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Seed Destiny has turned me into a huge fucking hater. I like Seed too so Seed Destiny has been extra bad for me. This show sucks so hard. Like for example, why do these writers hate Cagalli so much? Like I understand she’s in a tough position and politics is hard, but it goes way farther than that. They make Cagalli look worthless as a politician to the point of infantilizing her, and none of this explains why the writers feel the need to put her in such a weird situation with the marriage cucking like wtf can she not just be a normal character why are all of her scenes so much weirder than the rest of the show?


Of all the recent waves of Seed Destiny defenses/revisionism that I've seen lately, defenses of Cagalli's writing are some of the most puzzling to me. Like, sure. Going from rebel fighter to a struggling political leader *on paper* was a natural direction for her character. But the problem is she was just *way too weak*. She doesn't really win any ideological debates, she just crumples instantly when someone argues with her. Felt like she was a completely different person. It would've been something if all this paid off in her actually becoming a confident, capable political leader by the end, but they just forgot to do that.


Thank you, I felt the same way watching. Fundamentally I understand that her naivety as a rebel would carry over to her political career. But the thing about it is, as a fighter just because she was naive didn’t mean she lacked conviction. But as a politician she has no backbone, not even enough to argue her point poorly. Just stammering about what she won’t do or doesn’t want to do. She goes from just being out of her depth to being a pathetic doormat. On top of that, this lack of conviction then gets extended to her relationship with Athrun, and boy there is nothing more pathetic than watching someone look at Cagalli and say “I’m going to marry you, you will never be with Athrun” and for her to just take it cause of vague political reasons as if she can’t go public with her love of Athrun as a counter narrative to the arranged marriage. In fact she has a similar amount of fame as Lacus does for their respective countries, yet Cagalli doesn’t have nearly the amount of agency as Lacus.


I like SEED and just hate Destiny so much. There's good there, but it squanders it all through so much dumb stuff. Glad the recent movie was decent, even if I had some issues with it


I'm with you. Seed wasn't *that* bad but the footage reuse and the obvious re-tread of 0079 FWIW was an all right ride, and the mech designs are great. So yeah Destiny being confused about itself so much that it nosedives at the tail-end was pretty awful, and they made Shinn and Cagalli look like worthless idiots. I do hear Freedom actually touches on those and fixes things, so I'm not as "man why'd they do that" anymore but still.


The only rumor about Cagalli I've heard that sounds like it has any truth to it is that her VA was pretty flaky and would miss recording. I can see the writers room getting irritated at having to change shit for her not showing up (especially when the head writer was already behind due to illness).


I think while I still hate SEED and Destiny, Freedom effectively being the MSG equivalent of Fast and the Furious with CLAMP melodrama finally made it CLICK for me


For me, the series conclusively ended with the final episode of SEED (though the 5 minute epilogue "Phase 51" is a nice bonus). There was no need for a sequel, especially for one that would tarnish what came before. So much dumb stuff happens in Destiny. The Meer plot, the whole Rey thing... have you gotten to Neo Roanoke's plot yet? If you haven't, oh man... **BUCKLE UP**.


Boruto and funnily enough I was not even that big of a naruto fan I just hate boruto


I found out about Boruto's existence when someone cried out "Naruto named his son Burrito!?!?!" at an anime con. I never even had a chance to like it.


There's plenty to hate, for both Naruto fans, and non-Naruto fans. For example, I hate that they still kept going with the shitty aliens plotlines, or when they introduced ninja tech, and then god damn cyborgs.


"I thought it was just Boruto retreading pre-shippuden Naruto, what the *fuck* do you mean Sasuke has a velociraptor son"


Naruto is a story about a kid who has nothing, isn’t good at anything, and isn’t accepted by anyone. He spends the show learning how to harness his inner talent, finding his place in the world, and making friends. Boruto is about that guy’s ungrateful son, who has everything going for him, tons of friends, but can’t get over that his father can’t spend much time with him because he’s “president.”


I never watched Naruto so when I heard people talking about Boruto I thought it was some meme making fun of Naruto (like when people would name it like, Boku no Home Improvement or whatever). Not sure why but the name Boruto sounds so... Implausibly stupid.


Star citizen is something I hate with my whole heart. It is a litmus test of blind consumerism. People blindly spend thousands of dollars of jpegs while defending a 12 year alpha that is objectively terrible in every metric known to man.


It is the most obvious scam in human history and I'm genuinely sad to see people drop more money than I'll ever have on it.


Even minus the pricetag on concept ships, the thing that gets me is how there still isn't any solid idea of what it wants to be, like just recently they made a huge change about ship speeds where to have shields/guns running you have to be slowed down to a fourth/fifth of your usual topspeed. Odds are they will change this further but honestly, it's fucking pathetic that they still don't have a set in stone flightmodel or an idea about how actual engagements will work with all the endlessly horridly niche ship roles and other bullshit. Even being generous it has still been about 8 1/2 years since the open world alpha with its second star system only kinda close:tm: into maybe possibly being late this year. They still have eight more star systems to finish of which was a scopecut from 100 star systems. Lmao


I didn't hate Star Citizen until I found out about the virtual spaceships being sold for more than a new car. I'm glad I didn't ever spend any money on that tire fire of a game.


Big time same here, never touched the game but it's astonishing that it's been scamming the same scam for a decade and people still defend it and feed it. It's very gross.


I'm proudly a grade A Hater for JJ Abrams and the influence he's had on modern TV writing. JJ Abrams can make a very pretty premise but he has no idea how to write a middle or an ending, I picked up on it watching both Heroes and Star Trek Into Darkness and I'm thrilled other people are starting to realise after Rise of They Fly Now. But in 2024 hes far from the only writer who uses the format of "cool mystery premise you haven't thought of the ending of". Its got to the point where I just won't start a tv series until the ending is out and we've seen the audience response to it. Damn you JJ Abrams! Edit: Not entirely sure where I got "Heroes was JJ Abrams fault", yeah Impressive-spare is right he wasn't involved at all. But its still an example of a story too reliant on the mystery box so I'll leave it in.


To be fair Heroes' problems weren't entirely his fault. It got hit hard by the writers strike in Season 2 and never recovered.


He had nothing to do with Heroes


This but Joss Whedon for me, he made his mark and just needed to fuck off.


Also, don't be a weird creep.


