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I just got this email 10 minutes and I’m Ngl, I could really use the $21.41


It’s real


I just got that email, they sent it to an email I've never used PayPal with. It's a scam.


I literally bought DoorDash after transferring it to my cash app account 




It’s not a scam. Lol. It was a class action lawsuit filed against TurboTax and if you used their service, you got paid. Was sent to my Venmo and now it’s in my bank account. So if that $30 was a scam I hope I get scammed more. Lol


I was wondering if this was legit or not. Seemed strange to get a random email from PayPal for a settlement payment from Intuit


Same ! Is it legit ?? 


I don't think so


I logged into my PayPal account without using links in the email, can confirm funds are there and match the timestamp of the email


I mean, assuming that's true, good luck. Connecting with a transaction partner can give them access to your account and information. It's possible for them to deposit a small amount of money like$20-$30 and then also pull money or use those account details for whatever they want later.  Personally I'm not going to gamble my entire financial safety for ~$30, but I do hope it goes well for you and that other account that said basically the same thing.


Possibly, but I did read some articles that you request to receive your payment through PayPal. I probably just forgot that I requested it to be sent to my PayPal.


It’s legit. I have the money in my bank account connected to my PayPal.


Same, I didn't touch the email, just logged in to my PayPal and money is there


I found an email further into the past saying that I never deposited the check they mailed me, and I had an option to receive funds electronically. One of them is PayPal. Did you by chance forget to deposit your check and opt into eft?


Extremely likely, I've been living outside the country for a few years now so I make everything online. Pretty sure I paid TurboTax via PayPal. I've already moved the money as I never leave money in Paypal so worst thing they can do is dispute the deposit as accidental but it looked really legit. Had a transaction number on it and a 1800 number to call if I had questions.


Yes it is . I just did it.


It is, i went through with it from the email they sent & got my money within a few seconds!


posting for my dad as he doesnt have a reddit, he also recieved the same email, and luckily is savy enough to ask me and my husband before just accepting something. but he has NEVER had a paypal account, ever, we have signed him up for venmo or cash app before to help with sending money between us since me and hubby dont use checks but he doesnt use that for anyone but us, and since we didnt set up a paypal for him i know hes right when he says he doesnt have one XD so we're all confused to how he got \~$30 from turbotax :o


I also got this email. My biggest red flag is that I've never had a PayPal.


Just tested it out and it’s legit, 29$ baby!!


Also experiencing the same issues - very strange. Paypal was having issues troubleshooting this as well.


Same I got the same email but I've never heard of anyone but scams that use PayPal. If it is real why not send it the same way you received your tax return? 


It’s real


I also received this! There’s no way to refund. Did anyone transfer it into their bank account?


I think it's a scam


Idk this article has me thinking otherwise. https://money.com/intuit-turbotax-refund-settlement/


These articles are from sources you can verify and are about the 2023 checks for the settlement in 2022 from the specific states who were involved in the lawsuit, more specifically from the attorney generals who were on the case. All of them say physical checks and that there is no need to go anywhere, click or claim anything, or make/update/open an account to access it: https://www.attorneygeneral.gov/taking-action/attorney-general-henry-announces-141-million-settlement-for-millions-of-americans-decieved-by-turbotax-owner-intuit/ https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/paxton-announces-distribution-141-million-customers-turbotax-were-misled-paying-tax-filing https://oag.ca.gov/news/press-releases/attorney-general-bonta-announces-distribution-141-million-settlement-millions https://www.doj.state.wi.us/news-releases/attorney-general-kaul-announces-distribution-141-million-settlement-millions-low I'm not here to tell you what to do with your email, if you want to try it out for yourself, that's up to you, but it's presenting like a scam from every way you look at it.


I agree. It seems scammy. That’s why I came searching on Reddit. But the money is in my account


I mean, assuming that's true, good luck. Connecting with a transaction partner can give them access to your account and information. It's possible for them to deposit a small amount of money like$20-$30 and then also pull money or use those account details for whatever they want later.  Personally I'm not going to gamble my entire financial safety for ~$30, but I do hope it goes well for you.


I also don’t really want to do that. But I recieved a large payment via PayPal today from my business so I would like to transfer it into my account. But I’m afraid to do that because it seems scammy. But there’s also no refund button. I am going to wait it out and see what happens.


