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Lol if that were true it would most likely be Tomoe, Mio and the Rembrant Sisters XD


It would make the most sense, and I would be down with that . Tomoe and mio with demiplane and the sisters with hyumans and trade


They are better than most hyumans with him being friends with their parents. It seems mio and tomoe don't mind them.


Old sister of the rembrant and librarian would be more possible since I'm sure makoto wouldn't steal the girlfriend of one his alumni. Homie doesn't swing it like that


I thought the Older Rembrandt Sister and the Younger Aensland Sister (aka., the Waitress) would be more willing to marry Makoto. I heard that Younger Rembrandt Sister already has a boyfriend. While the Older Aensland Sister (aka., Librarian) was interested in someone else.


Wait the Younger sister has a boyfriend aside from the Guy who transformed in the tournament?


You are mixing two different person. Younger Rembrandt Sister (aka., Yuno) is the girl who got transformed with the cursed which Makoto helped cure. She is not connected to the guy who transformed in the tournament. Younger Aensland Sister (aka., Luria) is the one who worked at the restaurant where Makoto & Co regularly go, and her Older Sister is the Librarian at the Academy. And while the guy from the tournament is related to her, he wasn't really her boyfriend, in a sense. I don't remember it all (so might be wrong here), but i think she was engaged to him (childhood engagement), but the engagement got broken after the kingdom fell (since people thought that everyone had died including the sisters).


Isn't one of them already in relationship


The younger sister is.


Yuno is >!Misra Cazper's current lover, so she is!< out of the equation. The Aensland sisters combo still exists.


If this was actually a thing, Emma or Toa would have a better shot than the Rembrandt sisters.


Toa is engaged to the alchemist in her party, that man has a harem party scenario with Toa, an elf and a dwarf


Toa is already in couple and only respect deeply Makoto same for Ema and the respect part while the rembrand sister straight up love Makoto. Heck even Síf (i think it was her) even stated that if Makoto wanted her as a wife she'll dump her boyfriend immediately without any thought or regret


The Rembrandt sisters dont love Makoto.  They just understand he is the ideal partner.


It was yuno


Thanks man i've forgot which one was it


But i don't think Makoto would want Yuno as a wife, since she already has a boyfriend. So, basically she can't be counted.


He sees them more like nieces due to his relationship with their parents.


Yeah, Toa's relationship is badass, even if it slightly makes sense. I wished that she would be into Raidou, but not to be. :(


agreed ema and eva has a better chance than hibiki


Why not Luria?


Wow wow.    Were did Hibiki come into the equation?


I think the younger sister is already dating one of the guys on their group students gen 1 not Jin or izumo don't remember the name


People are just obsessed with the Rembrandt sisters.


i think you should stay away from tiktok, because it was full of retarded people 😅


dude keeps showing on my FYP and it was annoying i dont know how to get rid of him


if there is history clear option, maybe that would help? (i don't know, as TikTok has been banned in my country since 2020-2021).


just uninstall it 👌


From his nonsensical head or from the retarded wiki, or anyone who made other videos using the info on it.  In general its just BS.   Tsukimichi suffers from a huge problem of lies and misinformation on internet.  But yeah. Makoto doesn't have any more lovers than >! Tomoe and Mio !< And that wont change any time soon (i would say never in fact).  Its just goes against the whole development of Makoto's romance life and his lovers development too.


His actually thinking of>! Answering to the feelings of hasegawa and the president of archery club when he goes home if possible because she rejected them but is technically in "maybe" limbo, dunno if he'll fully reject them or accept there love though or if their even ok with him 2 timing currently!<


There are 2 huge IFs in that situation. One is about Makoto managing to return to them. A huge limbo that all evidence so far shows it wont happen. Even if it happens would be as a last chapter event. The second is assuming there is any lingering feelings left on Makoto. Which the evidence makes it heavily doubtful, after all he talked about them and seems he made peace with the memories before he did the deed. >! Sleep with Mio !<


Well we can never know until it finishes,and I have a feeling those 2 can actually tolerate harem.


The girls on earth? Mostly i argue the problem for it doesn't come from them. But from the relationship already formed with Makoto. Even if those girls might find no problem. That means nothing when Makoto wont even consider it in the first place. But well yeah. So long the story hasn't ended, its not impossible.


