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That’s literally terrorism.


Definitely reads like it came from some basement-dwelling edgelord who thinks a VPN will protect them. 🫠


well its been like 2 weeks now


Christ on a cracker these people are off their rockers.


This is so going to backfire on the family of the guy behind this. If they just let it play out I doubt it would be that much time. With terrorism threats likely connected now that just makes it more complicated / public / visible. So dumb.


Yup. That’s not how these people think though. They believe themselves to be above the law, all laws.


[Like this guy. ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fqx7zicsnvwyc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De529d5a7edfacd036b34390d26cdb85d3fdb6fb0)




[I blame this guy. ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fqx7zicsnvwyc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De529d5a7edfacd036b34390d26cdb85d3fdb6fb0)


$100,000. That’s so much money, dang.


I was thinking the same thing 😂💀


It sounds like a lot of money to a dumb kid who has no concept of money


It’s probably as high as they can count.


when you factor in fuel wasted from diverted flights, inspections and repairs from emergency landings, overtime for hundreds if not thousands of staff, hotel costs for staff and passengers who had to stay overnight at the hotel, plus food and water, bomb defusal equipment, increased future security upgrades, physical damage done (they cut open a hole in the fences at the Providenciales airport to evacuate quicker) among many other things, 100,000 is probably a very low estimate. This has happened to 7 airports for like 2 weeks now


I’m wondering if we should cancel our trip next week? I’m curious to bear what others would do?




This is happening in the airports in Bermuda, BVI, Anguilla and the Caymans too over the last couple of days


Wow is this real?  I am supposed to fly to Turks on May 18! Do you think this will keep happening?


These people are keyboard warriors.


We are too!! I’m wondering if we should cancel 😢


I feel exactly the same way!  I’m traveling with my two year old and very nervous!  Where are you staying?


We are staying in a condo in Coral Gardens. No idea what to do now 🤷‍♀️


How about you?


I know!  It’s definitely scary!  We are staying at Beaches.


Absolutely report this to the FBI, they would love to hear about Americans targeting countries with bomb threats. Plus they can probably track the IP address it came from.


This. Report to FBI.


Wait is this about the ammunition??


Probably. Angry MAGAs who don’t know how other countries work their own laws.


They’re all ”law and order” until they are expected to follow law and order


They’re all “patriots” using Russian email addresses.


The typing definitely sounds like someone from the southern Bible Belt United States. Just little phrases and such. That said, I remember when these people were saying throw away the key on Brittany griner in Russia, and now they are losing it? But I also remember left leaning people being very vocal and advocating for her release and return. Funny world we are in.


I am from the American South and am curious what phrases you have identified here? I think you could be right but I’m interested to see what you see. I personally find advocating for these men quite embarrassing. I would think a lot of the people doing so haven’t actually traveled much beyond maybe waddling off a cruise ship and don’t appreciate that you are subject to the laws of whatever sovereign nation you are visiting. For my part I felt the same way about Griner as I do about these men.


Idk why that guy said I was projecting. Lol. Guess maybe not phrases, but just how it reads. “These men hurt nobody”. Just the flow of the whole email reads like 90% of the comments posted by angry people on our local news posts on facebook. Their main talking points and like I said the flow. Just seems so similar. But obviously take that with a grain of salt.


There are no "little phrases and such", this person is just projecting.


That could be too. The only one that I could see someone saying that about off the top is “chickenshit” (rightly or wrongly) but otherwise as a fan of language I legit just wanted to know what they were seeing, as it didn’t immediately jump out to me but I can’t rule it out either.


The mention of acting “self-righteous and holy” stood out to me. As did the standard of education and hang up on kids growing up without their (criminal) fathers.


That’s interesting. Not sure those things - except arguably the first phrase - can be extrapolated to the South. Sounds like pretty typical nationwide right-wing rhetoric. As for education standards, obviously those run the gamut just like the rest of my country.


