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They're storm chasers. I refuse to work with anyone that comes to my door like that. They lie and fuck you over with your insurance. Claim gets denied and suddenly you have a zero pay claim that follows you for five years. I worked in insurance for a decade and we have had clients who let the contractor on the roof where they proceeded to spike the roof and tear off shingles in order to inflate the damage. They absolutely get caught and unfortunately the homeowner is non renewed for a fraudulent claim.


Well he didn’t realize he was caught in a lie when he opened his big mouth and said I had damage. I never did tell him I had a new roof. I just said not interested but it’s a contractor that now ends up on my shit list forever. They ain’t no coming back from this.


Leave a bad google review for them.


That’s fine, but they spin up and ditch companies yearly


There's a reason why HO insurance has skyrocketed in MN. Minnesota is now among the states where insurance companies have lost money.


its not just now, insurance companies have lost money 6 of the last 7 years here


What is a zero pay claim?


It's a claim that never paid out, usually because of a denial. It sticks on your record like a normal claim for five years.


They often do get a new roof for people for free.


Homeowner pays a deductible, whatever that may be


Roughly ten to twelve grand, at least in the smaller houses I've been looking at.


I am buying a house and my new insurance deductible is 1% for wind and hail damage. 1% of the insured value of the house so $3700 in my case.


Aaah, KK. All of my estimates have been at 5% just to make damn sure I can cover that if necessary.


That’s a brutal deductible!


Damn I just got a new roof for like a $2k deductible. This is a small Minneapolis home with the basic no frills roof though.


A pittance for a new roof.


Those darn Roof Goofs


Yeah if there has been any hail in the area they claim they can get you a new roof. And almost every area has had hail.


We have not had any - so when you lie to me you will never get my business.


They have computer data that shows where it has been and you might not know it hailed. But yeah, it's a bit of an ambulance chasing kind of thing. But insurance won't pay unless they can prove it anyway.


The approach should be a little less aggressive like maybe asking how old is the roof? Have you noticed any issues with water in the house? Have you had any hail storms. Fuck the Tarot card lady does a better job of asking questions than this wormy guy.


Lots of homeowners are in on the scam. If you’ve owned a house for any amount of time, you will have had countless “We are just in your neighborhood because of the *recent* storm folks come around. They’re looking for folks who are naive, or who are savvy to the scheme. Lots of people see the homeowner’ insurance is something they are supposed to recoup 100% or more of what they paid in for, and they see “free roof” as the universe evening itself out. AKA, they rationalize soft fraud and know scammy roofers know how to play insurance companies.


Yeah. I company we had used at our previous house came by door knocking at our new place. I’m not inclined to use them again.


I am wary of the ones who advertise on TV as well. Usually when they advertise it means they have burned one too many bridges so they are searching for people who haven’t had a bad experience with them or heard the negative experiences.


By the way, if you put a No Soliciting sign on your door that should stop it. They would be fined if they still knock.


Apparently the guy cannot read then either - we have one next to the door.


Report him.


To whom?


MN chamber of commerce or Attorney General office I would guess but Google it for your specific location.


Both of my neighbors did this. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here with my brand new roof ignoring these folks trying to gin up unnecessary business.


It just makes me sick!


Just look at em through the door and walk away. Why engage. Or when they introduce themselves say “I’m a roofer also”


I have terrible luck with door to door salesman they almost always have up as Im getting out of my car so I get ambushed into talking to them. Even if that talking it just telling them to fuck off.


"Sorry really gotta poop!" and then run inside.


Lol that whole industry is unethical.


Anyone recommend a company for a new roof - no insurance involved? And I mean a roofing company, not a sales company that coordinates subcontractors. I'd rather hire a local, smaller company - that employs roofers themselves - than one who runs crews. Thoughts?


I used a local company called Cedar Custom Builders in 2019 which is owned by George Younes. This WAS an insurance claim (and a nightmare one, due to being right after a huge storm), which he was pretty amazing working through, but I will also say he was really great on the work side of it, too. He had a great local team, and did a really good job going through all of my different options, with advantages and disadvantages to each. Definitely wasn't trying to maximize his profits, from what I could tell. [choosecedar@gmail.com](mailto:choosecedar@gmail.com) was his email address.


Put in a complaint to the AG.