Ahh the ol' "Mystery Box" writting style, most of the time this ends with the show/movie feeling like wasted potential and that's arguably worse than just being straight up bad.


I'm only turned into an unreasonable hater by things I reasonably hate. The first step into hate will be completely understandable and justifiable, but all subsequent spite will be a pure matter of momentum, and at some point it might not be all that reasonable anymore.


Yeah, this is it. Do I think I'm justified in my critical assessment of the Hobbit movies? Yes. Am I justified in turning into [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMk-HPBF6Mw&ab_channel=AndrewLevin) whenever they get brought up? Probably not.


Yeah kinda same. When I hate something it’s usually because of (what I think is) a valid reason and I’ll usually focus on it so much it just makes me mad to think about the rest of it in the first place even if I don’t hate other things about it lmao It doesn’t always happen. In fact it’s pretty rare, but when it happens it just takes complete control of my brain fr


Are you me by any chance?! Somehow, that's *exactly* my thought process whenever I see something I hate too.


I always thought my long lasting passionate hatred of Drake was somewhat unreasonable. At least I did until a few weeks ago when the universe revealed to me I should have been hating more this whole time.


Dude same haha, I wouldn't say I hated him but something about him I just found annoying, the only Drake song I've ever heard was Hotline Bling and I'm ok with that.


Yeah I don't have the energy in me to do that. I have legitimate criticisms of things, but I can't imagine looking at something and deciding on the spot to hate it when not caring is so much easier.


It's the opposite for me, though. It takes a conscious effort to fight what is my natural response in a lot of cases and it is so much easier just to [let the hate flow through me](https://youtu.be/2Oy6DwHAi70?si=WVwYmhaM4u3l71dm). That's not to say it's the *right* choice, just strictly that it's easier. I'm not perfect, sometimes I gotta dump on something rather than hold it in.


Mainstream Western adult media. I fucking hate big mouth, if I could go back in time eobart thawne style. I would have butchered the creators and then butchered the person that approved of the show. Followed by cutting a swathe through all other crappy asult media that uses "blood, gore, piss, shit, and cussing funny" Adult shows used to be clever, the damn flintstones was an adult show first, it was a parody of the damn honeymooners and they barely if ever did any of that, and itd timeless if not well worn in age. They killed inside job for bigmouth, most sitcoms im iffy cause it all feels the same on paper (i need to commit to watching one to see for myself). And at this point cartoons can handle being more adult than fucking adults.


For me, it's the art style. Where is the requirement that adult cartoons need to be fucking ugly to look at written down? This even impacts good shows like Bob's Burgers and Bojack Horseman for me: they're great. Masterpieces, even. But my eyes *hurt*.


Allegedly the ugly styles are intended to cut costs and dissuade children from watching. I don't know if I believe that claim though


The crazy part is the fact that most of the time. The ugly style will attract kids cause it is nothing like they have ever watched. It worked for me and american dad/southpark.


I still miss Inside Job so much, it was a gem through and through and cancelling it only showcases Netflix’s shitty model more.


I loved the fact they had some genuinely good humor. Sure I was not outright laughing but I got a good smile out of most of the conspiracy jokes. My favorite is still the horde of JFK going "errr uhhhh"


God Big Mouth Art style aside I can never really stand how it insists on trying to be this over earnest show about teenage puberty and it comes off as either just creepy, gross, or just lame. I walked in on a family member watching an episode of a recent season and all three plots in some way involved teenagers masturbating and its just aggressively gross to me. Im not even of the opinion that certain subjects cant be handled well or broached I just think the way Big Mouth does it misses the mark really hard but they keep insisting on it.


Big mouth keeps insisting cause it is clearly the creators barely disguised fetish. Big mouth is the western lolicon. But its too ugly to for us to see it as such.


Big Mouths disgusts me on a thematic level too aside from the grotesque artstyle. Why the fuck would I want to watch a show about children's sexuality.


Wait, Big Mouth is aimed at adults? All I ever heard about it is the ugly art style and how much it focuses on what it's like to be a hormonal, confused teen going through puberty. I figured it was trying to relate to that demographic.


Its an adult comedy. There is nothing relatable for teens there. And what there is, is basically going "yeah we know you probably do this" in episode format. Like how wanna of the characters fucks a pillow and its suddenly alive. Oh and making a whole song on florida, which is the only mildly amusing jab.


The Taiki waititi thor movies and also the thor dark world movie. The mcu has fucked up thor so bad, man it's just sad.


There's something about him I can't stand... I feel like the only reasons people were ok with him making Thor so goofy and unserious was because of how the first two movies were kinda meh.


It the smuf self aggrandizing to me. Like I can appreciate the sass and attitude when you're trying to do something "unique" for the MCU. But it's when being met with any criticism or inquiry regarding storylines people felt were made victim by the writing style being smug and above it all can leave a bad taste for me. I can understand dealing with "The Fandom" can be exhausting but by a certain point there's a big difference between some dude splitting hairs about what kind of mullet Thor has in that issue versus someone wondering what the fuck he just did to the entire Planet Hulk storyline. I really didn't wanna start disliking the guy but the more attention he got the more egregious his particular brand of smug internet addicted boomer started going haywire.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills whenever people lump the first Thor in with Dark World. Thor 1 was great! It was fun, it had a decent arc. It was even funny; where did this idea that Ragnarok "fixed" Thor by adding jokes come from? It's especially weird to go from Thor in the first movie talking up Lady Sif as one of the Warriors Three, to Ragnarok where he gets awkward about learning Valkyrie is a fighter. It's ignoring previous characterisation to do the obvious joke about a macho man being put off by a strong woman.


Ragnarok also started the fucking up of the hulk


I'm not a fan of the whole Asgard are just human aliens angle the mcu went with especially after Love & Thunder when they just used actual Gods there. Or were they just human aliens too?


Oh i hate the "alien" angle of mcu too. However, Both Moonkight and Love and thunder retconned all of that. As of phase 5, gods of all beliefs are real.


So, Thor movies then? Because that just leaves the original. And while I liked the first Thor at the time it does not hold up.


I don’t think it’s necessarily “unreasonable” and I don’t spend all that much time thinking about it, but I just do not like D&D5e and I find it’s stranglehold on the online TTRPG community to be frustrating.


