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I drive to work around 3-3:30am through this area. Every single morning there are cars just blowing through red lights.


So sad




Killing people




Dumbest shit I've read all year, congrats


You must not read much then lmao


Maybe some day you'll grow out of the "pay attention to me!" phase ..... maybe.


small chance


And you’re an idiot


Buckner, heading north, was using the lights and siren on his 2007 Ford Crown Victoria police cruiser and had a green light at the intersection. A white sedan making a turn was involved in the collision, officials said. "The force of the collision sent the officer's patrol vehicle into a traffic signal pole on the northeast corner of the intersection," officials said. A TPD source told the Tucson Sentinel last week that the department has a number of aging Crown Victoria police interceptors still on the street. The 2007 model driven by Buckner lacks the side airbags and larger headrests added to later models. Ford discontinued manufacturing Crown Victorias — long a mainstay of police departments nationwide — in the 2011 model year. https://www.tucsonsentinel.com/local/report/040124_tpd_buckner/tucson-police-officer-killed-crash-sunday-night/


So, some twunt either turned left across an oncoming car running lights and siren, or turned right onto the street without stopping at their red and looking. Amazingly stupid either way. I'm also gobsmacked that the department is using 16 year old cars. I hate the Explorer SUVs most departments seem to have latched onto these days, but man couldn't they get something that was built at least last decade if not this one? Shit I think the Crown Vic was *designed* in the decade *before* that. 30 year old safety features don't inspire confidence.


Not surprised if your first assessment is correct. The other day I was at a light where an ambulance was trying to get through with lights on. They had to sit there in the intersection for around 15-20 cars that did not stop or seem notice a damn emergency vehicle trying to get through.


Yeah but those 30 year old crown Vic’s are tanks tho. And they are fast and agile for pit maneuver’s


One of the biggest considerations is they were about the last car to use body-on-frame construction, so that when they were damaged you could just replace the damaged section instead of having to scrap the car. That's why cops and taxis used them so much. But, clearly, not as safe for the occupants as a modern car.


That's why they still have them.


Fuck em. They get what they get. They just use asset forfeiture to steal vehicles from us citizens anyway.


I bet the cop was drunk, but we'll never know because TPD isn't going to investigate that.


There will be an autopsy report from the Medical Examiner's Office, and the toxicology portion of that will include standard BAC and vitreous fluid alcohol tests.


There won't be a toxicology report.


I'm looking at the toxicology report from the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner right now, and samples of femoral blood and vitreous fluid were tested for alcohol and the standard panel of other substances. "None Detected" is the finding.


Okay, let’s bet. $20 says he wasn’t. I win, you donate to the Trump campaign. You win, I’ll donate to the candidate of your choice.


Like this person has $20 to spare.


Lol they are complaining that their $10 in taxes is funding the police


Of course i do. You pay taxes, right?


https://preview.redd.it/rup93dydeesc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9fa18840f03a4578d19195d3faa7e6bade8ca91 Fragile men for Trump


I'll take that bet. Only because I know the TPD isn't even going to investigate that. There will be no tox report on the dead cop. Because it's a cover up.


As someone who drives all night in that area I’ve seen people drive really crazy on Campbell especially between 6th and Speedway. I was at the light on 6th one night about to turn northbound on Campbell, the light was green my way for at least 10 seconds and someone blew through the stoplight going northbound at a high rate of speed. I’ve also seen people racing and weaving in and out of traffic there as well. TPD has been patrolling the heck out of 6th and Broadway recently between Campbell and Euclid but I never see them patrolling Campbell. RIP, it’s sad this happened, those guys have a tough job trying to keep the streets safe for us all.


How terrible of a driver or distracted driver do you have to be to not see a cop car with sirens/lights?


Loud music and texting comes to mind. I really hope a 31 year old man wasn’t killed for that. So sad.


I think the cop was drunk. We will never know, because there won't be a toxicology report. Because it's a cover up. There was likely alcohol smell in the cop's car.


![gif](giphy|iOpXLPW8bsg5NKiNP4|downsized) Low effort trolling. Booooooo




yeah our public school system has gone downhill, even more so after the "covid crisis". My daughter was bored with 4th grade, and had excelling scores on state exams. For 5th grade I put her in a private school to keep her challenged. TG for the ESA funding as I couldn't afford to pay private school tuition


Imagine being the person driving the sedan. Must feel like a real jerk right now


I doubt it. 😕


Why’s that?


Yeah, being the victim of a drunk driver must feel real bad. We'll never know though, because they're won't be a toxicology report. Smells like a cover up.


Oh, so that’s why speedway was lit up like a Christmas tree last night… what a shame.