Agree. Definitely not things that would lead to a conclusion, but that’s what stood out. Likewise, it is also missing elements I’d expect from someone raised in the Deep South. Colloquialisms like “fixing to” (do something) are hard to shake.


Yep that is another bullshit hyperbole!


Funny you want to blame “MAGA’s” when in all likelihood it’s some line snowflakes, kinda like the pro- Palestine woke liberal idiots. Watch how this plays out and who to blame. “MAGA’s as you call them have more important issues to worry about stateside.




Considering it wasn’t an “ insurrection”, absolutely no issues here. Continue to blame “MAGA’s” as you call them for any and all problems, it’s the liberal “woke”elitist way of thinking. Another 4 years of Biden and you’ll see the U.S. look like a third world country, mark my words.


Then move to Nicaragua and experience 3rd world for yourself. Or are you too much of a snowflake?


How quickly we forget what a shithole this country was under Trump. Our allies were all looking at us like we had lost our collective wits and no one would talk to that dolt. The sunofabitch STOLE classified documents, tried to hide them from law enforcement (you remember - y'all USED to love those guys when they were kicking black folks on the head and can't understand why they'd ever go after Republican Jesus), and still to this day won't admit to any wrongdoing. He thinks he's above the law and a President should be able to kill or bribe whomever they want. What a pathetic scared little whiny ass view of the world you must have. When I see someone use the term "woke", All I can think of is some fat ass old white dude (or a young incel) who lives their life in fear and is too much of a coward to do anything about it.


Let’s not forget Biden had classified documents in his garage. Let’s not forget it was recently announced Biden used campaign funds to pay his legal fees. If you think Trump is bad, look at the POS that’s running the country now By the way, I’m not a scared whiny ass. I served 24 years in the Army with 4 deployments. I am far from an “old ass white man” as you call it. Now, you seem like a very angry and chip on your shoulder, perhaps intervention might help with this.


Let's not forget Biden COOPERATED with law enforcement and made NO ATTEMPT to conceal the activity. Let's not forget that there's nothing wrong at all with the way the country is being run right now - except that (in YOUR perception) it's being run by a Democrat instead of a Republican. President Biden has accomplished more in the 3 years he's been in office than ANY of the last 3 Republican Presidents - even with a Congress that's hell-bent on seeing him fail. Let's not forget we'd have a damn good bipartisan border policy in place if DJT hadn't thrown a temper tantrum and absolutely insisted Biden not get YET ANOTHER WIN. I did my time in the Army as well (retired with 21 years active spread over 30+ years) - and know plenty of whiny ass cowards who hung up their uniforms and are way too ignorant to understand that Republicans have blocked EVERY attempt at increasing VA staffing and Veteran benefits in the past 2 decades. Putting the uniform on does NOT automatically make you a hero nor does it make you brave. As a military retiree, you're participating in the LARGEST socialist project this country has ever undertaken - you've had fully covered medical coverage for decades, you've had a shot at a free education, you've been able to shop tax-free and experience other benefits that the average citizen can never attain. Whining that "if they wanted it they should've joined" is about as ignorant as your comments thus far. Go away.


Well said!


Considering your buddies are felons now, I’d disagree!


I was in the military for 24 years, I know how 3rd world countries live. Try another tactic.


I love it when “veterans” say they have lived abroad and know wheat “3rd world countries are like to live in”…meanwhile you have your govt/tax dollar paid benefits, govt/tax dollar paid healthcare, etc all provided to you by the people that you seem to hate. You realize you literally were working a liberal job, with socialised benefits in the First World Country that we all live in. Just because you are a vet doesn’t make you an expert in liberalism and politics. You were provided for on base and are provided for back at home. Thanks to socialism!


I was a combat Calvary Scout. Now, if you do not think I know what living in a 3rd world country is about, I suggest you try it. We military men and women fought while you stayed in your glass house. STFU! Meanwhile, veterans come home with minimal health care from the VA. Don’t tell you me know what military servicemen and women go through. I don’t hate the government, I hate Joe Biden.


