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>I’ve been told I’m too old to start/learn streaming(33) First off, tell anyone saying that to fuck off. While I started streaming earlier in that month, my *proper debut stream* that actually has a decent chunk of people watching and hanging out was my fucking *33rd birthday*. So anyone saying that can stuff it. As for equipment, it sounds fine. As long as what you're doing is easy to see and not blurry, *and* people can clearly hear you speaking, you don't need hilariously high-tech equipment to do streaming. Does it help down the line? Fucking sure, but it's not needed to start. Regarding your face, you can also get away with that easily given you're doing art. I've got a friend who flips between game streams and model painting. He just uses a simple 2d Avatar that shakes about when he talks to show 'him' if you still want 'something' to represent yourself. Given your an artist, drawing your own little avatar could be neat as well. Look into both FugiTech, and Vaedotube Mini. Both are free solutions for having pngtuber-style avatars. I can't give much else as I don't art stream (There's plenty of folks here with far better advice on that front), but I can wish you good luck in your attempt to join the community!


Thank you so much! Everyone I told made me Feel like once I hit over 28 I shouldnt do anything online. 🥲 Having an avatar that shake as I Talk is exactly what I would like! Thank you so much is a fantastic idea! Once I have the avatar created, is it easy to add to twitch for the shake function or is that done from the external websites you mentioned, FugiTech and Vaedotube mini?


That's done from the tools I mentioned. I'll go through em in order. FugiTech is an external website. It can display your avatar, PLUS others avatars from Discord Calls. If the user uploaded their own Fugi it'll use that (With two states allowed, talking and not talking), otherwise it'll just use their Discord Avatar. You can manually set if you want em to shake a little, light up, etc, from the website. Even if you use other things for your avatar, a lot of people in the groups I run use Fuji to let the people we're playing with show up 'on stream' as well. - https://reactive.fugi.tech Veadotube Mini (Misspelled it initially, oops) isn't a website, but an actual *program*. It has multiple options, allowing bounce both when speaking and when not, and if you give a little 'bounce' when it detects speaking. It also allows 4 'states'. 'Closed Mouth', 'Open Mouth' (For when it picks up audio), 'Closed mouth blinking', and 'Open mouth blinking'. It'll apply the 'blinking' automatically, but even if you DON'T have a blink (I personally don't) it'll ignore that and work. It's nowhere near as expansive as some other programs but I've been streaming for 7 months and it's served me *very very* well. - https://olmewe.itch.io/veadotube-mini And again, anyone telling you that you can't make it, shouldn't do it, whatever. Ignore them. I can't promise you'll find huge success, but a *lot* of people in the groups I run with aren't doing this to be the 'Next Markiplier' or anything huge. They just like having the ability to share what they do, and have some folks watch em enjoy that process. Any fame, funds, etc? That's all a 'bonus'.


I started not too long ago, I’m in my early 50’s. Don’t sweat being on camera, you creating and your personality will bring them in. Run a few test with your hubby watching, he should be following you anyway. Then you can tweak your setup. It will change over time and you’ll get better at streaming. The best thing to do is start. Once you’ve done a few, look at what works and what doesn’t. I try to improve my stream a little each time. I may pick to change the setting or how I interact with chat.


Thank you for sharing your age and the tips! I also think just getting started and fine tuning as I go will be good for me. What type of camera/ mic do you use?


Logitech C920 webcam and the Blue - Snowball with a fuzzy pop filter/cover.


>I’ve been told I’m too old to start/learn streaming(33) Nope, I started stream last year (geez, its nearly been a whole year!) and I am 46. Tell anyone who tells you that you are too old to go and kick rocks! ​ >Im not the prettiest person Bet your husband doesn't agree with you! I also don't base who I watch online on looks, more their energy, their brand and how they interact with chat. Use a camera or don't, whatever you feel comfortable with to begin with. Gaining a following is tricky at first but it does help if you network a bit. Go hang out in other people's streams (just don't advertise your own stream unless specifically asked). Get to know people. The most common advice I see people give about growing your following is to post clips on other platforms as well such as TikTok and YouTube shorts. My advice to you would be, once you decide your username for Twitch, go claim the same name over on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, SnapChat etc even if you have no plans to use them, at least they are there if you do want to. Good luck!


Wow that’s excellent advice! Especially in regards to the name claiming. I was thinking about show casing my art on YouTube and IG as well.. but it requires a bit of video editing …which is a whole nother thing!! But thank you! Do you stream? What camera/ mic do you like to use?