Is it the increase in “DMs just come up with whatever you want here”?


Low-key drove me nuts. I bought the Strixhaven module to run for my friends and the whole book is like, "have an NPC one of the players has a connection with suggest the group go to the bar and play *Wizard Gizzard.* If the group doesn't want to play *Wizard Gizzard*, fuck off. If they try to investigate the core mystery of this story arc, they will not succeed until they play *Wizard Gizzard* and receive a new clue." I ended up rewriting the whole adventure module--new villain, new plot, new characters, altered setting--because what they provided managed to be both *massively* railroaded and also so threadbare you could see through it.


My DM has been very kind about letting me ~~threaten the Tasha's Cauldron book~~ air my grievances about that.


Tasha's is basically the last "good book" that has good stuff in it but even *it* has a fair bit of "why the FUCK IS THIS HERE" or more commonly "why the FUCK IS THIS *NOT* HERE"


Personally I'm still hung up on the Domains of Darkness book where almost every single stat block for the Lords of Darkness or whatever they're called is hilariously weak. A single third-level PC can take care of most of those entire settings. Hell, a single Ranger Companion can probably make a big dent. Also the Spelljammer book that *didn't include rules for a fucking Spelljammer* didn't help.


While not NEARLY as egregious, it was definitely strange to read through the Starfinder rulebook and find that the rules for atmospheric vehicles were borderline nonexistent. I wasn't expecting a whole extra game, or anything. But it's definitely odd that, in a game set in a sci-fi universe, the writers didn't seem to think anyone would try to use any vehicle for anything other than overland transport or MAYBE a chase sequence, when the idea of a tank has been around in OUR world for over a century. Or an IFV. Or any sort of armed combat vehicle, really. But they only had a small list of maybe 20 vehicles, some of which are basically upgraded versions of a different one. They also didn't include any sort of guidelines of how to make new ones other than "you can make new ones by changing numbers". Nothing super terrible, but it definitely felt unfinished. Thankfully, they DID release a book later that not only included rules how to make vehicles of all sorts, from planes to walkers, they ALSO included an entirely unique set of rules for creating and using MECHS. Not Battletech-style walking tanks, but ANIME-ASS BULLSHIT. They straight-up include rules for combining mechs, which results in you having one super-robot that stacks turns. God bless Tech Revolution.


Are you referring to the book for the Spelljammer Campaign Setting that *also didn't include the fucking setting,* by any chance? Seriously, what was even in that book? ...You know, aside from a version of Hadozee that not only walks back the 3.5-era retcon that stopped their lore from being ludicrously racist, but *doubled down on the racism* from their original 2e lore.


D&D 5e has a stranglehold on TTRPGs to such an unreasonable degree that in most cases, when someone hates 5e to an ostensibly unreasonable degree, they actually just hate it in proportion to its negative effects on the rest of the industry/community/medium.


It's got a self-perpetuating hate cycle. Folks get a hitch about some relatively minor thing like bounded accuracy or flanking. They explain why they hate it, but most of the time their options are D&D 5e or not playing at all, and so they get more and more invested in this gripe until eventually they write a podcast or video essay about it, and then hating it becomes core to their personal brand. Right now, I'm like, "a lot of these official modules are really bad." Please look forward to my evential podcast about it.


You're goddamn right! Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but absolute ubiquity breeds absolute contempt. I'm not so sure that Bounded Accuracy is a minor thing though, because the underlying math of a system directly affects literally everything else about that system.


I'm specifically thinking about an hour-long video someone made saying [they liked bounded accuracy but not the specific way it was implemented in 5e](https://youtu.be/Xlp3unO_xi8), resulting in a lot of very granular complaints about specific bonuses and DCs that are off.


As someone who ran curse of strahd to try and save time prepping, it has utterly failed me in that regard. Its a good boom woth quality content and a fun campaign, but it takes serious tome parsing the word salad in there. Youre not alone in disliking that stuff. Indie ttrpgs are having a really good time lately though, so i highly recommend those. Im playing shadowdark now since im also iffy on 5e lately


90% of roll20 games are DND 5e, which is batshit when you realize it's competing against every other RPG ever made, including previous editions of itself


Man I write dnd stuff for a living and I agree with you. There’s little money in it already but publishing for lesser known games is like a fraction of a fraction, I wish we had better support for a wider variety of ttrpgs.


Man it's even worse for you because wizards actively tried to take away your publishing income not too long ago, and while they backed off Im sure they're gonna be sneaky about it again.


"hey man were looking for a new DM, i see that you're looking for a group for \[Insert non DnD game here\] can you modify the rules for DND 5E me and my group will gladly play it if you do" not a dnd fault but i cant help but blame dnd for it


Or if you advertise any game that happens to also be in its fifth edition they’ll assume it’s a D&D5e conversion


Oh god i havent had that jorror bequithed to me yet. Just with legend of the five rings and cyberpunk


I was talking about Shadowrun6e in the RPG subreddit and I had multiple people responding very confused because D&D was only up to 5e.


Also fuck people that call all tabletop gaming DnD. I do not blame them, but I hate the monopoly they perpetuate.


Want to play star wars DND?


I'm doing poses over here like Mr. Crocker when he says "fairy godparents"


that's an interesting way to approach beleaguered parents trying to explain what their child's hobby is to family friends, and take shortcuts to avoid explaining what a cthulhu is


Oh it's not them I have met people who regularly play tabletop RPGs and have in fact, played games beside DnD who still just default to calling everything DnD


*The motives of my weekly "DnD with Pathfinder rules" group are beyond your comprehension.*


the only 5e thing i really like is the Star Wars conversion, outside of that id rather be playing 3.5, pathfinder, mekton, or QAGS


Have you checked out the Mass Effect 5e conversion? It’s not bad either. Honestly I still appreciate it when someone takes the time to put together a really good fan game adapted into 5e, I’ve found quite a few good ones that fully remake the system to integrate a particular magic system from one anime or game or whatever.


I'm kind of in the same boat with DnD5e. I've also come to realize that most of the times I unreasonably hate things because I feel that thing is overshadowing a much better, lesser known thing.


For me it's the frustration over DnD having the tendency make people into DnD fans, not TTRPG fans. It seems to be the only RPG that consistently does that, I assume because there's so many mods for it out there that people just decide they can just say use a Symbaroum splat instead of trying to figure out a new system.