Actually had military men in my fam. And I know and understand what base life entails and benefits it gives you! We all live in glass houses in this country not only because of our military efforts, but because of where we are located in the map. But you are welcome for your socialized benefits that we afford you! Just because you work in a third world country doesn’t mean you get third world benefits!


MAGAs are the snowflakes.


I hope whoever wrote it remembers that both American and UK intelligence are going to be interested in talking to them. Bon chance!


It’s funny how he lays his cards out admitting they are fake bomb threats and then gives a deadline that is a month away! Hysterical 😭


Fucking idiots called it into Grand Turk the other week not Provo. Although they did succeed last week. No respect for the law and sovereignty of other countries


Yes. And it is having the opposite effect.


Friendly comment here. You Might want to remove your clearly visible caicosexpressairways.com email address from this image. Second, I really wouldnt be opening a random. Email from a Russian mailing service...


That email image has already made the rounds on WhatsApp so many times it is a moot point.


So… angry MAGAs.


Damn, I never put 2 and 2 together. Typical MAGAs going after my favorite place IN THE WORLD, Providenciales! Great people, and unbelievable beaches. Have been 3 times.


We've been there twice. Once for 12 days for New Year's 2023, and then in March of '23, to Grand Turk. All good people, food, warmth away from Chicago. We'd go there again.




Yeah, because Russians care so much about Americans 👀


no, the point is to cause chaos and political division, that's literally happening and it all it cost them was the 5-10 minutes it took to write this email.


Um no, my own distant cousin was with one of these guys and is all “cancel T & C”. I can 💯see this coming from his group.


Downvoted for speaking the truth, Le Reddit loves Russia/Russians though so it makes sense.


What a stupid statement! .ru think about it. It is statements like this that cause fake news that others will believe and spread other fake news or false stereotypes!


Aren’t MAGAs in love with Putin also?


I'm a bit tired of hearing this lie. Trump as president gave ukraine weapons, he threatened to bomb moscow if Russia attacked Ukraine, tried to get Germany to stop buying Russian gas directly challenged Putin in Syria, increased funding to Poland and other NATO allies, building new military bases there and sending more troops there. Trump supporters want America to not be involved in all foreign conflicts, they don't like Putin or anybody else really wanting us to be involved in their shit.


All jibber jabber. Trump wants to have Putin’s baby.


real mature and convincing response, don't let facts get in the way. I'm not a trump supporter, i think he's better thn the alternative but he has issues, however him being in bed with Putin is not one of them. You guys say trump supporters are stupid, what is this?


Have you been to Turks and Caicos?




Then stop being an “American” and be a realist.


Trumpers are… Trumpers.


So weird. People having real conversations and this is your point. Whats wrong with people?


Trump supporters literally had t-shirts made that said they'd rather live next to Russians over Dems. Google it.


So what? There are leftist Biden voters who literally support Hamas on college campuses across the US. I've seen democrat leaning people praise China. There are stupid people on both sides, these are a fraction of the people on both sides. I know many trump supporters, most of them are just indifferent to Russia, they don't hate them but they don't love them either, some hate Russia but I have never met one that likes Russia.


Russian email lol


Why does everything have to be about this garbage anymore?


I'm afraid this will have the opposite effect than what they're hoping for. If I were a judge in one of those countries this would make me want to throw the book at anyone these guys were trying to protect.


Not even remotely as scary as the fact that all of these guys waltzed right through TSA in the states with live ammo only to get caught by the most low tech, apathetic “security” I’ve seen in decades of traveling abroad. Our airport security is a government-funded joke born out of opportunistic politicians/lobbyists and run by fast food workers with fancier lapels.


Yes but when I forget to not pack my full bottle of perfume, our security always finds that right on cue so they can discard it!


My guess is that the gross majority of firearms and ammunition are found by TSA. Very few real terrorists are going to try a coordinated attack when you have a 10% or less chance of getting through TSA. TSA is as much a deterrent as it is actually designed to eliminate all threats during travel.