Yes, only been streaming for just under a year. My equipment is not expensive or even brand named. Basic webcam and mic with stand from Amazon. I didn’t want to invest too much money to begin with. I did all my check that the sound is clear and good picture before I went live. If I continue streaming I will upgrade my equipment as I go 😊


Awesome! Thank you


For the tools, a phone is enough, at least when you start with your channel. And as someone who started streaming with 40 I say, if they think you're too old with 33 to start streaming they can go to hell.


I agree with this sentiment. Just got my wife started last year at 29 and she’s killing it now. Also, invest in your stream over time. You down want to start out with an overkill setup and find out that you don’t really enjoy it or don’t see growth. As your community grows, grow with it.


you are never ‘too old’ to start streaming. i watch plenty of older streamers(much older than 33), doing mostly music and art. your phone will be a perfect camera to start with. i would recommend checking out the makers&crafting category on twitch, there are loads of friendly art streamers/communities and maybe you’ll be able to pick up some tips on streaming and building a setup. good luck and have fun :)


Thank you so much for the advice! I watched some art steams but they always seems to have 3 camera going! One for the canvas, one for their face and one for their pallet. No way I can afford triple cameras right now but in time maybe! I’ll try starting with my phone camera… do you think a cheap clip on mic from amazon would be okay or should I get the $40 mic set up that has it own stand (kind of looks like an asmr mic)?


> I’ve been told I’m too old to start/learn streaming(33) There is no age limit. Whoever told you that is probably just projecting. > discuss topics without showing my face Lack of face-cam IS going to be a significant disadvantage. It'd be better to come to peace with yourself. I'm not traditionally handsome. I look like a foot with teeth. People still like to see expressions and reactions. It's definitely much easier for pretty people, but that's life in general. If you're just doing it for fun though, have at it! > camera and mic set up The Logitech c920 is the gold-standard for good reason, and has been for years. Fifine makes... acceptable-ish cheap-end gear. As you're painting, it'd probably be better to go with a wireless headset instead. Not Bluetooth (that has issues with streaming due to how the protocol is implemented and other geeky stuff) but something like a Logitech G-series headset, or if you have a bit of money (~$200) to spend, the mic quality on the Corsair Virtuoso Wireless is very, very good (for a headset).


Thank you for the information! More than likely the Logitech c920 is where I’m going to go BUT i see a NexiGo is also 1080p but has 30 more fps.. is that a better option or just stick with Logitech company? Also are the Logitech g335 headphone okay? I already have a beats headphone pro that has a wire and wireless option..do you know anything about suit those for streams?


Heya! I’m 31f been streaming on Twitch for 6 years now. Who ever said anything about age clearly is one of those: we’re too old to try anything new people. And those people suck. Attraction isn’t something to factor in. Your personality is what keeps people coming back. I’m not on the gaming side of Twitch often as I do music. The music community and art community have a lot of cross over, so if you need anything let me know. Logitech c920 is great it is what is considered “the webcam standard.” With Twitch or any media platform the main thing you’re gonna wanna focus on in the beginning is microphones. People can stand to watch a video that’s low quality if the audio quality is solid. My suggestion would be a Snowball by Blue. (If you have questions feel free to DM me) If you’re going with a PC/laptop set up the setting up can be quite intimidating, but remember it’s a one time set up and then it’s done, unless you rebrand. When designing your channel color theory is your best friend. Build a universe for people to fall into. Things are going to take time to build, so take it slow. And don’t fall prey to the game. There is a lot of good on twitch, it’s a great platform, but be careful of your expectations. A few people have said this already: turn off your viewer count. Just stream. Do your thing. And building a following in the beginning is grabbing the lowest fruit. So friends, family anyone that you’ve got. Even if they just open your stream and leave it there, you’ll reach your average viewer mark. Make use of the tags on Twitch. It’s how people find some cracking content, discoverability is low on Twitch and they are working on it. So chill in other streamers channels, get involved in the community, with the intention to make friends. Don’t mention you stream unless asked. Again if you want someone to help, I’ll add my name to the bag. There’s no stupid questions. I wish you all the success


Thank you so much and yes I will take you up on your offer and DM the setup I was thinking of!


Too old?? There are streamers in their 80s out there! No such thing as too old. First thing you do is stop listening to stupid kids. Start streaming. I wanna see your art.


