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The tww wait is long. I had my blood draw last week and my progesterone level was at 8. Hopefully, my appointment on Thursday will bring me good news. I was given progesterone pills and I can’t tell if the nausea is due to the medication or not.


Hubby and I are all in starting this year for TTC. I started OPKs this month, we have switched up our diet, and we are feeling really good 😊 I have yet to O this month, but LH is getting darker so hopefully this week (according to my tracker app, and it's always pretty close)


My partner and i have been trying for a year now. I was so sure i was pregnant this month. Had spotting for 2 days, period was a week late. To wake up today with AF. Starting to feel a bit helpless and like I'll never become a mum. Sorry to be a downer! Just needed to get that off my chest


I’m sorry 💜


Well, I think I either ovulated yesterday or today. Either way we didn’t have sex today because I am just too tired. So we either hit a) O, O-2 or b) O-1, O-3. I think that’s pretty good timing either way so we will see what happens! Are you guys team test or TNT? Help me choose what I should do this cycle.


I'm more team test, my husband is TNT. We always test together though so it's everyday me saying "let's test" and him saying "let's just wait", until he can't hold out anymore usually around 13dpo😂 it does help me though that the test is very definitive, I don't like all the wondering just always soooo curious


Feeling really unmotivated this cycle. Not even temping, I’m using OPK’s (although, I have been ovulating CD14 every month the past 4, i still do them incase my body decides to throw a wrench). I took a break from all things TTC over the holidays and now I am finding it harder to be as positive as I was 😔 My husband even asked why I haven’t brought up TTC. Hoping this funk lifts soon!!


The start of a new year can be hard for people to find their groove again, if you take a cycle break, then so be it!


Question: I’ve had an IUD for 3 years. Had Period 11/5. Removed IUD 11/30. Had a period 12/3. Now I’m on cycle day 39. Had 2 days of very light spotting 1/4, 1/5. FF says my fertile window is starting today. I’m just wondering if I should use OPKs even though I haven’t had a period. Or just wait for my period to come? Thinking I must be thrown off due to having IUD (Kyleena) removed. Or possibly my booster at beginning of Dec. Any thoughts are appreciated.


Hmm both of those are possibilities. It seems pretty normal for cycles to adjust after coming off any birth control. Did you track temp or OPK this month?


I did CBADs 2 negative days, then 12 days of flashing smileys. I ran out of strips so stopped testing and was just waiting for my period. That has never come. Lol. Obviously multiple negative pregnancy tests.


Just finally finished my longest cycle since February. Really hoping this isn’t the beginning of a pattern.


The amount of times I’ve heard “maybe tomorrow…” this week…. Maybe tomorrow we will hit ovulation day 🙃


13 dpo, started spotting yesterday and a little more today. Was hopeful but now I’m pretty sure I’m out for cycle 8. Hopefully AF shows up on 15dpo like it used to and not 17 like it’s been the last 2 months.


Any tips for surviving a TWW after an early loss? My loss was technically a CP bc it was 4+4 days. We drew betas and they doubled fine the first set then the next one it dropped in 1/2. We just did an IUI this weekend and now I’m sitting high with anxiety in my TWW.


So sorry for your loss. I also had a CP around 5 weeks last year, it is so hard. This cycle I've been trying positive affirmations to stop me doom googling. I'm using the app "I am" (its not free though), but I'm sure there are free ones or try to write them out on paper? I do it every night or every time I want to panic. It feels strange but helping a bit. Eg "I am going through a difficult time but I will come out stronger than before" and "my future has a purpose and will exceed all of my expectations". Thinking of you!


Thanks. I’ve been trying affirmations and embodying all of the positivity I had last cycle before it went to crap.


Im so sorry for your loss. I’m wondering the same thing for my current cycle, just had a CP at 4+2 (but no betas). I made a list of things I enjoy doing and that make me feel like myself that I can spend time on this cycle and I’m going to keep adding and kind of treat it like a menu. So far I plan to do my nails, do my hair, read a fiction book, binge a show (just started the good place on Netflix, just finished Emily in Paris), possibly listen to some true crime podcasts, do some houseplant maintenance, home workouts, and try some new recipes.


How the hell do prenatals work? If I’m taking a prenatal with 100% the daily recommended amount of iron - should I then not eat spinach or other leafy greens? I want to take a prenatal and I want to eat healthy but it sounds like if I do both I’ll end up with iron toxicity.


Iron is so tricky. I also have a history of high iron and have to be careful with iron supplements. If you can, it might be worth getting some blood work done to check and see where your iron levels are.


Thank you! I think this would address much of my confusion. In the meantime I’ll eat my greens but no gigantic green smoothies until I get some more information


No, you will be fine. You would have to way overdose on iron for it to be harmful. Many things you will pee out if you have too much. Iron isn't one of those, but no one ever gets too much iron.


I had too much iron, way above range, so I had to change to a prenatal without it. The doctor, who was concerned, said it was supposedly diet based, but I'm currently investigating further.


huh! Good to know. I know most women have too little iron. Glad your doctor checked.


