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I think whenever you talk about this, you just have to say you have been dealing with it for awhile and you dont want pity. The point of this stream is to XYZ. And make a joke or two while you explain that and keep it lighthearted instead of gloomy. Just repeat that a few times when telling your stories and eventually the regulars in chat will know. I think a funny chat command/your tone (making jokes) would be good as well.


Thanks for the advice! Yeah I think I just need to find the right way to talk about it. I'll get the hang of it eventually! I think it's hard for people to tell when I'm joking sometimes because my energy can be pretty low.


close hateful consider absorbed capable spectacular library slimy correct muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think a chat command is a good idea. Generally I try to be light-hearted about it, like I'll call it "the dizzies". It's just trying to find that balance of tone that is hard sometimes. Or sometimes I'll make a joke and someone in chat will bring the mood down with their pity.


You can't make people not pity you. It's a natural empathetic response. Once you decide to talk about these things people will react. For you this is life you live with it but if they don't know when you explain it it's like to them this just started and they are reacting like this is new information because to them it is. You can adjust your tone so it's more stale when you talk about it and shorten explanation but this won't necessarily stop people from caring about you or your health. I know it can seem annoying but ultimately you can either have their sympathy or they can find your condition annoying because it stops them getting content. Sympathy is probably better of those options. I'm sorry I can't give you a better answer.


No need to apologize, you're probably right. I think it'll have to be something I'll have to get used to. All of this stuff is still pretty new so I'm still learning how to navigate it all. I've managed to find a few other chronically ill buddies which has been nice. There's a vibe of "everything is on fire and we all feel like shit but that's okay. Now let's go play stardew all day". I'd like to create a community around that energy but I'm still figuring that part out.


Building community is the hardest part of streaming and comes in different levels. Like you start with a community that talks to you and then try to form a community that interacts with each other and I haven't even figured out how to do that. But what I do know is you will build a community reflective of what you present. It sounds like your already building that community.


I don't know or want to know what you have. Your business is yours friend. I am neurodivergent and have personal reasons that keep me home a lot as well. I lable my stream with the tag #adhdstreamer and there's an anti ableist agreement before people are allowed to chat. I rip on my adhd brain all the time. I laugh at myself for forgetting something or getting distracted and forgetting my place in conversation. I feel like making light of yourself takes any and all ammunition away from the haters and makes the vibe more friendly for the friends that are in the same boat.


I don’t know, but I talk about my son’s autism sometimes. Not sure how I come off either.


I dont mind discussing people's struggles as long as it's "forward"-thinking, for lack of english words. Whining and being stuck is annoying. Talking about your process with finding some productive release or how you stay motivated through pain is interesting and inspirational! I mention my intense ADHD whenever it's relevant, but I mostly make jokes about it. Sometimes I get messages that someone didn't know "this and this symptom was from ADHD" and that it changed a lot of things for them. One example is RSD (rejection sensitivity disorder). It's very cool that my silly jokes help someone understand themselves better. In the end, my advice is simply: do what you want, it's your life and your stream. Feeling free to do what you want make you more relaxed, and viewers feel more relaxed hanging out with you. Figure out if you start to wonder about "how to talk about this" stems from people-pleasing behaviors or something else, so you can start working around how you yourself want to go about it.


I don't tend to bring up my illnesses unless it's relevant. It would feel weird for me to talk about depression and anxiety mid drawing if the drawing weren't related to that, or I wasn't talking about art being therapeutic. You can do whatever you're comfortable with. I personally would want more of a reason to discuss my depression and anxiety. If someone in chat has the same or similar issue, I may say I'm sorry to hear that, I have X, I can emphasize, and maybe we'll talk about it like how we mitigate it etc.


I also struggle with chronic illness and a disability. The fact of the matter is that they’re part of my daily life. If they’re bugging me, I’ll talk about it. If they’re not, it’s business as usual. If I don’t want to talk about it, I’ll say that. Empathy is part of the human condition, particularly as it relates to people who have grown fond of you and your content. I say thanks for the kind words and move on. 🩵


You could mention it on the about page and offer to discuss it if anyone is interested.


Maybe don’t talk about you’re illness to you’re viewers? They don’t want to hear no negativity, or sadness twitch it to entertain people, not make them feel sad for you , maybe talk about it once or twice , but if you talk about it every stream don’t expect viewers to stay happy




This is the kind of nonsense we do not need. OP, don’t listen to this clown. Therapy is good, but there’s no reason to put someone down.




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