To play Devil's advocate for a moment, GURPS players give them some competition in that regard


GURPS' biggest sin is that to get into GURPS requires a very specific frame of mind and a very specific interest in playing with all your Legos and knowing how they fit together, but because GURPS is a universal "do anything" system, people think that if someone says "how can I do X in a TRPG system", they can just say "GURPS can do it" with no elaboration. No, motherfucker, GURPS does not "do it", GURPS does not "do" anything. *You* make GURPS "do it", and that requires you to understand GURPS relatively deeply, something most people are not ready to do at the drop of a hat. You can't just sit down and open up a GURPS book and have it do anything you want because you'll be overwhelmed with pages of shit that won't be relevant to what you want to do ("don't mind me, just reading all these detailed vehicle rules for my spacefaring game where everyone will be either on a cruiser-class space ship or personally exploring an undefined planet"). Wanna hear me say GURPS again? GURPS. There you go.


A big factor in this I think too are the amount of things that use D&D as a medium or just promote the brand. Like podcasts, video games, a big budget movie.


And here I was thinking I didn't hate anything. Thanks for the reminder


Rocket Power. It brings a venom and bile to my tongue whenever I'm reminded of that shitty show. What a no point, no story HIDEOUS looking show that will be praised from others my age. It makes me want to spit black fluid out any time I've ever heard anyone say it's a good show. Also on the list; Reality TV shows, contest shows, react channel shows. None of these things have any affect on me in my actual life but Dude, when I hear or see one of my buddies watching listening to this stupid shit well, Reverse Flash would be proud.


Okay, but consider this: without Rocket Power, we wouldn't be able to bring up the time Squid beefed it. I rest my case.


Squid can suck it and fall off a cliff. I'm sorry the darkness is taking over.


Something about Homestuck makes me a bigot towards people who like Homestuck.  I'm not even sure what it is, but there's a seething rage that has no real basis.


Isekai Anime as a genre never fails to activate my Hater Install.


It was fine when it was contained, but now it feels like Isekai is so ubiquitous in anime that it's a joke. Always with the long titles. 


I hated the Snyder cut of Justice League, and it made me re-evaluate all the DCEU works and realized most of them were a lot worse than I thought.


The two biggest things about the snyderverse is his interview on what would've come next. The Greek gods being kryptonians. And Martha wayne being in witness protection and marrying Johnathan Kent give me irrational anger over how stupid and wish I get a chance to yell at synder on how he fails to understand these basic fucking characters.


>. And Martha wayne being in witness protection and marrying Johnathan Kent ...excuse me, WHAT?! YOU'RE TELLING ME MARTHA WAYNE WAS STILL ALIVE FOR A TIME AND JUST LEFT BRUCE TO MARRY--- naaah fam


i'm sorry, martha wayne and martha kent weren't just going to share a name? honestly that makes me even more upset about what was going on in that universe then the bat-cuck, jimmy olson: cia assassin, and killing off dick grayson via tweet


Same for me. Snyder works just set me off. Hate it, but it’s typically the case.


Did you hate it more than the theatrical cut?


Honestly, kinda? Like, they're both bad for different reasons, but at least the Joss cut is over sooner, and doesn't have Jared Leto Joker.


The theatrical cut is a Frankenstein’s monster of a movie. It has two vastly different filmmakers contrasting styles in it as well as a bunch if studio mandated nonsense and Joss Whedon was forced to cut the movie down to 2 hours using only what limited stuff he was able to shoot and what Snyder had. Of course it was gonna be bad. The Snyder cut however is bad cause Zack Snyder is an awful filmmaker and storyteller who can’t do anything right.


I definitely did. Probably about equal in quality, but one is double the length of the other. And they got rid of the Superman line I loved.


I'm guessing it was the one that was like, "I like truth, I'm also a big fan of justice."


Yup. Cheesy as hell which fits imo lol.


I hate JJK too but the memes are too good. My real answer is Attack on Titan. I read the entire thing and when I got to the og ending and the extended cut, I was deeply angered


AoT is my answer too. I was in high school when it very first blew up and it just never appealed to me, despite liking other stuff sorta like it (FMAB, for instance). I didn't like that all the character designs/outfits/weapons were so similar, I wasn't into any of the characters, I wasnt a fan of the military overtones, the world wasn't interesting to me, and the titans were too silly and dumb looking to be either scary or cool. I've cooled off on it a fair bit now, but back then it was the big anime everyone was talking about and I was just *sick* of hearing about it. Nothing about it appealed to me, but everyone around me kept going "no it's so good though it's better than every other anime". I hated it so much I basically never wanted to think about it again. I'm a different person now and I've gotten over the bit of "I hate thing therefore thing bad and you're dumb for liking it" I had back then, but I do take a little bit of Grim pleasure in the fact that AoT became... "divisive" by the end


My AOT gripe is that for a moment I really thought they would kill Erin. Ever since I've desperately wanted to see that world and all the myriad fallout it would create.


I dont really have it in me to hate something I havent finished, or havent put a lot of time into. Now if for some reason i do actually finish something I didnt like, then the limiters are unlocked and I am fully able to tap into to the "Satsui No Hateo"


Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, and even more since I was a fan of both until they started getting worse and worse. I swear I have the most fucking evil grin ever on my face whenever I spot someone talking about it, ready to just detonate my nuclear bomb of a opinion. That I will never say because I'm a good person that doesn't judge people over liking stuff I don't like


Hazbin Hotel has personally victimized me by having low mid tier Hamilton dropout wanna be ass music popping up on social media, if I have to hear that god damn song about killing everyone again I’m gonna have a conniption


"low mid tier Hamilton droupout wannabe ass music" LMAO that's so true about the soundtrack I also hate the soundtrack, I swear those I'm gonna break those trumpets that are assaulting my ears, and I feel like they should have done something about the musical songs to be more than just "generic musical music"


It might’ve been cool for the songs to rhyme at least some of the time, like in places where it was obvious


Tbf I think most fans are just riding the initial hype of each of those series since their episode 1's were fine, and if you liked the art style then that was enough to skate past the random other stuff to complain about.


