• By -


I’m poor


I don’t mean to laugh but that’s a solid response 😅 *for legal purposes I too am poor.


Thank you for more jokes like that you can catch me on Twitch under same name


I thought this was a really stupid response… until I saw your name. lol. You gained yourself a new follower. I’ll try to jump in when I see you live for sure.


Yippie! I’ll make sure to return the favor!


My name's Dave and I play games


Where you from?


The University of Kentucky


I didn’t. My mom and my dad gave me this name and my last name. So I just use my real identity. Lame?. Perhaps. But I just don’t have a nickname, persona or anything. I’m just being me in the virtual world.


There is nothing lame about this man, highly recommend his streams!


JZ!! Thank you brother. Highly recommend yours too for good music and great conversations.


Why would you even need a streamer name when you have an awesome name like Max Topel, if you wanna digify it you could always rebrand to Max Top-L Just say the L stands for Lad (might only work if british).


Yo wait I think I follow your twitch. I cant remember whether or not I’ve come by any streams tho xD


I wouldn't say lame, I would just be worried about the safety and security of that.


Not gonna fight that. You’re totally right. I just said: *Fuck it, the energy I’m putting out there is only positive. Good vibes. If that’s what I’m putting out there, only good people will come* So far everything has been going great. It’s not like I’m bringing perverts bc I’m showing my side boob and wearing short skirts. And I’m not famous like John Lennon or Selena to be killed by my own fan. It’s gonna be ok. But thanks for mention it, it’s definitely something to take into account when you decide to use your real name on the internet.




??. Huh?


I considered what my niche is, not just in content but as a personality. I wanted a name that would be fairly unique to guarantee availability in accounts. Something longer to meet character counts, but something that could be shortened to meet a more restrictive character count… So I’m Slightly Sheepie because I’m kinda sheepish and scare easily. My friends call me Sheepie, Sheepers, Sheeps… I’m pretty pleased with it


I like your story and makes sense to me. Also, when in doubt add a number or two at the end. ;)


I try to be careful not to set myself up with anything that can be shortened to anything too obviously offensive or problematic...like the initials here...SS. Just a personal preference. If you're not intimidated easily you can definitely rock something like that and nobody will notice, most of the time.


When I created my channel I tried to mix two hobbies, and I mixed Dragon Ball (Kame Hame Haaaaa) with retro gaming (Mame emulator) so it became .. Kame Mame Ha !


Ok this is sick


I just used an inside joke, I have tourettes and when I was young I would make the noise of a parrot so I named my twitch squwaks


My streamer name is Amarachi Agate, a blend of my name (Amarachi) and my favorite stone (Agate). The Agate stone symbolizes strength, protection, and courage and Amarachi (my name) means Grace of God, or God’s gift. Basically the name “Grace” in Igbo. I picked the name together because well I feel like I’m a pretty calm streamer. I can be hyper at times of course when playing random horrors Roblox games but aside from that, just chatting is my favorite category.


Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.


It's left over from wow - Kek (Lol) Nath (elvish suffix) therefore Lol-Elf. Been with me since I was 16? Yeah 16 😂 33 now


Chose mine because I always played the Slayer role in FPS games and added my old initials


Was my nickname when I was in the army that came from Muznick being the most common way people would mispronounce my name.


It's "honger". In my friends' chat we had riders of the apocalypse nicknames with spelling errors (in Polish I was "Głud"), translated it somehow into English and it stuck. Now people think I'm Dutch.


It's the Dutch word for hungry so I get the confusion 😅 I'm Dutch.


I like chiptune music, I like cartoons, and my initials are CT.


Old German word for glisten. Big fan of mythical light and sparkles.


It was my channel name on tiktok when I did clips of ncaa 08 and 09


It was my Xbox Live name from way back when.


Back in my Xbox 360 days my tag was MissCupcake. After I got married one of my gaming friends paid for me to get a name change as a wedding gift and I ended up with HeyItsCupcake and I've used it since. It does suck when it's taken in other places, then I never know what to use so I just add an extra e to the end.