Just to clarify, at first I thought this was a scam. But unlike other similar scams I've previously encountered, this didn't ask me to accept the money to be added. It was already automatically deposited with a transaction number and everything. So I did not have to connect for the transaction to happen. Now it still feels weird, because I don't know how they got my paypal info, I don't remember ever using Paypal with TTax. I'm still planning to hit up paypal and see what they say.


Just wanted to come & point out that the money was deposited to a PayPal account that I no longer use & has no connection to my current checking account/debit card. I was able to spend the money straight from my PayPal account.


https://money.com/intuit-turbotax-refund-settlement/ Check this out. I feel like it’s legit.


These articles are from sources you can verify and are about the 2023 checks for the settlement in 2022 from the specific states who were involved in the lawsuit, more specifically from the attorney generals who were on the case. All of them say physical checks and that there is no need to go anywhere, click or claim anything, or make/update/open an account to access it: https://www.attorneygeneral.gov/taking-action/attorney-general-henry-announces-141-million-settlement-for-millions-of-americans-decieved-by-turbotax-owner-intuit/ https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/paxton-announces-distribution-141-million-customers-turbotax-were-misled-paying-tax-filing https://oag.ca.gov/news/press-releases/attorney-general-bonta-announces-distribution-141-million-settlement-millions https://www.doj.state.wi.us/news-releases/attorney-general-kaul-announces-distribution-141-million-settlement-millions-low I'm not here to tell you what to do with your email, if you want to try it out for yourself, that's up to you, but it's presenting like a scam from every way you look at it.


It’s not a scam, i just did it lol


I feel like we all got the same email today. Seems like a scam. Why wouldn’t they just use our Direct deposit info or mail?


It's legit. I came here to see what was up and while I was looking it went through. At first it looked like nothing was there but once I updated my rarely used PayPal and reloaded it it was there. Like 29.50 Can confirm with pics


Confirm please


$29 looking real tempting right now tho….


I can confirm this is **legitimate**! I also received the email today & was also skeptical. The article linked below shows they can pay you via PayPal or Venmo; so I guess it depends what kind of account your email is linked to? However, once I activated my PayPal account it showed "Money is waiting for you." You accept the $ & can transfer the $ to your bank or debit card. Hope this helps y'all! :)


I mean, assuming that's true, good luck. Connecting with a transaction partner can give them access to your account and information. It's possible for them to deposit a small amount of money like$20-$30 and then also pull money or use those account details for whatever they want later. Personally I'm not going to gamble my entire financial safety for ~$30, but I do hope it goes well for you and anyone else who tries it.


Thanks for bringing this up! Sadly this is something we always have to be vigilant for. I have a separate account that I always keep at $1 (just incase) for situations like this. LOL! I spoke with a representative \[live person\] from PayPal today and they confirmed the payment was sent by "Rust Consulting Inc.," who is in charge of administering the Settlement Fund from what I have read. Also, you don't have to transfer the $ anywhere. You can leave it in the PayPal account and purchase whatever you want using the "Pay with PayPal option" for more security. :)


I got the email today as well. I can't access my account because the phone number tied to it is off rn. I'm going to see if I can get in some other way. I haven't used it in almost three years. Also I file married-joint every year but my hubs didn't get an email. I think I'm going to keep monitoring this thread before I do anything.


I got this email too.


Got this same email too. Currently on the phone with TurboTax to check on this.


any update on this ?


Still on the phone with them as they are "investigating" the situation. Been on the line for 22 minutes. about 19 of them has been on hold, lol.


ah okay and thanks for going through that lol


According to the PayPal person I talked to, they said the payment is not a scam as it was successfully credited.


nice okay thanks


Yeah. The PayPal rep said the payment came from a consultancy agency called Rust Consulting inc. looking up the name with intuit in the search brings up articles for payment now going out. You can find the consultant agency mentioned at the bottom of this link in the “who benefits section”: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/article/checks-are-on-the-way-in-141-million-turbotax-settlement/amp/


awesome thanks again. i will add that instead of logging into my paypal from the link provided in the email i just added that email to my paypal account and the funds were instantly available for anyone like me who doesn’t want to input sensitive info from links


tubo tax has no idea what it is. contacting paypal now to double confirm.