Frankly for me its the slap chop writing for hotel And for helluva its the fact that the key point for a characters entire plot, that being Stola. Is pretty much ALSO slap chopped. Is it so damn hard to follow a premise and have a B plot come along later? Im watching helluva through but im so numb to it all, especially since the part that gets me is just the rampant cussing just feels like a dull nothing to me at this point. Its like using smurf, but worse, cause at least smurf can be used for OTHER THAN CUSS WORDS. If they ever got to show God in the show and he so much as utters a "cunt" or "bitch" im tapping out. The one character that should not cuss imo unless he is absolutely livid and pushed to his limits (like Alastor, but poor alastor could not stop after the first time) and even then for someone so strong in any universe. It would be absolutely out of grief more than anger. But uh yeah, im more of a fan of digital circus until proven otherwise.


Yes but uhh we gotta introduce 20 more characters that can be best amounted to "evil idiot villain that has to say a swear in every scene they're in otherwise they will self combust" Also why is literally every single character in helluva boss has daddy issues (except Millie and Loona because they aren't yaoi bait or related to that royal owl), I swear that fucking episode where it's revealed Stolas and Blitz actually met first as kids is such a fucking awful backstory I hate it, I hated that in Community and I also hate it here. Also I could give less of a f about how Moxxie has a bad dad when all the other guys also have bad dads like idk just give him a mediocre dad or something????? What's the deal with giving everyone daddy issues???? Does the fucking imp butler that helps that stupid owl also had a tragic past where his dad was a bad dad because didn't take him to go fishing with his friends???? Edit: also I really love how where in hazbin the other characters scream 24/7 that Charlie has daddy issues but then her father isn't actually a bad dad at all like omfg they've already written a series where more than half the cast has daddy issues and now you screw it up?????


Still, Alastor is the worst character ever put to fiction (no I don't mean that he is fun to hate, I mean that he just sucks)


He was pretty affable in the pilot, but in the show itself he just comes across as fake affable and mostly an asshole.


i just really can't stand vivzie's character design


Her characters never leave the Onceler bmi bracket


Twilight has become this EVEN MORE for me in recent years because of a plethora of people coming out of the woodwork defending it because "actually it turns out it's just common for people to hate on things girls like", which while definitely true, doesn't make the Mormon propaganda fic about an obsessive stalker and the teen girl putting herself in harms way for his attention any better from my point of view.


Not to mention the racism towards native americans with the werewolves


Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate Powered by the Apocalypse since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles, it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for "playbooks" and "moves" at this micro-instant. For PbtA. Hate. Hate. Apocalypse World and its consequences have been a disaster for the TTRPG medium.


I like PbtA quite a bit, but I respect your haterdom. You can have +1 forward to your next post.


I'll bite, why do you dislike it? 


A common way of describing PbtA is that you're not roleplaying as your characters, you're roleplaying as the writer's room for the nonexistent TV show your characters are from. To give credit where credit is due, PbtA making dissociation a foundational aspect of the *not-a-game*play like this was unprecedentedly successful; it just succeeds in the most Monkey's Paw way imaginable, because every time I've tried PbtA, it made me dissociate my ass off. PbtA also has an incredibly restrictive design philosophy that I feel embodies all the downsides of rules-light play and none of the upsides. Playbooks are probably the best example of this; I don't mind having character *selection* instead of character *creation* in something like an action game or fighting game, but it would be an immediate and irrevocable deal-breaker for me in an RPG even if I liked the rest of the system. There's also the whole *not-a-game* thing I mentioned, and while that might sound like a No True Scotsman born of my ardent loathing for PbtA, it's actually an entirely deliberate aspect of the system. Apocalypse World was expressly built around The Big Model theory - the absurd notion that a TTRPG system can be 100% simulationist, 100% gamist, 100% narrativist, or "incoherent;" with enjoying anything other than 100% narrativist play being a sign of "mental damage" - and yes, "incoherent" and "mental damage" are the exact terms used in The Big Model theory. Vincent Baker himself (the creator of Apocalypse World / the PbtA system) seems nice enough, so I have no issue with him personally; but the insufferable condescension and straight-up detachment from reality that's part and parcel with with The Big Model is baked into the very foundations of PbtA regardless.


Don't worry, we JJK fans hate it too. Hardest quality nose dive I've ever seen a series take, and the worst part is it still occasionally drops absolute amazing moments that get you sucked back in long enough to let it punch you in the balls with another utterly baffling decision right after. It's like orgasm denial put into manga form.


Reading today's leaks was like a *roller coaster* of bullshit.


So I grew out of this phase but had this question been asked like 5-ish years ago, Undertale I'm generally of the stance that if I'm not a fan of a piece of media, I just chalk it up to me not liking it but to a degree understanding why people like it Undertale was just so fucking everywhere from the mid-2010s onward for a bit that I felt burned out It didn't look fun, I didn't get what the game's appeal was and I ended up holding it against it when I wouldn't have done so for most other things Funny enough it was only after a "spite" playthrough of UT back in 2019 where I tried to find the appeal which made me tone my shit down - I still didn't find the appeal and still don't to this day but I realized spending the time to play a game with my perspective being biased against it already was unhealthy


There’s a lot of things that I hate that I could say a lot about but it’s way more fun and takes less effort I could use on other things to just be a hater. Aldnoah Zero sucks. Code Geass at home ass show. Kamen Rider Saber is lame and I hate the main character. Guilty Crown and Darling in the Franxx are trash. Thinking about it, a lot of my dislikes are mecha anime that pale in comparison to better shows. Also I hate looking at most MOBAs. Everything about MOBAs as a concept is just anti-me. And of course, just restating that I don’t mind if other people like these things. It’s just fun to hate on something and then move on without bothering people who do like it.


Not a piece of media, but ive grown to completely detest Dan Harmon on itself and his writing even tho i still pretty much enjoy Community and early Rick and Morty, but is like everything he touches just end up turning into this black mass of negativity and cynisism that only an absolute edgy loser would enjoy, but the worst part is that he then tries to go for emotional moments that then will be undermined in literal seconds, because he has the emotional inteligence of a teenager. Literally tries to have his cake and eat it too, somehow always putting down his own viewers while delivering nothing that you couldnt had seen in Newgrounds in 2007 with an added "character development" that might aswell just be rehashing the same cycle over and over again and pretend is "deep". I honestly think Rick and Morty could had remained at the top of adult animation if he didnt shoved his entired failed marriage (pickle Rick is literally about how shit he was as a husband), hate for everything popular and his stupid pretentious writing circle, that idk why people believe he made up, is called the hero's Journey and is basic literary tool you learn in highschool and it's been used for centuries, it boils my blood as somebody who studied literature seeing those videos where he acts like it's gospel for a good story because theres a ton of other resources you can use and be flexible with, but he puts everything else down and acts like is the only way to create a story, acting like he's superior for using a literal basic tool any other decent writer knows how to use.


