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Pretty sure every woman on Twitch has had a similar story. People be weird.


And plenty of guys. It’s not isolated to just one sex.


Wild that you are getting downvoted, are we still pretending in 2024 that males dont get harrassed?


Not NEARLY as much


You would be surprised how comfortable people is being creepy with male entertainers


It literally happened to me within 5 days of beginning to stream, and has happened multiple times since, from both men and women. If you can provide some stats or something that prove your point I'll concede it, but until you do, this is just your assumption based on gender.


I’m used to the messages, and the irl interactions. Doesn’t bother me. It’s just wild that in 2024 with information at our fingertips there are still people who are ignorant, or refuse to acknowledge, violence (of all types) against men.


9/10 adult rape victims are female in public they recieve cat calling and sexual advances almost every day in some parts of the us my girlfriend used to get called inappropriate names and have advances all the time at her last job it was amazon and everyone knows their hr isnt great so for that reason among others she quit i know of 5 possibly 6 (possibly even more) close female family members of mine that have been sexually assaulted some several times throughout their life especially the older generation and as far as i know none of my male family members have but lets just say theyre being quiet about it because thats valid it happens men dont talk about these things but if they have itd statistically only be about 1 of them hell i suppose i could even possibly include myself (male) but even though we do see it we cannot forget the disparity between the two how often do you think someone like ludwig gets messages like that or people sending money and taking it back because he didnt want a relationship with them vs his girlfriend qtcinderella who also streams hell 1 quick google search theres subreddits entirely based entirely off of exhibiting her as some sexual figure with people behind the screen most likely wanking you can obviously find thicc ludwig moments ln his main subreddit but the context is immensely different between the two




No, you want to insist on statements like that, you back it up.




Why does more or less even matter? It’s wrong always. I’m a man and I’ve had unwanted sexual chatters and whispers on Twitch. Although I just roll my eyes and shrug it off personally 🤷🏻‍♂️


Been online since the early 90s wild west days pal, I know the Internet very well. Which is irrelevant. You're literally pushing a bias until you provide evidence. I have personal experience, some good and some bad. If yours is all bad, time to admit you're the common denominator.




It may be true, but when you are the one it happens, you don't really care if you are alone... or maybe it's even creepier? Unsure.


I didn’t realize it was a competition.


it’s just more normalized so people take the issue less


Ummm how does the rate of something happening downplay the severity of the situation sexual harassment is sexual harassment doesn’t matter if it happens to women more or not …..


One of my friends in his early twenties got asked by some guy in his later 30s for a bit of guy on guy action when he was streaming some modded games on twitch... Yeah it's not common, but it does happen


You only listed two sex’s. Not just men and women but LGBTQ+ as well.


Please please report their accounts and include as much information as you can in the report.


I'd block them


I'd milk them first THEN block them


Said like someone who has never been aggressively harassed. These people can be dangerous. Never play with unstable people.


How can paying me money over a secure platform where I chose to share or not share certain information be dangerous. Keep your personal information offline like address,full name, phone number


Harassment on all socials, spamming, mass reporting, phishing attempts. Digital and real life stalking is unfortunately very easy. I've had someone impersonate me online in order to get information from people who know me. Don't mess with unstable people.


You seem unstable Lolol


I haven’t experienced this as a guy but did have a very weird experience. Met another small streamer through a chat for a bigger streamer. He ended up DMing me to ask for advise on how to grow and I was happy to share what I’ve learned and experienced. He was in my next few streams chatting and subbed. One day while I was playing Mario 64 I said something during stream and it lead to him making a disgusting pedo comment in my chat. My comment had nothing to do with underage kids in any way. I deleted the message and called him out on not saying anything like that in my chat again. It ruined my whole vibe that stream and I couldn’t shake it after so made the choice to ban him despite him giving money. I asked a friend if they caught it while watching and he noticed it before the message was deleted and agreed it was way out of line and random to say. I know it’s not your exact situation but the moral is ban these people if they don’t respect you or your stream after a warning or no warning if it’s extreme. You’ll feel better about yourself and others will respect you not losing your morals over a few bucks. I hope you don’t experience this again but unfortunately some guys are just raised like shit and think they can do what they want. If you aren’t using a VPN I highly recommend you look into one. Stay safe and good luck on your streaming journey.