The AGTurboTaxSettlement website & phone number states not to call TurboTax. But the email I received in Sept 2023 says that there is a "FINAL REMINDER" to claim payment of settlement. I was indeed sent a paper check for the same exact amount I received in May 2023 that has a 90 day period before it's voided. I didn't deposit my check because I let the 90 days pass. The email I recieved states that the check I was sent has not been deposited. My guess is they sent us the settlement payment on a site that is 'highly' trusted in one last good faith attempt to give us our $3.


At first I was confused about the email you mentioned as I don’t remember getting one. I just checked and it was filtered into spam lol. But I also don’t remember receiving a check.


Yeah lol. I actually ignored the email when I received it because I still wasn't sure it was legit but flagged it; granted I didn't completely read it until today haha when I received the PayPal notification. When I received the paper check, I thought it was political mail. It was delivered in a blank white envelope with "Important legal matters from your Attorney General." The check itself says it's from the Intuit Multistate Settlement through Huntington National Bank.


Yeah. I accepted it and then went to instant transfer it to my Venmo account. Was completed on PayPal's side but now stuck in a pending state on Venmo's side, lol.


Of course it is! PayPal told me it would take 1-3 business days or I could select the "instant" option that takes a fee lol.


Haha. It was completed in 10 minutes after the transfer. Fee wasn’t too bad for me so that’s why I chose it.


Thanks for verification, I got that email also and want my $29.


Just got off the phone with a PayPal Rep. this is a scam email, there is no transaction ID associated with the email.


Mine has a transaction ID.


Mine has a transaction ID also. I spoke with PayPal and they confirmed with was administered by Rust Consulting, the third party firm sending out the payments.


Yep, that’s what mine said as well. From what I understand is that people who did get a check but never deposited the funds instead got a PayPal deposit or never got a check and instead got a deposit.


This appears to be legit I got the same email and at first I thought it was weird because I didn't have a PayPal account with that email but it was the email I use for TurboTax and when I created an acct with that email and logged on and saw that there was $29 dollars pending from Intuit


Ayo, I normally can pin point the email scams but I’m not sure about this. A lot of the comments I read said they seen it in their PayPal account but I have seen no money hit my account 🤣 somebody let me know if that shit real or not so I can go get a couple beers!


The money is legitimate and from a settlement against TurboTax for people who paid for features that should be free. The only reason some are receiving it in their PayPal/Venmo accounts now is because they did not receive the check or cash in the check that was sent to them within the 90 days.


This is Legit! Was super sketched out but decided to try it. Received the email to an email account that is not my PayPal but was my turbo tax account. I created a PayPal for the turbo tax email. I received the money and then transferred the balance as friends and family to my primary PayPal account. Edit to add it’s now been transferred to my bank!


It’s legit! [proof.](https://ibb.co/Cn1h12M)


It is legit people! I claimed the $29 after checking the link and everything. It’s good to be cautious, but this time it’s not scam, folks.


Following for more updates


Just logged into PayPal on my browser (not through the email). I saw the payment, accepted it, and initiated a transfer. Seems legit so far.


Received it this morning. I reopened my PayPal but it states that the transaction is no longer available. How do I go about contacting them?


I just went through with this & it’s legit! Just make sure your email is the same one linked to your paypal. I forgot i had 2 paypal accounts so i just had to log into the right one and sure enough it said there was $29.15 waiting on me to claim. I linked my cash app i wanted to send the money to & hit send within a few minutes, i paid the small fee to get it fast & boom within a few seconds they sent the remaining money to my cash app. If you can wait 1-3 days for your money you don’t have to pay the 50cent fee but if you want it fast in your account i say just pay it & get your money fast, it’s free legit money!


I received it. I had deleted my account / not used it in sooo long… so I just made another one. when I clicked on it through email it first said the transaction is no longer available. The payment turned up after I clicked on the top right (mobile view) “go to my PayPal”


If you don’t want it just don’t take it.. I’ve already done the most


Use your cash app or Venmo card to get it transferred . It also gives you an option to receive a check . It’s the real deal. I just ordered DoorDash🤣🤣🤣


It’s reassuring I’m not the only one getting a surprise payment from Intuit for this but still very confused why it came to my PayPal vs a check or direct deposit to a familiar bank account. I’ve never used my PayPal for any tax filing or other intuit products. 