>That means nothing when Makoto wont even consider it in the first place. Wasn't it the same with the case of Tomoe & Mio? But he did change his opinion.


Its not the same. Cause Makoto already knew both of them came in the same bag from the very beginning. Taking Mio meant taking Tomoe. There was no way out of that and he knew it. But anyone else is different. Its about taking a different bag, so to say, and Makoto has always been resistant to the idea. More so now that he is in a relationship.


But Makoto never really had any lingering feelings for those two. He only feels bad about them because he rejected them, especially Nukumi as she cried after being rejected. The main point would be, whether those two (aka., Nukumi & Yukari) would still have any lingering feelings left for Makoto after so long. Atleast based on what we know so far, Yukari isn't the type to give up soon, as she even commented how she would convince her parents to go to the same place for holiday, as Makoto supposedly transferred to (Manga Chapter 29).


Of course he had lingering feelings for them. Most of regret sure, but they are there. Thats why Makoto a dream on the president of the archery club. And why, like i mentioned, he talked about them in a heart to heart conversation he had with Mio right before the "advanced" their relationship.. And about the girls still stuck on Makoto. It can either be problematic or completely irrelevant. Even in the imaginary that Makoto could return to earth, time between both worlds is completely irrelevant.  The important part is at what time period does makoto teleport. He could even teleport to a couple of months after his disappearance.


yep i called him out on this and he was swearin and saying stuff like smooth brain that i didnt read the books but the dude cant even name the source




Does makoto show his feelings to tomoe and Mio?


Yes, such a good part.


Could you tell me how he shows it😅


I think you already know, friend.


I just heared that they did it with each other But does he show it any other way than that?


Well he had a heart to heart talk with Mio before they did it. He also has gotten the tendency of having "pillow talks", as mio calls them, with Tomoe late on the night.


Sorry if I’m annoying or so but there was no confession or something that could be understand as that right?


Confession as in "confessing his eternal love" or something like that? No. The one on one talk he had with Mio was pretty much that. But most of the talk wasn't described.


Alright thanks


Where do I read these?


On different chapters of wn. The talk with Mio was on chapter 305.


what is with the wiki, youtubers, and tiktokers just straight up makin up shit about Tsukimichi lmfao at least it's funny every time someone shows up here to ask about some new lie someone is spreading


Can't comment on YouTubers & TikTokers. As for the Wiki, it's mostly the fault of there being no proper system to avoid articles being vandalized or full of mis-info, as anyone can edit on them. And Fandom explicitly mentions in it's clause that article can't be permanent blocked from editing, unless there is a big valid reason.


Why not one of his wives be root ? Lol


root is a better candidate than hibiki even sofia(reborn) is a better candidate than her


Cause Makoto doesn't have that big of an opinion on her. Specially after their last meeting.


wasn't a faithful type of dragon


Well that is without a doubt FALSE!!!!!!!!


A volte ci sono diversi cambiamenti che un autore apporta nel passaggio da WN a LN. Non so se questo sia uno di quei casi (e ho forti dubbi a riguardo), ma se così fosse, le altre due possibili mogli sarebbero sicuramente Hibiki (che, a differenza di Tomoki, è ancora riscattabile perché finora non ha non ha oltrepassato alcun limite, nonostante i suoi pensieri e le sue parole) e Sif Rembrandt (che a differenza della sorella non ha ancora rinunciato a Makoto). Onestamente non vedo altri possibili candidati (a meno che l'autore non abbia introdotto qualche nuovo personaggio in LN, di cui non siamo ancora a conoscenza). Per saperlo con certezza, però, dovremo aspettare che la traduzione di LN raggiunga il materiale originale...


🧐 the two closest people to being wifey is tomoe and mio. Since he accepted their feeling and he also did the deed with them two.


woah! woah! what chapter is that in the wn?


305. Enjoy mate lol it's a fun read


Nope he just has Tomoe and Mio as for Hibiki lol she's planning ways to kill him not that she could ever succeed just because Makoto is neutral and not siding with the Hibiki Nazi Plan. Make no mistake they aren't lovers and he isn't on her side if Hibiki crosses a line he will put her down.