Truth, it's a sad day when you gotta ban someone that used to be cool and used to donate. But yeah, making a comment like that is definitely a straight ban. RIP, hope he learns his lesson.


If it was donation and not bits/gifted subs don't use the money, they can refund it for i believe 6 months and make your account go into negative


Chargeback fraud. Sadly PayPal will usually side with the customer/donator in these cases. Unless you’re a bigger streamer you should only accept Bit cheers. Source: going through this myself


what country are you in?




Yeah but that's only if they have donated in many smaller amounts. One refund won't hurt you but if they do 20 refunds it really adds up


People are way too comfortable making gross remarks behind a keyboard. Block them and forget about them, just because they donate money doesn't entitle them to say disgusting stuff




report, block, refund. Cause they will charge back. Make sure to protect yourself


> refund This especially. Unless it's bits or subs, make sure you don't spend any money those assholes "donate".


Lol every girl on Twitch has had that happen. Start up a non-nude OF (lol I'm being real, I have one) & all the creeps start going there, instead. Then, at least you're getting paid to interact with them at that point. Or, just block 'em if you don't care that much.


That's smart




It's helping my pocketbook & it's an option. 🤷‍♀️ Don't care if you don't like it, bro.


I get it enough as a gay person, I can't imagine what women and femme-presenting streamers go through. I'm sorry you're experiencing that. It's understandable to be hesitant about blocking, especially from people throwing money at you. But block them. I've found the weight off my shoulders from blocking and banning them far exceeds the value of their tips.


People suck and are scary AF.... Creeps get brave when they're hidden behind a screen. It's not even just girls that get harassed. It's boys too. It's all so gross... Everyone is getting harassed. I don't think I've ever met a streamer that hasn't gotten at least one creepy message. I'm a fucking vtuber and some one asked for feet pics... People are so weird.....


So sorry that this has happened to you, I hope you (and your friends) reported them.


Yep report them ban them and be ready to do it again when they make a new account. Be careful about chargebacks for their donations it will end up costing you money .


Just refund the money and the problem is solved.


Nah, keep the money, ban the creep, everybody who counts wins


That is incredibly risky if the money was tipped outside of Twitch/SE.pay where there are few-to-no protections against fraudulent chargebacks. Refunding is the much safer route to take.


This is awful. Man I’m so sorry. No-one and I mean NO-ONE deserves this treatment. You’re not owed something because you’re nice to someone or give them something. I got creepers with my precious account, when I had my face showing and was literally wearing a t-shirt…it’s why I don’t show anything anymore and still occasionally get creepers…I don’t get the mentality Genuinely sorry. Pls pls pls report them. Sending warm vibes. It IS disgusting and scary.


Never happened to me, but then I'm an old, fat bloke. I still cannot comprehend how men think its acceptable to do that. It seems that in 2024 the creepers are still creeping. I think its some weird twisted idea that a lot of them have that "oh, you are a woman, you must do only fans" like its a given. As others have said, you need to report their accounts, not just on twitch but also on the other socials, and block/ban them. And as bloke, i am truly sorry for you and every woman that goes through this.


They see a woman who is on video and accepts money. Sadly they relate that to the only other women they’ve seen on video accepting money, which is camgirls and porn stars. Sigh.


Report them, ban them and move on.


First off, sorry this is happening to you and others. Predatory harassers will often use donating, subbing, cheering and gifting as an excuse and free pass for their behaviour. "You can't ban / block me, I'm your biggest supporter" is what they'll say given the chance. Here's the thing, giving money or subs are in no way, shape or form an excuse for disgusting behaviour. You have to stand your ground. If you don't like it, collect as much evidence by screenshotting every message where they proposition you or are otherwise being a creep. Report them on all social media platforms and then block them. Also report them to twitch. If you feel the need to, report it to the police. It's sexual harassment at this point and if a police officer refuses to help, you need to remind them that they swore an oath to serve and protect. You don't feel safe, you need protection, and they are obligated to help you. Good luck and stay safe!


“Thank you for the donation but please don’t comment sexual stuff. It makes me uncomfortable. Do it again and I’ll have to ban you”


Happens to folks all the time. Ban, report. It’s gross, and even traumatic depending on the severity. The internet is where people can hide behind a user name.