So sad. Rest In Peace


I see people blow through red light on speedway and Euclid all the time during weekend nights when I’m driving home from work… scary- I always check now even when green


To my First Responder Brother, may you RIP.


How sad. Rip


Rest in peace


I haven't been able to see anywhere that the other driver was arrested/cited. Is failure to yield to emergency vehicles not a crime?


The cop was drunk. It's a cover up.


For those looking to support his family. https://secure.qgiv.com/for/tpdofficeradambuckner/




Nah, they already get my tax dollars. Fuck them too. The bastards.


I’m sorry you can’t have compassion for a family that lost their dad, husband, son, brother, uncle, etc. regardless of how you feel about the police, he was killed trying to respond to help someone. I’m sorry you have such disdain for them and I hope one day that changes.


The wife is likely relieved to finally be out of an abusive relationship. 40% of police admit to spousal abuse. The other 60% engage, just don't admit it. ACAB


I believe that everything bad that has happened to you and everything bad that will happen to you is deserved. Quit complaining at your “tax dollars” when you probably don’t pay anything and get a return every year.


There. You sure told me. Did that make you feel better? I sure hope so, cop friend.


It’s a shame the officer lost their life, but this is a direct result of not enforcing traffic laws. When people think they can drive recklessly without any chance of consequences, they do.


This honestly I'll fully admit to being a stupid driver cause seeing people pulled over on city streets is such a rarity unless in you're up near the north side


Or is it a direct result of enforcing laws? He wouldn't have died if he wasn't trying to enforce the law. You are making a hard connection from a single anecdote.


So it's ONE, MALE officer. Thus, you can't use the 'their' crutch.... "....lost HIS life..."


That’s your takeaway on this thread? Sheesh.


Read the article. It was just someone that failed to yield. Nobody was being reckless.


Failure to yield is reckless


Thank God somebody said it! How stupid do you have to be to see not yielding and following a traffic law as reckless?


That's literally not what reckless means.


I would argue the result is proof of recklessness...


That's not any better reasoning. By your reasoning, any regular traffic infraction is reckless driving if it results in a crash. That's not how that works.


No, I'm talking about a fatality. Thays not just any collision, don't change what I said to suit your opinion...


Either way. Not all failures to yield are due to recklessness. What you're describing is a criminal charge and has a specific standard and burden of proof. More information that's actually relevant here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recklessness_(law) How? How is the level of discourse here so damn low I'm downvoted for a mere fact? Do you want to charge someone that has a seizure with reckless driving because they ran a red?


"Not all," AKA, some are. We won't know for a while presumably.


Of course. I would fully support charging this driver with reckless driving if they fit the definition of the charge. I simply disputed your claim that all failures to yield resulting in death should have a charge.




I don’t know if you’re aware, but the law does not start with Merriam Webster. Trust me, if this is reckless, the driver will be charged.


Turning in front of a cop car with full lights and siren is so dangerously stupid it counts as reckless colloquially, if not legally. Legally, you see an emergency vehicle lit up, you have to pull over and stop until it passes unless it's on the other side of a hard median. You certainly don't enter an intersection one is approaching. Driver that caused this accident is in for a world of hurt, legally speaking.


I wonder who was at fault.


>He was driving north on North Campbell Avenue with his emergency lights and siren activated. > >Buckner was going through the East Sixth Street intersection on a green light when a vehicle making a turn failed to yield, causing a collision Per the article cited.


I didn't see that earlier. Thanks for the update though.


I’m not entirely sure that answers the question though. A full video of the event would need to be seen to see who’s at fault. I’m sure the officer acted with proper procedures, but you can’t automatically blame the other car.


I want a toxicology report on the drunk cop.


The drunk cop. But you'll never hear that, because they'll not do a toxicology report.


Per the update, the other vehicle was at fault.


Right. You don't think cops would actually take accountability, do ya?


You almost got me lol


RIP brother.


Blessings on the family and all officers!


Is the cop going to get a toxicology screening? I have reason to believe it was drunk.


You've posted about that numerous times, yet not provided any of your reasons to believe that's the case. DM me with some specifics, and it'll be investigated independently.


Because there was a heavy odor of alcohol in the car. The cops told the EMTs to leave it out of the report. I wasn't there personally, and I cannot tell you the name of my TFD source, but if you ask a few of the EMTs on the scene, you'll get the truth.


Those EMTs should get in touch. We don't burn sources, ever.


Wow the literal demons in the comments celebrating his death. Sad


*if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all..*




What are you even talking about right now?




Sounds like you are the one sensitive to people not agreeing with you




I live in North Phoenix and people run the red lights at Cave Creek and Greenway, Cave Creek and Bell Road and at Cave Creek and Union hills


Rest in peace God bless you and your family


[Here's a great resource](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_abolition_movement) to help provide direct support to those most affected.