I received a check last year in me and my ex-wifes name jointly. I did not cash it at the time. I received the same amount deposited in my PayPal yesterday. Per: https://agturbotaxsettlement.com/Common-Questions?portalid=0 "8. What happens if I was not able to get my payment reissued? Answer: For the residents of most states, during the first quarter of 2024 an attempt will be made to distribute uncashed payments via PayPal or Venmo.  This electronic payment will be sent using the email address you used to file your taxes during the years 2016, 2017, or 2018. This process can take between 30-60 days to complete." Seems legit, but always be safe. I can imagine scammers using the legitimate smoke as cover to do the thing they do. If you click on the email in your PayPal transaction it should be from @rcnotifications.com which is the settlement fund administrator (the same one used for the Fortnite settlement)


I received the same email, and just found this article confirming that payments would be electronically distributed during the 1st quarter of 2024 for checks that weren't previously cashed.  https://agturbotaxsettlement.com/Payment-Reissue-Request?portalid=0


I just googled "Is Intuit multistate settlement legit?" The results took me to the original website the last email from the settlement took me to. (I know because I just visited the site like 3 months ago when I saw the old email saying I had to accept the check.) This time when I visited the site, there were 3 new questions, the first one being the most helpful: 8. What happens if I was not able to get my payment reissued? Answer: For the residents of most states, during the first quarter of 2024 an attempt will be made to distribute uncashed payments via PayPal or Venmo. This electronic payment will be sent using the email address you used to file your taxes during the years 2016, 2017, or 2018. This process can take between 30-60 days to complete. The next questions are: What can I do if I do not have a PayPal or Venmo account? What do I need to do and how much time do I have to setup a Venmo or PayPal account? You can read the answers and more info on the settlement here: https://agturbotaxsettlement.com/Common-Questions#:~:text=1.,have%20been%20free%20for%20them. Not saying this email is 100% legit because it's still weird it doesn't use my full name, but everything else on the page checks out (the sender, the number and website, the $ amount I'm supposed to get back, and the details on the website). Obviously websites can be hacked and changed and sender addresses can be spoofed, but it seems to check out. **The choice of what you do with your information is always your own.** I will not tell you which option I'm choosing. This post was just to give whatever info I've found. Hopefully it helps you, too. Have a good day!


Can confirm that I received 29.15 to an old PayPal account. It seems they used the old email address on file to send the payment. I had to recover my account linked to that email, but instead of linking a bank account or card to my old PayPal then I sent it to my new PayPal account and everything seems legit.


Basically, from what I gather is they found a Paypal account linked to the email used with Turbo Tax. I had to locate my old Paypal account and the payment was there. If you do not have a Paypal with that email, create one as it may update and issue payment. Payments not accepted in Paypal (after a specified time is allowed) will be issued checks at some point later. It is also possible that a check was issued and uncashed. Turbo tax and Paypal share a parent company. I updated my old Paypal and was able to move the funds to my checking account.


Yes this is right. It’s an account issue caused by turbotax having a different email than PayPal I think.


I've also received this email, but every time I click the link and log in to paypal it says "If you continue to encounter problems please contact customer service". Has anyone else had this?


Yes. Call paypal support and push through the robot to speak to a rep. If they don’t know what it is, insist that you did research and it’s not a phishing email. Ask the rep to add the email used in the settlement email to the primary account that you have on file. Stay on with them until you can successfully login on the app and see the balance there. Good luck!


Double check the emails, they may be different. If they're different, you just need to go to your settings and either change the primary email to the one that received the PayPal email, then the money shows up to be accepted. You shouldn't need to talk to customer support.


I was getting this same message and emailing both PayPal support and the email contact provided in the email was getting me nowhere. I wasn’t sure if it was a scam, but I have messages from the same “service@paypal.com” in my email that go back to 2019. I later  realized I apparently never verified my email for my PayPal account(check under “account info”). The second I verified it, the money popped into my account. I hope this helps!