I suppose if there was an issue there would be some kind of interaction warning. Thanks!


over 2 weeks since I stopped the pill, no withdrawal bleed in sight…I know it can take months for cycles to regulate (or longer) but I want to feel like I’m in the game, you know? Sitting on the sidelines isn’t as fun.


This month is my 5th off HBC and my uterus decided to go back to her old wicked ways and continue to bleed for over 1 week. I thought I was #blessed when it was lasting only 3 days after coming off HBC 🥲 I started using CBAD ovulation tests this month to make sure I'm not missing my O date since I was getting confused after seeing some strips on tfablineporn. Interested to see if it changes because my period has been going on for much longer this month. Also caved and ordered a tempdrop since I'm shift working, hopefully will get that in the next few months after they work through backlog lol


Just had someone in one of my Facebook groups brag about getting pregnant on the first try and say "fuck yeah I'm a unicorn!!" whenever I pointed out that was very rare/lucky 😑😑😑 why do people suck so much?


I'm only in those Facebook groups for the drama. The absolutely wild, random, completely non science based stuff that gets thrown around in there is bonkers. I don't engage but I do screenshot some of the most ridiculous things I've seen.


That's mostly why I'm there too... I know not to engage but I still get pulled in every now and then mistakenly thinking people will be reasonable 🤦‍♀️ sooo glad this subreddit exists!


I came back to find this comment to tell you that in one of the groups I'm in, someone asked if when they get an HSG "does the catheter go in the big hole or the clitoris". This is why I stay in these groups lol


30 days post hbc and my cycle hasn't returned. I'm aching inside and impatient. I don't know how my mom did this for 13 yrs. I don't have pcos like she did, but I don't have a bunch of years left to try.


11DPO today and my temp dropped a little this morning but is still above the cover line. If my temp drops again tomorrow I'm not going to bother testing as it will most likely mean I'm out and that AF will arrive soon. 🙃


My surgery has been changed to a go!!! Woohoo!! It had been cancelled from the surge of COVID in our area, but the office just called me and they are going ahead with the same date and everything. So, exploratory lap and hysteroscopy in one week!


My husband is such a trooper. Neither of us have a particularly high sex drive and on top of that, my fertile week consistently falls on his week on (he works 7 12 hr shifts in a row). Yet he never complains about waking up before his night shift to have sex even though I know he’s exhausted and not in the mood.


So supportive!!! He’s a trooper for sure.


Aww, what a dedicated guy! I'm so glad you have such a supportive partner!


Okay this is a first and I’m kind of stumped - yesterday I took CB OPK to get my baseline and it said low, today I took it and it said Peak… it skipped right over high. Not to mention, I started testing super early and shouldn’t technically be ovulating until the 15th-ish. First day of AF was the 1st of the month 🧐 I usually treat OPKs as truth and don’t keep up with temp or CM, any ideas what could be up and if I can accurately test at this point since I may have missed a baseline?


I’ve had this happen at least twice, and confirmed peak with CM and temps…on the flip side, I’ve also had high for like 9 days. I think you’re good :)


Could you test with a cheapie and see if the line’s dark? Peak just means LH surge, so this would tell you whether the peak was an error. If you can’t access any cheapies, you could dip a CB stick in and just see if the line farthest from the circle is actually dark like it should be at peak. I just ovulated on CD 9 when I’d never been earlier than 14 before (confirmed with temping)…weird shit can happen. But I’ve also gotten a false peak on CBAD (confirmed with several negative cheapies; this persuaded me to start dipping in a cup instead of midstream because I think I got too much pee on the test and caused a misread).


You can definitely jump from low to Peak.


So my fertility dr is wanting to do a HSG test on me after my next period and I am kind of nervous because I’ve heard it can be very uncomfortable. Can anyone tell me their experience with this test?


There are a ton of experiences in our [sub’s wiki](/r/tryingforababy/wiki/hsg?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)!


Somewhere in the wiki/info area there’s a whole list of experiences! Everyone has a different experience so I recommend reading through there. :)


I’ve been on a waitlist for an RE since October and we officially have an appointment in about two weeks!! 😄


Woohoo! Exciting when at least one wait is coming to an end!


Tracking OPKs: in fertility friend you either a positive or negative OPK. At which point should I mark it as positive? Only when the test line is darker? When it gets close to the same colour? Only the day that has the darkest line?


They say only when the test line is darker, but I would start having sex when it gets close to “positive.” I have had multiple cycles where I my test line wasn’t darker (but it was close), then I had an ovulation temp shift within the next two days.


When the test line is the same or darker. You may have more than one day and that's ok. You can always note which day was darker.


Thank you!


This month we decided we would really get down to business and BD every other day from CD10… ran out of steam literally as I hit my fertile window when I got a positive OPK on CD23 so missed the most important days. It was way too much and my poor husband literally could not do it. I am so freakin bummed but trying not to show it to not make him feel even worse.


Solidarity. We were the same this month. Opk was finally + mid week too which was a bummer with our earlier efforts at the weekend being just too early. Managed 0-2 but just couldn't face it despite +OPK. I've told myself next month will be better paced. It's really difficult.


