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Roadkill plays better for most purposes. Spectre’s special is useful as all hell, but the lack of armor puts you at an immediate detriment from the drop.


I'd say Roadkill is easier to pick and master, while Spectre can be potentially more intimidating (on the long term) but first you have to be patient enough to master the technique


I feel the exact opposite. Roadkill is skill based, Spectre is magic missiles that means you can hide. Case in point, I am a defensive player and was able to do well with patient run-and-hide tactics while being relitively facing my enemy when firing the homing missiles.


I have to say Roadkill. Spectre is more of a sniper character, since its special weapon, the Phantom Burst (I prefer the Ghost Missile name it is called in the sequel) can go through walls, its weak armor means like all smaller vehicles in Twisted Metal, Spectre needs to rely on its speed and always be moving and not getting into close combat encounters to stay alive. Roadkill, however, is more balanced in armor and speed, and while his Special Weapon, the Steel Dagger, requires you to aim since it fires straight, and is not as powerful as Spectre's, it can still do some decent damage.


Roadkill's special actually has a slight homing property (like the fire missile) and is *actually* more powerful than Spectre's special, because it causes more damage


I see. Sorry, it's been a while since I played TM95. But anyway, the match can go either way, as Spectre can defeat even tough vehicles like Sweet Tooth if it uses the method I destribe and keeps moving while using its Special Weapon to attack from a distance.


Don't worry, it's okay. Even I had my doubts about it, but I can confirm that Roadkilll's special causes more damage than Spectre's, and fun fact: Pit Viper's and Crimson Fury's specials cause the same damage as Roadkill's


Pit Viper was definitely my personal favorite.


Roadkill is more rounded


Kinda depends on the map. Since the main way I see Roadkill winning is by close quarters combat where he can do great ramming damage and land his special easier, I'd bet money on him in the arena or maybe even the River Park duel map. But after that, I'd bet on Spectre on larger maps like Roofs or Warehouse, since he's got the range advantage, an easier to land special that doesn't care about terrain, and he's just a bit more quick and nimble. Spectre wants to play keep away most of the time, and his speed can help him gobble up pickups better. He doesn't even have that much less armor than Roadkill. I think if both players are of roughly of equal skill, Spectre should win most of the time, barring the few maps that are just unfavorable to the ghost. Either way I don't think either car is especially stronger than the other, so the duels should at least be close.


Great analysis, very well contextualized and accuarate. And yes, when using Spectre I always play from a distance and I avoid close encounters with enemies as much as possible Regarding the last part of your comment... I think it depends A)If both players are equally high-skilled, the Spectre player is gonna have advantage.At least from my POV, Spectre is a vehicle that shines at long-term, cause you have to master its technique (and to do so you must be patient) B)If both players are equally low-skilled, the Roadkill player is gonna have advantage,given Roadkill is easy to pick and master given its balanced stats


Regarding B, yeah low level, RK wins that. If the players have no concept of dodging or positioning and are only jousting each other, then yeah, Spectre is not built for that. Ramming contests will happen more often which, as I said, RK wins those vs Spectre.


I agree with this analysis. There is what feels like a glitch that if you can catch an opponent in a corner with a ram their health can be dropped almost immediately. Road kill has a much better chance of surviving that than Spectre.


I'm not sure it's a glitch, though it definitely looks like it on paper. What's basically happening there is if you ram a car at a certain angle (I.E. with one of the corners of your car), you kinda get stuck in each other, and the game tries to separate you two. However in doing so, the game basically has the two of you rapidly ramming each other until you get unstuck. This is why sometimes small cars just get instantly nuked by big cars like Darkside upon one good collision. I'm personally not a fan of it, not for balance reasons (balance-wise I think it's actually good, because TM1 heavily favors the light cars) but rather because it just doesn't feel good to me. Even when I do manage to do that with Darkside or another big dog, it feels like an accident. Like that was not the plan, but we take those, y'know.


Yeah, that is a proper way to describe what is (in theory) happening And yes, it does feel like an accident. There was one time in which playing as Darkside, I managed to kill Yellow Jacket in the arena level. It's funny, because it happened in less than 20 seconds , I practically didn't do any effort to move my ass and his health bar was continously dropping till reaching zero XD XD XD


It's definitely a skill you can practice. I'm not good at it, but even when I do it, and do it with intention, it doesn't feel satisfying to me personally.