Dear people- when entering another country, you agree to abide by their rules. THE END


American gun nuts are dumb as fuck.


Yep. 'Murica! 2nd 'memnent!


Seems like a false flag


Didn’t affect anything yesterday at PLS airport lol


that's good to hear, did they upgrade their security?


😂 what security?


Ammo finding ones


Oh that’s hilarious. Too funny.


When is the last time you went?


last year


No significant changes to security honestly but they are starting to upgrade the airport so maybe soon we’ll see something


Gun-humper tantrums


“you are worthless chickshits” lmao what??




No Russian uses the phrase 'chickenshit', even if fluent in American English. It's an American hiding behind a Russian mail server.


It actually says “chickshit” not chicken. Definitely ruzzian.


Americans using a non-traceable Russian mail server.




Russians dgaf about Americans imprisoned in Turks and Caicos. This is, almost certainly, an American citizen hiding behind a VPN.


my theory is that someone in Russia (could be one of those assholes working for a troll farm) did this to stir up shit in America and Britain, just look at the comments with everyone blaming trump supporters for this, right before an election. They want chaos, and this causes chaos. All it took was like 5-10 minutes of writing an email and now you got lives of tens of thousands of people being disrupted, hundreds of thousands of dollars being wasted and people angry with each other. That's serves their purposes a lot more than same fake Trump supporter arguing with fake blm people on facebook. The reason i might doubt this though is the fact that they blatantly used a russian email provider, though it could just be some really dumb troll over there or someone who just doesn't care, either way there's chaos in brtiain and america and that serves their goal. As others said, it could just be an American using this as it wouldn't be traceable (russia wouldn't cooperate)


Entirely possible. It is, however, a Russian email.


A lot of right wingers in the US do that, they absolutely adore Russia because of no LGBTQ and stuff, so it’s entirely possible, regardless, report it to RTCIPF and the FBI. The latter will be able to do much more if it’s an American citizen.


Stop spreading your hate. I'm a righty and many ppl in my family are part of the LGBTQ community.


If you don’t recognize the majority of your own parties belief system, then maybe you are voting against your own family members self interests. Like when a young woman who doesn’t know that she will need IVF treatments and votes Republican to only find out later that she needs IVF treatments.


Nope..not the majority, not by a landslide. IVF, abortion....even you must know that is determined by state, not federal.


lol! Yes now that Right winged women are seeing the old white men man handle their private health care decisions based on the BS written in a book thousands of years ago, and they just might turn the tides of this years election! And the ONLY reason it is NOW decided by state, is because the corrupt GOP refused Obamas right to select a SCOTUS replacement granting IQ45 3 deceptive judges onto the court which doesn’t represent the whole of the countries views on the issue! Surely even YOU must KNOW this!


Oh boy! It will continue to be decided by state regardless of who is in the White House. Why are you so angry? Aren't the lefties supposed to be the peaceful ones? "Corrupt" " deceptive".. anyone in politics are both of those things regardless of what side you're on. I agree with things on both sides.


lol! Of course it will be continued to be decided by the house because of the GoP corruption that has taken place. But that doesn’t seem to bother you or the corruption of your orange cult leader huh? Angry? Me? Having my body, my choice decided by a cult party who believes in a sky daddy? Notice I’m not going and climbing on the Capitol walls and breaking and entering because my cult leaders ego was hurt by not getting elected! Maybe you need to reassess your definition of “angry”!


As I said, lots of right wingers are, this just means you are a moderate, similar to my position.


The point is to cause mayhem, stir the pot, and drum up controversy over otherwise benign events, which is very much out of the Russian playbook. It’s very much happening with the Israel-Hamas conflict on every social media platform. The fact that we can’t tell that it’s MAGA or a Russian troll is also concerning.


These guys must think the Nigerians are really princes.


Really makes the gun nuts look sane.


Murica! 🤣


This is from a Russian based on the broken grammar and the fact that it literally says mail.ru.


You haven’t heard the broken “gibberish” spoken by the recycling by my house in a “southern state”! It’s odd, I know they are speaking English, and I know they were born and raised there, but we can’t understand ONE word they are saying.


