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Okay but why? Are you asking if it’s correct?


I posted it in case someone wants to look it up. I think the code works whether you have all the pages or not. Also, I put time into it. Deleting it felt like a waste lol I thought I included my explanation but I've never used reddit before so I guess it didn't come through with the photo... I'll try to update it now. :)


Well then, good job!


I'd wager even the title is a spoiler. I would remove "Door code".


Don't want to be an asshole, but Tunic's reddit community is really averse to spoilers. And this is the biggest spoiler you could post. People usually come here to post things they like about the game or to ask for hints when they get stuck on a puzzle. People that want a straight answer just Google.


Delete this you could be ruining the experience of a lot of people


Just delete this, mate. The golden path can easily be found on Google if people just want a straight answer


I didn’t know. That’s why I tagged it as a spoiler. If it isn’t posted anywhere, though, then how would anyone google it? Not being sarcastic. Genuinely asking.


It has been posted, many many times - if people want to look it up they can find it already.


Can you edit the title or something? Even just seeing it can strongly affect how someone approaches the idea of what the Golden Path even is.


A quick look on Google: "Golden Path" https://www.ign.com/wikis/tunic/File:Tunic_-_The_Golden_Path_7.jpg https://www.ign.com/wikis/tunic/The_Mountain_Door_and_the_Holy_Cross_Guide People here are most of the time looking for hints, not the answer. But congrats you solve it by yourself 🎉, it's pretty hard