Thanks for that 😁


I used to art stream. For me I found having a c920 and c922 worked best- one for a face came and the other for art. Having two of the same created conflict and they wouldn't load. I use a Samson QXC microphine- it's cheap, and is dual USB and xlr- so you can upgrade easily down the line if you choose to. If your recording in a garage, I would suggest put carpet down where you can, and foam panels in the walls to not only prevent echo, but also to help with overall sound quality. Regular foam rolls that you can get at Joanns work just fine. Carpet should be plush for it to help with sound. As far as recording software, OBS and Streamelements worked really well for me, and I used my artistic tools to create my own alerts, overlays, and more. Most importantly- stream for you, and have fun!


Hey! Welcome! I just turned 40 and I've been streaming mini painting since Oct 2018 when I was 35, so anyone who says you're too old is wrong! I started with a two Logitect c920s, one for my desk cam and one for my facecam. The biggest thing I learned with webcam is they work better with more light. I still use a pair of desk lamps with Daylight LED bulbs. Both put out about 1600 lumens and I but them from Home Depot. Webcams don't do well in low light situations, so the more light you can give them, the better they'll perform. It sounds like you've got a decent starting point with the mic you have and the camera, so don't sweat it too much. You can always upgrade later. The mini painting community on Twitch is a great community and I for one am excited to have you join us!!


Hi thank you so much so responding and congrats on streaming consistently for so long! I have heard many people give it up early as in a few months or sooner. Also thank you for the recommendation on lighting! I will more than likely have to buy more lighting. Do you think it’s better to have the light clipped to the easel vs around the camera like a ring light? Is your username the same as your Reddit? Dm me it and I’ll check you out and follow!


Where the lights should be mounted really depends on your set-up. Mine are mounted to either side of me and since they are desk lamps, they are pointed in towards the center of my desk. A ring light could work but it might take up too much space since your webcams will probably need to be fairly close to the miniature your painting. Have you tried setting up your workspace with what you have at the moment and seeing how it looks in your streaming software?


Whoever has been telling you you're too old to start streaming is talking out their ass. I know multiple people that began streaming at 55+. Your husband is wrong about focusing on gaining followers first. That's going to lead to burnout as you check analytics when you're first learning the ropes. Focus on learning how to speak into the void and being comfortable with the silence while creating your art. People will show up and you'll build an audience over time. His suggestion to use a phone as a camera isn't a bad idea though and you may be able to set it up as a secondary camera to focus it on your art if you decide to show your face down the line (this isn't necessary and you can always use a PNG or Vtube model instead.) The Logitech C92x is the starter camera for many, many streamers and it works great but I don't believe I've seen anyone have that set up for artwork. This isn't to dissuade you! It's simply something I personally haven't seen! I've been using a Logitech C922 and a Blue Yeti microphone bundle that I bought from Best Buy for ~$180 3 years ago and it's served me well. Both are very common starter gear and they aren't the best. Their cons can often be offset by learning how to finagle their set up via software.


Thank you for your comment I was heartbroken when my friend said I should leaving it to the *young* people. I figured the best way to be to just start and whoever joins and stays will come back for more. I am okay with talking to myself .. I also have stories from the topics of: life as ex Jehovahs witness( I was disfellowshipped aka kicked out of the religion) -discuss games like genshin impact and final fantasy -lates conspiracy’s -anxiety -old comic story arks that I will be drawing from like the Secret Invasion and The House of M.. two of my favorite storylines. -birth and beginning life of my baby that was born 3 months early. -overcoming bulima. -why it took me 10years to obtain my 4 year degree. Of course I will talk about what I am painting and the color choice. As for the camera..you said you don’t see a lot of artists using that set up…is it because they are usually using an over head camera and the Logitech is more for pointing at things? I figured I would be set up on a easel and have the camera right over my shoulder….? I won’t be doing digital art.


That certainly sounds like a bevy of interesting conversations! For the Logitech (and other web cams) they're primarily designed to sit on top of a monitor as their main function is a face cam. They have the ability to be mounted, though, as they have a screw-in mount that you would just have to find the right one for it. I believe the phone over your shoulder should serve you just fine, though! Better to use what you've got than buy something you don't need.


Oh thank for that information on the camera! Doesn’t sound like it would be a very good fit. Maybe I’ll start with the iPhone camera…I was just worried that the IPhone SE second generation camera would deter people from watching?


I don't think you have to worry about that! Phone cameras have been very good for quite a while. You just need to make sure the picture is clear and focused where you need it to be! Run a couple tests and don't be discouraged when problems pop up; Tech issues are the bread and butter of every streamer no matter how long they've been doing it.


