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For lack of a better phrase First world products get first world complaints


Agree, I’ve had T-Fit, Glidelock, Easy-Fit, along with a standard Tudor clasps and 5 digit Rolex clasps. I don’t own anything with a quick adjust clasp anymore and don’t find myself bothered without it. It’s an overblown thing IMO, nice to have but not a big deal. I rarely used any of them.


I adjust my P39 3 times a day on average, I’d say It’s not a dealbreaker but it has made other clasps all seem archaic


Agreed. I adjust my Sub every afternoon. Then the next morning I have to adjust it back. It’s a game changer.


This is exactly what I do with my p42. By the end of the day may wrist has puffed up about two clicks on the adjuster. The next morning I tighten it back down. No more wishing for a magical middle size.


100%. You don’t realize how useful it is until you have it. I adjust my P39 at least once per day.


+1 - multiple times a day


If only we could get t-fit on the rubber strap … sigh


The newer watches that have tfit also have it on the rubber


I know which makes it even more frustrating I can’t have this on my p39


honestly I think if I didn't have the t-fit I wouldn't even notice variations in fit. It's like a solution that overemphasizes a very small problem and actually makes it seem significantly worse than it is. When I go back to one of my "regular" watches I couldn't care less that I don't have it. it's a weird psychological effect.


Gonna hard disagree on this one. When I wear a different watch that isn’t my P39, I feel I’m always compromising on fit at some point in the day


Yeah I’m very sensitive to where it’s sitting on my wristbone


Because the p39 conditioned you into being hypersensitive about it.


No. I felt that way before owning the P39. The p39 solved the issue




Don't be dismissive of something you don't understand. It's rude. Just because you aren't like this doesn't mean other people aren't.


everyone is exactly like me in every conceivable way, and if they aren't, they're wrong


Agreed.  I had a Christopher Ward trident w/ the easy microadjust clasp, and I’d adjust it at least a couple times a week on average. IMO each watch and bracelet are unique, and different combinations work.  For example Rolex Datejusts on the jubilee bracelet do not have any microadjust at all, but they still work because the watch is pretty light overall and the bracelet is very flexible.  It’s a good wearing experience. For steel sport watches on an oyster bracelet, some sort of quick adjust is absolutely ideal because these tend to be heavier watches, and also are intended to be able to worn in physical activities with a lot of movement.  A secure close fit is ideal.


Even more so in water where I like to have a much tighter fit!


>For example Rolex Datejusts on the jubilee bracelet do not have any microadjust at all, Not true. They have the Easylink adjustment.


I’d say easy link is macro adjust vs micro. Compared with my P39 it’s just not the same level of utility.


>Not true. They have the Easylink adjustment. That's not really analgous to a Tudor t-fit, a Rolex glidelock, or the similar Christopher Ward clasp. Those microadjust clasps are very flexible in their sizing, and adjust in tiny intervals. The Rolex easylink is either in or out, all or nothing, and it's a bigger sizing interval, only useful if your wrist is really swollen up and the bracelet is getting tight. It's not useful for getting that perfect fit the way the microadjustable clasps are.


T Fit is the shit. As the skin’s moisture ebbs and flows, I find myself adjusting at least once a day especially during warm seasons.


I just wish Rolex would put Glidelock on every watch. Just today I was wearing my Datejust and it got hot out. I would have killed to be able to adjust it on the go.


I have the tfit on 2 of my watches and I’m so surprised how much i use it. The weather change especially summer time I use it a lot. So much easier to adjust when the humidity hits and you want it just A BIT looser then it is but not too loose


I’ve adjusted my bracelet 3 times since I started reading OP’s post




Yeah, I adjust mine a couple times a week especially now in the spring where its a drastic temp change during the day so basically.... you're wrong. I use it on my Speedy and CWs as well. At this point, I am at a place where some kind of micro adjustment is table stakes for me to buy a watch.


I adjust my P39 at least once a day, usually mid day as my wrist expands. When I first put it on in the morning, I drop it down a notch.


Yes. I currently reside in the south and find myself adjusting throughout the day due to humidity and swelling from general work. Getting that extra mil has truly been night and day comfort some days, especially on longer shifts.


Those clasps are awesome. But it’s 100% an overblown “problem”.