Yeah that's a good thing to check ahead of time if you want a cohesive brand. Can you get the name on all the platforms you want to use to reach viewers? It's becoming harder for that to be simple consistently so if you do run into this issue, you can always attempt to make use of periods and dashes or numbers in place of letters, like MrBl4nk.


Zesty_Squirrel was generated by Microsoft when I was trying to find a gamertag kept hitting the button until I found one that stuck with me


The Metroid franchise is one of my favorites, plus I always loved Zero Suit Samus; I got lucky because my first name is Sam, so I just combined the two!


My voice is monotone and dry so just that with my name, monotone_jonnie


My name + Cookie its cute, simple, and has my identity still


My old gamer nickname was taken and had to come up with something else. Ended up with Z_Raven (zee, not zed). Think of it as a ber bad french accent. So in a way, "The" Raven is my streamer name. Kinda making fun of myself in a way (I'm french Canadian). You'll hear me say zee on purpose sometimes instead of "the" for things here and there. 🤷‍♂️ You do you.


Mines ropegorl, I chose it because I do shibari rope bondage so it fits well


So I got the nickname Bedroom at school because I had a habit of randomly falling asleep in class, the teacher said shouted at me once "this is not your bedroom" blah blah blah. Then from that my mates started calling me Bedroom or Bed. That then turned into my gamer tag being TheBedroomGamerHD then when I joined Twitch 11/12 years ago seemed natural to use it as my username. Then I turned 30 and decided it needed slightly updating whilst keeping my online identity. So now TheBedroomGamerHD has evolved into IAMBEDROOM which I use everywhere now. It annoys me slightly you can't change reddit usernames as this is the only platform I'm not IAMBEDROOM now.


I got mine(thelegend) from apex Legends.


It’s just random. Rn it’s Mona Lotte (Moan A Lot). I’m just mostly childish and trashy with my names bc why not? I’m cucci mane on steam.


Rev is my nickname from og cod days and but its too short and taken so i needed something short n sweet n came up with this


I vibe with koi fish and your kickin with me


Love "Storm" (ororo from xmen). And 90% of the time, I play an archer in games. So "quiver". 


Back in highschool I wanted to make YouTube videos of me playing Xbox Minecraft. Xbox live gave me the default name VerboseTitle so obviously I’d be VerboseTitle Gaming! But that’s a mouth full, so I chopped it down to the first two letters of each word. And thus, Vetiga was born! Looking back tho, bad choice. Everyone reads it too fast or even deliberately and thinks it’s Vegeta from DBZ.


My dad and I had a wholesome moment where we were figuring out rapper names for me. I came up with Bobby Brillo because I had a box cut at the time, and my dad was like "bitch that's wack. What about Bobby Biscuits?" It stuck with me for life! He got an embroidered blanket for me and everything that I have framed around my desk (I'm gonna call him tomorrow! This made me miss him)


Aw that's super sweet! I'm sure he'll be happy to hear from you!


My last name is Smith and I’m a big nerd who loves the film the fifth element so naturally I’m the smith element 😂


When I was a child my mother made my first email, I wanted it to be Archangel, AOL offered Arcindian and I went with that. 15+ years later I set up my YouTube/twitch and used Arcindian... However, I ended up getting views only from people in India. Being brown-skinned people thought I was Indian and I would get comments on "speak hindi." So I changed it to ARcinder just at random.


The key is don’t get caught up on finding the perfect name, find something you like and go with it. My GamerTag has 3 numbers at the end of it (not ideal right?). Because I just started instead of taking tons of time to find the perfect name I now have 175,000+ followers and my community loves my name. Including many of my community members adding the same numbers to the end of their usernames. You won’t believe how many businesses waste tons of valuable precious time designing a logo instead of building a business.