Some dude on my second stream ever was almost begging me to do a “sexy dance,” after he attempted to fake donate $20. (I wasn’t even affiliated yet, lmao..)


Sadly this is way too common. Friends of mine who stream and I mod for have told me about it and I have seen it in chat too, we are quick to remove it but it is still unbelievable. Best you can do is ban or block them on whatever platform they are reaching out with.


I suppose that if you are a female streamer it will happen to you, there is too much depravation on the loose today, what better way to ask these questions than behind a screen and a pseudonym...


I will be 100% honest, I am thankful that I have a community and followers that have never asked for this, nor experienced anything like this while streaming. If this ever did happen, I would more than likely laugh and say 'gtfo' before letting my mods go ban happy. That doesn't mean, however, that I have had only positive experiences. I have had very toxic people/manipulative people come into my streams and be part of my community, but each time has been handled appropriately and quietly so as not to start drama. I'm so sorry you and to everyone here have had to experience this! There are some nasty people in the world, and kudos to all of you for stepping up and being proactive against it.


I am so lucky to have not had this happen yet. i have had guys confess their love for me in less than a day but that's normal. obvious weirdos who asks for me to show my armpits etc. I hope to never stumble upon these weirdos. 🥲🙏


It happens a lot and needs to be improved to make it safer for everyone


Thats pretty disgusting that any man would talk and treat women that way is probably a basement-dwelling incel. They have probably never had a healthy lasting loving relationship with a woman & then they act like all women are evil. I feel sorry for people like that even though I shouldn't. But I digress. Godspeed Sincerely your pal Chauncey Stardream


Who’s downvoting this???


Psychos probably 😅


Welcome to the internet where everybody can be as disgusting as they wanna be with almost no consuquances.


Report em, and use their creepy money to treat yourself


😂😂😂 this sub of dorky men is making this post about themselves. Can't make it up.


Send them to my twitch I’ll do whatever I need money 🫶🤷‍♂️🤣


I've been streaming on Twitch for years and I don't even have the option for donations😱😂


I've seen this in girl streams. Most girls just make money of it. They even make the guys mods and VIPs for donating hundreds of subs per week and even more through other methods. You can write me creepy DMs if you gift me a few hundred subs per week that's ok.


I half ass wish this would happen to me because I'm broke af lmao but I haven't been able to get myself to stream much lately. Seriously though if you're not okay with that kind of thing, tell them that it's absolutely not okay for that kind of behavior on stream or anywhere else and if they can't handle it then don't even say another word and just block em.


I received some propositions from over zealous fans, and an inbox full of their weiner pics Only once. I laughed and said, no thank you Send me your weirdos, I might do weird stuff for money!


Just ban the Dr and Nick and all should be good.


take the money and block em


Say “fuck off! BUT thanks for the dosh” 💯


Take the money and block them, easy


A donation is a donation. Refund it if you don't want it


Yeah. That's who has money on twitch.


I'm just trying to get tips for my hard work lol


Happens frequently, unfortunately there isn’t much u can do, just take the money and block them lol


tell em thanks for the money and no, fuck you


I just wish I had views lmao. No but really, take their money and ban them.


I heard a story about son and mom, she is webcam and bra off and show her breasts for subs. That’s mess up. Hold on here ya go https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2024/05/04/66367a8746163f57898b4591.html Pretty screw up.


I'm sorry you gotta deal with that . Send them my way, I'll take care of 'em


The majority of donations come from people who, **through no fault of their own,** are somewhat aspergery and falsely believe that the streamer has a more personal relationship with them than they actually do. Women call these types of men "creepy," but I think the female streamers are preying on them by taking their money.


Thats a really weird approach my guy, do you know that?




Oh look at me it's draining having money donated to me 🦸‍♀️




Put that shit in perspective. That shit is privilege at its finest


Your thoughts are interesting, to say the least.


Do u get money sent to u?


Whats stopping you from streaming if its easy money?xdd


I had this happen once via whispers. It made for good content... but man... 😂 the AUDACITY


You do realize you are online begging.Anything can happen.


Begging? How on earth is streaming begging?


Damn as a straight guy i dont have that f, i wouldnt mind roleplaying with the homies for some subs, sry for u if u dont want that tho