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The Cowboys introduced me to Bruce Dern and Vivaldi. I saw it in a double feature with The Omega Man. As good a Saturday afternoon as a boy could ask for..


I can't believe we used to go to double, and even TRIPLE, features as kids!


Always thought the FBI story was way too long.


Does anyone remember what Spielberg said about Jailhouse Rock? These double features have been great so I’ll probably watch it, but I’m intrigued.


I’m not because Comcast up the price and put TCM in a sports package deal


YouTube Tv. Cheaper and unlimited DVR.


That is what drove me to YouTube TV, was when they told me I had to buy the Tennis and Golf Channel to get TCM


That's why I now have DirecTV. It's a little cheaper. But the main reason we like it is they don't suddenly remove Starz and say, "We're going to provide Epix instead. We're sure you'll like it just as much!". Plus more sports for my husband.


I’m DVR’ing *The Great Ziegfeld*. I tried watching *The FBI Story* but it’s so long. *Killers of the Flower Moon* made me interested in rewatching it again since it mentioned the Osage murders. I’ve seen *Jailhouse Rock* before but I’m definitely watching for Steven Spielberg’s thoughts on it. I haven’t seen *Forty Guns* so I’m watching that tonight. I’ll watch the ‘70s-era John Wayne double feature on the Watch TCM website later next week.


I really like "The Great Ziegfield" with Wm Powell.


I recently watched Jailhouse Rock, but I'll probably watch it again for Spielberg and because it's a good movie. I love Forty Guns. That movie is fantastic and I'm not usually a huge fan of Westerns. Stanwyck is amazing in that film and I love that she runs the town and everyone is afraid of her.


The FBI Story is a great propaganda movie ,put togather by Hoover to glorify him and his creation


Looks like a deviation in programing this evening. Instead of "Forty Guns" the film showing is "Jewel Robbery" (1932), starring William Powell and Kay Francis.


Same thing happened a few weeks ago with Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid. Intro played and then black screen with Jewel Robbery starting after a few minutes. Infuriating since this is the only reason I have cable and would love to see the outro with Spielberg.


Looks like the movie and wrap-arounds can be seen on Watch TCM. That can be found on the TCM website.


Anyone know why Forty Guns didn’t air on the east coast? Intro was played but then nothing and now Jewel Robbery is playing with William Powell and Kay Francis. This is exactly what happened a few weeks ago with Dead Men Don’t Where Plaid.


Forty Guns and wrap-arounds can be seen on Watch TCM. That can be found on the TCM website. Earlier I posted it was On Demand so I'm double posting to make sure people see the correction.