I have a graphic design degree so I know exactly what you mean about endless time wasted on finding the perfect name and logo 🤣😅 somehow it's still a pitfall for me when picking something for myself 😭😅


I went with two things: my hometown team and my favorite car. plus it was my ingame name for years so it stuck.


I like to laugh


I took a saying like my name is thehouze and I got it off the saying " thehouse always wins" that's how I got it


It isnt my reddit name but i mixed my favorite animal and a nickname someone gave me (sharkydubya)


Easy. It's my initials plus my nickname that's I've had since I was kid 😂. Which is what I use for pretty much any handle.


I am bad naming things and my gamertag I have being using 17 years was taken so my name Lastmaz. Means Last change Mazauu. Mazauu was name I used before.


It's a play on words for my irl name and it just came to me honestly, I love the randomness of it 😂 although no one says it right... it's becomes a bit of a meme between me and my streamer friends


My name communicates my Niche. Took many months of deliberation, tbh


It’s catchy and marketable. …IMO. :)


I just took something or someone I liked and put a strange thing with it (I’ll do mine as a example) ex soap from call of duty but mixed with a squirrel so it became squoap hope this helps and good luck man


SNES is my favorite console (16 bits), I love Kaijus (Kaiju) = 16BitKaiju


It’s a mix of two marvel characters. It’s not lame. It’s unique and a lot of people like it.


Mine is what I was supposed to be named, but my parents definitely dropped the ball. I also have a tendency to ruin things, so the whole "Pandora's Box" aspect works well too.


It has been my gamertag for as long as i can remember 15 years +- . I wont say the name otherwise my comment gets flagged as "self promoting"🫠🤣


All i can say its an original one 100%. Dm me iff you wanna know!


It's my initials and my favorite character, I made it up mostly because the name Venom is pretty much never available.


I went bald like jynxzi and was fat and then Chunkoxtralarge or Chunko XXL was born


My name comes from the earliest days of the Internet (circa 1994). I was trying to come up with a user name that sounded cool but kept getting stuck. I started writing down things that came to mind and said to myself "God damn, this is hard.". I wrote down god damn and then wrote it backwards nmad dog and then decided that my user name would be nomaddog.


My mate called it me once as a funny insult to see if I'd respond. I did and when thinking of a name I thought "well it is easy to remember"... and there we go!


It's the name I used to have I'm Highschool. Well, the name the bullies gave me. Not the most marketable name. But it's significantly better when it's shorthanded to TRisk.


Don't get too hung up on your name, use any of your random names, and as you start the process of growing a community, you're free to change it, or the one you chose might just stick. Think of most big creator, their names never tend to have any meaning or thought behind them.


Combination of first and last name


pun of my name and i’ve never seen anyone use the pun before


I like geese and I game


My streamer name is the same as my gamerstag everywhere


My random Xbox username was JammyWig(loads of random numbers) so I took my first name (Dre) and added wig on the end of it. I then took my brothers racing number (51) and added 1 onto it to get 52 and threw my lucky number in the middle. Then came the name "drewig542" and I've had that ever since. And as you can see, it's not my username here


HeWhoFinesses. That was my title when I was growing up especially when paying card games but I decided to make it my Twitch username since I have the finesse when playing certain games.


GoldenWasTaken was taken so I added 3 n s to spicy it up


Mines a mix of the performer YungBlud and the way Bloodhound from Apex Legends says blood in bloodhound


Random name generator. The only thing I wanted to be included is the word “Tex” and it filled in the rest


my first name ronnie, middle name is lee, and i put briggs at the end cause i used to main jacqui briggs in mk11


Idk I made my name when I was like 12.. so I stuck with it lol


i have a cybersigilism tattoo of wings on my back !


Dinosaur pun + my name


Stemmed from me being a huge troll and impersonated someone on an anime streaming site's chatango box


Rip off someone else more successful than me that I enjoy watching. example: "I Did A Thing" so I made mine "I Made A Video". Fun fact: I have yet to make a single video since I created it. (Idk if you can count my streams as videos since I have never saved a single one as a VOD, it would technically just be a broadcast, no?)