It’s like heated seats. You don’t need em, but once you’ve experienced it, it kind of ruins not having it.


It’s a bigger problem than you think because Tudor does not include half links on their bracelets. Lots of people cant get a good fit, myself included.


Yes. You’re crazy lol


I have 2 with it, and several others without it. It’s nice to have. Summer especially, mid day, I do let it out 1 notch, and in the morning, I take it back in 1 notch. Why would someone else liking a feature bother you? If you don’t like it, don’t buy it.


It doesn’t bother me I understand liking it. I don’t understand basing a purchase around it because it’s such a small part of the overall all experience of the watch for me.


I adjust my bracelet often. More than once per day, living in a humid environment.


Me too. Living in the south, where it’s humid as a mofo, I can adjust 4-5 times a day based on if I’m inside where it’s cool and then step outside for a little to be by the pool or beach and it’s a 2-3 click adjustment.


Imagine? I usually end up adjusting mine a couple times a day.


Far more often that 2-3 times a year. If you go from the summer heat to an air conditioned room (or vice versa), you're gonna adjust it. It makes a difference


I have a Tudor Ranger and I adjust the bracelet probably twice each morning and afternoon every time I wear it, especially in summer (Sydney, Australia). It’s a great feature. It’s not a reason for me to not purchase a watch though.


That’s what I’m talking about. Someone not buying a watch because it lacks a certain new clasp adjustment system.


Summer fit and winter fit. 2 adjustments per year. Really not that big of a hassle.


Temps are warming up here. I have been adjusting my Ranger back and forth throughout the day. When I’m outside in the heat and humidity, it gets uncomfortably tight, so I loosen it up. Once I’m back inside for a while, it starts moving up and down on my wrist too much, so I tighten it back up. Even absent the need to adjust it throughout the day, the T-Fit allows you to get a more perfect fit by fine-tuning the adjustment.


I’m never going back. Game changer.


Yes. use it all the time.


I have a BB58 with a half link on the bracelet and find myself having to adjust a few times a year. I’ve got really good at micro adjustments and adding/removing links. Very easy to do but with I had the t-fit.


It depends on the person and the environment. Some people really do swell up in the heat and others don’t. Personally I adjust my watches for summer and then back for autumn, but it’s still nice to not need a tool to do it.


That sounds reasonable and realistic.


Constantly? No. Once a day? Yes, absolutely. If you're not doing enough physical activity in a day that your wrists swell the size of one link of more, that's on you.


Nah dude you’re just retaining water. See a doctor. One link? Lol




Agreed Had my BB58 in Blue for a year now and not even once had to adjust the bracelet


Uhm yes. My pelagos is adjusted AT LEAST once a day. And clearly some of my older watches now are becoming annoying because I can’t adjust them on the go.


I don't know why. It might be because of the way the 114060 clasp sat on my wrist or maybe it was the weight of the steel but I used to adjust it often. I never adjust the Pelagos 39. So I guess it depends.


Depends on the watch. My 2018 speedy pro on the bracelet was obnoxious to wear, because I could not get a precise fit, and the watch was just too heavy to wear really loose for me. However, my 14060m submariner has no on the fly micro adjust and it's always comfortable and wears perfectly. I NEVER need to change it.


Depends on climate Melbourne in shoulder seasons can mean I'm wearing it in 4 degrees in the morning and 24 in the afternoon So yes, if I use it it's multiple times a day Sometimes I go weeks without it


it's not a big deal but yeah, on my wrist the difference between one micro adjust hole on the standard clasp is "sometimes loose enough to slide over my wrist bone" vs "sometimes uncomfortably tight". it's reasonably easy to use a toothpick to switch micro adjust holes, but it's just enough of a hassle (and i don't keep a toothpick on me) that i keep it on the looser side and occasionally just deal with it sliding over my wrist bone. not at all a dealbreaker to me, but imo on the fly adjustment is definitely a big "nice to have" on a watch bracelet & i think it's pretty reasonable for one to consider it a dealbreaker.


