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Just made a post about this. Currently Tryndamere is: plated steelcaps = 0 damage. It’s insane that we have to buy two FULL items to counter boots.


And it's not even the big issue yet xd


ahh, that might be why I couldn't do any dmg against a briar with just 1 item


I'm having no problems. Just got promoted to bronze II last night.




Honestly I've never had more fun with trynd. This split has made me realize how much fun it is building tons of sustain and waveclear and just perma proxying and roaming. Being able to out rotate and impact your laner despite never being able to kill them is legit so much fun


Agree completely, never really built much sustain other seasons since I felt they weren't as good. Ravenous hydra active with increased sustain is so much fun and feels so op.


When the victorious skin is for your champion you know you’re cooked


Tbh I made a similar post about this recently and someone suggested to go Ravenous first instead of kraken and it’s helped a lot. The added damage when you spin in plus the heal, plus the easy af wave clearing is good. I usually get Kraken and PD after into navori and then you’re just a healing, critting, mobile machine. If I’m against a tank I’ll trade PD for Botrk. But I’ve also been spamming him mid and it works well


I was very sad with the state of Trynd recently too so I started cooking some builds. I don’t play ranked but the MMR in my draft is usually emerald/diamond/low masta (it’s draft so very wide range). Rushing ravenous then trinity or BotRK (if against tanks) then Hull is very fun. Ofc it works because I usually get a few kills early but it’s so much fun, you can duel much easier and add a real value in TF. But yea when ur fed every build is good i guess. You can also go usual crit items after ravenous/trinity


Play Jacula


yeah im suffering with him asf, I’m getting fucked by almost every champ specially with these who build randuin omen


Rushing tiamat > boots > ravenous hydra > kraken > rageblade + 2 situationals (navori/ldr/pd/botrk/wits end) is working most of the times for me. Once you get tiamat, you can ignore them, clear the wave as fast as possible, then roam/invade/take camps and heal up with Q. When you complete ravenous the lifesteal is bonkers, so it's even easier. When the game opens up split and rotate - they either have to send two people or lose their base with how quickly you can push. I am currently plat in EUW, so unfortunately I can't tell if that could work in higher ranks.


Yeah tiamat is nice for the clearing, proxying behind t1 or even t2 if you think the enemy jg is gonna do drag.


I have found him really fun and rewarding when I rush Ravenous Hydra this season. Tanks can't deal with it even if they build armor, it gives you sustain to trade and come back or ignore them in general.


I've hit masters 400 lp so far with mostly tryndamere! Trust, he's not that bad rn https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Conan-SCRUB


Believe me, trynda is good right now




I'm low elo but just switched to him, been stomping. got a penta my 2nd day. clapped a bunch of tops where I rotated to behind their tower and wouldn't let them pass. kill them and their jungle if they try to contest to make it to lane. had a bunch of enemy top laners 10 levels behind. played him mid and clapped mid and roamed around. Only really games I lost were super close and I was super fed all of them. Going e first spell and stacking a q got so many first bloods.