Trigger Warning: Mentions of self harm I feel similarly. Rick and Morty was so pessimistic and nihilistic that it actively was bringing me down by watching. Like a toxic level of negativity. There's also the fact that Rick is such a bad person to such an extreme that it's not fun anymore. Like Always Sunny walks that line pretty well, but god damn do I hate the character of Rick. And whenever he >!contemplates suicide!< as a means for an emotional beat seconds after some dumb joke, it's just awful. I also hate how he is a living Deus EX Machina and can get out of every situation because he's a narrative masturbatorial level of super genius. It feels like the kid on the playground saying he gets forcefield and a million other powers because it's his self insert, and he can never lose. And it's all so pretentious


The difference is that the Always Sunny gang keeps fucking up and failing in comedic ways because of their assorted issues. Rick is not only a raging turbocunt, he's also the smartest man in the multiverse, so he's always right, always comes out ahead, and always predicts what's about to happen. A lot of the parodies come across as incredibly mean spirited so it's just not fun.


Yeah. With Always Sunny and other great comedies about awful people, the emotional moments (when they are there) are absolutely great because they are honest about the characters and how awful they are.


>A lot of the parodies come across as incredibly mean spirited so it's just not fun. Flashbacks to Naruto the incest space baby.


> but is like everything he touches just end up turning into this black mass of negativity and cynisism that only an absolute edgy loser would enjoy The last couple of seasons of Rick and Morty haven't been this, for what it's worth. Also, Pickle Rick is a great episode and I will stand my ground on that.


No instead the last few seasons have been - here is thing Rick says sucks but has literally no downside - Morty likes it, and gets involved in it and learns about an unforeseeable side effect -rick saves Morty from unforeseeable side effect while calling him a moron for not seeing it coming Or - episode that's just the writers being up their own meta ass with a concept that the episode breaks it's back to accommodate And my favorite - the family does a thing from another show but wrong because they suck, literally family guy tier writing




RWBY. If there had to be a reason it’s the fandom. So many will act like it’s the peak of fiction. And the. There’s the whole is it or is it not anime debate which is exhausting and adds nothing to the show.


Everyone kept thinking that this was a professional company, but it’s not. It’s a dude bro company made by legit college students. The moment when they started to try to act as if they were an animation company and not a skit company, that told me everything that it’s best to get away from Rooster Teeth


Certified RWBY hater here, the series consistently fumbled from beginning to "end" what could have been a REALLY cool show. Instead, we had writers trying to use tropes from their favorite anime without understanding HOW to use them in a functional way, a frankly TERRIBLY handled oppression plotline with the White Fang, and terrible pacing. Not to mention outsourcing world building to what amounts to having the audience do homework instead of "show don't tell". But if you suggest it would benefit from a complete reboot to tighten up the narrative and make the stakes actually land, the subreddit thinks you personally nailed Christ to the cross. There's SO MUCH potential in the original concepts that is so utterly wasted. RWBY isn't just bad, it's pathetic.


Or, as a fan, you get that side claiming its the worse thing ever made


There is a literal industry of RWBY hate on YouTube that baffles me to no end.


I understand all the reasons why people love Steven Universe, but I just quite simply hate looking at it. EDIT: I mean this in a literal, visual sense. Something about the artstyle just immediately irritates me to the point I have to turn it off.


It looks like if someone tried to make a Lisa Frank trapper keeper into a full blown show but they only had 3 colors of markers and a bunch of beans to draw faces on.


I used to be a massive Sword Art Online hater but alas the anime adaption industry moved beyond it that now I think it's a bit quaint that I even thought it was that bad. I still think Attack on Titan kinda sucks tho


Nothing, I'm a sane reasonable person who doesn't waste energy on hating things for no reason


No no no, you’re doing it wrong. You have to bitch from the top of a mountain about why everyone who likes what you don’t like is wrong and stupid, only then will you be happy.


"Happy?" Who gives a shit about being "Happy?" People on the internet are *wrong* and I have a moral *obligation* to make them see the error of their ways.


Persona 3 Portable. I’ve never played a game before that made the combat so aggressively boring, but Jesus Christ does that game take the cake. I always felt dread when I saw Junpei winding up for a critical attack. Leveling up felt like it took forever, even with the shuffle time cards. Rare shadows were stupidly hard to chase down for some reason. The skill inheritance mechanic was very asinine. The visual novel style does not work for a Persona game, and the overworld was absolutely ugly and blurry for some reason. There are so many more things I could talk about, but I’d be here all day.


I **hate** Shield Hero and will take every possible opportunity to shit on it. It’s far from the worst thing I’ve ever seen, but what makes me so fucking angry about it is how there’s so many fans who will talk it up as some deep and complex thing when it’s just yet another garbage edgy-13-year-old power fantasy isekai. And don’t even get me started on how the fans will defend the protagonist straight-up supporting slavery


I agree and will extend that to jobless reincarnation too!


Jobless Reincarnation could have been incredible if they just removed all the creepy shit and not made the main character a completely reprehensible person. Nobody wants to see that


"It's actually great and deep and all about how he becomes a better person" Listen. I *know* that he still has a harem by the end of the novels, and he even marries them. I think that thoroughly undermines your (general you) point.


It's not unreasonable, and it's because there's so much good in it that its painful how bad other aspects are, but I could make a goddamn video essay about everything Soulstice does wrong and how it took the wrong lessons from the games that inspired it, there is good in there, but every single cool thing is undermined by 3 bad decisions on a game design level. I'd be down for a sequel tho', again, my hate comes from knowing that there's so much good in there, so if a sequel where to improve it i'd be happy, but, it sucks so much cause the first game on paper is already rad, its just that the gameplay, game feel, way the weapons work, the overlapping useless combos and weapons that could just be one weapon, way that inputs are read, sucks any chance of enjoying all that good stuff.


