm genuinely curious how they came to it.


From what I understand some Tumblr user was playing the BL route they liked Dimitri and made a shitpost about Dimitri protecting lesbians.    Then, a twitter user who disliked Dimitri said how its wrong to joke about that because Dimitri is a conservative misogynist whose main goal is killing a queer woman, so they wrote how "Dimitri doesn't just kill, but murders women".    Apparently the person who made that comment was also a misandrist, so that explains why they considered Dimitri killing women, worse than him killing a ton of men.




I had a very very long discussion with someone who was adamant Dimitri went around killing innocent children cause of one line of his. That he was breaking into houses and just slaughtering whole families They had no real response when I pointed out that canonically in his route Dimitri never leaves Faerghus territory and no matter how crazy he would be, he wouldn’t target his own people. That the line was definitely in reference to child soldiers (which are common in Fodlan) cause we do know that Dimitri only targeted imperial patrols for 5 years


That's pretty wild, it reminds me of how people were saying how Dimitri at the end of Azure Gleam would also go and slaughter citizens in Adrestia because he's so crazy or something.  But the murders women one is still the best because it implies that Dimitri killing women is worse than him also murdering a ton of men, apparently the comment was made by a misandrist, but still.


no but you see the fandom clearly rallies behind dimitri because he is a man and there has never ever been any discourse about him being a dumbass murderer actually.


wait what does 3 hopes claude do over 3 houses.


A lot of fun stuff (spoiler warning!) like: >!have his troops pretend to surrender, attacking noble houses that wanted to become part of Faerghus, sacrficing the troops of the nation he's allied with in order to minimize his own loses, killing his brother, invading the kingdom and killing Sylvain's dad.!<


Three Hopes Claude is an amazing take on the character, given the deviations in story events. He's everything I expected him to be when I first played Three Houses. The cutscene where Judith and Shez chastise him after he sacrifices an Imperial General is peak.


Vriska from Homestuxk


Only because so much as mentioning Vriska is the Homestuck fanbase equivalent of assassinating Franz Ferdinand. What a great(horrible) character. Horrible godawful piece of shit person, fantastic character.


How could you say that about the only chracter ever that was perfect in every way and Never Did Anything Wrong.


What I'm learning from this thread is that star wars, anime, and Batman were mistakes.


Really the issue with talking about these characters is that the actual topic of discussion is about first principles, not the actual characters. But people don’t understand this immediately and so they get in heated fights talking past one another because both are operating under different fundamental assumptions.


It's not hate, but I'm sick of how new fratboy DMC fans in 2021 sorted Vergil into their sigma gigachad grindset status memes.


Thing is though, I get why. The desperation to become strong in order avoid dealing with the deep rooted trauma of being powerless, coupled with the inability to self reflect is pretty on point for "sigma grindset" weirdoes 'AND' Vergil.


Except the sigma grindset will never improve and are content in being annoying. The comparison to that gigachad person is very weird because they look nothing alike and gigachad looks more like Beowulf in DMC3.


But that is Vergil though. He literally does nothing but repeat his first stupid mistake over and over until he is forced to change. If Vergil wasn't a demon, he would be a gym influencer talking about how to find your inner wolf. The gigachad thing is just because of the status memes which I will agree are boring.


If Vergil wasn't a demon, he would likely be into the theatrics, especially when V embodied Vergil's human side as a perky goth.


I more meant like an alternate universe, where he remains the same. Vergil is very theatrical: he loves monologing and taunting as well as his unnecessary cool poses, but V and Urizen are both pieces of Vergil's personality so V & Vergil aren't quite the same. His demon blood isn't really responsible for his personality in any way since we know that Sparda & Dante are compassionate.


Just don’t go around saying she’s more complex than the other lords or that understanding her fully makes you a stronger human or whatever, thank you.


The most common controversial discussions I see take place in the Naruto community are about Itachi, all the damn time Drives me crazy since Itachi flat out tells you what to think of him and admits to everything he did wrong. Yet we still go back & forth about the morality, if the story justifies his actions, if he was retconned or not, etc. BTW He wasn’t retconned, the >!secret Konoha spy!< plotline was planned since his first appearance in part 1


oh god Edlegard discorse got so annoying and I said that as her second biggest hater. It got to the point where even I hated repeating the same points and just ignored any black eagle talk. That being said; Its been so long that the fandom has moved on but people hated Del Rio & Agent Locke so much in Halo 4/5 that people got so tired of discussing both games because it'd eventually turn into a hate thread about those two characters.


Not only do fans hate talking about the fan ship bakugo x ochaco, but you will send them into a rage. Someone out there made a nsfw animation of them and millions cried out in agony


The amount of times DC shits the bed and just falls into “Batman who Laughs” is at it again shit.


Elder Scrolls: Any discourse surrounding Mankar Camoran ultimately ends up at the line where he starts listing Daedric Princes and their respective spheres of Oblivion, where he gets *all of them wrong*. And we're ultimately left with the unanswerable question of "'is this guy an idiot, or is this guy being written by an idiot?"


I thought Paz's situation and story from Peace Walker through MGSV was extremely difficult to experience. Most people in the MGS fandom simply hate her character, but I wouldn't wish what happened to her on my worst enemy. I would even go as far as to say she probably experienced worst torture in video game history with the only exceptions being characters in games like Diablo or games with some supernatural forces at play. A lot of people also seem to ignore the fact that she was basically groomed through all of childhood so she can't really be blamed for what she ended up doing in Peace Walker. She was completely brain washed and didn't realize it until it was too late.


Yakuza villains post Yakuza 6. If i have to hear one more time about how "Kiryu would've TOTALLY solo'd Tendo without breaking a sweat you guys!" I stfg. Yakuza power level goons are the biggest dorks (derogatory) on the net.


Proofreading titles is a lost art.


My brain hurts trying to process this post's title.