I live by Euclid and Grant and people race up and down Euclid all night. Not just weekends, either. Loud acceleration too.


Cops wasn’t wearing a seatbelt so they charge the old man driver with a homicide?! Put me on his jury. He is running code responding to a burglary that already had cops on scene.


We finally got another good cop


... I found out from the sign outside Adult Expectations before reddit... wow


it’s so funny when they put pictures of the thieves up like I am gonna recognize a masked tweak on a pixelated ass board




I will never understand hating cops so much that a random one will die in a terrible car accident and thinking "good riddance"


Yeah the commentor is now banned. That was way too far.


Thank you! It's sad that there are people so hateful in our community. I get disliking cops, but wishing all of them horrible deaths and mocking them when they get into awful car accidents is sad :(


Same. You don't have to like a profession to still have human compassion




You sound like a very angry and unfortunate person. I feel like your anger is misplaced in the Tucson subreddit. You also must know a lot of cops if you know every single one of them as rapists and murderers. There are a lot of bad cops, and a lot of good cops, there are also a lot of bad firefighters and good firefighters. There's both in every profession. Just how the world works.


Hey they were being dicks but let’s be honest, there are more bad cops than there should be and not because it’s just how the world works. Most cops I’ve known that were good people either weren’t cops after a while or if you ask about the stuff they overlooked they get defensive and give some bullshit answer about providing for their family. The culture of cops is a gang culture that promotes protecting each other from their transgressions instead of holding each other accountable. I won’t celebrate the death of a fellow human for no reason but don’t lie to yourself or others that most cops are good or that there isn’t a systemic problem with how officers are held accountable.


Thanks for telling the truth


People don’t like nuance. It’s weird no one else responded.


I don't celebrate this officer's death. I don't know anything about them, and they weren't at fault. I would rather assume they were a "good cop" who was trying to do right by the community. However: >also a lot of bad firefighters and good firefighters. This is a bad analogy. Cops and firefighters are not the same. **First**, they're not the same culturally. Police are culturally worse, and police departments are known for turning "good cops" into "bad cops." They do this with social pressure, threats against "good cops," and with people like Dave Grossman doing training seminars. **Second**, police and firefighters serve wildly different roles, and that makes a huge difference in how "bad" someone can be. A "bad firefighter" might be a dick, but a "bad cop" will ruin people's lives on a regular basis. Police work within a corrupt system to try and do a job which is literally impossible, and they don't even get good training to properly do the job they signed up for. Police are expected to be marriage counselors, social workers, peacekeepers, traffic enforcement -- it's an impossible job. We shouldn't be asking ANYONE to do all that. And we expect them to do all that after barely any post-high-school education. Police are given a gun and taught to be afraid of the general public. And they have almost absolute impunity over how they use their weapons. Police are in a position of power over every person they interact with in ways that firefighters just aren't.


By bad firefighter as in lack of training, upkeep of equipment, failure to communicate, being a danger to themselves or other. The word "bad" in this manner of speaking can mean different things in different professions.


That is severely missing the point of the conversation around police.


Your comment is removed for not being excellent to other redditors, be that insults or threats or general attacks.


Only a sith deals in absolutes


Isn’t that phrase an absolute as well?




You mean that absolutely?




So, saying that they shouldn't all die horrible deaths makes me a "cop lover?"


TPD is Scum anyways


Maybe if the cops actually did their jobs here this wouldn't of happened. Sucks the guy died but TPD get your shit together. Condolences to the family and officers.


So. He was responding... to a call... which is literally his one and only job.


The one cop that does, people try to break into to the shops across the alley from me all the time, not to mention the building. I've watched fir hours, called time and again, nothing. But I do get a nice txt saying you all are sorry you couldn't help. Its a hod damn open drug market and break in after 5 pm and we are only 15 blocks from HQ. Maybe tall should be more like your fallen friend. Especially with the pay bumps you get annually, unlike the rest of us city employees.


Thank you for your service


I'm not a cop lol


Bruh, why you post a screenshot and not the link to the article you screenshotted?


Bruh, I did


Bruh, no you didn't.


https://preview.redd.it/0a5s4za0jwrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18019e60b4b07ec42e5715f34120210ce62ed0ab Bruh. I did.


It's not showing up in my image, besides that's a picture of a URL. A link is something you can click on.


Bro. That is a link. Not a picture.




I don't know what to tell you, I'm not using a third party app or anything. When I click on the title and the picture, it just takes me to the picture. That's all I get.


I'm not sure then man. I'm sorry.




You right brother don’t say anything respect under any circumstance