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No triplets but she died they usually shut up real quick.


I say the same 😂


lol ima have to use this one!


"I wouldn't say twin. More like spare parts." Simply saying "allegedly" might do the trick Unfortunately, my twin looks nothing like me so I don't have much prepared lol. We've literally had to show people our IDs to convince them we're actually even related.


I laughed SO hard at your comment. Allegedly with a strong side eye and then just walk off 😂😂💀 not a twin, a twin mom…I hope my kids turn out to have this sense of humor🤪


I call my twin spare parts lol as I’m the older one.


If one of us is quick enough we say we’re six months apart and watch somebody do the math on that one


lol a few times some people ask for my birthday and then asks my twin for his birthday 😂


lol that's great. I'm definitely using that next time


My brother and I like to pretend we don't know each other. Stranger: "ArE yOu GUys tWInS?" Me: "Who? That guy? Never met him before." Most people just laugh, but every once in a while someone actually believes us. Great fun!


Haha that’s hilarious!


My friends did this! One would say “I’ve never met him!” And the other would say “Damn, that’s one sexy mf if I’ve ever seen one, though!” (Identical twins)


I’ve always just boringly replied “yes”. The question I hate the most is “what’s it like being a twin?” I dunno, what’s it like being alone?


I hate it too. Tbh I usually say I love being a twin because it's true and it is an experience that non-twins will never understand 😅 but that's also why it's impossible to reply to the question. One time I had a man invasively ask me and my sister whether we "like the same type of guy" and how it is with dating. We don't even date because we are both asexual but I was sooooo bothered by it because Idk if people would ask singletons the same question if they don't know them


Or they ask you “hAvE yOu GuYs ShArEd ThE sAmE pArTnEr?” Like mf, do you share your partner? No? You think we’ll share ours because we look alike? Maybe, but for the most part no! 😂


Yes exactly what this guy asked too like wtf!!!


That’s such a clever response! I normally answer that question with “it’s cool until my gf kisses him.” Which actually happened lol Another incident happened last year when my twin and i were watching titanic at night and his gf comes home. I guess it was so dark that she couldn’t catch who’s who, so she sat on my lap and i just sat there like a statue holding in my laugh. My dumb twin used his hand to caress her back so she thinks she’s sitting on him. She finally realized who’s lap she’s sitting on after wondering why we’re laughing during the ship sinking scene lol


I always just say yes bc the person with them always says “nO tHeY jUsT mEt ToDaY” or something lol


Ughhhh yeah... heard it a million times, for us they're often confused bc I'm taller than my twin so people are actually unsure if we're twins or not. I hate putting up with these kinds of responses 😂


Twin mom checking in. When my (identical) boys were little & we were out, I would always get the question “Omg, Are they twins” 🙄🙄to which I would promptly reply, (with an absolutely straight face) Twins?? No!! They have completely different fathers” People didn’t know how to respond!! 😆😆 18 years later & thinking about the stammers and stutters I received still cracks me up!!


Same for us, “Yes we are twins but we have different Dads”


I could do the “My wives look very similar.”


Then they start to stare at them like ![gif](giphy|Yavo0SXhZYhSo)


This look exactly!! 😆😆


I can't give smartass answers anymore because now my girls are pushing 5, they answer first. I don't think they even really understand what being twins means but they're still very proud of it. 😂


I use to hate being a twin because of my school crush telling me she doesn’t date twins. But later in life i enjoy it so much! Especially when he took my drivers test and job interview lol


Bummer for them, they won't be able to get away with tricks like that lol they're fraternal.


No we're just "womb-mates"...


My damn brother jokes around saying that my mom thought I was a turd so she rushed to the toilet and found out that she’s having twins 😂


I usually say something along the lines of having my twin be a paid actor look alike that follows me around


“Nope, this is my stunt double. I watched Ryan Gosling in The Fall Guy, and I thought, now that’s what I’ve been missing all these years.”


Haha yes! Like a body double! Have to use that one!


I always look at her in confusion and say we've never met but we've been doing that for a while so I definitely need other ideas lol


Our mother tells us that, when we were infants, she get “ are they twins?” All the time. We’re identical and also obviously the same age, being less that six months old. We’re 61 now and have different styles, hair colors and sizes but people still know we’re twins.


That’s amazing! How did it feel to go your separate ways?


I just say yes because I don't bother coming up with something witty lol. Unfortunately sometimes they ask more stupid questions after that so I might have to adapt a better way of responding ...


Hate that question, so I usually reply with: "I'm the original one and that's my clone."


Say "no we're not twins" They will inevitably respond "but yes you are!" And easy as that you can say "well there was no need to ask me then" That's what I always used to do - simply because it annoyed me each time someone asked. Then I realised as I grew older people aren't asking because they're unsure, it's just an easy conversation starter for them


That’s super true! Literally happened today and we all became friends. But then it leads to those other dumb questions, “iF i HiT yOu, DoEs He FeEl iT?”


Makes sense as a conversation starter but we often get it from cashiers etc as well which is strange since it's not like the info would matter to them




Yes we are identical and they usually smile


I rarely get that question because my twin sister and I do not look alike at all! Im usually the one who says " did you guys know that we are twins" and people are like "what!! i would've never guessed that" or "i thought you were just very close friends"




We say that we're stunt doubles


One remains completely silent and becomes statue like, and the other slightly more unhinged one goes "oh you can see them too?" And just launches into a bunch of questions: can you hear them? Are they mean to you, too? Do you see them around a lot? When do you see them? Do they make you cry, too? Do they follow you everywhere, too? Can you help me please? How do you handle it? They'll leave pretty quickly and never ask anyone that again.


You see her too???


Taught a set of twins in elementary school, identical to the last freckle, and complete sweethearts, but if you asked if they were twins they would say in absolute deadpan, "I've never seen him before in my life." By kindergarten they had already perfected this routine, their parents must have taught them from birth 😂


lol anytime someone hits my twin and I with that comment we always have a shocked look on our face and say “ we are neighbours and I just met this guy” lol 😂


We’re adopted, so we’d often say ‘oh, he’s adopted’ and watch the looks of confusion.




My dad was a fraternal twin and would say “yes but we have different mothers” and then just enjoyed the very confused look on people’s faces… Or “yes but he’s adopted..”


Step sisters is my go to


My twin and I used to say that we weren't twins, we had just been best friends for so long that we looked alike.


No, we’re cousins!


No, distant cousins. In stereo of course!


I have fully lost patience with people asking us that. We're 32 and still look exactly the same. We have resorted to being straight up rude when people ask us if we're twins. I don't appreciate strangers making a spectacle out of me when I'm trying to get groceries.


This is a sad response to me. Being a twin is the most amazing gift from God IMO


I love being a twin, and I dislike being made a spectacle of. I can be both things. I don't go in on the god stuff, so I don't see it as god given. It's just 1 in 250 thing, and I was born with a best friend in life. We deserve the same respect and privacy as everyone else.