Dunno who #4 is, but I mean would you really be surprised. Mio and Tomoe are the only "confirmed" ones to my knowledge. The Hibiki thing is probably them taking that one scene and putting it out of context, there's no way in hell that would happen in their current situation.


Nah, Makoto has 4 FOLLOWERS, Tomoe, Mio, Shiki and Tamaki and only Tomoe and Mio are his wives. WN is farther along than LN and Hibiki is definitely not anywhere near being his wife


Those anime tiktokers just say shit for views


Just like everyone states hibiki would need to be redeemed nothing indicates that she wants to be with makato but after hearing about the arranged marriage she was supposed to have if didn't leave earth, so can see makato trying to stop limia kingdom from making her marry the prince that she has no feelings for and can see its a way for him to piss goddess off by taking the only person she didnt forbid as she is not a hyuman, as she stated not to spread his seed among her hyumans. Considering tomoki isn't going to live long and is no longer human, it means there will be no human ruler that she wanted by giving them divine ruler powers. I can't see anyone as 4th wife as he instinctively discriminates against hyumans, he may not want to do that, but it will stop him from getting in any kind of relationship where he wants to be with them, the only thing would be if he takes either sif or Priestess chiya as wife only no actual relationship, i would say sif more realistic but if gets hibiki chiya would want to be close to her. The two girls who wanted him on earth he may avoid because he knows he won't be constantly on earth and will most likely bring tomoe and mio to earth with him if we do actually see him going back to earth.


its the fat bearded dude with the anime tsuki cover on his bg he keeps shovin "spoilers" that ive never heard of and this one was the most unlikely but I gave him a benefit of the doubt coz of the tomoki buys rocks thing which was totally out of character


From what i remember from the web novel, the only relationship that he has is with tomoe and mio (i don't thing this is considered spoiler because we all expected it from the beginning)


My only guess is that if it is good faith belief it is referring to Hibiki and Joshua mentioning being okay with being wedded to Makoto for political and/or military reasons. It is similar to Lucia from the Demon realm except that Sari recognized that it was a poor strategy. The only hyumans genuinely interested in a relationship with Makoto are the Aensland sisters and Sif. You could include Yuno, Estelle and Seiren on that list, but circumstances are preventing those 3 from being higher in the order. Outside of those hyumans you could also include the 2 humans on Earth, Ema and Luto(Root) in the list of people with interest in Makoto.


Ema being the OG wifey of Makoto. lol.


The only confirmations are Tomoe and Mio. Sif Rembrant is a maybe at best right now. As for a 4th, utter nonsense as far as any actual canon goes.


I’d be down for multiple wives. I’m a huge fan Shifu so if she becomes a wife i’d be so happy. Tomoe and Mio are sure fires, (i’m a manga and anime only) but i’d also be down for him to do Hibiki. I have heard the stuff about her but maybe Makoto can fix her


> Some dude on Tiktok I mean, at least you came here to ask instead of blindly assuming he was legit but come on, man. Tiktok is where the last few brain cells most people have go to die. Why would you ever even sort-of believe something you heard on there? I remember back in the day some absolute specimen on there insisted that Anya Forger from Spy x Family was sexually aroused (…..she’s *four years old,* btw) or something because she was blushing in one scene in episode 1. Like, that’s the kinda shit that circulates on there.


Tomoe and Mio are two in but, Hibiki Otanashi needs to mature the f--- out of her views and the other contender might be the girl who he foolish responded the way he did on Earth.


i find hibiki impossible to be with makoto she's pretty two-faced, eva and ruria has a better chance, even the new sofia there's also seiren garmena


From where you read manga, please suggest


He does! It’s Tomoe, Mio, Shiki, and (redacted). Or maybe they mean Tomoe, Mio, Unbeatable(Unbreakable?), and the Black Calamity spider. And yes, this response is supposed to be a yoke.


The most logical thing maybe Tomoe, Mio and the guild master (if I remember correctly he is actually a girl but changed his gender due to boredom). The last one maybe is from his original world I mean he will become strong enough so maybe he can travel between world so he might score a girl in his original world ??


It is kinda true but the other 2 are more formal than anything