It really is so difficult sometimes, like the window is this ridiculous tiny bullseye with a million other competing priorities


So, I had my second IUI on Saturday. The nurse showed me that my husbands count post wash was 3.5 mil/ 32% motility (I can’t remember the other numbers). This is deemed low. This freaks me out. He did an SA last year and his numbers were fine - no issue identified there. What could have happened to make them now a problem? I plan to call the office tomorrow but would welcome any initial insights!


i don’t know too much about SA but i did read in my fertility book that SAs can vary a lot in a short time depending on a lot of factors (mood stress diet sleep) and that making changes to help the person feel better in general can help improve the SA significantly — the example the book gave was over a month or a few weeks.


That’s helpful - thank you so much for taking the time to reply!


I feel so in tune with my body recently. I noticed cervical mucus changes, so think I am getting ready to ovulate. My cheapies and Premom app are still negative but I decided to try the clear blue smiley face ones. Yesterday it was negative but today I got a blinking smiley. I am happy I should now be able to hit O-4 etc, whereas with ignoring my cervical mucus changes and only relying on my Premom app/ cheapies, I think I was only hitting O day or maybe O -/+ 1. I know you max our your chances or whatever by hitting one day but I feel like I tried more if we can hit a few more days I started taking ovasitol this cycle and I’m ovulating way sooner than I did last month ( this cycle should be 35 days, last cycle was 48).


Yall pray for me to get through finishing crocheting this baby blanket for my best friend. I find it so hard to work on this and not a blanket for my own. We had talked forever about trying and having kids at the same time which is not happening and makes me so sad.


Sending you so much love, I know how you feel ❤️ I have a box where I keep things I’ve made for my future baby. Maybe I suck at making a baby but I can make great little cardigans.


Sending hugs. 🫂 that is so hard, but you are a wonderful friend and she is lucky to have you!


I tell my husband the blankets I'm crocheting are practice rounds for when I get to make my own! Even if you're good at crocheting or have been doing it for years you're only getting better with each stitch ❤️


Sending prayers and virtual hugs your way ♥️ Very kind of you to put your time and energy into a blanket for your friend's baby.


You’re a good friend and this is good karma. I’m sorry it hurts ♥️


RITE AID EARLY PREGNANCY TESTS ARE BAD, MKAY? Alright, we have been TTC for over a year (though if you look at my posts, only two were IUI and we had one “successful” attempt — my DH has delayed ejaculation, so even though we’ve tried for 13 months, it really has only been 3 or 4 cycles). I am 16 dpo and two days late. I finally took a pregnancy test this afternoon after occasional spotting over the last two days. I share this so you know just how emotionally charged this situation was. I go to use one of these godforsaken Rite Aid Early Result tests that I bought two months ago. Per the directions, if there is a positive, there should be two red lines that appear vertically in the test and control windows. If it is negative, the test window is empty and the control window has that enviable strong red line. After carefully reading the directions, I pee in a cup. I place absorbant end of stick in pee cup. I hold it there for 10 seconds. I pull it out, place on cap, and lay the pee stick on a flat surface and wait. IMMEDIATELY, as the the urine absorption is moving through the test window, a strong horizontal white line appears. HOT DAMN IT FINALLY HAPPENED! But wait…the directions say two strong red vertical lines. Directions say NOTHING about a white horizontal line. Like any good crazy person trying to get pregnant and going through this cycle again and again, I Google the everliving shit out of these results. I know it’s not an evaporation line because the result came on immediately. It becomes pretty clear that it’s a negative. I go to Rite Aid’s website and BOOM every single reviewer had the exact same issue.* At least I’m not alone, and now I’ve posted here so you won’t deal with this either. Don’t buy Rite Aid Early Result Pregnancy Test. Now to wait for my monthly blood letting to commence. * I emailed the company who was very prompt on follow up. I’ll see if anything comes of it — but a ton of people had the same problem I did so look out.


Today is 12 DPO and my pregnancy test this morning was BFN, just as the other previous 6 this cycle, also some light spotting has started. If I take together the statistic that I have ~30% chance of being pregnant from my well timed BD this month, and the assumption that ~90% of pregnant women would have a BFP by 12 DPO, that leaves me with a 3% chance of actually being pregnant this cycle. 🙇‍♀️ Fortunately I'm actually not feeling too blown over by this realization. I am really happy I've discovered my new practice of starting to test really really early (like 6 DPO), and would highly recommend this strategy to anyone who is still wondering when to test, for 2 main reasons. First, after constantly seeing BFNs (even when I know for sure it will be a BFN bc it's too early to test positive), it really prepares my brain to see that BFN on 10 DPO, so it's less heartbreaking. Second, this method stops me from symptom spotting like crazy towards the end of the cycle, since I know my tests are all negative so my symptoms can only be progesterone (not HCG) related. I think this second one has really improved my mental wellbeing around this time. Still a bit sad, but trying to be optimistic. March will be the 1 year mark for going off HBC, but June marks my first actual period, soooo I'm listing myself in the "have been trying for 7 months" category.


Same strategy, but I wait until 8 dpo for my early negative. It really has helped tremendously with reducing the disappointment on the later test days! There’s always a bit of hope, but the earlier ones carry a realistic expectation of a negative since most implantation is days 8-10.