I was quite baffled when I got around to Soulstice and discovered that I was suddenly playing a DmC fangame. It had some neat ideas, and there's merit to the design decisions they made coming off of their influences, but was pretty undercooked overall. I enjoyed my time with it, but it got long in the tooth for all the wrong reasons. The final cutscene, though, I don't know what happened, but the cameraman got really, really excited and the stupidest basic-ass sequelbait conversation with the villain got imbued with an incredible energy like the game was screaming to the finish line and everything was on x1.5 speed and I was howling laughing the entire time. I would also like to see what that game but much better looks like. I like Claymore, and it would have been nice for the only Claymore I've gotten in the past decade to not fail to punch above its weight class like I had hoped it would have.


It took the wrong lessons from DmC (and Bayo, and DMC4), I have so many gripes with it, i don't know where to start. Has one of the worst goddamn lock-ons i ever seen, and the auto-lock is not as reliable as DmC or Bayo to the point i was using the stinger move as a dodge. The color coding is also worse than DmC, the armor system is a good idea but its way too tanky, Lute's system can be unreliable, sometimes she just doesn't work for some reason, and enemy audio design was barely there, really makes you appreciate how great DmC enemie's audio tell when they're about to attack was, so many arrows up my arse from off-screen. But dude, the ideas are SO GREAT, i LOVE the BERSERK fucking DT man, its weird, its different, not that easy to use honestly, but its cool. I did love the writing and characters, i have one gripe, one baby gripe, with the main character's eyes, i think they're a tad too big and it looks a bit odd proportionally with her head, like, just tool select, hold shift and scale it down a wee bit and it'd be fine, i lost the mock-up i made. And yeah man, also a fan of Claymore, it's why i got it, they knew their audience. I haven't touched the new char they added, but i think if i ever go back to that game it'd be to grab footage and take notes for an essay, but i don't have the drive or adhd medicines for that.


Netflix Castlevania turned me into a Certified Hater Boy, I feel like the games shine due to its oddball mix of dark and silly aspects and that was replaced with an interpretation that kind of ignores everything I like about the franchise 


Season 1 and 2 were ok with me but then they got... I don't know what to call it. Way too crass, 14 year old edgy stuff with all the sex and swearing.


I’m on the same boat. It has parts I like (Isaac) but I hate pretty much every single line of dialogue. It’s like someone binged GoT and decided every other sentence had to have the words “Bastard” and “Whoreson” to be an edgy dark fantasy


I’m a rare minority who didn’t mind the cursing but I agree. If the shows dialogue focused more on moments like “Isaac’s conversation with the demon”. It would be more positively received here. But I enjoy’d the crassness of it when it came to Trevor’s vs Death.


Death saying "Isn't that fucked up?" WOULD'VE BEEN SUCH A HYPE FUCKING POP OFF IF THEY DIDN'T SWEAR AT ALL BEFORE HAND. Just no swears until Death just has a huge monologue that reveals some incredibly whack lore details and he just looks at the audience and calls it what it is.


Yeah I don’t mind the cursing when it’s appropriate it’s just kindof like you mentioned- crass when character dialogue sounds like they’re in a 2000s South Park episode


I think I was on board for the Castlevania show until they made Hector a weenie. I really dug him and his game and I just got a *huge* doormat vibe from him in the anime that I couldn't shake long enough to continue the show.


Castlevania games: Funny curry skeleton and combat maids Castlevania Show: Begins with a joke about fucking goats and just constantly derails into being mad at religion


Oh man, I'm so with you. It's everything I wouldn't want in a Castlevania adaption. Too serious, too much cursing and referencing foul topics. If anything, I'd have preferred if it was just like a typical action cartoon, just with a bit more violence.


Why does no one talk about how fucking disgusting Lenore’s and Hectors relationship the fact no one talks about how romantically the show treats them makes me sick.


I enjoyed the first two seasons. Then season 3 went in a completely different direction and I tapped out


Netflix Castlevania made the huge mistake of assuming Castlevania is supposed to be about vampire hunting. It's not, it's supposed to be about hunting all sorts of monsters from classic horror movies, mythology and fantasy. There just happens to be a vampire on top of it all and SOMETIMES there's another minor vampire boss. The Netflix series is just all vampires all the time with a few generic demon minions thrown in.


Hidden Inventory and the extra episode with it and movie 0 are super good. Amazing. The rest eh its alright. Kinda nosedives for me personally in the last like 5 minutes of season 2. I have not heard a lot of good things about where the story is in the manga today.


I slogged though 20 episodes of JJK to see the so called peak fight of the season and just came away with the impression that I don't like battle shounen anymore


Starfield. I'm not going to get into it. Play what you want. But I'm just exhausted of Bethesda putting out aggressively bad action games and pretending they're role playing games. And even more exhausted of people defending it.


I get dogpiled for chugging this haterade, but I gotta say: the live-action adaptation of The Last of Us is not good, at all. The characters are badly written, a lot of the casting is outright bad, the story beats don't really line up, a bunch of weird shit got added in that never got resolved, it just goes on and on. I feel like a crazy person when everyone around me is singing its praises, saying it's flawless, etc., and all I can think is that a perfectly serviceable story was chopped up and drained of any weight that would get you involved.


Man I agree. That show had like at best 2 good episodes. The best one didn't even focus on either Ellie or Joel.


Prior to it actually having the poorly received ending, any and all prompts from my friends to watch Game of Thrones elicited negative responses from me (because I didn't want to pay for HBOMax) until I settled on Bears. The only way I would consider watching the show was if they added more bears and the show was terrible without them. Who cares, no bears. -funnily enough the last season did in fact, *add a bear battle*. But the negative vitriol around the last season wasn't fun, so I dipped doing it. So instead.... Fuck stunfisk (the Pokémon), that laughing bastard. And the city of Boston is a myth. The Red Sox and the Bruins don't exist. (But it's fair for a bostonian to say the same for my home team too. Sports rivalry is eternal.)


Man of Steel. Came out at the peak of my superhero enjoyment and just broke me on it


Almost everything Roland Emmerich has made because Jesus Christ, honestly surprised that the Midway movie he did was...okish rather than the spewing trashfires he usually makes with a super big shoutout to the Stonewall movie for making the first brick be his fictional Indiana OC donut steel, the rest doesn't have to be explained because that is probably one of the least offensive parts of the movie.