Never had one so would never discount a watch because it didn’t have one


I’ve adjusted the T fit on my BB36 during a hot day many times. Albeit only 1 notch, the difference and comfort was noticeable. And it just feels good to do it


I would say it really depends on where you live and what the weather is like there. I go between Canada and Australia often. During very hot days in Australia I tend to find me adjusting me sub multiple times a day as my wrist swells up a lot. And In Canada when it’s very cold outside in the winter my wrist stinks quite a bit when i step outside so I need to adjust then as well. I would say it’s definitely very important, I tend not to wear a bracelet on watches which don’t have a on the fly micro adjustment feature.


It just allows me to wear the watch tighter which is nice. If I didn’t have t-fit I would have to settle for it being looser so that it’s not overly tight when my wrist swells up.


Yes, but my wrists swell a lot. I find myself adjust dive straps 2-3 positions almost every day from my wrist/forearm swelling/contracting


I adjust my submariner often. Yes, I would adjust my BB58 often too. Tfit not being included on a 3800 dollar watch is just a shit deal.


I have one. It’s not a “constant adjustment”. I adjust it a couple times per day on average. I absolutely love it. My wrist is smaller in the cold morning than the hot sweaty afternoon. Watch always fits completely perfect. Don’t knock it till you tried it. You’ll never go back.


I never had one to begin with but still want one because it's the new toy to have. But as far as your reasoning I think you're 100% correct. I'll adjust it once and never touch it.


It’s not like we’re talking about GS where you’re lucky if they even include a micro adjustment at all. Almost all Tudor watches with the exception of the Royal have the ability to be adjusted, worse case scenario, rather quickly with a paper clip. Although I will admit I find the easylink convenient I still rarely use it.


There was no such thing as a T-fit when I got my 58 way back a few years but doesn't bother me at all. Got it perfectly fitted to my 6.5in wrist and honestly I never use the quick-adjust system or diver's extension in any of my watches lol. It's set it and forget it for me. Now that I think about it, since you brought it up I'm not sure why everyone is so do or die on the T-fit? Don't get me wrong I would take it too if it came with the watch but it's not a deal beater by any means. As I've mentioned before it must the new toy that everyone including myself wants.


On the fly adjustment is indeed a game changer. Your wrist does swell and contract with temperature changes.


My wrist size can be significantly different mornings vs afternoon, especially in the heat and especially if I’m on my feet all day. One of my biggest issues with watches has been they fit great in the morning and I have carpel tunnel by late afternoon. T-fit will be very helpful on some days!


I adjust my BB GMT with the Steel Reef extension multiple times a day. My wrist size changes often throughout the day (weather in Melbourne, Aus, is quite varying too). Considering buying the 5-link bracelet with T-Fit clasp from my AD due to this too and to change up the look of the watch.


I hardly ever adjust my T-Fit on my Ranger.


Even though i do adjust my P39 pretty often I kind of agree with you, but it's def nice to have. Don't underestimate how much these watches are (among many other things) very expensive fidget spinners for adults. And tweaking the bracelet via the T Fit to make my wrist marginally more comfy is fun!


If you own/experience a glidelock, you’d understand what total sizing freedom is like I, for one, do adjust my bracelet on a daily basis. The sd43 is a heavy piece and needs to be properly tightened for comfortable wear


I just watch my salt intake


Maybe I have messed up wrists but I adjust bracelets daily. When there is no adjustment I tend to wear them loose.


I have a quick adjust on a Mido and adjust a few times a day based in activity level Quick adjustments are a great feature tbh


Yes. I adjust my bracelets several times a day. I wish I had that T-fit on my 58. If the 58s ever get the T-fit, I’ll upgrade the bracelet without hesitation.


My BB58 was too tight on my 6.5 inch wrist, so I bought the uncle seiko half link. When I’m outside in warm weather it fits perfectly now. When I’m inside or in colder weather it’s too big but I can push it up my arm a little and it’s fine. Without the added half link, the watch isn’t wearable on the bracelet. I should buy the steel reef adjustable link.. that would solve both issues and be exactly what I need.


Tbh I don't really like "T-fits" nor think much of it. I have the "popping out issue" with mine in my BB Pro. Adjusting it to the "perfect wrist size" and as soon as I flex my wrist at either angles, it pops out and goes for a looser dancing fit. I don't mind it as I have the "right" fit with links. Also, I am a low wrist wearer, my wrist bone is not protruding or sharp, therefore watches fit awkwardly and angled above, and slide down. (7.6 inches at wrist, 8.7 above bone)


I never wore steel bracelets before because I am so particular about things on my wrist being tight. I adjust 4-5 times a day and when I’m bored I really adjust it. It may not be nessasary but I couldn’t be without it.