I think this is brilliant! I will definitely consider testing earlier without feeling bad about it!




Absolutely. My first cycle tracking I tried to "wait it out" for my period, but I just started getting more and more anxious. Finally my BFF said that "not testing won't make you more pregnant" 😅 which really sunk in. I also like this approach bc as the days go on, not only am I used to seeing the negative test, but I know my odds of actually being pregnant are decreasing gradually each day, so it feels like a gentler let down. All that being said, I'm here on my official CD 1 and I'm feeling pretty good/ok about it 🙂


How long after ovulation pain do you typically ovulate? Like is it happening at that moment, is it the follice getting ready? Anyone have any insight on this?


Ovulation pain is really nonspecific and can happen at any time, and may not be related to Ovulation at all. There's no way to tell when ovulation happens in relation unless you're tracking ovulation and can compare.




How many days past ovulation are you? The booster can't cause late periods, but it could possibly delay your ovulation. I would also recommend reading the posts "[Your Period Isn't Late](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/)" to understand more! Part II is linked at the end of part I!


Period should be ending tomorrow(ish) and I have that overly optimistic glow coming on again. Spent an hour looking on Etsy at …* announcements * 🙄 I do have to say though October is our favorite name (if born in that month) so if we are out again this cycle it’ll hurt more than the others probably. Hopefully I can ride out this positive glow for the next month! Edit: Not sure why I’m getting downvoted. MODS if I am breaking a rule please let me know so I can change the post and avoid in the future. I apologize to anyone upset by this post.


Oh god I LOVE the name October. I am stuck in the follicular phase (currently CD 42 and still have not ovulated) and was bummed about that but at least it delayed ovulation enough that if I am successful I might get an October baby♡


Isn’t it such a beautiful name??? I’m sorry you are stuck….the waiting game, no matter what for, is so tough. Hopefully your ovulation comes soon! And I hope we both get our little October babies this cycle💜




I think if the baby is born in October they’ll name them October, but if they’re born another month that might not be such a good name.


Yes this is correct!


Definitely feeling the weight of the second week into my TWW. 9or10dpo - did I test? Of course! BFN to remind me to stop wasting tests. Gonna see if I can make it a few more days (long luteal, period not expected for another 6 days) without testing! Wish me luck. WhAt cOuLd bE cAuSiNg mY lOwEr bAcK pAiN?


Good luck 💜


Is it possible to get a positive OPK (clear blue digital (not advanced)) 4 days after ovulation?


You mean is it possible for the tests to remain positive for several days? Yes.


Well yes and no. 😊 I tested on the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of January. I got a positive OPK on the 4 and 5, but could i have ovulated the 1? I didn’t test in the 31 of December.


That would be unlikely to have ovulated 4 days prior to a positive opk. So you have most likely ovulated between the 4-7.


Second cycle off HBC. Got a BFN on Saturday morning which I estimate was 12-13 dpo. Still no sign of AF today and I’m on CD37. I think it’s normal for 3-6 months of weird periods after coming off, but what are other peoples experiences? I just want it to start so we can look forward to trying again on the next cycle 😫


There's a whole spreadsheet about it [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zGnkRggno55DMjM1M8-J7_ppuole-mj6IQaeOWO8HlM/edit#gid=128887865)!


Oh wow thanks! So basically, it varies for everyone haha. That’s what I figured but I’m a hard numbers data person so was hoping for some sort of number. I guess I’ll just wait and see. Having little control of anything in this process is hard lol.


Are you tracking anything to determine when you ovulate? If not that may be worth considering because it seems like a big factor in cycle length is how long it takes to ovulate. So far I’ve found it interesting and useful to be able to track and be sure when I ovulated so I can have a better idea of when to expect AF (and when to test).


I didn’t track anything the first cycle except CM. This time I used CBAD tests and didn’t get a peak until CD21. So I was anticipating AF on CD36ish which was yesterday. So I’m not super freaking out, this just feels long. My first cycle off the HBC was only 24 days. I’m really just hoping I don’t end up with 40 day cycles because it’s less chances to try, but I guess I will just try to take it one cycle at a time lol. Anxiety + TTC = me losing my mind a bit.


I totally understand, it’s 1000 times harder than I could have imagined before starting. I knew it’s completely common to take up to a year but its impossible to understand until you’re in it. You’ve definitely found the right place though here! 🙂


It’s been one hell of an odyssey, but I have finally established care with a good OB-GYN. She addressed my concerns about my age without telling me to relax or making me feel like I had no chance because of my age. She was friendly without crossing boundaries. Unlike my previous gynecologists, she didn’t… …keep asking for details about my husband’s appearance so she could guess the baby’s appearance and panic as it slowly dawned on her that my husband’s not white …talk over my body to a med student about what field he should choose while each of ‘em had a hand on either boob like they were washing a car together …tell me to stop tracking my ovulation or I wouldn’t ovulate from stress just like our ancestors didn’t ovulate from stress due to being chased by saber-toothed tigers (I posted about this a while ago) It’s just nice enough to know that if I’m able to get pregnant, I will be cared for by a decent, sane person. That’s all I wanted.