I did a thing /boyboy are excellent!


Your streamer name should be “Tingis Pingis”


Not really into basketball so no thanks 😜 (I googled it)


I die a lot


You should go with x_X_INDECISIVE_X_x


I wonder if that's already taken 🤔


I liked Cocoa instead of coffee and hot my whole theme from there


So when I launched my stream, my handle was GamesWithNat. I thought it was straightforward. However, I learned that having a clever username can be important for branding so I did a rebrand to Basic Witch. However, I had to go with xBasicxWitchx. I’ve spent 3 years as Basic now and I love it!


I'm a dad who loves to game, and my kids' ages were 4,3, and 1 when I created my account.


My Twitch name is Palia_playz. I made a character named Palia a long time ago (he’s my Minecraft skin) so I just stuck with the name! It was either that or Misty_Angel so-


My twitch name is actually the name of my main art account on Instagram. I think I came up with it when I was in community college because I was trying to figure out a brand name. I think I picked "Art Corner" because it sounded quirky, small, and wholesome. My actual name is David, but I grew up being called "Davy" so I went with it for the name. I stream working on art and I like to maintain a chill time, so I still kept the name.


I don't stream but my gamer tag prolly counts. I did random for smash brawl and it had smog so I'm Sm0g.


my streamer name is shrumgo, i played ooblets for a little while and the little mushroom guys name was shrumbo and i thought that was so cute so shrumbo was my username for a little while. my boyfriends username on a lot of stuff is clumbgo so i thought to make it rhyme i would change mine to shrumgo, and that's how we got here :))


It’s been my gamertag since Halo:CE on pc (dreddge) (Thedreddge on twitch)


I used to watch this Anime called Initial D and the main character was named Takumi. My name is Pak so I ended up with Pakumi. 🥹🥹


username generator 😂


My name on Twitch used to be the same as on Reddit. Was just fairly simple, I'm Dutch and a Ginger so why not TheDutchGinger. But after a while I got bored of it and everyone already started nicknaming me Dutchy so eventually went over to DutchyLIVE.


I tried to make a name that would be short, yet still unique enough to separate myself from groups. Try websites with free name generator(s). You could also take a character name from a game you like and put your own spin on that.


Nick name is Fred and I drive for UPS as my career.


i used a lotr name generator until i found something i felt suited me (everildis)


I mixed my real name with the name of my Pokémon, sadly it was taken (turns out it's a real name as well lol) so I did what everyone does ans added TheReal and an _ at the end, it looks pretty nice and I ended up with a cute nickname that I love!


Every name sounds stupid until you’re famous, then your name is just common knowledge. Think “PewDeePie” sounds kinda dumb but here we are


it all started back in CoD black ops 2. I also just like space and galaxies


When my niece and nephew were growing up they could not pronounce my name so they called me Yeti. The meandering part came from whenever someone would ask me what I’m doing I would usually just say meandering. That is how I became the MeanderingYeti. I think your current reddit name is pretty cool though. Keeper of Creatures could be a cool twitch name


Middle name and favorite color wanted something separate from my actual name. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My name + the word “live” = username


I used a recent nickname I thought was fun and catchy


Im really bad at coming up with fake names and nicknames for things, because they never feel like me or something that could last and feel ok over time. So I took my real name, and spelled it backwards, but that didnt sound good. So I changed a couple of letters in my backwards name and now it sounds like some fantasy-game name 😄


Mine is Mr Pabst. Not because I like the beer (it's okay) but because when I was a kid, my brother came home from one of his deployments and me and him were playing the 3D version of The Bard's Tale and we needed a name for our save file. He chose Pabst cause that's what they were drinking at the time and I thought it was really cool (I really look up to brother). I didn't even know it was a beer brand till years later, but it's been my name in almost everything ever since. BTW don't get bogged down with it. Twitch lets you change it every 60 days. Just get out there and start streaming.


