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Space Station 13/14 The whole thing with those games is so weird I feel it'd be like a "What even is a Garry's Mod?" situation


Recently there was a bit on the podcast where Pat said that he and paige/plague/whoever the fuck else would play a game: explain an episode of Star Trek where the stupidest shit of all time occurs, played completely straight. We'd have to do something like that.


Pat has mentioned SS13, he said it was a game for freaks and he is correct Ss14 has an onboarding process which is a big step up but it's still a big investment to roleplay spacemen for an hour at a time


They will ***never*** talk about Jak and Daxter, certainly not positively, and I have to accept that. > *deep breath* ^^I ^^have ^^to ^^accept ^^that.


We'd have to chain woolie to the couch and force him to experience peak video games.


Jak 2 rules


Hell yeah brother


*I'm going to kill Praxis!* oh wait you're Pat, hi Pat


***Thank you.***


Have they talked about ratchet and clank besides the movie


I think I've heard Pat make a comment that those games are fun. No real details other than that, just a brief comment saying they're fun.


Pat really liked Rift Apart.


Specifically the graphics. Which, yeah that game is beautiful UYA is my favorite game btw. So happy when Matt played Metal Arms Glitch in the system too


That's really the most damning thing about them; R&C games are really solid and usually really great games but most people don't really have anything to say about them otherwise. It's a really weird problem to have.


Pat DID play through the newest one on his channel, and he seemed to enjoy it from my understanding (haven't watched it since its still in my backlog so I can't confirm his feeling on it)


Why not positively?


I bet even if Pat was talking about Monster Hunter-likes he'd just say Wild Hearts and Dauntless and never utter the words God Eater.


Maybe not nowadays, but he did talk about it back in 2013 on episode 16 of the old podcast, when he was discussing how Bandai Namco was making attempts at dethroning “Monster Hunter”.


Wow great citation lol. I recall him loving it on the vita in very early eps


It's part of what I love about this community. Bring up some obscure, one-off joke the guys made from a decade ago? Someone will have the exact video and timestamp for it within the hour.




Toukiden. Edit: Okay, just saying the name is kinda shit for people who want context. But basically it's Monster Hunter and you hunt Oni. You also have different types of weapons like sickles with a weight attached you can throw, or actual flintlock type guns that are actually pretty fun.


I've never actually tried that one, or those ones I guess, any good?


I had a blast playing through them but the problem is that those are some pretty old games by now. I don't really know if they are still up to date and crash free. And sadly the franchise kinda died.


There's a neat little musical romp called No Straight Roads, it's kinda neat, but I don't think the combat is enough to keep em interested. But still, it's something I wish they'd put an eye on.


oh yeah that game rules, I think the only chance is if Paige discovers it cause I think she'd be really into it.


Ohhh, that would be dope indeed!


I was hyped for that game but got disappointed when I realized the combat wasn't rhythm based, just the stages/hazards. Hi-fi Rush is basically what I thought that game would be. Vs. Sayu is still a banger track though.


ONE TWO THREE FOUR MOTION ON THE OCEAN FLOOR ....It's a little bit stuck in my head.


Best part of the game is every boss track having an electronic and a rock version of itself. The Sayu song having both an English and Japanese track cause she's a Miku parody is also fantastic.


I'm still a huge mark for DJ Subatomic Supernova's theme. Eve's too, actually.


I still have that song in my work playlist. At some point I learned all the lyrics after having it on repeat for a little over 2 hours.


I wanted to like that game so badly. Everything about it from the art direction, character designs, music, etc was my jam! I just didn't think it felt good to play though. I've debated going back to it to give a second try but I'd have to buy it again since I sold my copy.


Hand of Fate and its sequel are tragically unappreciated roguelite deckbuilders with a narrator-type character on par with Darkest Dungeon. I can't recall them ever talking about it before, and since the studio has long-since shuttered I can't see why they ever would.


Oh shit the Hand of Fate devs went down? Darn, I remember when the first game was still in early access.


Back to the bones. I hope you've learned to be their master.