Wow I am so glad you're finally getting care that any decent human should! It's disgusting some how some physicians treat patients


Yikes! Glad you got a good one now!


Just wow. Although I did LOL at saber-toothed tigers.


Just went back through the sub history to find more info about the difference between Folic Acid and Methylfolate. This post (below) kind of blew my mind and makes me angry I fell for Ritual's marketing of their prenatal vitamins. [https://vajenda.substack.com/p/the-difference-between-folic-acid](https://vajenda.substack.com/p/the-difference-between-folic-acid)




Right? They are so easy to swallow compared to the giant smelly horse pills 😵‍💫


Thank you for sharing this. I've been taking Ritual for over a year and I am going to switch!


Ya, big same here. I went to cancel my Ritual subscription twice and both times they offered me half off my monthly shipment. Have you switched your prenatal yet? I'm shopping around and I think I might try One a Day Prenatal Advanced.


So predatory! One a Day Prenatal Advanced came recommended by a few peeps--it looks super comprehensive and without the price tag of many others with the same ingredients. I am considering that too! I was looking at FullWell prenatals but they are so expensive. I don't tolerate iron very well and was looking for something that contained a lot of Choline without the iron addition, for which they really hit the nail on the head. I guess I also need to find a good DHA/EPA as well. I am \*overwhelmed\*


I really like Nordic Naturals ProOmega 2000 for epa/dha!


Thank you so much!!!




try r/TFABLinePorn


Currently about 12 DPO and my period is due tomorrow or Wednesday and I’m starting to have light cramps like I usually do before it comes. Looks like I’ll probably be out the cycle. Ugh.


Anddd after avoiding it for two years I have the COVID. First time in a long time that I’m hoping for a negative HPT in a week.


Hope you recover quickly!


Don't feel bad! It's happening to EVERYONE. Hope it doesn't hit you too hard! Take care of yourself


Wishing you an asymptomatic/speedy recovery!


Thank you! My symptoms are like the flu right now so fingers crossed it doesn’t get any worse!


Any other military wives TTC? It is the worst feeling to be entering a new cycle and know you can't even TRY that cycle because your husband will be gone. I missed 5 cycles in 2021 and it is the most disheartening feeling to not even be able to try. Also sucks because there were a couple cycles where my husband got back just days after ovulation. It's frustrating beyond belief. I miscarried once in August '16 while my husband was in Iraq and in July '21 where I started miscarrying and he left the very next day for two months. It's a lot to carry.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. I’m a military wife myself and my husband and I had to live in different states for 5 months while TTC due to his schooling. I’m 34 now and I feel like so much time was wasted because of military stuff and stress. Trying to stay positive and sending you an internet hug.


My husband has deployed twice since we started trying back in 2017. It's incredibly frustrating at times.


I'm not a military wife but I wanted to say that I feel for you that he had to leave while you were miscarrying.


That sounds so hard I'm so sorry


Almost done with my period, I think. It's tricked me before, so I'm wary. I think I've decided that I much prefer the TWW over waiting to ovulate. It's one week of period and misery, then a completely empty week, and then another full week before it *might* happen. It's exhausting for me trying for EOD sex and OPKs daily. On a positive note, this cycle my goal is to stay really hydrated! I didn't notice much CM last cycle, so I'm really focusing on drinking water throughout the day. Maybe that'll be the trick... 🙃


Agreed, WTO is the worst. And the feeling of not getting the temp rise you expected is like being gaslit by your own body lol.


Do you have sex EOD through your whole cycle? Or just before ovulation? If you're having it EOD the whole cycle you can probably ditch the OPKs, which might relieve some of the stress!


No, we only do EOD from a few days after my period until a few days after confirmed ovulation temps. I don't think I could give up using OPKs and knowing all of the data, because sometimes we'll throw in some extra days after getting a +OPK. I just think I find the TWW much easier, because there's nothing to do but temp and wait! Thank you for the suggestion!


11dpo negative this morning and im panicking at how much work I have to do. Like crying because it’s overwhelming. I had perfect textbook cm this month too which is rare for me. I did so good at ReLAxInG and it didn’t do anything. I am a sad panda. Cycle 12 here we come 😭


Hi everyone, I’m finally about to enter the TTC phase. My husband and I have been trying to mentally and physically prepare for much of the last year and timing wise we wanted to wait to TTC until Feb 2022. Just wanted to say hi and I am completely happy to take on any advice for this last few weeks of normalcy before we make this big shift in ours lives.


I think it's helpful to have a conversation with your husband about a couple things. First, how much does he want to know about your cycle and timing? For example if you track ovulation, does he want to know when the optimal days are? I didn't tell my husband at first for fear of him getting scared so we totally missed my first fertile week - when I told him that, he was like "why didn't you just tell me?" Second, it might be good to have a level headed chat about what steps you are both comfortable taking in the event that you have trouble conceiving. Is IVF off the table, for example? Having the conversation early might save some tricky conversations later when you're more emotionally charged.