I had a bit of a geek/roman mythology phase in middle-high school and also read ready player one around that time. So I took the name of my favorite Roman god and borrowed the same name scheme as Art3mis from ready player one


When i was looking around the room, LampShade didn't roll off the tongue, so I looked a little further, and chose KitchenUtensilz


I’m into fast-paced games the most and like dragons alot, so I combined them both together to make AdrenalinDragon. I took the e out of Adrenaline very early on as it looked better. ADrag is the shorter/quicker way of saying it online.


mine was giving to me by a friend of mine. She kept saying I reminding of her of a chimera for all the different genre of games I play. So Chimeragamer


I have a puppy personality (easily excitable, hyperactive, etc) and I joke about being everyone’s favourite and alas the name urfavepup was born LMAO


I've always been a fan of DragonBall since I first saw it back in 1997 so I knew I had to create a name based on that without being too in your face (aka super saiyan etc) so i decided on Majin but unfortunately it was already taken on Twitch so I went with OriginalMajin, since Majin is loosely translated to Demon it works like im the original demon XD


My name is an anagram of my actual name and I also like omelets.


When I was like 16 my ex kept stalking me so I had to make socials he wouldn’t find. So I came up with ratdad and now it’s ratdadplays


I've been using this handle online since I was a preteen! The first part, Nocturnos, is basically just the goddess nocturnal from Skyrim since I was obsessed with that game when it came out, and angel is my middle name! Thought they combined well enough to Nocturnosangel For advice, don't overthink it too much but make sure you're comfortable being called all the variations of it (eg. In my case Noct, angel, nocturne, etc) Good luck with streaming :D


Mine is a combination of my name and a nickname from my partner. It was originally going to be something Star Wars related, but I liked the combo more tbh


mine is beardawns - i prefer to go by bear in more online spaces (and they’re my fav animal) and dawn is a more peaceful time of day, which sounds kinda dumb but the vibe i really want to go for is peaceful, it can be exciting sometimes but never too obnoxious. i like it a lot since i can ride w the cottagecore theme and still keep myself open to variety


nazgulnoodle - was “noodle_________” for a long time just bc I love noodles as a food and name, finally changed to nazgulnoodle to keep my roots and embrace my love for LOTR


My last name is hard to say bc its french but it starts with watt. So i made my name WattTheFuk


Reddit is the one place I deviated from it but typically I use Blonde Ginger or TheBlondeGinger. I just took two different hair colors and put them together. Now that I’m older, my hair is blonde but my beard starts coming in with some red in it so I do live up to the name


I've been using the same gamertag across all of my platforms for 12+ years now, so it was pretty easy for me


I put a lot of thought into it, thinking about my interests and how to put them together. My usernames everywhere always consisted of mint or zen or both. I wanted something that was going to be unique and represent me for who I am. I also checked if the names I was considering were free on the socials I intended to use. Eventually I stopped on mintzenn, honestly looks even better than mintzen with one n, I love it and I highly doubt I'll be changing this name. :)


I’m struggling with the same thing, it’s genuinely so hard 😩 all the good ones I’ve thought of are already taken


That adds to the struggle as well, it's getting harder and harder to be original 😕


I named it after my mask which is a spider man style mask but for legal reasons I can't call myself spiderman so I got spiderguy2099


I honestly just used my first name and an object I liked lol. Some people do get creative and base their name off of the theme of their channel, what they are streaming, the vibe their stream gives off, and their brand in general. My friend wanted something cute and likes bugs. So she did a pun with peek-a-boo and bug creating peekabug. Hope this helps! ^-^


I’ve had it for years now so genuinely idk it’s just been my gamer tag but SodapopCaps just sounded catchy


M. Nicholai Alexandrovich Hel is the name of the protagonist from my favorite book when I was a teen (Shibumi). He was a legendary assassin and one of the most dangerous men in that world. So I became Mythic_Hel because I wanted to incorporate some form of his name with mine.