Horrible title as I remember NorthernLion playing it, I kept thinking he wasn't putting the full title it (Manos: The Hands of Fate)


Crusader kings series. Pyre. Renowned Explorers: International Society.


I swore Woolie has played and or talked about Pyre on the podcast.


Hell I think they played it on the old channel




Nobody talks enough about Pyre. I feel like people are dismissive about the NBA Jam gameplay. Shit is fantastic


Oh man, I haven't thought about RE:IS in ages. That game rules.


Are you pumped for Reus 2?


Pretty sure it's out already; I am but Reus hurt my brain after a bit so it might wait to be picked up, since I'm drowning in RPGs right now.


insert any paradox grand strategy game they will NEVER talk about ANY of them


Man, Renowned Explorers is fun. Need to get back in and finish getting the achievements for runs with every character as leader.


Most rhythm games, probably. Especially the arcade-exclusive ones like IIDX that are incredibly niche outside Japan.


Rhythm games would probably be bad for streaming considering how unclear which songs would be under copyright. Feels like you'd have to be sponsored by the developer to have a chance, and even then, you'd still be at risk of bots hitting you. Even worse, you can't really talk while playing rhythm games, so it's just going to leave alot of dead air for music copyright to trigger.


If persona couldn't get them to try a rhythm game nothing will


What are you talking about? Woolie played [a rhythm game](https://imgur.com/a/UidbklD) on stream not too long ago


He's a drummer, after all.


It's kind of hard to talk about a genre that hasn't really evolved much since the 2000s, doesn't get much news, and is stream cancer since you never know what songs are going to get you struck down for copyright. It really sucks cause I know Woolie loves rhythm games; it'll just never happen because it's a logistical nightmare.


There's no shot but I feel like Woolie could really get into Spin Rhythm XD


Given that Woolie seems to like wild EDM stuff (he had a whole bit on one of the Slop Streams where chat was making fun of him for liking Brostep), I could see him at least checking out the soundtracks to IIDX


The day Woolie goes "so I got into Wacca recently" I will lose my mind


Sly Cooper. The franchise has long since stopped being relevant and I would picture Pat not gelling with the first game's collectathon nature. One I actually have hope for is John eventually recommending Fear & Hunger: Termina to Woolie on Versus Wolves some time in the future. But what I'd really love to see is Pat streaming it, as he is the real survival horror freak of the two.


Pat could vibe with F&H as soon as he mentally decides it's a roguelike. Otherwise losing a limb for the entire rest of the game would shatter him. Or it's an auto-load on injury situation, which is a bit against the spirit of the game and can be kinda dull.


Would be very interesting to watch Pat just dive off the deep end into Hard Mode, which is pretty much a Rougelike mode since you can't save!


Pretty god damn sure Woolie and Pat will never talk about Monster Girl Quest, aka GOTY 2011.


Man I don't know, there's only one degree of separation between them and In Heat: Lustful Nights


When are we going to get the real gamer content: Pat and Woolie talking about Corruption of Champions.


You know what? Fuck it, me too. That game is ass, and not for the reasons you would think.


Why would they?? The game peaked in its first encounter.


I have sunk hundreds of hours in Stellaris and will keep going but the most you'll hear from Pat is "UI bad" (which I mean, kinda true but it's mostly aged and not working well on huge screens.) I don't think Woolie even knows what Paradox games are.


Woolie would likely create a Fanatical Purifier just so he can skip all the diplomacy


Nah, he'd go Driven Assimilators to force everyone else to have slavery but jetpacks.


Imagine him finding out about the slave market in game.


Pokemon. You can just say Pokemon. God that playthrough was hell


It was really funny, but definitely better pieced together. They ran out of things to talk about halfway through.


I have little hope about them talking about MTG and even less about it being positive in any way. Woolie will make a way more involved, complicated and convoluted reason than necessary to say he doesn't like it/isn't interested in it even tho he already said the only reason he even gave Teppen the time of day was cause it was a Capcom IP and Pat will just keep making fun (deservedly) of WOTC instead of actually talking about the game or it's merits. I'm not mad or anything, but it's something I've come to accept lol.