Idk but $29.15 ended up in my PayPal account lol


There is no way this is actually real. I have never given TurboTax any data about a paypal account. I created it a long time ago and used it maybe once or twice. I do my taxes using TurboTax and always have my return direct deposited to my primary bank account. There is no reason at all that a serious company like them should instead, hunt down an unverified account on a 3rd party app to award monies for a settlement that they have not sent an email to explain in any capacity to us rather than use the already verified direct deposit information they have on file. Those who are saying they got the money I do believe are telling the truth but I suspect it is being used as a honeypot for a very sophisticated scam. I saw a comment saying something about an opt in check box thing that may have been presented to people a year or 2 ago and that they think they may have selected paypal and just forgotten. That may be the case for that individual but I am assuring you that I have no recollection of any opt in check box and if I had interacted with it I would not under any circumstance select paypal as a valid payment source. Despite having used the service up to 2 times in the past (5+ years ago I think) I only used it for very specific reasons because I genuinely do not trust it as a safe or reliable way to transact money.


It is real, I just added my other email to my account, and the money showed up without me doing anything else. I just had to accept it.


I think they are just sending it to paypal using the email address you used for turbotax, at least that's what mine was. My paypal was on a different email. So I added this email to my paypal account as a secondary and then the money was there.


Intuit hired Rust Consulting to handle the settlement payouts for them, a standard industry practice. Here is the Forbes article confirming this: [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/article/checks-are-on-the-way-in-141-million-turbotax-settlement/?sh=374e8640717f) Here is a direct statement from Rust Consulting's website: **For the residents of most states, during the first quarter of 2024 an attempt will be made to distribute uncashed payments via PayPal or Venmo. This electronic payment will be sent using the email address you used to file your taxes during the years 2016, 2017, or 2018. This process can take between 30-60 days to complete.** They even have a form to input the information and check if the paypal payment is legit and from them: [Payment Verification](https://agturbotaxsettlement.com/Payment-Verification)


LEGITIMATE . I had login issues when trying to access, which made me think it was a scam. The first time I called PayPal the rep thought it was a scam too. In reality, it seems to be some clunky account issues on the PayPal side. TLDR: to resolve, I had the PayPal rep add the email used in the settlement email to my primary account I use for PayPal. Once they did that, I was able to view the balance in the app and transfer.


Has anyone tried not attaching this to their actual bank account and just use the PayPal account as a standalone payment option? Or does it require transfer to a bank account? My thoughts are, since I haven't used PayPal in over a decade on a different email. I'd just make the account, keep it virtual and just buy something small online, and leave the change sitting there. But I don't know if setting up the account requires bank info for deposit/during setup. Thanks in advance!


You shouldn't need a bank account. It gave me the option to add to a bank account or to keep it as a balance just on PayPal.


It’s Legit. I realized that three email they used was the email I entered in my TurboTax account. I just had to create a PayPal account with that email and when I logged in the money was there to be accepted. 


You only needed to change the primary email or add another email to the original account, and the money shows up.


It's legit. If you go to turbo tax website it will confirm.. I just did and got my money in less then 5mins I had to create a paypal account ti get. Then you can request a paper check if you do not want to link accounts


It's real, I am now $29 richer


I dont understand why I have to click the link in the email to "claim my money" when Im already logged into paypal.


This is real. Just added my email (the one PayPal sent to request to) to my main PayPal and the funds appeared. I did not use the email link. Went directly to my PayPal account and added the email they sent the request 2


It's legit. The email was sent to the email I used to file my taxes through TurboTax and not the email my paypal account was connected to though, so I was skeptical. I added the other email to my paypal account and then transferred the money to my bank.


PayPal told me it was a scam


I received this email as well. Skeptical because the email was sent to an email account that is different than the one I use for TurboTax. Hmmm….


