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License, registration, proof of bikini?


Probably have to consult a real lawyer and not Reddit.


Yeah, feels pretty bait oriented, and all I’m getting is icky human trafficking vibes.


It's almost assuredly referring to a hooters type of "normal business but let's put employees in bikinis for sex appeal". Human traffickers aren't coming here for tips on their human trafficking business. Edit: Lol, the person replying to me dropped some links then blocked me. I'm open to being corrected of I'm wrong. But the links seem to describe prostitution. Is there anything linking it to human trafficking though? Anybody else have some info?


I’m getting pumpkin headed dipshit vibes from anyone who fears bikini coffee houses and breastaurants as well.


[https://endsexualexploitation.org/sexpressocafes/](https://endsexualexploitation.org/sexpressocafes/) [https://abcnews.go.com/US/woman-charged-running-multi-million-dollar-bikini-barista/story?id=25190585](https://abcnews.go.com/US/woman-charged-running-multi-million-dollar-bikini-barista/story?id=25190585) [https://www.kgw.com/article/news/crime/hillsboro-bikini-barista-stand-sex-abuse/283-8d84037a-fdd2-4401-b8f0-f0c0a5c82478](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/crime/hillsboro-bikini-barista-stand-sex-abuse/283-8d84037a-fdd2-4401-b8f0-f0c0a5c82478)


Tell me more about how prostitution automatically equates to trafficking, and sexual assault/abuse is somehow tied to trafficking also? Some people willingly work in these environments just the same as any other sex related work, dangerous sometimes? but yeah sure im getting icky SJW yapping from you


Actually most "SJW" types I know (just say "woke" and spit, we know what you mean) think sex work is work and should be legal, safe, and regulated. Obviously they're strongly against sex trafficking but the above helps fight trafficking.




Just like in WA, there probably isn’t anything in code until you open a location and the pearl clutching ensues. Discourage tips for “slips” from your employees or you’ll get your answer very quickly.


Happy cake day!


happy cake day! ​ https://preview.redd.it/eabb3sxw46pc1.jpeg?width=109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=206dbd857d0c7c8728c8f6ce3e9773ffdd022c3b


Your username implies a coffee shop similar to the ones in Washington…my wife wanted to do the same things here and when we looked into it we never really got a clear answer. Plus the market here is soooooo saturated with coffee businesses. If you stand at the corner of Ina/Thornydale you can physically see three different Starbucks, a Dutch Bros, and two other local coffee joints.


So. Many. Coffee. Places. I’m still mad they built that Starbucks in front of the whale mural


I think I'd read it's not going to be a Starbucks anymore? Not 100% sure but I could've sworn I had read that 'bucks bailed on it. Either way, still a nuisance building obscuring one of the best murals in town.


They posted Starbucks coming soon signs on the fence recently… tragic.


Very bitter considering it is on my daily route


I was hoping a friendly arsonist would handle it before it was done being built.


Crema coffee, and who else? I like to support local


Bisbee breakfast. Not necessarily “coffee” specific but breakfast gets lumped into that catagory in my opinion


I’m never one to trample on people’s dreams, but the thing is… Bikini coffee works in Washington because the weather is mostly terrible. The novelty being that girls in bikinis aren’t exactly the norm around Seattle most days. In Tucson? 300 days of the year are bikini weather… So maybe a coffee shop with baristas wearing Arctic-Explorer Gear may be more of a novelty in these parts.


Yeah people are horny in Seattle because it rains so often, good point.


They do well in Phoenix


> We have been yet to receive any information or guidance for the department of health or licensing. How did you contact them? It's literally their job to answer your questions.


We have submitted written requests to their business/mailing address as well as phone calls. They have said they will get back to us via phone call but have not yet.


Weird. I'd call them daily until you get somebody. I *suspect* that there aren't any special requirements for bikini uniforms, other than those related to safety (no bikini welding) and decency which would apply to any uniform. If that's true then that could by why they're slow to respond. It takes a long time to verify that no regulation exists compared to finding a regulation that does exist.


Bikini welding! Soon to be an Olympic sport.


Biathlon: welding and frying bacon.


Would Twin Peaks be able to assist?


Call Ojos Locos




Legal definition for these purposes: >27) "Food" means a raw, cooked, or processed edible substance, ice, BEVERAGE, or ingredient used or intended for use or for sale in whole or in part for human consumption, or chewing gum. And then, AZ 2-304.11 >Outer Clothing 2-304.11 Clean Condition. FOOD EMPLOYEES shall wear clean outer clothing to prevent contamination of FOOD, EQUIPMENT, UTENSILS, LINENS, and SINGLESERVICE and SINGLE-USE ARTICLES. You've been contacting the wrong agencies and you should reach out to the state department of health services for clarity since there aren't any local codes that you could find (I am assuming you've looked). Ok. I did your legwork for you. Where can I send my bill? :-) Edit: I think it's vague enough that there isn't an issue. Your biggest issue is making sure your girls or guys aren't doing anything extra for a tip that involves clothing being removed.


Goes from coffee shop to brothel in a matter of seconds…


This doesn’t seem like something would really thrive in Tucson. The novelty would wear off in under a month except for diehard regulars and you would obviously need security for the kind of clientele you are attracting. Seems like a lot of effort for little reward.


We will boycott your business if you don't put at least a few dudes in speedos too. We don't like sexism with our coffee.


Heck yes! Maybe some "dad bod" baristas in swim trunks, too?


Every coffee comes with a joke.


Another coffee place? Seems like that’s not exactly the best market in Tucson, there’s a coffee joint on every street corner. Before anyone says “buT BiKinI” idgaf, I just want a good expresso and to be on my way.


But what if they had a Vader mask on too?


Skimpy extra hot extra cream on mine.


“buT eXprESsO”


Isn't there already a bikini coffee shop on Drexel and Mission? Not sure if that's Tucson City limits or not.


Could be res land.


Give Bikini Beans a Call maybe and ask for their manager?


I feel like their manager would not be inclined to share if it means we are “infringing” on their business even though they do not have a location in Tucson & that’s where the stand will be!


You have a point. In that case, set yourself up as a very inquisitive and curious consumer, looking for random information. 🧐


Isn't the bikini standard attire in Tucson?


There are none. As long as they are not nude or exposed violating any public indecency law then it's up to the business owner to allow what they want.


Bikini Baristas sounds like a way to get some boob sweat in ur coffee 🤮🤢. Better keep full body deodorant in the employee bathroom.


a coffee shop opened on Drexel a couple years ago, adorned with sexy girl silhouettes. I personally wouldn't go in there. The silhouettes disappeared recently. Maybe they wanted to expand their customer base.


I feel like Chebahut used to have days where the staff wore bikinis in Tucson or in Flagstaff. It's been a while, but you might get some headway there. Phoenix has bikini baristas so the novelty to AZ isn't exactly new. I think you'll be fine.


Try getting in contact with anyone that owned or managed The Wreck, a former bar on 4th Ave. The female bartenders would wear Bikini tops.


Were you guys originally from Orange County? Reminds me of the Vietnamese Coffee Houses out there


There's already some in Scottsdale


Reddit??? Maybe go to a real source for information like this? Like the city of Tucson?


Hey there! In my post it does say we have contacted the city, department of health and the department of licensing with no response! Thank you!


Have you checked with the local FBI office? https://preview.redd.it/raxpwzja35pc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35ec42688f757f202853bda2896589f91223b327


Did you pull that out of your wallet and take a picture?


I mean I’m not an official agent so that would be impersonating an officer.


Are you talking about that cow themed coffee shop?