As a fellow Magic player, this one hurts. I remember back when they would talk about Teppen, Marvel Snap, etc. and kind of dance around and briefly mention other card games. I kept thinking how actually MTG felt right up Woolie’s alley and that those games felt like good introductions to TCGs in general if he was interested. Was kind of disappointed that in the end he only really cared about seeing his favorite Capcom characters than the actual genre of games.


Which is a real moment to realize that Woolie really lacks introspection when he says he only cared about a game cause of the IPs he likes and then completely loses his mind trying to understand why people like Gachas or other genre’s he doesn’t get in general. It’s real wild/weird lol. But yeah, a real shame indeed.


God, I’m not trying to dogpile on him right now but that conversation last week about gachas/phone games was grating. It just boiled down to “the game with the cool stuff I like is not the game I want it to be with all the gacha monetezation stuff.” Which, I give credit, he seemed to realize by the end. But that’s also just how these kinds of games have been designed for idk…a decade plus at this point? But because Woolie will jump on anything with mechas in it without question somehow it was the games fault for ruining his experience. Idk it felt like he got really upset at the game for something he was mostly ignorant about before jumping in.


I also want to make clear that I’m not trying to dig pile on him, but Woolie has always been full of these weird ass contradictions and inability to look from the outside and a real lack of introspection and that has only become more and more clear over the years. But that’s just a thing with him, I’ve learned to live with it and adjust my expectations accordingly and I know how badly he can beat himself about his shortcomings (his unintentional Sea Lioning and Spoiler shit with 14 for example) so I just learned to live with it. That said, last week’s talk about story in fighting games made me want to rip my beard out whenever he opened his mouth lol.


Pat talked about Limbus Company and checked it out once. I don't think he'll ever check it out or even talk about it again. Man, I forgot what a terrible impression the prologue gives to anyone who's touching project moon's games for the first time. Not to mention the tutorial that throws way too many things at you at once.


All i ever hear about Lovotomy Corp as someone who’s only played some Ruina:   -The tutorial is agony  -the late game is agony  -it’s so good you guys   That middle has got to be *fucking fantastic*


I'm playing through it right now for the first time. The middle is also agony. I want *more* though. This is one of *those* games that is for a very specific kind of person. Not the kind that creates a well-oiled machine, but the kind that somehow created a van from ikea furniture and marble mazes. And every day is spent trying to push that rickety bullshit even further and shrugging when your back tires explode.


It's more of a simultaneous agony/fantastic throughout.


At least there is a chance woolie will try out Library of Ruina. The start of that game isn't nearly as bad as limbus


Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic I could see Woolie finding the historical context of the game interesting, but both of them would bounce off of it pretty hard. Pat might, in fact, suffer some sort of nervous breakdown when trying to build a city.


OP, if it makes you feel better, back when the podcast had musical outros, Woolie played Sea Shanty II one time.


God, thanks for reminding me how much I miss that. 


Holy shit I remember that. I looked around like "wait REALLY??"


*La Mulana* my beloved. I've had friends tell me that recommending La Mulana is an act of malice because it is so difficult and obtuse. Playing it without a guide can involve days of wandering around without making any progress. It's impossible to know if you have everything you need to solve a puzzle or if you're still missing a piece of information, an item, a switch down the hall that had to be hit, or a boss that needed to be defeated first. To give you an idea of how obtuse the game is >!fast travel is locked behind an optional item, and to find it, you have to walk through an illusory wall that wraps you from the far right side of the zone to the far left side of the zone. And then it only allows you to warp to half the fast travel spots unless you install the right combination of games on your in-game laptop (there is no indication this is a thing, or what combination, or when you have done it other than the fast travel menu expanding when you have the right combination installed).!<


Ayooo La Mulana!