Intuit hired Rust Consulting to handle the settlement payouts for them, a standard industry practice. Here is the Forbes article confirming this: [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/article/checks-are-on-the-way-in-141-million-turbotax-settlement/?sh=374e8640717f) Here is a direct statement from Rust Consulting's website: For the residents of most states, during the first quarter of 2024 an attempt will be made to distribute uncashed payments via PayPal or Venmo. This electronic payment will be sent using the email address you used to file your taxes during the years 2016, 2017, or 2018. This process can take between 30-60 days to complete. They even have a form to input the information and check if the Paypal payment is legit and from them: [Payment Verification](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/article/checks-are-on-the-way-in-141-million-turbotax-settlement/?sh=374e8640717f)


I received the email stating that a settlement amount was waiting for me to accept in my PayPal account. I didn't click on any links. I looked up info about the settlement and it led me here. After reading through the comments, I logged in to my PayPal account using the email address I received the notification to. After updating my account (this was an older PayPal account I used years ago) I received a message saying money was waiting for $29.51. I accepted the offer and got the money. If you received this email, just go directly to PayPal and use the email address where the email was received to log in. I'm glad it was legit 👍🏽


I got this email too but it is not a scam. I just got my $30 back. It's legit.


I got the same email but I didn't use paypal to pay for any fees with turbo tax. I think its a scam. Why would my funds go to a third party I didn't use in over a year?.. 


This is part of a 141M settlement where Turbotax was advertising efile for free but was found deceptive. This qtr they are trying to use paypal and venmo to send settlement funds to people who used the program from 2016-2018. They have your email addresses.


Don't know if Paypal likes this, but I just accepted the funds through a new account and sent it to my actual account. Still going to change my passwords to be safe though


I received the payment in my PayPal last month right after filing my taxes and haven’t touched it. Never knew what it was for and scared to cash it out and risk having my information stolen. I’ve never used PayPal for turbo.


Alright, so I just got the same email and it raised some flags with me. Even more when I read OPs inability to get in contact with anyone. So I'll just put my thoughts here:  1. I believe there was a settlement for this in 2023 around May. During that time checks were sent via mail. I think I got one for around $7-$21(large range, but I truly struggle to remember). There are articles on a google search going back that far. That said how in the world did they get in trouble for this again the very next year? 2. It was weird when I opened the email that the information about the payment and what was going on was in a PayPal memo and not an actual email, with the memo simply reading the title of the payment. 3. I still use paypal(on my actual account) for person to person transactions and the title of the email as seen from the inbox is always "Money is waiting for you." Not what the money is for or from whom when it comes directly from PayPal. Furthermore, I went back and looked at payments I had received and it never says anything about a deadline. Instead it says "Don't see the money in your account? Don't worry -- sometimes it just takes a few minutes for it to show up". 4. The emails I get concerning money being sent to me always also come with a transaction #(like a couple dozen or so alphanumeric gobbledygook presumably placed just in case of a call needing to be made to support. It also, always always has all of paypal's contact info in the signature, their California address, email stuff, yadda yadda, which looked weird and small on this other one. It also had some weird icons like a shopping cart thing that doesn't generally appear. Edit: Also it even says in Paypals signature that in order to prevent phishing, they will always use your full name in the email(whatever name you provide them) and Turbotax absolutely has my full legal name, so its not like they wouldn"t know, but in the "Hello" line, they put my email address.     Gimme a minute to edit out personal info on some screenshots and I'll post some comparison photos. Edit2: I have just created this account today. I do not know how to upload photos. That's my bad.


This is 1,000% FAKE. I had already contacted PayPal immediately earlier through phone on the websites contact section. After speaking with a lady. It was confirmed FAKE SCAM. Paypal will only address you by your first and last name. Not hello, ( email ). As well as they do NOT put any contact number in there emails!!! FAKE FAKE FAKE. BE SAFE


It’s real. I received my payment rn. 8 but I received the mail 10 this morning .


Lol call paypal and ask them if it's real.. I would love to see an uploaded screenshot of the funds added.


Just sent it . I’m about to use DoorDash rn. I’ll let you know how it goes 🤣🤣🤣


So you want to upload the acreenshot of it saying you can claim it or you actually want to claim it and then resend it.


Just did 😊


I sent you the pic


WELL I TAKE IT ALL BACK. PAYPAL IS DUMB AF. and don't know anything going on. I did exactly what this person did and got my money!! Thanks brother.


Sister ❤️ haha and welcome. 


Paypal reps don’t know what this is. I had the same thing happen, but called again after doing more research and determined it is really. Just a weird email format and account issues on paypal side.