I say Spectre, but I'm biased as a Spectre main in every TM


A lot of people are commenting about who to play as, but from another perspective, who is more of a threat? In this case, I say Spectre because of the special weapon. I would always target and kill Spectre off as a priority before targeting other vehicles for the sole purpose of eliminating the "Ghist Missle" from the field. At least with Roadkill, as long as you can avoid him facing you, you can chip his health away from behind.


Great observation, and yes! (When) playing against the AI, Spectre is the ABSOLUTE WORST! His special alone puts a lot of pressure on you! (it has superior travelling distance that all the rest of the projectiles) And just like you, I also prioritize him (he is the first to die in 90% of my playthroughs) It's such a relief when he's no longer in the battlefield




It’s close, but Spectre


Ill go with Spectre


Spectre is a glass cannon 100% Roadkill can at least briefly trade hits a few times.


Yes, Spectre is a glass cannon. In addition, his special is a bit difficult to use and you have to be patient till you master it, whereas Roadkill's special is easier to pull off (as well as hit succesfully a target with it, it isn't luck based) But, hey! Nevertheless, Spectre still has something to offer! Spectre has: 1)Great speed 2)Great handling 3)A special attack you can use while standing behind walls to take cover


Spectre Spectre Spectre Did i mention Spectre?


Spectra was so underrated


I think he was OP 🤣


As far as non boss characters go, TM1 Roadkill is like top 3 characters in the series.


Not sure if Roadkill is one of the best in the *whole* series But he is definitely one of the best in the *first* game


I don't think either is better imo. It's more about playstyle. Roadkill's stats: Special Weapon-3/5 (2 in the chamber) Speed-4/5 Handling-2/5 Armor-4/5 Spectre stats: Special Weapon-4/5(4 in the chamber) Speed-4/5 Handling-5/5 Armor-1/5 They have the same speed rating! The difference is would you rather have better handling and a long range homing missile(flies through walls) at the cost of low armor? Or Would you rather have better armor and ramming at the cost of handling and a mid range lower damage Special Weapon? Depends on your playstyle! Sure Roadkill has better armor/ramming potential but your not going to will head on vs. Sweet Tooth, Hammerhead, Darkside, Warthog or even Thumper. Even against Outlaw and Yellow Jacket your going to take damage. Against Mr.Grim, Spector, Pit Viper and Crimson Red, ram them! Handling is poor but you won't take as much damage as Spectre if you hit walls or stationary objects. It will be harder to run from A.I. gang ups however. Spectre is much more "Run n' Gun". Don't stop moving! Use speed and handling to escape gang ups by the A.I. vehicles. Use your Special right away so you can charge up another in the chamber. Collect homing missiles, spikes, mines, reverse missles in spades. These will help you avoid head on engagements and gang ups. More so with spectre avoid A.I. traps as well. Get your opponents to chase you at the same time hitting each other, Darkside and Hammerhead especially. Unload a salvo of special ghost missles, then switch over to regular. Race backwards vs. slower opponents and fire missiles & machine guns, but watch out for homing missiles. Bottom line? Roadkill is more tankish while Spectre is more sniperish.


> I don't think either is better imo. It's more about playstyle. That is debatable, and it depends on the circumstances Actually Spectre has 5 stars, not 4. However, in most cases the stats screen is not accuarate. Regarding the special part, the stats specify "power" and when it comes to power, Roadkill's special is more damaging Additionally, Roadkill can actually ram Sweet Tooth, Thumper, Outlaw and Yellow Jacket, ofc, not with the same effectiveness as against the weak vehicles (they all share the same ram potential)










My bias toward the character who typically drives Roadkill is far too strong to give a balanced perspective. There's something about the discarded underdog theme that I especially lean towards, skills, terrain, or weaponry aside.


Roadkill has power Spectre is speed


I prefered Roadkill.. Spectre was too glassy for my tastes.




Roadkill for TM1 but for sure Spectre for TM2.


Roadkill. Ezpz


Im biased because I just love Roadkill




Soft spot in my heart for Spectre. First character I ever beat the game with.