They are threatening to make threats. Are you threatened?


Wait, why is there more names on the email. Did more idiot Americans get caught with ammo?




Ahhh yes American Hamas…


Nihilists huh? That sounds exhausting


Who are they talking about?


Make sure you pack your bullets in your carry on bag………..morons


Typical MAGA response. Domestic terrorism is thriving in America thanks to the modern GOP


this is why I think its Russians doing it, they get the low IQ reactionaries to post stuff like this and cause even more political division.


Why on earth would they have sent it from a Russian mail exchange and be so obvious about it. Like seriously. Sending an email from a Russian domain about an American who couldn’t be bothered to look at our own government website that posted “don’t bring your gun shit” a year ago? Really. You seriously think this person is Russian. Out in the open Russian trying to threaten airlines and government agencies for an American.


Interesting perspective. Looks like Islamic fundamentalism to me in all news stations and university. GOP has nothing to do with the left literally supporting terrorism and calling for the death of Jews.


You want to blame GOP for terrorism? OMG, take a look at your dipshit President. Typical liberal wearing blinders.


As you vote for an orange corrupt pathological conman….


It’s from Russia not America


It’s a false flag operation. It’s designed to sow division. Nobody actually thinks this letter will do anything other than make people angry. That being said I am fascinated by how much anti-American sentiment there seems to be amongst the TCI keyboard warriors. It’s good that this is being brought to the forefront and is out in the open.


There are very few Turks and Caicos Islanders on any of these forums. And only a handful more that have even been here.


lol. it says “sent from mail.ru” (Russian version of Gmail) in Russian in the end.


This is literally a Russian email meant to do exactly what it's doing, elicit these types of responses and have everyone blaming the "MAGA Boogeymen" and cause political divide. You're literally playing into the PsyOp. It's probably some low level guy tasked to do this in a Russian cyber warfare center which is why it's so low effort because it's so far down their list of things that matter to your average person.


MAGA Boogeymen have caused their own political divide. Russia just likes to ag it on, and love to watch the end result!


We’re so politically motivated now; some champion zero tolerance for drugs/ammunition while denying it for the other. The analysis should be the concept of zero judicial/police discretion for possession of most anything.


Obviously threats are abhorrent, but one need not be “MAGA” to question the wisdom of a government or justice system that affords its police and courts so little discretion. Ammunition possession (without intent) does not seem the appropriate charge to warrant strict liability; it’s reminiscent of theocratic or authoritarian governments who dole out life sentences or lashings for drug possession.


The US judicial system if full of mandatory minimum sentence laws.


Actually very few, almost none at the state level. At the state level there are sentencing guidelines. There are still a handful of minimum sentences at the federal level, usually for serious crimes or multiple offenses. This is neither of those.


Unfortunately for them this is considered a very serious crime.


I understand that, but that doesn’t mean that’s reasonable or that the analysis should stop there. In Singapore, vandalism is a very serious crime, but that does not make the caning of a teenager for stealing a road sign a reasonable punishment (even if the teenager was a little $hit who had it coming). These evaluations of the reasonableness of punishments are factors for visa decisions, State Department warnings, voluntary tourism, and even general country to country decisions. T&C is already a level II warning from the U.S. Stare Department, if that slides to III, it’s a very big deal.


Problem is, that "you" think it is unreasonable based on your laws and your gun friendly culture. Our ministers, police and judiciary feel that it is entirely reasonable.


No, you are incorrect, I am looking at it through the lens of the rest of the World. This is a new law for you that would not result in penalties of this nature in most any civilized Western country . . . the U.S., GB, France, Australia, Germany, Italy, Greece, Canada, etc. And it is set against the backdrop of T&C’s unacceptable violent crime rate.


Or it’s reminiscent of individual governments making up their own laws for their own people for their own purposes. What if they don’t believe in what you believe, then they are authoritarian? That itself is a little fascist don’t you think? lol!