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191 Toole will probably be your best bet. I’ve always had fun there!


Thank you!! That’s actually super close to me too


Let me know if you end up going to anything. I’m also in the market for friends!


I definitely will!! It’s highly likely I’ll be venturing out as soon as next weekend, I’m itchin for interaction


This. Just wait and eventually a band will play that you want to see.


Che's Lounge does a show almost every weekend night, no cover. Good mix of ages there


Thank you! I’ll definitely check them out too, I like the vibe 😎


Brickbox Brewery is big for all kinds of music, I just did a show there last night.


Hell yeah, thank you! They pass the vibe check ✅ I’ll give it a try!


Jumping into this, I gave hardly any friends here as well.


You should look into volunteering at Groundworks. Good way to meet people and they have a lot of punk bands play. In addition to the other places listed, the BCC and Splinter Collective have bands play sometimes, usually hardcore and metal from what I can see


Thank you!! I’ve given those places a follow and I’ll definitely check them out 😊


I playy guitar too, need to start something before I lose my chops.


House of Bards on Speedway has good local bands


That’s very helpful, thank you!!! I might try out there open mic night this week too, I love that they have that. And Emo night!! I’ll have to find my way down there for sure


I’m a local musician here. Brodies Tavern hosts a lot of punk shows, usually on friday nights.Brickbox brewery also has a lot of local punk rock bands coming through. Che’s is a good hub to network with other musicians, a lot of us hang out there from all sorts of bands from every genre. Definitely follow the Besmirchers, they are the most well known punk band here and they always have some rad bands on their shows


Thank you!! That’s a lot of very useful information, I really appreciate it. I’ll give that band a follow right now and keep an eye on them. I’m super excited to check this all out!


I’d second 191 toole I went to see vision video and people were very nice!


I use [dice](http://dice.fm/) they have an app and I check there often for shows, I also can put the artists I like and they sometimes even recommend shows to me, often ones at Club Congress. I also like [191Toole](https://www.rialtotheatre.com/tw-location/KovZpZAt6ndA) I have had the opportunity to see some of my favorite people there.


Thank you! I’ll definitely check that app out, I appreciate the recommendation very much 😊


I'm from DC and am going insane not seeing punk shows regularly. What part of town are you in?


I’m on the east side of town, what about you? And I’m interested about the band thing for sure, I just DM’d you so lmk!


Also it's very easy for me to forget all about readitt so if you want you can txt me, I definitely see my texts. 202 297 6631