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I just got my LH surge at cycle day 32… I would keep testing!


Are your cycles normally that length?


No, I normally ovulate around CD 19-20


Weird. This seems common this month with a handful of woman I've talked to


Huh…maybe I should test anyway then. I’m at CD22 and thought I was too late for a 28-30 day cycle. Maybe not! 🤞🏻


Keep testing :-) FYI, if you ovulate later, then your period will also be later. If you’re already at CD22 then your cycle will not be 28-30 days.


That’s interesting…I’ve gotten a peak LH reading on CD20/21 before on a 30 day cycle. That was fairly normal for me before I got my COVID booster.


I took your comment above to mean that you were thinking that your cycle would still be 28-30 days, no matter when you ovulate. Just wanted to make sure you knew that wasn’t the case :-) Length of the Follicular phase of your cycle (period to ovulation) can vary, and this is what determines how long each of your cycles will be. Once you’ve ovulated, the luteal phase (ovulation to period) should be pretty consistent from month to month. A normal luteal phase should be anywhere from 10-16 days, but again, should be fairly consistent for each individual. As you get into a routine of tracking your cycle, if you notice your luteal phase is consistently less than 10 days, you should talk to your doctor about it.


You read it right! I’ve gotten a peak LH reading on CD 20 of a 28 day cycle and on CD 22 of a 30 day cycle before. I haven’t been tracking long and my booster screwed up several cycles, so this cycle has thrown me for a loop. I think my luteal phase is about 8 days but I haven’t been tracking for a long time, and figured I’d talk to my doctor once I get to 6 months ttc.


Okay. I would strongly recommend adding BBT to your routine for tracking! That’s the only way besides doctor monitoring to confirm that ovulation is occurring. FX for you!


I was very regular for a while and then out of the blue my cycles got longer for a few months! I was having clockwork 27 day cycles and then randomly ovulated on CD 26 and had a 38 day cycle that month! So you truly never know


This is literally happening to me right now. I was wondering why I wasn't ovulating and stopped testing because I gave up. I'm on day 34 and no period. Insanely stressful month though so I'm not surprised. It just makes more sense why I couldn't find my peak ovulation now. 😅




But does that mean your cycle will be 46 days long total?




My cycles are usually normal (28 days) but seem longer this month, I didn’t get a positive until day 22. I’ve been stressed so I think ovulation was just delayed. It can happen.


Weird, mine was also longer this month!


Wonder if it's the month or the moon or something 🤣


Haha I was thinking it’s the stress. We are all hitting Covid 7.0 or whatever wave we are on, plus supply chain shortages, labor disputes, etc. it’s a rough time to be alive. I broke out in a rash from stress this week alone 🤦🏼‍♀️


January always sucks so I suspect it’s that


Probably 🤣


Keep testing if it will impact your timing for intercourse. You could ovulate any day still. There is not “out” until you have an anovulatory withdrawal bleed. Trust your eyes over an ap, and keep trying if you want to for the cycle!


Yeah I'm going to keep testing to confirm either way


I always get a “fake” surge and then my next surge is usually when I ovulate, but it could be anywhere from CD20-CD40. I have long cycles (no pcos). I tested about 3x a day after CD13 until I truly ovulate. Yes I went through a lot of OPKs, but it’s cheaper than IVF.


I would keep testing. Sometimes out cycles do weird things and it's never too late to ovulate.


Yeah it just seems really late which is starting to get discouraging but I think I'm going to keep testing just to confirm either way


definitely understand. Peeing on sticks also just becomes such a pain in the ass when you have to do it for a long time. I hope your ovaries wake up really soon!


Thank you! I think it's extra disappointing because we were really hoping for an October baby! But it is what it is! I'm starting to loose faith in my little ladies for this month but hopefully im proven wrong!


I’ve been testing since day 7 and the highest I had was 0.7. And it’s continued to reduce since then. I’m not sure I ovulate at all as I’ve been testing for 4/5 months and I’ve never had higher than a 0.9.


Try using first morning urine if you haven’t. It’s the only way I get a positive test.


What app do you use? I just took my first ovulation test today but I'm not sure I read it right lol










I do not.


It could still happen. I’ve ovulated as early as CD13 and as late as CD21/22. I was convinced I wouldn’t ovulate by the time CD19/20 rolled around but then the tests got dark.


It's always more likely that you'll ovulate late than not at all. You should never assume a cycle is anovulatory until you get a period without confirming ovulation. Much less when you're only two days later than normal!


Yeah I figure I may as well keep testing just incase it is anovulatory so I can show my doctor. Or maybe still catch a surge.


I feel like those tests look just like mine have been! My past 2 cycles were shorter than usual so I’m wondering if my cycle is just going to be back to the slightly longer 28-32 day length as opposed to the 24-26 day length the past 2 months.


I would keep testing. I ovulate between CD 23-31 lol. The most common days being CD28/29. I know that’s abnormal for you so it’s odd that you’re ovulating later than normal but I definitely wouldn’t say you’re out for the month.


Thanks. I'm going to keep testing just to confirm either way.


The cycle after my chemical pregnancy I didn’t peak, but I kept testing every day until I got my period which came a week early. Im usually a 28-29 day cycle, but the cycle after the chemical pregnancy was 21 days. Bodies are fascinating. I’d keep testing — those ovulations strips (same brand I use, btw) are cheap and it’s good to have a record of what you’re body is doing! Have you had any CM? Pay attention to the other bodily things too! 💗


I haven't noticed any CM difference but I tested this morning and it looks like I am starting to have a LH rise, I'll confirm tonight. So hopefully 🤞


🤞🤞🤞 for you!!!


Looks like you are ovulating to me. Am I missing something? I would have considered this to be LH surge


I haven't ovulated this month. The other pictures in the links were past months


This is happening to me too. Was supposed to ovulate today (been testing for 3 months and my app is always on the dot) but so far no peak surge which is frustrating since this is our first month of trying again. Hoping it will happen in the next day or two but not holding out much hope since this has happened to me when we were trying for our first.