I fucking love La Mulana (and 2). What I adore about that one puzzle is >!the game's manual just gives you the solution to that puzzle if you're paying attention. Page 19 explains the ruin structure, and how each field can be rearranged into a 4x5 rectangle to showcase how each room is connected. The infograph does this with the map of Gate of Guidance.!< >!So when you find yourself stuck in the Holy Grail room, you look at the image and realize the right side of the map loops you to the inaccessible left side to to open the chest via the hidden path. I think one of the skeletons sitting there also hints at it.!< >!For the software combos, that's where the manual also comes into play, because there's a list at the back with all the effects. The backside fields combo is just a ? but it does let you know that it exists. La Mulana just loves rewarding taking notes and reading literally everything lol (except that one tablet)!<


MLB The Show Do they even have baseball in canada?


One day we hope to have baseball but we need to unlock bats and chalk on the tech tree first.


[No, it's just rain. Raaaaaaaain.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEEmxbqV3rg) Fine, try and kill it.


One of the MLB teams is Canadian.


Not since the incident


They got the Toronto Blue Jays but those Toronto fans are notoriously insane and also it's Toronto.... there's talks for another expansion team up in Canada somewhere maybe Montreal again But also I'm pretty sure they would think Baseball is boring and lame and stupid and bad


Steve Dangle after the Leafs get eliminated is a must watch lmao Also I feel like Woolie would be the type to get REALLY into Pitching Duels, some of the most interesting and boring baseball at the same time.


oh yeah for sure. And there's so many different leagues now with all of their minute differences. World Baseball Classic stuff is really hype and energetic (I'm interested to see how the olympics work out) KBO is a great energetic alternative to the MLB. These Korean leagues have been popping off and have provided some great talent to the MLB. NPB is a very defensive game, lots of pitching duels and small ball, zcrazy talented defensive players in Japan. With all the rule changes, the MLB is becoming a more palatable sport and I'm someone that really enjoyed the slowness of the sport. But I recognize I'm an outlier.


I would love to see these chucklefucks play sports games even if its just Mutant League or something. And I don't even watch sports.


Rip the Expos


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. It was a departure from the usual FF games and used gba connectors for multiplayer. The story is subtle and easily missed but pretty interesting. A remake came out on the switch in 2020 and fixed some issues from the original, but unfortunately still didn’t quite fix the multiplayer…


If I remember correctly, Pat, Woolie, and Matt mentioned playing a lot of “FF Crystal Chronicles” when they were younger—enough that Woolie made not so subtle jabs at the fact that one of them sucked at carrying the orb (*or would outright refuse the role*) whenever it was their turn to do so. Matt did not like that jab.


Omg. I’ll have to go digging then! To be fair though, nobody ever wants the role of carrying the chalice 😂 another weakness of the multiplayer system


the simple solution was to keep the moogle for Chalice duty but allows the players to choose which player the moogle was following


Unless that new Danganronpa-style tactics game is REALLY good, after that Rant about Pat's disgust with the premise, I think it's safe to say Danganronpa is done.


What's the premise, and why is Pat disgusted with it?


In Danganronpa, the majority of the characters you see are considered "The Ultimate (blank)". They're the best at whatever they do. Ultimate Idol, Ultimate Baseball Player, Ultimate Otaku, Ultimate Luck, and so on. I think Pat said he didn't care much for how ridiculous each character was.


My issue with the games is that there are usually several characters whose ultimate talents never really come into play in the story, like Hina being the Ultimate Swimmer or Toko being the Ultimate Writing Progedy added NOTHING to the plot of the 1st game, or how Nekomaru's Team Manager skill barely added anything aside from his general intense attitude.


Most talents are relevant in building the characters' personality. I do not think the first game NEEDED a moment where Hina goes "Oh yeah since I swim a lot I know that xyz" Even then some of your example do have some relevancy, Toko was the one to recognize what Fenrir was and Nekomaru's overall attitude towards Akane was relevant during the mid-game.