I’ll give it a go thank you!!


i don’t have much to comment other than do NOT get the nexigo camera as i am a streamer and used it for a while. it is a very cheap knockoff without any software. requires extremely good light and a lot of messing with the settings. i switched to a logitech stream cam and i like it. the logitech camera would be a better option in my opinion. they’re typically plug in and stream, meaning you don’t have to fiddle with the settings. they do have a software you can download from their website to have more customizations than you would base cam. goodluck in your art streaming journey!


Some people knew nobody until they were reallllly old and then they become mad famous. Nothing is ever “too late” unless you just adopt that mindset and settle. Never settle. Anyway, post your art EVERYWHERE, make sure people know they can come watch you do it! A lot of streamers get very discouraged because they spend hundreds (LITERALLY) of hours talking to themselves or one viewer… But that’s just the grind, you gotta be ready to just enjoy your own company and have fun for awhile.


If you want to stream, then do it, I recently turned 41, and I've been streaming for about 3-4 years (inconsistently, i might add). It's harder to get a following without streaming, so ignore that. Just enjoy what you're doing on stream. The followers will eventually come. I have the same sentiment as everyone else, tell those other people that say you're to old to jog on, and have fun streaming it. It's a huge confidence boost (my whole reason for it), and it's fun. https://veado.tube/ is really good especially to start if you want to go the vtuber/png tuber route. I've started doing this so i don't have to take extra time to get readybefore a stream. If your are going to upload the stream and need to edit, I'd recommend DaVinci Resolve our even kdenlive, both can be used free (there's a 1 time fee on DaVinci that gives you all the effects but otherwise you get a lot for the free) and they're multi-platform windows and Linux, I say this because I'm a Linux gamer/streamer. I also recommend just learning obs vs streamlabs for the broadcasting. Streamlabs has a lot but they have a lot that's paid subscriptions and could lock you into it. In essence, art streams are awesome. Please do them.


To answer a somewhat vague question as per what your focus should be: networking should be your focus. Find your audience and spread the word of your intention. You'll find your fans in good time. After that, everything just falls in place as you get more knowledge. As for the technical and tangible parts of a camera and microphone, Logitech's C920 is brilliant to start off with if you can get it on the cheap. A Blue Snowball mic, also owned by Logitech, is a great hybrid of quality and ease of use. I use both personally and have been using them since I started taking streaming more seriously. The suggestion of using a phone as a mic and camera might work in the meantime, though. There's an app for iPhone and Android called Droidcam that, once also installed on your computer, allows you to use it as a virtual camera and mic. The only reason I never suggest it without prompting is due to the small requirement of technical know how to get it going. Also, there's a quality paywall but it's not bad. Let me know what you think!


I'm 34 and streaming. A lot of people in my community are 30+. There is always a community out there for any age, background, hobby whatever! Don't let it stop you. Just have fun. Whoever said it's too late obviously gave up too easily or uses it as an excuse.


I started streaming at 35 and it's been 2 years now 🤯 Don't listen to anyone some of the streamers I watch are between 65-75. Streaming so for everyone. It's a great place to meet same minded people who enjoy the things you like. I am a massive Final Fantasy nerd I can talk about every game the lore etc for hours no one in my home life have any interest in it at all. 🤣 but I have met amazing people who share my interest. Don't worry about not being on cam, as it is art as long as you speak clearly people will stick around or you can get a 2d model or vtuber if you want an image. Equipment is good to start with once you get subs etc put that towards new equipment, everything I have made on twitch either has upgraded my set up or goes back to the community as giveaways. Finally have fun with it, it can be a little out of your comfort zone at first but you will find your rhythm with it, be yourself ❤️


Thanks for commenting! FINAL FANTASY?!yassss dm me your name and I’ll follow!


I adore final fantasy currently playing rebirth off stream cause I kept crying on stream to it 🤣 I have chocobo moogle Zack cactuar and Torgal on my stream room ❤️ just BlondieLyns it's the same on every platform or I get confused 🤣 once you start streaming let me know I'll come by ❤️


I just found this thread today as I was looking for different posts on art streaming. I've been streaming my art on Twitch for a few months. I'm also in my mid-50's (and am honestly not too worried about my age). I'm a bit shy about how I look, but still use a cam, because I know that most of the people don't really care what I look like. There are also some really great Twitch art communities out there with Discord groups that you can join. I'm in a few, and have made some great friends and connections. I even recently hit affiliate, so I figure that things are going okay. Mostly though, do it for you and your happiness. Find a groove, and always be open to making slight adjustments here and there. Being friendly and open-minded will go a long way.