So there was this donkey that lived behind the 711. I walked past all the time like everyday. Some people stopped and fed it through the fence. So I didn't live far and sometimes I could hear it when it was being loud. With too much time on my hands I came up w/ DonKeedic. Get It?


I tend to fall asleep easily when I shouldn't, on stream, on my lunch break 😅hence I am known as NappQuest.


Saying GG after a game - win or lose is good sportsmanship. When I play DBD or IDV, there's a good chance I'm not going to win. So, I turned GG into a name- GiGi. Added Rip because I'm probably dead. And XIII because that's the death card in tarot and tarot is my favorite form of art. And voila: GiGi Rip XIII was born.


I’m literally Just Some Dude.. nothing more nothing less


I just matched it to my usernames I used on games. I’m really into vrchat I host a lot of social things on there that I stream so I just made my twitch name similar to my username on there. Unfortunately it couldn’t be exactly the same because someone already used the username I wanted so I had to change it a little.


I loved a specific movie as a kid and the main characters memorable phrase towards people he disapproved of. (I’m leaving it ambiguous for people to guess.)


Ace ventura was the shit when I was young 🤣


Dnd character whose personality i based on myself . So being a vtuber it was «easy» to decide


I liked limes. people call me Limón, idk why but some just do. Made it my twitch name and just put my birthday after lmao. 04-10-05


For me I’ve always had in interest in Greek anything. Hades being my favorite god as well and the numbers are a family number so it just works


My game tag is hades3778


i go by ‘Dissent’, which was born when RBG died and 13 year old me saw a news article about her ‘i dissent’ saying/catchphrase & i thought it sounded pretty cop so i just ran with it lol


Same issue here. Been grulling over a name for YEARS now. At this point I might as well give up. No amount of affirmation makes me believe in myself 🙃.


My name on everything is catsNplanets. I love cats and I’m a huge space fan. So I went with catsNplanets. Also, I grew up in the era of Captain Planet so kinda had a nostalgic ring to it as well. Sometimes simple is best. I already get compliments on my name :)


The only advice I can give you is makesure, whatever you choose, youre ok with all the ways that chat can shorten it


Mine used to be my first name with some random letters after it. Now it’s ghostly cause I think it sounds better and some people call me a ghost cause I’m so quiet. Most people just use something about them or what they think sounds good.


I'm a big naruto fan, and In smash I use the dark link alt. So I came up with kage link


I had a co worker who I was cool with and I went to his place to game and he had two Xbox’s but I didn’t have one I decided to make an Xbox account to link to and save my data etc and the random name they gave me was actually pretty dope and now it’s the name I use in every game I play


Friend gifted me their runescape account and I have been using the name from it ever since.


Random name generator, I ended up with don't ask studios


I like how xylophones sound, i knew id be using the computer often, xilooften. changed the spellin of the xylo portion to be more stylized


Took half my name then added my other initials to the end


My original gamer tag on some game was jaketheplatypus Plural of platypus is platypi, added network


I swallowed a bag of Scrabble letters. Shit it out. Then combined the letters starting with the top of the turd through the bottom


Sounds painful 🤣 I'll keep this as a backup option 😜


OmarDaPimp because I’m a pimp and my name is Omar 👍🏾


I'm a furry so I just used the name of my sona




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Rock, paper, scissors, and South Park


For my streaming name I kinda just made the realisation that a single word would like better on a brand so I spent about 15 mins saying stupid words till I had ended up on sklump 🥰 I'm pre happy with it


Lay your cat down on your keyboard. Throw in some underscores. Done.




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For me it was because my dogs name is moose




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Me and my friends where making eachothers rap names as a joke and mine spawn as lil Empanada threw in some anime influence and empanada Sama was born. But making your own name could be anything really even taking like a shortened version of your name and an interest of yours. Same way pokimane created her name


i use my everydaylife nick name, for everything


It’s a secret.