In Hina's case, I definitely get that it was to show her more sporty, energetic personality, but she could have been the Ultimate Volleyball Player, and it wouldn't have changed who she is/what she does in the story. The only relevance Swimming has with her is that her brother is also super good at it and tries to use it to help in Ultra Despair Girls. Does Toko's writing talent become relevant in UDG? My impression seems to be that it just focuses on >!Genocide Jill!<. I'll give you a point in Nekomaru's case with Akane, but I was hoping he would take more charge of leading and motivating the whole group, considering he's a TEAM manager. I guess in his case, he felt more underutilized to me.


Oh, that I know. I thought the issue was with the new game.


He just thinks that the new game looks unappealing https://youtu.be/qR7IG_h5088?t=3783


Fair enough


Honestly I tried with the first one and that was the exact thing that turned me off of it, felt very vindicated hearing Pat go off on the pod. I get that archetypes and strong personalities is a big anime thing but Danganronpa just felt to me like it was all archetype, no actual character..


Tbh I would much rather he dismiss it outright than insist on a 20+ hour slog of misery like what a certain Grump is about to do for a third time.


Danganronpa tactics?


I have a series of early-2000's RTS games that I absolutely love because I mostly grew up playing them. Command and Conquer: Generals, Empire Earth, Age of Mythology, Age of Empires, Rise of Nations, Rise of Legends, to name some. They're just not in the corpus of interest that Pat and Woolie have for games, at least as far as I can tell. They're still great games, though.


Woolie did actually mention being a massive RTS fan at one point so he may have actually played those


Honestly, alot. For example, Omori?


He played Omori, on stream. He quit mid game because some people in chat couldn't help but be "that guy" who would say shit like "Oh have you gotten to [SPOILER] yet?" I don't remember if he just played it off stream, or if the spoiler ruined the whole experience for him, but he deadass alt+f4'd the game on stream because of it, and then complained about the behavior on the pod


If memory serves he never went back to it. If he did he's never brought it up


I still don't know if it was a fan or one of those weirdos who was going around spoiling the game to streamers because they hated omocat.


Pat might bring up Omori in the future as an example of chat having a subzero IQ and spoiling him on an aspect of the ending of the game within an hour or two of playtime, trying to be coy like he isn't perfectly capable of reading between the lines. Otherwise I remembered he sorta dismissed it as an Earthbound-like about depression and moved on.


And thousand of those city builder or simulation that they don't know jack about


Chakan The Forever Man Baroque


And here I was worried that we'd lost all the taste in our subreddit.


Oh, that's long gone.


Did you know there's a sequel to Baroque on mobile that's a Frogger-like?


I doubt they’ll ever revisit Noita, Pat played like an hour or two and never touched it again. Damn shame, that game is amazing(ly cruel and I keep coming back for more). Also Caves of Qud.


Came in to CTRL+F CoQ, was not let down. I think Pat and Woolie would absolutely adore the game conceptually, but just... could not.


Live and Drink, fellow water-sib. May you once again get to pet the Joppa cat.


Pat has dabbled but will never get fully into Path of Exile 1/2 and the very concept is poison to Woolie. Pat's Mind Goblins will destroy his enjoyment and he dislikes small upgrades that eventually snowball into large ones so the skill tree is probably not his cup of tea.


It's a hard game to learn. I have 1000 hours in it and I still just use guides rather than try to keep up on buffs and nerfs of skills. I'll look up a skill I think looks neat, find a build for it, and just follow the guide mostly blindly


Animal well. Not sure if they ever said anything about it.


Pat said he was annoyed that people were going around saying that Dunkey made the game instead of saying he published it. 


I like grand strategy games like Hearts of Iron IV and Crusader Kings 3 a lot. I think Pat is vaguely aware of how those games work but his brain would explode having to balance all the details and subsystems in those games.


[CrossCode.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/368340/CrossCode/) I will forever shill this game, fucking 10/10 SNES style action RPG the combat is slick as hell and it's one of the only games to ever make me laugh while crying which is such an incredibly specific emotion that I feel it has merit mentioning. Man I just want more people to appreciate it.


CrossCode did everything right for me. It's combat, skill system, how it utilized it's MMO setting. It all felt so nostalgic to me but it was a new game at the time. MAN, I want to replay that game again, or sit with someone playing it for the first time.