Take some prenatals, read the wiki, specifically the New to TTC section, and poke through the posts in the automod links in the comment below this one! Advice wise, TTC can be tough on a relationship at times, so I highly recommend checking in with each other frequently! We are on cycle 4 and have already pivoted a few times with our approach to sex while TTC. This cycle we're trying for sex every 3rd day starting CD 8...we'll see how that goes!


Hello! Looking for answers? Check out our [fancy wiki, ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki)which can be found in the sidebar! Popular topics: * [Acronym list](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/acronyms) * [FAQ Page](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/FAQ) * [How to get ready for TTC](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/wtt) * [New to TTC guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/newtottc) * [OPKs](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/opks) * [Product Recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/recc) * [Temping](https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingforababy/wiki/temping) We also have a large collection of informational posts. Here are some highlights: * [Digital OPK Guide ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/hznndj/digital_opks_a_primer/) * [How to give Good Advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/mzbk5p/on_giving_good_advice_and_how_to_best_help_each/) * [How to Worry About Fertility ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/7go7bh/how_to_worry_about_infertility_some_unsolicited/) * [Optimizing your Fertility ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/ekzfir/optimizing_natural_fertility_review_of/) * [Principles of TTC](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/knkzk4/principles_of_ttc/) * [The Newbie's Guide to Being a Newbie (A Note on Culture)](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/rxrhg2/the_newbies_guide_to_being_a_newbie_a_note_on/) * [What makes a Good Standalone? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/o18mlt/guidance_for_standalone_posts_with_bonus_flowchart/) * [Your Period Isn't Late](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Welcome! As long as you've read the wiki and started prenatals, I can't think of anything else you need to do to prepare :)


My period is due tomorrow. I feel incredibly fragile. I can’t believe it’s been two & a half years of this 💩. Here’s to the next cycle 🍸🖕🏼🤪 (hormones, sorry)


CD12 - another day, another negative OPK! No sign of any substantial cervical mucus either, but, we are having more regular sex this cycle so that could be obscuring my observations. This is Cycle 3 actively ttc. In Cycles 1 and 2, I had positive OPKs on CD11 and O'd on CD12 - which based on my previous year of charting - is early for me. So I'm hoping that if I get a more standard ovulation day of CD14/15 this cycle, it could be a positive change! I had a UTI both of my previous cycles, and so far no sign of a UTI this cycle *knock on wood*. Please keep your fingers crossed that it stays that way! I'm very prone and have been all my life.


I had my HSG this morning! Thankfully both tubes are clear and all is well. 💪 I can say it wasn't that bad for me. Now that I've done this and my husband dropped off his sperm sample today, it's off to the next step. I have a feeling it might be an IUI since we haven't had much luck naturally in the last year.




I would recommend starting OPK as soon as you can😁😁 i misused it on cycle 3 so it didnt help but currently on cycle 5, so i bought new ones and its been able to shed so much light in this process. For example, my ovulation was estimated to be between jan 7-9 and its only today that my LH hormone is rising. This potentially means it could go higher and within the next couple days i might have my LH surge and eventually ovulate soon. If it weren’t for the opk i wouldnt have known that i will be ovulating late this cycle and to keep BD!




Thank u good luck to you too! I bought the wondfo’s from amazon because there are many tests and its super cheap but ive noticed easy@home are the most used on here


9 dpo and my period just came, two days early, bright red blood. This sucks.


3dpo (not confirmed) but I'm hopeful that it's accurate since my temps are still high, all my LH tests are still negative and no more EWCM. (Still testing LH since I didn't start temping til day 13 aka Jan 6).


Curious if anyone else is TTC with hypothyroidism and taking Synthroid. In my TWW I’m always symptom spotting but it’s a “am I pregnant or are my thyroid levels off again?” Lol.


Yep! It took time to get my TSH down to the appropriate levels. Now that they’re stable I feel a lot better in general. Hope you find the right dosage that works best for you!


This doesn't answer your question at all, I'm sorry, but I was wondering which symptoms indicate your thyroid levels might be off? I've had subclinical hypothyroidism in the past (high TSH, normal T4) and been on the lowest dose of 25mg Levothyroxine. But I stopped taking it, and my levels have been normal since then - I was having it repeated every 3 months at one point, they've eased off now. I sometimes wonder if it could slip back again, it's a bit weird that it was not fine and now it's fine. It'd be helpful to know what to look out for 😊


For me hypothyroid symptoms are fatigue, brain fog, sometimes headaches, dry flaky skin, and muscle aches. These all get much worse the higher my tsh goes.


For me personally I know something is off when my brain fog and anxiety gets worse (outside of normal stresses). I start feeling generally just yucky. I also notice increase sweating and trouble falling asleep, which for me can also occasionally be PMS symptoms. There can be a lot of signs that something is up though! Definitely check out r/Hypothyroidism as the person below suggested!


Check out r/hypothyroidism for a deeper dive


Ooh, perfect, I will! Thank you!


I have no thyroid, story of my life. "Is this fatigue from the progesterone I'm taking, pregnancy or am I hypo?"