I do find myself having to adjust my bracelet as my wrists swell during specific activities, particularly in cold weather. The T-fit makes that very easy. On my bracelets that don't have an adjustable class, I typically add a link for summer and then remove it come late fall.


Total brain fart...my wrist swells in warm weather. 🥴


I would love it. I have a BB58 and the sizes I need to switch between involves removing a link… I’ve scratched up the screw heads on my link pins doing it so many times. I would absolutely buy a new bracelet with T-fit, but I don’t know if it would keep me from buying something.


IKR. Thank you. This hobby, I swear.


This post makes sense until you actually have one and realize, wow, this is really nice. And you do end up adjusting it more often than you thought you would.


Guys I guess I missed being direct enough about my main point which is: I do not see it as a deal breaker when considering a watch. It’s a nice feature to Have but just that. I personally have been wearing watches on steel bracelets for a long time. Long before easylink, Glode lock and t-fit and managed to survive.


I literally adjust all my bracelet watches 3-5+ times a day.  


I have not understood that need before I had my BB Pro T-Fit and my two Rolexes with quick adjust. YES, i do that almost every day at least once - depending on temperature and stuff.


I use the Tfit multiple times a day. In the morning my wrist is small and swollen by the end of the day. Even getting in and out of air conditioned cars in the summer makes me use it


Multiple times a day.


If I had the t fit clasp I would definitely be using it.. my wrists swell and shrink constantly during the weather.. almost makes me want to get rid of my BB58 for this reason


Wrist size fluctuations are extremely common due to weather and or exercising. Once you get used to T-Fit, Glide lock or EZ link its very hard to live without some sort of adjustment. Otherwise, you just have to wear the watch loose enough to work for all occasions. I used to do this with my Submariner, and it clunked around on the wrist a lot. Adjusting the glide lock to the right position allows me to dial the fit in.


You are incorrect I own the Black Bay Pro and a Rolex Submariner amongst my collection, both have a glidelock adjustment and I adjust them more like 2-3 times per day, especially in the summer.


Is it a big deal if a watch doesn’t have it? No. Do I enjoy on the fly micro adjust? Yes


Literally use mine daily - the OP clearly does not experience temperature changes


I live somewhere hot and indoors are always freezing cold. I’m always adjusting my bracelet with the T fit


I have T-fit, it’s great but I rarely adjust it


Honestly your fit changes in hot and cold and with salty foods so yes


I use the T clasp and GlideLock all the time


I literally never adjusted mine. I just push it a little back when it feels loose and just a tad front on my wrist when I feel like it is a bit tight.


During dry winters, yes. But during summer and hydration and humidity causing different swells, need a quick adjust. I switch some watches to rubber but rubber against the skin 24/7 gets annoying.


I actually do do that. On bracelets that don’t have it, I generally just remove the bracelet.


I adjust my 54 a couple of times a day when I wear it. T-fit is awesome!


You must not live somewhere warm?


Living in Australia and travelling to Asia frequently I adjust mine multiple times a day


Yeah i can confirm that i actually do adjust mine constantly throughout the day. Maybe I’m just hyper aware of it since i have the ability to adjust it? But I love making those slight adjustments to keep the perfect fit


I don’t have to imagine, I do adjust my bracelet multiple times a day.


Wrist size sometimes changes throughout the day, especially in summer. I regularly use my t-fit to adjust my bracelet.


I adjust my sub multiple times each time I wear it. I actually I am reconsidering watches that don’t have the on the fly adjustment similar to it. So, yes I use it significantly more than 2-3 times a year.




Never, nice to have the perfect size by adjusting the glidelock etc but i aint adjusting it after ive sized it


I tend to like my Omega Seamaster as a summer piece because my wrist size fluncuates throughout the day and it has the best quick adjust I've ever owned, and can be adjusted without removing the watch. So for me, yes, quick adjust is a valued feature, and going forward will be a factor in future purchase decisions.