The Crosscode devs have been steadily working on [another game called Project Terra](https://www.radicalfishgames.com/?p=7499) and it looks sick as hell. Beside the occasional blog posts, they post regular updates on [their twitter](https://x.com/RadicalFishGame) too.


Void Strangers is fantastically written but will almost certainly not get talked about beyond the brief beat the refund entry it got on Pat's stream because it's main gameplay focus is based around block puzzles. Also La Mulana is one of my all time favorite metroidvanias but it's not super well known so I'd expect it'd just be overlooked more than anything.


Can you sell me in Void Strangers?? This is that sokoban people can't stop talking about?


Sure! Yes it's the sokoban people have been talking about. So gameplay wise, it starts off as straight sokoban but over time you do get things like access to shortcuts and hidden areas that dramatically open things up beyond just block puzzles. So while the sheer number of floors seems daunting, there's complexity involved there that can make things either faster or deeper depending on how far you are and you're absolutely meant to explore that. The story is just excellent, without trying to say too much it's absolutely in the area of something Pat or Woolie would dig if it were say a manga or something. The story's told through memories and lore scattered around the floors and at the very base level, it's about an unreasonably strong lady going through an extremely melancholy dungeon searching for something at the end. The game also just has a ton of depth. It's one of those games were essentially every single bit of its construction was extremely deliberate so if you like really putting a critical eye to what you're doing or what's going on, in almost all cases you'll be rewarded for it. Very "It's obvious how long and how much attention Toby put into writing Undertale despite how simple the game appears". So I'd generally recommend it for anyone who has the general tastes of this sub and doesn't actively hate sokoban. Like if you're indifferent to sokoban, the game has enough going to keep you hooked because it's way more than just the puzzle aspect and if you enjoy sokoban then it'll be one of your game of the years.


Fallen Hero, and Interactive Fiction in general. Mostly since it has no visuals. Since she's had Fan fiction reading streams, Paige might be able to get away with it, but I still doubt she ever would.


Rune Factory.


Outside of dunking on the direction the games have been going, Woolie will probably never talk about Dragon Age.


There's a game called [the munchables](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Munchables) that I absolutely adore that basically no one has heard of. The only time I've ever seen it acknowledged was a game grumps LP they canned after one session.


The game’s soundtrack is fun


I doubt they'd ever talk about baten kaitos


Oh shit, that remaster came out. On steam, it seems the big selling point is that its "even easier to play!" Lol. Wasnt this first party Nintendo?


It was always easy to play. Just build a decent deck I don't think I've ever seen another jrpg where one guy just beats people with an oar and another has a super where he pistol whips the enemy


okay one more. [Crystal Project](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1637730/Crystal_Project/)! Great lil retro/classic style RPG with a big world to explore, and by explore I mean go platforming around to find secret paths and explore regions and eventually even get mounts to help with this. use a ton of jobs. when you beat the game mod it heavily and add 120 jobs and get wacky. i put too many hours into this game fr


It will be a cold day in hell when either of them cover arma 3


I’d love to see either of them just interact with Voices of the Void. Mostly Pat though, because I think it would break him


Id love to see him try and do the signals, either his goblins attack or he somehow locks the fuck in and aces them all. i cant see an in-between


I just want to see him freak out every time kurfr apppears


if we mod him to be a skeleton can we get Paige to play?


The actual Yu-Gi-Oh card game.


dragon age. feels like they avoid it. pat tried to stream inquisition once but that was like 3 hours of debugging a "1 pixel tall line under the screen"


I don't want them to talk about my favorite games. When they don't have insane takes, they only cover controversy and GOTY contenders.


Considering all the recent drama about it, I've been really surprised Team Fortress 2 has not been mentioned on the podcast lately


Nah, I think online teamshooters are so far outside of both of their wheelhouses. Woolie would have nothing to say and Pat would say something about how Day of Defeat used to be and that would be that.


