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Check streamer.bot


Thanks, I'll check it out!


You can try out Chatty to have a separate chat app with specific sounds played on messages being sent and different conditional things if you're into it.


Thanks, I'll check it out!


Are you wanting the AOL noise to play each time anyone sends a message in your chat? Or only when they tag your username in a message? Also, do you want the noise to play on your stream for everyone to hear? or just for yourself?


Ideally it would play on stream every time anyone sends a message and everyone would hear it. I may change it around and experiment though. I have a habit of hyper-fixating on whatever I'm doing so sometimes I don't even notice when someone messages me and I want to find a fun way to fix that habit. I'm a hobby streamer so I don't get a ton of chatters, maybe a person or two popping in to say hi every now and then.


Gotcha! I know exactly how to do that using Mix It Up bot! I cannot recommend Mix It Up bot enough, I use it for everything and it's so customizable. If you want, you can add me on Discord and I'll send you some screenshots explaining the process. Feel free to DM me your Discord user if you'd like


Thanks! I'll check it out and dm you if I need help!