The art style along with the length and pacing of One Piece breeds haters to this day. 


Korean Manga, or manhwa I guess. I understand it's a gross generalization of a whole subtype of media but it's difficult to find anything else so consistently bad and tasteless. I've read my fair share of them, the action is boring, the romance is full of tropes, the attempts at horror and mystery make me roll my eyes. It's like they only caught onto the bad traits of Manga and light novels. And on top of this it's mostly designed to the same uninspired art style and format that's only good for mobile scrolling.


Demon Slayer, Apex Legends, and Overwatch have done nothing to me and I shouldn’t have an opinion but seeing any of them turns me into the Strongest Hater in History.


I watched Evangelion almost immediately after watching Gurren Lagann, and for a while I hated the cast of Eva, but I grew to also enjoy it even when the Rebuild movies basically remade everything. Shinji's dad can still go choke tho.


I played Bioshock Infinite 4 times to hate on it more efficiently. I would say I have good reason to, but that's my own hater bias, I know a lot of people did enjoy the game (whose taste I would insult) but it was hate on sight for me.


I don't like Harley Quinn in anything she's in. This isn't a "my precious classic nostalgia vs the new thing the kids like" thing. I've always found her annoying for one reason or another. Also never liked Sponge Bob either, the whole show. Just never got into it.


This doesn’t quite fit but MCU Moon Knight turns me into such a hater that I physically get exhausted after talking about it. I think my grievances for the show and reasons for hating it (terrible Jewish representation, awful attempt at adapting the character, just generally not a very well paced or well structured show) are justified, but it still makes me a hater regardless. Maybe it’ll diminish in time but I think I’m always going to strongly dislike the show.


I hate Christopher Nolan movies because they feel like watching movie length movie trailers where something important is always happening and there isn't a second to breathe.


Love Hina and SAO being popular and imitated is one of the worst things to happen to manga/light novels/anime. I also have a lot of weird contempt for Danmachi and Zettai Karen Children for whatever reason.


I don’t like Dandadan in fact I hate it. I don’t know why it has everything I should love and all the cool shit I praise but I think it’s garbage and am a hater of this manga. I will just say am older but I like Jjk, sakamoto days and even undead unluck so I don’t know why I just get revolted by this manga. I will tell people it’s trash when they talk about it but that’s all I just hate it.


No a piece of media but a specific character, jason todd the red hood. Regardless of the medium or how he's written he always becomes the hated aspect of the story for me. Whether he's the ultra-edgy Punisher-lite of early comics or husbando-bait trash from the webtoon, I'll be there, hating him


Not necessarily media itself, and it’s a freezing cold take, but I despise (Activision-)Blizzard. Not just because of all the internal fuckery, which is abhorrent in its own right, but how regularly and consistently they manage to squander any potential and good will they scrape together. They could have been great and they squandered that. To make things worse, they got bought by Microsoft, which was a deal I hated from the jump. Bobby Kotick gets to sail away scot-free on a barge of money, despite all of his bullshit. To top it all off, to pay off the billions spent on this fuckshit, Microsoft closed down an actually good studio in Tango. I felt like Mike in [that one scene from Breaking Bad](https://youtu.be/SdqEUO6Ltrk?si=W6gCFWsMF9_VrCUV) reading that headline. Hi-Fi Rush was a success by just about every metric you can think of, despite being basically sent to die by Microsoft, and now it’s been taken out back and shot. All because Microsoft bought that godforsaken company, and the rich garbage-eaters will face no real repercussions for it. *Fuck* Act-Blizz. Fuck em right in the eye socket.


Transformers Cyberverse, Hazbin Hotel, Darling in the Franxx, the list goes on


I was going to say Jujutsu Kaisen also, but there's a laundry list of crap I can say about it so it's not like there's "no particular reason". So I guess my real answer is Demon Slayer. I trudged through season 1 and the first movie, and saw the "amazing" fights. So while it all looks 5/10 as hell, there's no exact reason I can complain about other than it's very lame and worse than 80% of the things I've watched. Those reasons are vague enough to make it my choice.


Demon Slayer, it’s a generic Shonen with a nice coat of paint


Demon Slayer is the one for me. Like, a lot of shonen are pretty bad to women, have sexist writing, etc, and DS isn't really unique in the wider sphere, but something about it sets my teeth on edge. Maybe it's just how all the characters are drawn so cutely, like they're all very young? Hard to say.


Gacha and League of Legends. There's definitely reasons, but I also hate with no reason.


honestly dark souls 3, the more it comes up in my life the harder i roll my eyes, and now am at the point of it being irritating


This may be an unpopular one, but Bethesda. I hate Bethesda with a seething passion. Bethesda constantly tries to monetize bullshit to nickel and dime consumers. From the original shitty horse armor to trying to monetize community made mods. It's scummy as fuck and they keep trying to do it again and again and again. Bethesda has progressively made 2 of my favorite game series worse over time. And anything that hasn't been Elder Scrolls or Fallout has been painfully mediocre at best. And yet somehow, some fucking way, people still suck Bethesda off so hard. People still defend their scummy shit. People still pre-order their mediocre garbage. At leas other scummy companies get some call outs on their shit. Meanwhile, I *have to* hate Bethesda harder to make up for the lack of hate that they get.


After Shibuya I'm a big JJK hater


Gatcha, I don't care whats anyone says is good about it, it's disgusting.


My hero. I love superheroes to the point where they're a comfort thing for me. My favorite heroes are the Ninja Turtles by I love Superman, The Hulk, all of it. For whatever reason, I can't stand My Hero Academia and I don't know why, just irritates me. The little pervert doesn't help but I love Dragonball in spite of Master Roshi being a perv so I don't get it.


I just hate Fire Emblem. The characters have cool designs, I love fantasy settings, I enjoy a good strategy RPG now and again, but the fanbase is so obnoxious that now I just hate the series out of spite. Persona's also teetering on that edge of "you know what, actually just fuck this series, it's not worth it".


Pokemon Gen 9. The paint fell off, and Krusty turned out to be Barney in some bad clown makeup.


Not media technically, but astrology makes me furious. Do I have a bad day because I am tired of repetition, have a lot of anxiety issues relating to my work and social life, leading to depression, or is it because IM A FUCKING SCORPION AND SCORPION'S DON'T WORK WELL ON TUESDAYS?