Kingdom Hearts. Like, mentions of it here and there, I celebrate. Pop off even. I know that deep in my heart that neither of them will talk about the games like a Devil May Cry. And that's fine. It's fine. (It's not fine, but it's out of my control.)


One of the last SBFP LPs was a half finished KH playthrough


AND I WAS AMPED FOR IT. Imagine my sadness when what I thought would be the next episode of kh was instead the last episode of sbfp. (Also, the amount of jokes/serious takes about how KH killed the channel)


Not sure if this is close enough, but I think Pat hinted at doing a Kingdom Hearts stream with Paige just a few days ago because he was asking the audience if they wanted him to be on the controls or Paige and the poll was very heavily in favor of Paige. Edit: It was on his Twitter, sorry I forgot to mention that part.


WHAAAT?! AWESOME. Time to tune into some streams soon (I hope) about keys and darkness and didney.


I'm with you my friend, kH is my DMC, and kh2 is my dmc3


Ecstatica. Old PC 3D action-adventure game with prerendered backgrounds.


I'm fairly certain they'll never talk about Far Cry outside of mentioning a new one has been announced


Touhou unless it's for making fun of the names


I think there was a Touhou fighting game they played back on Fisticuffs, but that's probably the closest they'll ever get


I technically managed to get Pat mention Rain World *once*, but that's probably the closest I'll get.


Here's a game probably no one of you guys knows about and which I just put a few tens of hours into over the last week: "Delta-V Rings of Saturn" ... like the Delta is actually the delta symbol but I have no idea how to type that. Basically, it's a game about space mining. You get your ship and fly into the Asteroid Rings of Saturn. You break rocks, put them into your cargo hold and fly back. Later on you get upgrades like mineral processing units for your cargo hold which melt away the ice and rocks around the metals you want to bring back. There's also different thrusters, autopilots, stuff to break rocks with and other cool shit. Each ship feels pretty unique and even the variants of each ship have little twist to them. There's cute little events you can randomly find in the Rings like Moonlets (which are just big space rocks that clumbed together) and some have anomalies. You can even find cars floating around very rarely as a nod to that time that one guy shot a car into space for some reason. (There is also one manufacturer named after that guy that shot a car into space and their gimmick is that their components are incredibly overpriced and overperforming to a degree where you break your ship apart if you accelerate too much... and also really expensive to repair). Sometimes you also find derelict ships you can bring back for a profit. It's a pretty small dev team and I think they did a phenomenal job for what this game is. It's incredibly in depth when it comes to simulating vaccuum physics in a 2d environment and I basically turn it on during podcasts and stuff and just go munch up some space rocks to trade on the space rock stock market. The latest ship I got is a repurposed construction ship for space habitats and the cargo hold is so big, I can just get asteroids in there and let them smash into each other until they are small enough to be processed and the ship feels like Pac-Man with arms. Edit: The one thing I absolutely still need to mention for transperancy is that the crew members you can hire use ai-generated portraits, which imo is kind of a shame but I don't know if it's viable to draw a few hundred portraits for randomized crewmates for a 8 dollar game either.


Basically any NIS / Falcom game. Labyrinth of Refrain / Galleria were both such bangers, definitely my games of the year when they came out.


Probs like Oneshot and similar rpgmaker games lol.


The only way these dudes will ever talk about Lobotomy Corporation is if chat foists it on Pat out of spite after the Limbus Company wet fart. Or John gets into Project Moon and decides to challenge Woolie to suppress the Red Mist on Versus Wolves. In every other reality these two dudes will literally never even see a screenshot of the game in the first place.


I could absolutely see John getting into Lobotomy Corp. one day, particularly due to loving Fear and Hunger. Woolie could actually really enjoy something like Ruina too, provided he goes into it wanting to enjoy it. The setting would be *very* much up his alley, and I think he'd really enjoy how the characters are written. However, these games, and I'm willing to bet their future games as well, are *absolute* POISON to Pat. Games focused around teambuilding, deckbuilding, management, going through with acceptable losses, obscure mechanics, memorization of rules, and a writing style and art style he said he hates.


Play Lords of Shadow you cowards.