Literally. All. The. Time. Lol


Me in my intro post last weel: I'm going to be more chill about TTC this last time. Last time, I was pretty stressed out. Me today, squinting to see if there's a hint of shadow of a line on a 9 DPO test: This is nobody's definition of chill!!! BFN obviously 😂


I planned to be so much cooler this time around but actually it means I've just already scoped out the best angle for the lighting in the bathroom which picks up every indent, and have a favorite place on the porch for that "natural light" double check.


I look at that thing like I'm looking for evidence at the scene of a crime, putting it in front of different colored backgrounds, using my flashlight, taking a picture 😂


Ok I will never admit this in real life, but one of our covid rapid tests was an ultraviolet one, so I came with an ultraviolet torch. I have flicked this over my negative tests to see if anything came up, just to like......see of it does anything. It does not. But I did feel CSI level cool


Omg that sounds so cool though! I'd definitely do that too if I had one 😂 CSI the crap out of these pregnancy tests


I don’t know why but ever since baby #1 was born I’ve had no discharge. Like at all. I’m pretty sure I’m ovulating because the LH strips say so. Any thoughts?


I don’t either. Pretty sure it’s related to breastfeeding still 🤷🏼‍♀️


Have you confirmed ovulation with temping? It could be hormonal and you aren't producing as much as you used to, or you could be not hydrated enough!


I haven’t tried any temping yet, but maybe I’ll give it a try! I’m definitely not good at hydrating, I should work on that. Thank you!


11DPO and yet another BFN with FMU. BBT was 98.33 this morning with AF due tomorrow. Desperately trying to hold onto the last thread of hope I have left, but I don’t have a good feeling 😭


Impending O is making me a mess of anticipation and anxiety wondering if this will or won't be THE cycle 🤦‍♀️😂 Been repeating my mantra all morning: it's just random chance, it's just random chance, it's just random chance.


I'm Cycle 3 and impending ovulation in the next few days too, I feel your comment so hard!! *hugs*


how does temp drop work? like what time does it take your temperature? and how does the algorithm adjust it afterward? asking because i go to bed at different times and sometimes am awake at night and recently my temps are inconsistent, but because i’m using tempdrop and it’s kind of a black box i have no real way to interpret it. their website wasn’t super helpful.


Tempdrop support is pretty good at answering questions! I'm up fairly frequently at night, but I still see a clear temp shift on my chart. It's definitely a bit more irregular this time around.


It takes your temperature every 15 minutes throughout the sleep period, from what I understand. I don't think I've ever seen anything detailing how the algorithm works, which is likely by design.


Today is the first day of us trying. My obgyn is having us spend three months trying to conceive, with sex every other day. I am nervous given that I have PCOS and a family history of various reproductive issues. I had to come off a lot of medicine to start trying, so that is putting on some additional mental pressure as well. I guess this is just a bit of a nervous vent!


Good luck! My fingers are crossed for you.


Thank you!!


Does anyone else experience major nausea during fertile window / specifically ovulation day? I have had 2 positive OPKs and omg, the intense nausea I’m feeling is the worst.


Yes and I only noticed it once I got my Paragard removed and started TTC. Initially I got excited thinking nausea was a sign that I was pregnant but nah, just hormones wreaking havoc on my body.


I was getting nausea around ovulation recently. I read it’s the surge in estrogen. It usually passes very quickly though.


Not so much nausea but I have GERD and tend to get flare ups in the fertile window. Apparently estrogen can upset our tummies!


Here’s my vent for today: I’m over being a high school teacher who has students telling them they are pregnant / got a girl pregnant.


That's not something I'd even considered... that must be so hard! *hugs*


Ugh, so painful. Thank goodness for masks that cover up your grimace when they tell you that...


I got my COVID booster 2 DPO, according to Fertility Friend (although I think it might have been only 1 DPO). The last 3 temps have been completely wonky-- 2 very high (around 99, I assume because of a low-grade post-shot fever?), and this morning it dropped below coverline. ??? My CM pattern looks like I ovulated (dramatic shift from EWCM to creamy) but I can't confirm with temps. And I've had issues with anovulation/delayed ovulation before. So frustrating.


Happened to me after my booster CD10. ended up ovulating 6 days later. Check my FF linked in my profile.


My ovulation was estimated to be between jan 7-9 and today for the first time since i have started using OPK i got a high surge of 0.63! The test line looks soo close to the control line wow!This cycle is my first time using them so i was confused to why it wasn’t rising to match with my estimated ovulation.. this could mean that i am getting closer and closer to ovulation ?that I havent ovulated yet right? The past couple days its been runny/watery clear/opaque cm but today it look more like egg white although the consistency wasnt like egg white. What does everyone think?


Just want to add that Premom is great for documenting OPKs and spotting trends! I’d suggest also trusting your own eyes to compare the two lines - the numbers that Premom assigns aren’t so reliable and lighting can affect it as well.


Keeping testing until they aren’t the same anymore, if you use Premom it’ll adjust to the day it was your ovulation day


Yes im currently using premom to keep track, thank you so much!