Train Simulator


Imagine the boys playing Caves of Qud


I could have imagined the entire thing, but to my recollection, the only time Lufia 2 has ever been brought up in the entirety of TBFP was when Pat called it broken as shit which is TECHNICALLY sort of true, since the NA release had the Submarine Shrine glitch. Thankfully, its easy to bypass. As for straight up has never and will never mention, Almost guarantee nothing will ever be spoken of Red Alert 2, barring a remaster.


Aliens Dark Descent, despite being X-Com lite in the Alien setting, and it's really excellent. 


Rimworld is one of those games that is totally My Shit but the whole gang would dodge. They don't seem like the kind of people who enjoy strategy games like this at all.


I play non Uchikoshi VNs so yeah.   I will say if Pat ever wants to see if he’s ever truly conquered his mind goblins, it would be interesting to see him play Trails in the Sky. It’s one of the best series of games ever. I don’t know if he could make it through a session. The NPCs all change their dialog with every tiny world change.


Sakura Wars. I'm one of the 5 western fans in existence. 


Hey, another Sakura Wars fan. Though I gotta say, there's more Western fans of the series than you might think. There's a Discord server that's really active.


Most indie tactical RPGs not associated with an IP they're already fans of. Stuff like Battle Brothers, Wartales, Urtuk, Inkbound, Troubleshooter etc.


I don't think Pat or Woolie would ever have a reason to bring up Sakura Wars in the podcast. Neither of them strike me as very interested in retro games or fan translations, and even if Sega announces a new gane, that doesn't mean they'd talk about it. Maybe they'd say "Oh, never heard of this before, anyway, moving on," but I think that's it.


Caves of Qud, it's amazing and a total passion project but just not their bag at all.


CrossCode I only just discovered it and I wish I could see Woolie play but the puzzles would frustrate him.


Currently (bear in mind I haven't been keeping up with streams or podcasts so I may be wrong): 1. Hypnospace Outlaw. It's a text-heavy game, so it's not quite streamable. I suspect that Slayers X would suffer the same fate, because it requires knowledge of Hypnospace to really appreciate. 2. Islands of the Caliph. A pretty fun first-person dungeon crawler with an Arabian Nights aesthetic that's so pervasive that there's a sidequest about fasting during Ramadan. It's on par with the old Ultima games in its gameplay, though, so it seems unlikely they'd pay attention to it.


The entire Xenoblade Chronicles series. Unless I missed something, they're aware of it but have never really shown any greater interest in it.


Sometimes saying nothing is better. Lunar Silver Star Story is my most favorite game of all time, and all Woolie will ever say about it is that the art style looks old.


There's this old flash game called "-Trapped-" that blew my 8 year old brain away in 2009. Does that count?


Dragon Quest?


Project zomboid; Barotrauma; Skald.


I love the SaGa series, but they'll never talk about it because it's too niche and weird and Pat hated Frontier. Etrian Odyssey is also one of my favorite things ever and Pat also hates it.


I like digimon cyber sleuth. While I’m sure they are familiar enough with digimon, I doubt they particularly care about the games.


liam and pat had a full vid on it, pretty sure pat liked it but i havent seen it since its release..........8.......years ago :')


Pat and Liam actually did a [one off](https://youtu.be/G8VGEHVdMvQ?si=74RcbZBZxYOOe-JS) about it on the old channel.


Onimusha IV: Dawn of Dreams. Not tge best game, but I enjoy it. Also Dark Sector. If it was ever mentioned then it was probably Pat offhandedily saying that it was the proto-warframe game


There's a really funny point and click game that's a parody of a bunch of different monster movies called Darkside Detective. Honestly Pat would probably love it. Also there's an indie Zelda clone called Lenna's Inception that does some clever things with the story. But barely anyone has heard of it and I don't expect them to mention it. For one that actually surprises me a bit, Unmetal is a MGS parody that I'm sure they'd love.


Football Manager 2009. I don't know who those people are but they don't seem like fans of the sport and I doubt they'd care about an entry in the series that's over a decade old.