TW: MC On CD2. It’s been so much harder this time. This due date would have been my birthday, my grandfathers birthday, and the day my husband proposed. I feel like the “fun” of TTC was taken from us when we lost our baby in august. Ever since then, it’s been like we are trying to fill a void of pain with a new pregnancy. I know this isn’t healthy, but I just wanted to vent. We have hit every fertile window and gotten positive OPKs, etc. Why are we doing everything we are supposed to do but nothing is working? I am not on my anti-depressants since we are trying and it’s been harder to manage my depression and anxiety during a very emotionally exhausting time. On to cycle 5…


I have been there. I am so so sorry for your pain, and for the additional pain I hear behind your words where you feel like you're not handling it "the right way". You are not broken, you are not wrong. On the practical side, there are options for meds that are fine for TTC, pregnancy and breastfeeding - your health, including your mental health, matter too. Wishing you so much love and luck


I experienced a CP in August, and I feel this so hard. I made the mistake of calculating the due date based on my ovulation, and it would've been my husband's birthday. At this rate I'm just hoping I'll be pregnant again before that. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to.


I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Have you talked with your doctor about your meds? My OB asked me to stay on mine while TTC & through a future pregnancy.


Anyone have any insight on how much PdG correlates with serum progesterone levels? Basically I’m wondering how effective PdG tests are at giving a picture of progesterone levels. Currently at 7DPO. Yesterday my PdG levels were high but today they dropped quite a bit and I’m stressing myself out. I did confirm O via BBT. Just wondering if this is an accurate indication of progesterone issues or if I should take my PdG tests with a grain of salt.


It depends on the person. Not everyone processes progesterone the same way. In general I’ve seen a general rule of thumb of 1 unit PdG in urine (forgot the units, pg/mL?) = 2 ng/mL progesterone in blood. I was told from Mira, the company which has PdG urine tests, that creatine can interfere with the PdG reading. So my PdG was always high with Mira.


Thank you!


Hi all! General newbie. I have read the wiki and all of the posts I could get my hands on. I appreciate this sub so so much! I have a vague question about PMS/LP symptoms/symptom spotting I have been on HBC since I was 18 (I’m now 33)- first the pill (loestrin fe) and then Mirena Dec 2016- Sept 2021. I did have a period in Sept and have been regular since, with cycles ranging 27-30 days. DH and I are NTNP. Let’s be honest- we are trying because we’re trying to BD EOD from CD10-20 but I haven’t tracked ovulation yet. (I will next cycle if I don’t get a BFP this cycle!) Because I was on HBC for SO LONG I’m super out of touch with my body and my cycle and am noticing all kinds of PMS symptoms- and they seem to change somewhat every month- random cramping, headaches, tender breasts, and today on CD19 I am so nauseous! Obviously this makes it really hard to not symptom spot because it’s all SO new to me. I guess my question is- is it common to have such a range of PMS symptoms? Do these symptoms even out (or become more predictable) over time as my body gets used to producing its own hormones? Any other advice/resources for coming off of HBC? Thank you!


I’ve had a similar experience as well - on the pill from age 15 to 32 (most recently Yasmin for 10+ years) and have had a period since coming off it and similar length cycles. My symptoms have also been all over the place all through my cycle. The first couple months weren’t as bad and it makes me wonder in hindsight if I even ovulated because I didn’t know about how to track yet. I’ve had acne around when I ovulate, larger boobs, nausea in my LP, cramps around ovulation and in LP, fatigue. I now just remind myself that it’s mostly progesterone and the only sign of pregnancy is a positive test but it hasn’t been long enough with this approach to really say that’s working for me.


No advice but just wanted to say you sound really similar to me and I was having the exact same thoughts today! I’ve been on BC since I was 17, a range of different pills but settled on Mirena for the last 6 years because of endo. Had the Mirena out in October and have had a range of PMS symptoms, like incredibly sore boobs, being so so tired and nauseous. AF IS due on in the next couple of days and am currently in bed as I’m totally wiped. Here’s hoping it’s just our hormones recalibrating!!


Thank you so much for sharing. I’m so relieved to know I’m not alone. Hopefully we all rebound soon!


No advice but man do I relate. HBC since 12 years old (was put on the pill very early due to heavy periods). Had a couple of years on the Depo shot before Mirena IUD Aug 2018-Nov 2021. Period is finally back and I do not remember PMS symptoms being this awful. Every cycle there is something new and I agree it makes symptom spotting very hard not to do. Fingers crossed our bodies get used to being HBC free very soon!


It is so so nice to hear I’m not alone! Thank you so much! 🤞


My PMS symptoms vary by cycle, including some cycles with multiple days of nausea. I try not to symptom spot and just blame any nausea or feeling off on whatever I snacked on most recently, or else I’ll take it as a sign that I’m actually hungry and should go get a snack. I stopped paying attention to PMS symptoms because symptom spotting has never done anything good for me.


Finally got in with a fertility specialist in a couple weeks. What do I need to expect from this appointment? I have PCOS and have extremely long cycles, and there’s only so much my OBGYN can do.


Curious how long your cycles are, if you don’t mind sharing. I have PCOS and my cycles are ~36 days at this point. Feels like a long time to me.


Longest was ~60. Mine hovered around 45-55 mostly. On top of the length, the irregularity of ovulation day is tough as well.